<i R< >V E TIMES Vol. X III. No. XI. OCEAN'GROVE, NEW: JERSEY, SATURDAY-, MARCH i8, 1905. One Dollar the Year. MR, AND SHIRS. SUMMERS TOWNSHIP INVESTIGATION JERSEY TOWN DEVOtED TO ABE WEDDED FIFTY YEARS SATURDAY OF NEXT WEEK PHYSICAL_CULTURE SERV!p r Joyous Celebration at Their Ocean Grove Petitioners Believe Public Money Has Been Site Located Near Jamesburg and Wo if Home Last Saturday Unlawfully Expended Building is Started Mr. and Mrs/ Titian P.. Summers, Saturday, March 25, Is the dato and Work has commenced on the Sr., last Saturday celebrated, their GOVERNOR HAS NO OBJECTIONS TO MEAS­ the chancery chambers in Newark tho NEXT YEAR’S SESSION TO BE HELD AT tion of a miniature city at Outc MRS. WESLEY B. STOUT NAMED BY HEW fiftieth or golden wedding anniver­ place designated by Judgo Fort for Crossing near. Jamesburg, and- if JERSEY CONFERENCE sary at their home-* 141 Main avenue. URE BEFORE LEGISLATURE the hearing in the matter of the in­ NEW BRUNSWICK plans laid out do not miscarry, * A reception was held lasting from 3 vestigation of. the affairs of Neptune bo a decided boom to Middlesex co o’clock In the afternoon to. 10.30 at township. The members of the Town­ ty, with Jamesburg the boneficlo night. A large number of relatives ship Committee and the clerk have Bernard McFadden, the well kric REV.HANCOCKATRUSTEE and friends attended, and showered NEW AUTOMOBILE BILLS 'had the following notice served upon LIST OF APPOINTMENTS physical culture advocate, of " No,; . congratulations upon the couple. The them individually: York City, representing a syndicate/; parlors, dining-room and sitting room • “In regard to tho investigation into of wealthy capitalists of New York, were tastefully decorated In white the affairs of the township of Nep­ Judges of the . State . Courts Will G et:tli Jn- TIid. Surprise of the Week Wai the Naming of closed a deal with Frederick Lemuel , He WilL Bb On* of Flftun Clirgjmen to Look and -gold; In the evening the rooms tune, in the county of Monmouth,. Buckclew, of Jamesburg, for the pur*’ After Ihe Welfare of Ponnlnglsn Seminary, were brilliantly. lighted by many' oreasiof $1,000 In 8alarles—Oourt oLTax New Jersey, an incorporated town­ Ret. Janus lioore, of We si Long Branoh, chase of 1,000 acres of land th a t; colored electric lights. Music was ship of this State. Take notice, that takes In the strip , of land owridd by,v Rat. f. I. Kulp Now al tho' Head of Ihe furnished' by an orchestra. Refresh­ Equaiizallon. May Rep|a6e: pres• nt* Stats;Tax­ in compliance with an order, made In to the Presiding Eldership of Ihs Camdin that gentleman, extending froin Out- Stale Lax and Order Sooletjr—New Church ments, consisting o f. sandwiches,- ice ation Board—Fallhful School TeaohersjAre the above entitled cause, on the sixth Dlitriot—Ri». Dr. Marshall Comis to Ooean calts Crossing and terminating, near cream* cake and coffee were served day of March, his honorj. J. Franklin the feed mill at Lower Jamesburg^ it;Prlnoetds—Sohooi and Collag* Work by Elsie Summers, a grand-daughter, to Be Pensioned After Long SeririoevvtrvI: * Fort, a justice of the Supreme Court, flroKi, and Rot. Harris Baok to West Groie The deed has been delivered. ,1 .. : and Rena Clevenger. will on Saturday, the 25th day of Ground was broken Thursday of Her, B. C. Hancock, tho retiring The celebrants received a large : In tho legislature Monday nijght1 March, at ten o’clock in the forenoon With the reading bf the appoint­ last week by Perrlno & Buckelew, th e . pastor of St. Paul’s church, was made number of beautiful presents. These three new automobile bills were intro­ of that day, at the chancery chambers ments the New Jersey Conference, in well known contractors, for the erec<;, a trustee of Pennington Seminary by numbered articles ia gold arid china, duced. Assemblyman Manners’ bill:li­ in Newark, make a summary Investi­ session at Atlantic City for a week, tlon of a building 48x224 to be used ! conference on Monday. The other several clocks, painting,; flowers, etc; censes chauffeurs. for $ 1 annually imd gation into the affairs of the township closed Tuesday morning. The next by the company as a publishing house trustees are Revs. C. M, Boswell, J. There was also over forty dollars in makes it a misdemeanor for therii/ito: aforesaid, or will at the same. |4me conference will meet in New Bruns­ as they publish a magazine called’ j K. Shaw, J. H. Roman, E. A. Street, gold. From' Henry Welsford,' of Mt, exceed a speed-of twenty', miles .