- : ••-• •- —^i" ••,_•>._ -t . •••, .-••.. '•"•-/••'.:.: . ••••-I -,•••/' J\ Page TiiE tRANfORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE,' THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1956 by'Edward'. F. Cornwall, 'manager Thomas, Nolan assisted at Lincoln PTA activities. -Books are judged 8 p.m. at the home of Mr. Louj.s than custody in overcrowded an' average attendance Of 71.' hcld, Jtine 6 in Elizabeth Rodman G. JPutipher, 707: Willow street." CLEAN UP WEEK Officers .for the year were Voorhees Chapel. on . the. Dougfasj; of the Union pjflce of. the' Auto- and Cleveland schools,,.- . • on good newspaper coverage, cor- understaffed, /under^q'uipppd in. Anti- .for the ya , as .relation of. the" school's activities Mtmb'ers will display their follows: Joan Weber, president, campus. A scholarship holder, Miss mobile Association of New Jersey. The S|H-ing eoilnty . Council stitutions, w(hich are unable -i0 .Last ye"ar. was the second suc- .wMh county, state and national stamp collections and trading will George Tappe, vice-president, •Wo6ds is majoring in sociology. meeting .^.Thursday at - the West- be part of the evening's activities: give;more than minimal caru to- In Graaford She is president of the Athletic cessive year Kenjlw.orth recorded fi.eld'""fiiglv School was -a'ttended PTA work', neatness and accuracy..- Marilyn Murphy, secretary, Jean- 1 Further information 'chn ' be .ob-most, of" their patient^r'Very few Tomorrow nette. Curtis, treasurer. ,; .. Association and won the Edele no .fatalities on the roads. by Mrs. Thomas Nolan, Mrs. Htr^Mrs.:,-Theodore Koziar/ was' re- traffic deaths have already" oc- spansible for the-nriwspaper- pub- tained from Mr. G. F. Zimmerman mehtal' patients 'are given the KENILWORTH — Anti-rabies The closing ' program was held Netlson speech prize in her junior' bert Snyder and Mrs. MalcolnY of 210 Beech street,' May 14-18 shots will be given to dogs of bor-in the Kenilworth Gospel Chapel, year> •' . • . ' V • curred 'on -the Garden .State Park- MacKenzie.':.. ' .'••'•'' licity and for preparing the book. thorough arid 'intensive treatment wav hV-r'<»"this' year. The'narkwav Mrs., Robert Sewell ' afnd; Mrs. G A RWOO O i j - Pnhlinity rr-rnVH hooks' from .01 which / greatly 'increases then KKNll WORTH " Center on the Boulevard from 22' 'all present. Children from Kinder- sciioojs triroughourTJnion CoTrirtT -ehances-Ior—recovery— to-,-5' p.m.'-Jpjnorrow and from 9 garten through 8th 'grades are- Alhletic.-Achievement . were ..'.submitted at'.the Council notices.- .- ••/ . mental patients are given no more- u meeting. !Of .these... =-Qt books, 15 Mrs; Thomas NOlnr/,, PTA presi- Entcrod -j K-courl rlai.< null matter •' '"a.m. to -nioon Saturday, Council- welcome to attend' ;the. Club in the, Award'.to Miss Woods ; .CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY; .MAY'; 17; 1956 4 Sections, 26 Pages—10c • man .Kenneth'-Hnrt, announced at eorrilnu year;' • ' • • •••'• Sherman P we're selected by th'e judges, Sher- dent, anno'uftqcd' postponement of ; *T\\f Vott'Offic* at Cran(oi-d,- N- J, ' ! GARWOOD'.— Miss Ann Marie 1 the May. meeting from'May 15 to Tuesday's Borough Council meet- John. Goodman, in Miss Austin's man School's book boing one . so'f ing. afternoon''Kindergarten' class, is Woods, daughter of Mr." hnd Mrs. Aids at Clinic those chosen. On Juiie G at the May 22 at 3:15 P.M..,'when in- US .Plans,Nurse Ciireer ! ! stallation ol. the.