7880 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JUNE 1 Calif., 1'or public park purposes"; - to the 2175. Also, petition of May Nakanishi, sec­ ate because of his appointment as a Committee on Public Lands. retary, Japanese-American Citizens League, member of the committee to attend the By Mr. NORRELL: Salt Lake City, Utah, requesting Congress H. R. 8680. A bill to provide for the execu­ to increase the appropriation now allotted funeral services of the late Representa­ tion of a loyalty am.davit by every ofilcer or for the Justice Department to administer the tive William Lemke, of North Dakota. employee in or under the executive, legisla­ evacuation claims program during the fiscal On her own request, and by unanimous tive, or judicial branch of the Government year 1951; to the Committee on the Judi­ consent, Mrs. SMITH of Maine was ex­ of ihe United States, and for other purposes; ciary. cused from attendance on the sessions to the Committee on the Judiciary. 2176. Also, petition of Generoso Tanseco, of the Senate from June 2 -to -and in­ By Mr. O'HARA of Illinois: president, Filipino Shipowners Association, cluding June 12, for the purpose of at­ H. R. 8681. A bill to amend the Commodity Manila, Philippines, vigorously opposing the tending the UNESCO Conference at­ Credit Corporation Charter Act to prescribe enactment of House bill 7665, which would the share of lending agencies in the interest authorize the purchase of certain war-built Florence, Italy. derived from loans made in carrying out loan vessels by citizens of the Republic of the On his own request, and by unanimous programs of the Corporation; to the Commit­ Philippines; to the Committee on Merchant consent, Mr. TOBEY was excused from tee on Banking and Currency. Marine and Fisheries. attendance on the session of the Senate on Monday next. MEMORIALS CALL OF THE ROLL Under clause 3 of rule XXII memorials SENATE Mr. O'MAHONEY. I suggest the ab­ were presented and referred as follows: sence of a quorum. By the SPEAKER: Memorial of the Legis­ THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1950 The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ lature of the State of Louisian; requesting pore. The clerk will call the roll. the insuring of the proper administration <Legislative day of Wednesday, March The assistant journal clerk <James An­ and processing of applications under the 29, 1950) ton) called the roll, and the following Displaced Persons Act of June 25, 1948; to Senators answered to their names: the Committee on the Judiciary_. The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, Benton Hendrickson Myers ·on the expiration of the recess. Bricker Hill Neely PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown Bridges Hoey O'Conor Harris, D. D., offered the following Butler Holland O'Mahoney Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private Byrd Humphrey Pepper prayer: Cain Ives Robertson · bills and resolutions were introduced and Capehart Johnson, Colo. severally referred as follows: Eternal God, who in these searching Russell days art sifting out the souls of men be­ Chapman Kefauver Saltonstall By Mr. BOGGS of Louisiana: Connally Kem Smith, Maine H. R. 8682. A bill for the relief of Karel fore Thy judgment seat, who hast ush­ Cordon Kerr Smith, N.J. ered us into ·this strange world where Darby Kilgore Sparkman Anton Kovacic and Mrs. Maria Petrovic Ko­ Donnell Knowland Stennis vac;ic; to the Committee on the Judiciary. no good thing cometh save as we fulfill Douglas Langer Taft By Mr. HAVENNER: the conditions of its coming, strengthen Dworshak Leahy Taylor H. R. 8683. A bill for the relief of Simone us for the high enterprise of being labor­ Eastland Lehman Thomas, Utah Lucacich; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Ecton McCarran Tobey ers together with Thee in building a more Ellender McCarthy Tydings By Mr. HOWELL: decent world where Thy children may Ferguson McClellan Watkins H. R. 8684. A blll for the relief of Mrs. Yu­ dwell in plenty and fraternity and lib­ Flanders Magnuson Wherry miko Kawai Misanin and her daughter, Ma-­ Frear Malone Wiley ria Mari Misanin; to the Committee on the erty. Though the road to peace for our Fulbright Martin Williams Judiciary. time and for our children's children be George Maybank Withers By Mr. JACKSON of Washington: tedious and toilsome, still lead us on, Gillette Millikin H. R. 8685. A bill for the relief of Mrs. with patience following the. gleam of Hayden Mundt Myrtle E. Moe; to the Committee c;m the Thy guidance, with clear heads and pure Mr. MYERS. I announce that the Judiciary. hearts, worthy of the trust the Nation Senators from New Mexico [Mr. ANDER­ By Mr. McCORMACK: H. R. 8686. A bill for the relief of the Over­ has committed to our hands. We ask it SON and Mr. CHAVEZ], the Senator from seas Navigation Corp.; to the Committee on in the Redeemer's name. Amen. Texas [Mr. JOHNSON], the Senator from the Judiciary. DESIGNATION OF ACTING PRESIDENT South.Carolina [Mr. JOHNSTON], and the By Mr. SASSCER: PRO TEMPORE Senator from Oklahoma [Mr. THOMAS] H. R. 