-if ad and place last 'aforesaid appoint an wick. As usual there was-a number Physical Culture, and give, employe; C. B. Case,‘W. H. Helsler, N. P. John­ Dora, Fla., came' a box of orange hour. On tbo third offense .the'^li-; expert or experts to prosecute such of surprises in the appointments. ment tp over 200 hands. After they son, G. B. White, John E, Andrus, blossoms. There was alsd among the cense - shall be forfeited;.; The. seccmd investigation, if necessary.” Atlantic City loses Rev. J. Morgan have become settled It is the inten­ Frank Moore, J. B. Burn, J. D. Bills, gifts a canary bird in a handsome bill was introduced by Assemblyman V The petition for this- investigation Read, who Is . understood to have de­ tion of the company to' erect dwell* ; G. H. Nell, M. E. Snyder. .brass.'.cage. ■'"i '■■■* v’ ' Pearce,, of Ocean county. It provides is signed by Committeeman Thomas clined the presiding eldership of the ings to the number of afleast 100 fo r? The following were named to act as : Mr. and Mrs. Summers were mar­ that township committees may give B. Hancopk, Daniel J. Hbgarty, Carnden district, so anxloUs was he to the housing of their employes and pa*., ministers on trial: Alexander Cor- ried at Frankford, Pa., March 11, autofsts the. right to hold races i on Charles F. .Krainz, - Elias S. Long- remain; fri the pulpit pf St, Paul’s tients. They Intend to make this set*-; son, James P Carman^ Elijah A. Reed, 1865, bjr the Rev. Thomas Murphy, public roads. The measure is VintroV street, -Jr., Charles J. Black, William Church at the seashore. The mem­ tlement the most important physical*,• Harry B. White, Thomas Ogle, Harry pastor of the Presbyterian church. duced largely at the instance of the • Griffin, Jr., A. T. Lake, H. W. Lake, bers of the congregation made earn­ culture settlement in the United E. Garrison, Lewis E. Moore , and Mr. Summers was a native of P.hila*. people of Lakewood, the; fashionable B. Frank Emmons, Prank Ives Bull, est appeals to the bishop and his ad­ States. Georgo P. Dougherty. deiphla, born in the Thirty-third resort, who- wish that George Gould William H. Harris, Jamesburg Ice visers for the return of their beloved Already many applicants have been, ; Election-of Rev.. E. J. Kulp,: o t We- ward. His bride was the daughter of and other ^ciety people may be al-! Co., per Harry Wardell, . superinten­ pastor, but Bishop Cranston 'told received for the purchase of small ; nonab, as president of the Stato Law Henry R . Shoch, ’ a gentleman well lowed to race their big machines. dent; Buchanon &. Smock, per N. 13. them that First Church, Trenton, with tracts of land of from 10 to 50 acres-, and Order Society in place of Rev. kno\vn in the Quaker City's business Tho third bill provides that the pres-, Buchanon, president; D. W. Sexton, its debt of $20,000 and declining mem­ by the people residing in New Yo, Mr. Hann, of Camden, was confirmed circles. They moved ;to Ocean Grdye ent auto law shall bo amended so bb' Gottlieb Guenther, Henry S. Conrow, bership, heeded tho best organizer in who will commute to this place af| by tho conference, as well as the elec­ lnl87G. Mr. Summers is .still;active­ to include all manner of automobile; ■W, F. Coble, Charles B. Joste, W il­ the conference, and lie felt It his duty tho colony gets under way. Arran* tion of tho following ofllcers of the ly engaged in business as a contract­ •vehicles, motor cars, locomobiles and lard A. Hagerman, William O. Joste; to the church to send Dr. Read to ments are being perfected for applh Conference Temperance Society: ing mason. He was the first of his every vehicle not propelled by horse; I’Yeeholder Thomas Wyncoop, E. •Trenton. tion to the government for the iris' President, J. H. Boswell; . vice presi­ trade to locatO hers at a time when flesh, excepting only steam arid elec­ Smith, R. R. Joste, C. B. Croxson, F.- Another surprise was the appoint­ tutlon of a postofllce at the new cl dent, Eli Gifford; secretary and the Grove ; was little more than •. a tric cars whlcfi are run on tracks of G. DoGroat, H. W. Jackson, Andrew ment of Rev. James Moore, of West which they propose calling, Physlct. treasurer, C. F. GarrlBon; Executive wilderness. their own; slow moving traction. en­ Grleb, Ira Cohen, Frank Robinson; Long Branch, former presiuing elder Culture City and vthey will have-ihei Committee, J. L, Surtees, F r S. Ham­ Mr. and Mrs. Summers have four gines used to draw loaded wagons *or Roland Bennett, Ella Harris, W. A. of-the New Brunswick district, tp tho own railway depot. -■ ‘ mond, S. H. Hann, J, ~R. Mosan and C. sons* two of' whom—Joseph arid- implements on the highways and bl*. N. Emmons, George V. Gravatt, Am­ presiding eldership of the Camden’ That section of the country 'appea’ .T.
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