CIRCULATION 12,000 Free May 14, 2021 Pipeline Cyberattack Shutdown Causes Run on Gas Stations, Officials Say Disruptions Temporary By Connie Morrison line operations, according to a press re- Eastern Shore motorists were filling lease on the company’s webpage. up on the way home from work Tuesday, “Following this restart, it will take the same day Gov. Ralph Northam de- several days for the product delivery sup- clared a state of emergency to address ply chain to return to normal. Some mar- disruptions from a cyberattack that shut kets served by Colonial Pipeline may ex- down a 5,500-mile pipeline that supplies perience, or continue to experience, inter- fuel to the southeast United States. mittent service interruptions during the “About 70 percent of the supplies of start-up period,” the release disclosed. North Carolina, South Carolina, Ten- Gov. Northam said the emergency nessee, Georgia, and especially south- order provides flexibility and funding ern Virginia are impacted the most,” for state and local governments to en- said U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer sure adequate fuel supply. Granholm, speaking at a White House Shermaine Wright, a mentor at Per- press briefing Tuesday afternoon. due in Accomac, was fueling her car at Colonial Pipeline was hit with the the Royal Farms in Onley shortly after cyberattack Friday, May 7. The com- 5 p.m. Tuesday. She had not planned pany shut down the pipeline to prevent to stop but heard about the pipeline cy- the ransomware’s spread. berattack while at work. Her coworkers Shortly after 5 p.m. Wednesday, Co- “were saying it was in our best interest Cars queue at the Onley Royal Farms pumps Tuesday at 5:10 p.m. Photo by Connie Morrison. lonial announced it had restarted pipe- (Continued on Page 5) CBBT Readies Plans for Second Parallel Tunnel, Gives May 21 Deadline To Request Hearing By Stefanie Jackson public meetings have been scheduled, nels with two lanes each, spanning If construction of that tunnel was The Chesapeake Bay Bridge and according to Michael Crist, profession- 17.6 miles across the Chesapeake Bay. funded 100% with toll revenue, the Tunnel District, which manages al engineer and the district’s deputy Construction of a parallel crossing project would not start for 10 to 15 and maintains the Chesapeake Bay executive director of infrastructure. began in the 1990s. An additional two- years, said Crist. But if the project was Bridge-Tunnel, is readying plans to The district instead published a le- lane bridge was completed in 1999, but funded partly by a grant, work could build a Chesapeake Channel parallel gal ad in the April 23 and May 7 edi- construction of the first parallel tunnel start almost immediately. tunnel on the Northampton County tions of the Eastern Shore Post noti- did not begin until 2019. The district is getting the project side of the facility as work continues fying the public of the district’s will- Three loans are funding construc- “shovel ready” to be competitive for near Virginia Beach on the Thimble ingness to hold a public hearing on the tion of the $756 million Thimble grant funds that would become avail- Shoals parallel tunnel, which is ex- project if one is requested. Shoals parallel tunnel, which will be able when Congress passes its next in- pected to be completed in 2024. At least 25 “reasonable requests” for paid 100% with toll revenue. frastructure bill, Crist said. Since the Chesapeake Channel par- a public hearing must be made before When adjusting for inflation, the The district is coordinating with the allel tunnel project is virtually identi- one can be scheduled, Crist said. Chesapeake Channel parallel tunnel – office of Congresswoman Elaine Luria cal to the Thimble Shoals project, little The bridge-tunnel opened in 1964 the last mile of the parallel crossing to and is requesting up to $500 million in public concern is anticipated, and no with a two-lane bridge and two tun- be completed – will cost about $1 billion. (Continued on Page 2) The Pfizer vaccine is now authorized for use for adolescents age 12 and older. Call your health care provider for more information. This is a public service announcement. 2 • EASTERN SHORE POST • MAY 14, 2021 ment made in the 1990s as required no impact. chine is so quiet, even workers inside ~Tunnel~ by the National Environmental Poli- For example, socio-economic da- it can barely hear any noise. (Continued From Front Page) cy Act, or NEPA, will apply to the new ta is examined to prevent a situation The NEPA documents are available federal stimulus funds, or about half tunnel project. such as building a four-lane highway to inform similar decisions that may the total project cost. The chapters of the draft categori- through a low-income neighborhood, need to be made regarding the Chesa- Getting the money is a “long shot” cal exclusion address topics such as so- Crist explained. peake Channel project. even though the project can begin as cio-economic, cultural, and natural re- But construction of the Chesapeake Among the documents are copies of soon as funding is available, and no