-new officers, will With hot weather coming " on, recovering from ari operation' per- Thomas H. Woods 6( 54 Third ave-' ' Thursday w,as a' busy day forSchool of Instriiction'to be held at Three-Hour •••Mayor Presents Cub Derby Trophy.'••Miss'Specht- take place. '• • ... alll resid.eiitidts whho owwnn dogs shoulshouldd ; formedd in thth e BetBthh Israel hos'hos-" nue, is. one of three seniors at represehtnl'iyes of the. Sherman Connecticut-Farms School, Union, 5 books of. the.15..selected will be have -theiV animals- inoculated as \)\\ni His classmates miss him very DougJIass. College/New Brunswick; School Parent-Teacher Associa- soon as possible. Councilman Hiirfc tion:' Assisting' at the polio clinic chosen' fbr State awards. Tuesday Meeting Slated WHEN YOU HEED FERTILIZER :^-__ ;._.,„____..-'L;CH& who were honored. foV outstanding, .••.'••' ' • " -, • ; • • • •' ./*••, am CHS • saiil..He- staled that the police de Were Mrs. Fred Voss, .Jr., Mrs.- Publicity .record books 'contain r athletic achievement' at- the bi- Bernard Coventry, Mrs. Henry all newspaper items ' which 'ap- By Philatelic Society ;i partment will soon issue sinymion- • WEWILL DELIVER TQ ^i,'i-j!ft; ses to persons who do not comply. pOClft ennial Parents^. Day sponsored by Gorsky, Mrs."H! Randolph Kregci- pear in the'papers, plus bulletins! The-Cranfqrd Philatelic Society Music Job ; and Mrs. Millnrd Hallenbcck! Mrs. j issued at the school concerning ' will ro'eet on Tuesday^ evening at Here Friday •'•'.. ..Council passed . a resolution the-Athletic Association at the. eol- To focus attention' on the fact .• Major personnel changes' i-n'the ..It was learnfd this -uleek -that a letter h.is.been sent to-Herbert '^-sd-lb,.bag;.:•..•..•.•...:••......:.•..; .: $ .50 1 favoring, the principle. Qf 'Sunday, s, jege.on Sunc'lay. ; • ' '• ilio'mas -J. Butler,-'past r that' locar stores arc open eyerj. miiMc deiiartnient of the Cranford of .Community Planning Assuc-iates of Princeton requesting i I-' .. store closing but staling that such GARWOOD — The June. 4 • A Rold pin was awarded to Miss 5-10-5 — m lbvBag"...;,,•.,.::. ; ....,,.; 2:50" inticr of Capt. Now,ell Rodiiej; Firtd'ay night, " retail merchant- ••school .sysU'in are in prospect'as a that he set a date to meet with Mayor Fred P. Andersen,. E. Duer a. mov,;ee- nMisl-be-in^trt^^ Woods for her^serviciiS as ..presi- Post 335, Veterans of Fore- rneiribers of tho-C^anford Business •.result of-announcement* mude'at Reeves, chairman of' jhe~Plnnning Board, and Public Affairs Corri- ill'-or state basis .to'-be ef-i club will be a social evening be- Tuesday nijht's_ nieetinc <){ _l!.!1' region ^ tlid colleljerAthleticT AsT QSS'^#dBd jyii Wars, will be marshal for. the Assopiation. are! sponsoring-'.n' Tiii'ssiQirer~Tra~"D;"'Doriaiv to""discusK"-:wrvir<?s~iyir.--Sfnitih-maj"-b.e able-to _:_f.ecti.ve\": ' • '-' ' . '" -.. "j'RinriiriK at. 8:15. p.m. lit,'Bayleaf socia'tion, swimming instructor nn.d • -Board of. ^Education- in CleveJand v member of the field hockey. teamV SUPER .BALE'...;-.,/ :..r...,..^,.;:,.. ...:..., 4.95 parade here on May' 30; it was an- special' three-hour bargain'-, shop- . — . -; ••••'• •-• ' , i . proridefor Cranford as a zoning CopjesWill "be'sent t.ii the conn-'; Memorial Hall', it was announced iiJinwed y's plans, for' the annual ping-event from -6 to 9 o'clock to- ''. School. : '-.,." " ' ~ • '•• .