Largest teed Paid Circu in Woedbridge Township" | BT THB NAVIOATOB THE FAMILY Wast there, mates, eribe chips loose NEWSPAPER [coate of auuw and sleet m the weather-beaten OF . Now that's done, WOODBRIDGE goes today's patter. WOODER1DGE TOWNSHIP'S FAMILY NEWSPAPER THIRTIETH YEAR TOWNSHIP Advance reports have it WOODBRIDGE, N. J,, FRIDAY MORNINc., FKllKf'ARY 3, 1939." t all fire district budgets PUCE THBKR CENTS this year will go sky- 1 ijceting. My, my! ... 'Tis He Done Took Poison said the Township BIG WATER BILL But It Wtt All A Hoti CMS, KUHLMAN ROMANO TO GET rpayers' Ass'n., (which WOODBIUPCHC-Theodore ps up once a year) will POUCE APPOINTMENTS TO GO CAUSES RISE IN Scarlett, 36, colored, of 100 nand a show-down from New street, this place, found SELECTED HEAD FAIR TRIAL SAYS Township Committee re- out this week that it Is serious ding abolition of fire DISTRICT BUDGET business to pretend to com- mit suicide even If one does OF SCOUT DRIVE HERBERT RANKIN rds. INTEREST SHOWN IN FIRE it in an attempt to win back TO FIRST AND SECOND WARDS ELECTIONS TO BE HELD the fracas of one's wife. ACCEPTED LEADERSHIP IN MAYOR SAYS CHARGES lere and there around the FEBRUARY 18TH Earlier in the day. Scarlett WOODBRIDGE FOR 2 OTH AOAINST OFFICER ARE NO FATAL ACCIDENTS jnorial Municipal build- appeared before the court op a ANNIVERSARY CAMPAIGN "PRETTY 8TIFF11 HSU DUK1NO JANUARY |.. Fred Spencer's electric WOODBrUJXJE.~An in. domestic complaint made by WOODBRIDGfl.—Chief of AT LEAST ONE MAN EXPECTED TO hlnruY H. wutoMtog* Fidict Geurg* B. KMUDC an* |ks have finally atfiwd craate of $2,165 is shown in rlerfKuhl- JWOODBHIDOt-Other than to out of the house and was plac- noonced today that there wwt have been installed . , toe tentative fire budget of man, <4 Woedbridlge, has .accepted •jf that "Officer Romano will get no fstallties du« to motor ve- BENAMEDTO POLICE DEPARTMENT mer WPA wonkers storm Fire District No. 1 which On returning home, Scarlett the oh*irmanshi[L of the Wood- Vial," Commissioner Herbert hicb ftcckttnta In the Towri- j^the relief.office,_.AU will be pluml bttom th« : ttarttdj to pack-. Jus dothas.-- bridge cUviiion in th« Twenties afuscd to raiment txt the jsbi» dudo< the past month. The death of Mrs. Magda- t received "pink slips of public on Wednesday Might, Suddehly he waved a bottle of Anniversary Finance Campaign of a^proscnlng hearing on ten specl- February 18, at a regular spirits of amonla, declared it lene Masartk, whose body was AT TOWNSHIP MEETING FEBRUARY 6 nissal," the excuse being the Raritan Council Boy Scouts of ffc charges against Patrolman Kar dragged from Perth AnW"to ; of Township-spoMored meeting of the eemrniatleners to was poison and that he bad Possibilities of Two Appointees Are Foreseen By (Party b< hitld at the finhouw. Although taken It. ' FHgBttfted, Mrs. America. Mr. jCuhlman was one .at ney Wiwnsn", yttMi tui tNto W«dbridgt. U cowldwei by the authorities as a Perth Leaders—Caucus To Be Held Tonight To Reach Final ijecta. the regular budget item* show a Scarlett xm to police head- the men lnstrujnental In organ!*- ltfly suspended, to swalt hearing Amboy fatality due to the tact Decision—Gems, Sipos, Ssaller and Anderson Rumored * • • • quarters iqnd informed ttvs au ing the American Region in Wood- m efaarges of neglect of duty and d«Tease, the lncreue it caused bj Og f g y that she was struck by the Aa Likely Candidates. Jarold (Elmer) Trotter u higher water MU and chiefs re- thoritias that her husband had bridge, and is at present assistant sfnslttjrt unbecoming an officer. taken poison. * cars in Perth Amboy. his sledding in back of commendations. The latter In- superintendent of the Ftrit Pres- J Bgsmao Is sohedulsd to appear ... The boys at the cludes equipment that hat not Polios notified Dr. Henry byterian church Sunday school, the Township committee MAKFINSKY VACANCY MUST BE FILLED BeUfsky and a radio car. night to plead. If he betn replaced ft* some time and 1* and chairman of troop committee DOI street firehouse miss When both the police and the guilty, the Township corn- in a wornout and umuable condi- WOODBRIDGE.