sources, agricultural and open space, Channel parallel tunnel would make letters sent to 36 federal, state, and significant impacts to the environment farmland, invasive species, air quality, no such socio-economic impact, since local agencies, such as the U.S. Army or natural or other resources are antic- noise, right-of-ways and relocations, the CBBT runs entirely across a body Corps of Engineers and the Virginia ipated, Crist said. and public involvement. of water. Department of Environmental Qual- Before construction of the Thimble Also addressed are the Department The Chesapeake Bay is more likely ity, to notify them of the Chesapeake Shoals parallel tunnel began, four pub- of Transportation Act, Section 4(f), to be impacted by construction, but the Channel parallel tunnel project. lic meetings were held, which attract- which protects certain publicly owned potential impacts are expected to be None responded with any concerns ed minimal attendance. parks, recreational areas, wildlife and minimal, Crist said. about the project. Permitting agencies He doesn’t believe there will be ma- waterfowl refuges, and public and pri- The environmental study informed responded with notifications of the ny requests for a public hearing be- vate historic sites, and the Land and the decision of the contractor on the permits that will be required to move cause the parallel tunnel project is not Water Conservation Fund Act, Section Thimble Shoals project to hire ma- the project forward. “controversial.” 6(f), which protects land and water rine mammal observers to watch for To make an appointment to view Members of the public are welcome resources. animals such as dolphins, seals, and the Chesapeake Channel parallel tun- to make an appointment to visit the There are four properties in the sea turtles, while concrete piles are nel project documents, call the Chesa- CBBT administration office and view project area that are protected by Sec- being driven. peake Bay Bridge-Tunnel District Of- the project’s draft categorical exclu- tion 4(f) and Section 6(f): the Eastern Due to excessive noise created by fice at 757-331-2960. sion, documents showing that a full Shore National Wildlife Refuge, Fish- the pile driving, work is halted while Requests for a public hearing should environmental assessment is not nec- erman Island National Wildlife Ref- the animals are in the area and re- be sent to Michael T. Crist, P.E., Dep- essary because one was conducted in uge, Chesapeake Beach Park, and the sumes after they leave. uty Executive Director of Infrastruc- the 1990s and environmental condi- Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel. Crist noted that observers will not ture, Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel tions have not changed since, Crist Every type of resource must be ad- be needed during use of the tunnel bor- District, 32386 Lankford Highway, explained. dressed in the categorical exclusion, ing machine – which is expected to be Cape Charles, VA, 23310, on or before The Environmental Impact State- even if it will be subject to minimal or delivered this fall – because the ma- May 21. n ster Shor CIRCLECIRCLE ARMSARMS Ea e COVID-19 PRESENTS THE 1st ANNUAL Vaccinations R . c Are Available to u r In al , H m ealth Syste 12 – 17 year olds! nd SATURDAY, MAY 22 at 12 NOON We can now vaccinate 12 through 17-year-olds! ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT THE The Pfizer vaccine is now authorized for CHINCOTEAGUE VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY use in all adolescents age 12 and older. To get your child vaccinated, call any Rural Health center to Due to COVID restrictions this will be a virtual event with the drawings add your child’s name to the vaccination list. Details on being held with a LIVE Facebook Post. how the vaccinations will be given will be announced ASAP. Every few seconds your name will be drawn from the bin and after each drawing your name will go back into the bin for more chances to win! The COVID–19 vaccine is available for Shore residents at no out-of-pocket cost. You Lots and lots of CASH and many, many sporting guns will be must have an appointment. You do not have to be a given away, including a bonus round at the end that includes Rural Health patient to get vaccinated at our centers. 8 MORE SPORTING GUNS! You will be the talk of the duck blind next winter when you show up with one of these. Atlantic 757-824-5676 Chincoteague Island TICKETS ARE $40 EACH or 3 FOR $100 757-336-3682 To purchase tickets contact: Eastville 757-331-1086 Skibo Clark 757-894-8771 or Eddie Thornton 757-894-5861 Onley 757-787-7374 MAY 14, 2021 • EASTERN SHORE POST • 3 COLONIAL VILLAGE: 3BR/1.5BA MLS#53727 $199,500 BLOXOM: 3BR/2BA MLS#53719 $279,000 PARKSLEY: 1BR/1BA MLS#53543 $115,000 BLOXOM: 3BR/2BA MLS#53673 $279,000 Linda Taylor 757-710-8672 Andrea Zember 757-710-2233 Owner/Agent Brittany Bundick 757-710-4233 Jean DiDaniele 757-709-2292 OPEN HOUSE 5/15 10AM-2PM WATERFRONT OAK HALL: 3BR/1BA MLS#53766 $30,000 PAINTER: 17057 Coal Kiln Rd.
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