• j Shti is a graduate of ^GranfoVd and pliinn'ing-conurltant, particu- ty ;repre.senliitives'at Trenton iindjjjy' Mrs.' Edward-Joycey , pprogram PESERVESTHE BOVU^IG —501b'Bag ....::............ ......;. 2.25 observance were furthered at a morrow night. The program has ;-—i -The.~resiguationL.of Miss . Ql'iiit ! High School. • •: ; ; to the' governor chairman, at a meeting /Monday been arrangtkl by the. association's' Specht, director o.f vooal music at larly with regard to ''development 'The awards were proHeritod for. GOLDEN VIGOftO — 50 lb. bag .:..:. 3.75 •itiediny of the Memorial-and In- " 'The" BiisiiTessnien's - As."*)ciation eveninga..„,...t ..the hnll; Each member dciieiHlt'ncoDay-Commi.ttec.in the promotion committee" under.chair- ; C»anTui-d High School.' was re-; of the township's, business center, 'passer] a similar resolution at. a ' has been asked. to-come .Vh-essed "athletuv'fibility, gd6d"sportsman-' manship pi Si S. •Eiscnberg. i-ceived by tlie" board . "with; ex-i ; ship, perspnality., interest .and Municipal Builrling.-lust Wednes- peci.-'ion to take definite action 'recent '"nice IMP - " Tils' a popular sons-or .play.Mitkv WelCarxy a ;Complete Lifle_pf Patco Grass Seepl day night.' Each of'' the 24 participating . trenie regret." .Miss Specht, who now'in .the matter-of engaging a ' A "resolutirtn was passed allow-! Mrs_, Thomas Cassady, president, health." . '„- ',••..• '..'...• merchants are offering pne or vw.o~ "has~taAiBlit7in~thp—sT.-s.trrn—ahnost- ••j'liuse taking part in the parade -iieurral . adviser to cohio in and ing 'Kenilworth Boy Scouts and; presided at th.c business meeting - " • — • .• -.',,—. also-— •-..•;•'."'..' • • ',- . exceptional buys, many below cost,- '17 years, is leaving to accept a- will'-uMicnibie at 9:30, a.m. on Len- 1 Cubs to use a municipally-ov/ned : at which the nnnuat budget pre- to attract evening shoppers. Noncr" position in a "new field of eiri- evaluate .the situation in Cranford, Tw<> Local Stiidenls huine drive off . Walnut avenue 19-acrc tract,off FounVnth street, j p;n-ed by Mrs. William Schlund, FAST GROW of the 'specials, Mr. Eiscnberg I ployinent," Joseph Kohn, teaeh- especially with regard to the b'uj'i- You'll Always Find The Best And and. start- marching at 9' a.m. Tho A'proviso states, that should the , finance,.chairman, was presented In '.Chemistry .Obnlest stressed," will be offerod , before icrs'' committee- . chairman, an- i ness center, was. reached at a.refi- liiat'cher's will, proceed north on •borough wish-to use -the tract or |. | approved, '"GARWOOD — Edward Tiller of 3ib.for$1.00 501b.bag $15.00 C p.m. '.•" . '''•.-.• 1 ular meeting, of the Planning an( Walnut avenue to. North, avenue, MISS ELEANOR' FLETCHER sell it, this privilege will immed- Guest speaker was Mrs. Bernard 450 -Beech avenue and William .'A .listing of. the -Friday ,night At his'own request,-Louis Haar, i The Lowest Possible Prices swing west'-to-Eastman street to- j Board, last Thursday .night. iately! cease. '•'•',' •Murphy of Westlleld Whodiseussed' Trzcinski of 520 Beech avenue arc specials will be found -on pages • Alter 4H races. panicip;ued in oy i0 cvns ivom Cub Packs director .of instrumental music in Ceiilral- avenue, move east oh Cen- Mr.
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