—"The next two appointment* to the 'ed (Judge) Brown who doctor arrived on the scene, of Troop 33 which is sponsored by will pronounce whatever FIRE CHIEF ASKS |Towiri"with the grfpp«77. -fleariaH »as wit to be fount' sst^r uuiilsluiieut • ttil'ectdtf pohce titpmrtmwt urtfr ttyme froifl tltrfifsT Ttid iScond * rnahip car-owners "are The appropriations to be sub- After a search he wjis finally Mr. KuMman, in accepting the However, if he pleads not ward*." utltted for 1930 are as follows: discovered hiding in a yard chairmanship said: a dste for hearing will be So declared Police Commissioner Herbert Kunkin in pnx a trail to the local Interest on bends, $20): treasur- across the street, or vehicle agent for their er's salary, $100; secretair's sal- "A good cause Jiln the Bar an interview with a repreientitive of this newspaper yet- Brought to headquarters, Scouts of America deserves to pro- Mayor August F. Oreiner salf " registration platos. Low ary, $60; commissioners' aulari** Scarlett denied the story but night that he had read the terday. Rankin said that he wiU recommend to the mayor 1280; regular salaries, $14,050; in- gress and to prosper, that the Boy AND OLD PAPERS er, please! he wms booked for disorderly Scout movement is altogether' and "they . were pretty and the Townihip committee tonight at the regular caucus surance, (2,000; telephone, $300; conduct. The next day Judge Other coranutteemen re- that at least one policeman be named at the Township house water, 17 J; light and power, praiseworthy, and lestda to good P0INT5 TO RECENT FIRE AS falter Manaker, of Aven- Arthur Brown gave him a sus- citizenship is so well and univers- to make any comment be- meeting Monday night. $360; house gas, $2B; fuel, oil, gas pended sentence on the prom- they "did not wish to appear EXAMPLE OF f IRE HAZARD rites to inform us that and coal, WOO; election board; $25; ally known as to make unneces- The commissioner explained ise that he weuld pay the sary any repetition of the st*ts- one way er another." " Woodbridf • National not tied up with the In- audit, $75; advertising election and medical W1L It is believed in police circles WOODBUlDGB. — Chief James that even before the death of Of- ballots, $15; lire company, No. 1, ment that Scouting should be made itcor Joseph Makflnsky the de- Bank Complete* Year lent Republican or- available to all boys. ftlst Romano will not be represent- Zehrer, of Woadbridft Fin Co., $7$0; miscellaneous, $1500; water ed by counsel and will plead guilty No. 1, today issued an appeal to all partment was short-handed and Marktd With Succesi Ization ... All we know and hydrants, $16,400; Chiefs re- 'Sometimes people ask, 'What could not efficiently patrol the »t Manaker gled his pe- NO FURTHER CLUES rusting to the "mercy" of the householders to^ clear their cellars commendations, |2£00; total, $41,- benefit is the Boy Scout move* Township committee. and attics of 0U1 papers and rags. large area that constitutes the WOODBRIDOE. - Boasting ot for the Board of Edu- 085. AS TO IDENTITY OF ment?' In answer to this I can on* "We had a close call Wednesday Township. gains In resources, deposits and Even though Makilusky was a election in company Interest la BeetUn ly say that It provides in the oott morning, when fire broke out in a surplus, the Woodbridge National 2 HIT-RUN DRIVERS third ward man," Rankin stated, . _ Jt.Umt Jo_jur« pile of rugs stored; In a coal bin at Bank ha* completed itts first whole is interest In Fire District '. mlderUst," tchref <sM? '•StsssssssalsssBa^sssssssV the mainstay of the WOODBRUXUL - No further come from the first and election which will be held Satur- youth problems, and in many t He painted out that if the fire Township and the county. pendants. clues have been uncovered by the wards and 1 will leave the choice day, February 18 from 3 P. M., to munitles this marks almost the ba> hud nut been discovered in time Perth Amboy police as to the Iden- to the committeemen from those The bank was opened tor busi- 7 P. M.. at the Woodbridge Fire ginning of community co-operating , WOODBRIDGE. — Tickets are the flames would have spread un- tity of the drivers Involved in the sections. Of course the man setect- ness on July 1, 1937, without any lie (Town Hall) tfemeth House. The terms ot Ferdinand from commwvneedi, flow on sale for the senior class til they were out Of control and death of Mrs. Magdalene Masari, acceptable to deposits and at the close of busi- rating a iwellegent Kath and Ernest Hunt expire. The "Thousands of letters from ptHf play, "320 College Avenue," &caused serious damage. ed will have to be ness on December SI, IBM, IB 52, of 5B2 Harding avenue, Perth three-act comedy by Fred Ballard Chief Keating and myself as to imported from Hun- former has announced his mtea- ents .testify to the help of Scout- The fire that Zehrer referred to months later, the deposits had in- Amboy, « mother of elgnt chil- and Mignon Evehart to be present- calibre and mentality. Uons of seeking reeleetlon while ing as rendered to the home. Ill occurred at 11:09 o'clock Wednes- creased ten times. The amount o< Legionnaires of dren, ed In the high school auditorium "The first ward, especially, hah the latter, >aj yet, has mads m aims and Ideals, closely parallel day morning at the home of John the first day's dvpoatu was W.OOD _.
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