8687. A bill for the relief of Angelo are absent by leave of the Senate. Messina; to the Committee on the Judiciary. The legislative clerk read th-! following The Senator from North Carolina [Mr. letter: GRAHAM], the Senator from Wyoming UNITED STAT.O::S SENATE, PETITIONS, ETC. [Mr. HUNT], the Senator from Arizona PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, [Mr. McFARLAND], and the Senator from Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions Washington, D. C., June 1, 1950. To the Senate: - Connecticut [Mr. McMAHON] are absent and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk on public business. and referred as follows: Being temporarily absent from the Senate, I appoint Hon. CARL HAYDEN, a Senator from The Senator from California [Mr. 2171. By Mr. HART: Resolution adopted the State of .Arizona, to perform the duties of DOWNEY] is absent because of illness. by Board of Commissioners of the Mayor the Chair during my absence. The Senator from Rhode Island [Mr. and Council of the City of Hoboken, N. J., KENNETH MCKELLAR, GREEN] is absent by leave of the Senate protesting rent increases of excessive President pro tempore. amounts granted by the regional Federal on official business as a member of a sub­ housing expediter; to the Committee on Thereupon Mr. HAYDEN took the chair committee of the Committee on Foreign Banking .and Currency. as Acting President pro tempore. Relations investigating the security pro­ 2172. By Mr. RICH: Resolution of chapter THE ,JOURNAL gram of the Department of State and its 246, WOT Moose, Renovo, Pa., urging that foreign establishments. order of Postmaster General curtailing postal On request of Mr. O'MAHONEY, and by The Senator from Louisiana [Mr. - service be rescinded; to the Committee on unanimous consent, the reading of the Post Ofilce and Civil Service. LONG], the Senator from Illinois [Mr. Journal of the proceedings of Wednes­ LUCAS], the Senator from Tennessee [Mr. 2173. By the SPEAKER: Petition of J. C. day, May 31, 1950, was dispensed with. Watchman, vice president, Greater New MCKELLAR], and the Senator from Mon­ Castle Association, Inc., New Castle, Pa., op­ MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT tana [Mr. MURRAY] are necessarily posing any form of compulsory health in­ Messages in writing from the President absent. surance; to the Committee on Interstate of the United States were communicated Mr. SALTONSTALL. I announce that and Foreign Commerce. the Senator from Vermont [Mr. AIKEN], 2174. Also, petition of F. Frank Ward, sec­ to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his secretaries. the Senator from South Dakota [Mr. retary, Vernal Chamber of Commerce, Ver­ GURNEY], the Senator from Iowa [Mr. nal, Utah, requesting the defeat of any at­ LEAVES OF ABSENCE tempt to socialize medicine, and to prevent HICKENLOOPER]' the Senator from Ore­ the enactment of House bill 6766; to the On his own request, _and by unanimous gon [Mr. MORSE], the Senator from Kan­ Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com­ consent, Mr. LANGER was excused from sas [Mr. SCHOEPPEL], the Senator from merce. ~ttendance on the sessions of the Sen- Minnesota [Mr. THYEJ, the S8nator from 1950 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE .7881 Michigan [Mr. VANDENBERG]' and the all obscene, lewd, lascivious, indecent, filthy, States a reduction of the existing Federal Senator from North Dakota [Mr. or vile articles, matters, things, devices, or income-tax depletion allowance on the pro­ YOUNG] are absent by · leave of the substances, and for ot her purposes (wi.th an duction of oil and gas; and accompanying paper); to the Committee on "Whereas the said existing depletion al­ Senate. Post Office <.nd Civil Service. lowanc-i has been preserved intact through The Senator from Maine [Mr. BREW­ many .se6sions of Congress, not by oversight, STER] and the Senator from Indiana [Mr. REPORT ON PERSONNEL CEILINGS A letter from the Director of the Bureau but upon mature consideration; and JENNER] are necessarily absent. of the Budget, transmitting, pursuant to law, "Wherea::: the said existing depletion al­ The Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. his report of personnel ceilings for the quar­ lowance has become an establi.: hed factor in LODGE] is absent by leave of the Senate ter ended March 31, 1950 (with an accom­ the economic structure of the oil and gas on official committee business. panying report); to the Committee on Post industry and banking and financial com­ The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ Post Office and Civil Service. mitments have be•en based on it; and "Whereas it has had a wholesome and pore. A quorum is present. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS beneficial effect upon the oil and gas fndus­ UNVEILING OF THE BRIGHAM YOUNG Petitions, etc., were laid before the try in particular and upon the welfare and STATUE safety of the Nation as a whole by encour­ Senate and referred as indicated: aging continual reinvestment of tremen­ Mr.
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