Today's weather: Continued cloudy Ow second and cold. Slight century of chance of freezing excellence · rain or sleet. Highs · iJ! the mid to upper 40s. Vol. 115 No. 5 Student Center, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware 19716. Friday, February 3, 1989 Contract dispute ends; Senator three-year deal signed by Karyn Tritelli the City Council on Jan. 23. would have a settlement. Staff Reporter The FOP consists of 46 "And that's what happened." sworn Newark Police officers. The new contract will flogging Members of Newark's "I'm glad it's over. I was get- • increase the police pension Fraternal Order ·of Police ting tired of [the dispute]," said benefit from 2 percent per y~ (FOP) Lodge No. 4 voted Sgt. Thomas Penoza, president of service to 2.5 percent per Thomas' Penoza unanimously on Jan. 26 to of the FOP. year from 1988 on, Penoza sion also will increase. penalty accept a contract with the city "I think it's a fair settlement said. · Prior to the contract, the of Newark, ending over one for all of us," he said. He added that earlier years amount of contribution was 3.5 by Darin Powell year of police-city negotia­ City Manager Carl Luft said, of service will also have percent of an officer's salary. City News Editor tions. "I think everyone involved increases; 2.1 percent for This year it will increase to Contract decisions were knew that as soon as we could years up to the end of 1977 and 5.25 percent and 6.5 percent A controversial bill which made by the negotiation teams come to an agreement on the 2.2 percent for 1978 to 1987. next year, Penoza said. would restore public whipping as of both the city and the FOP employee contribution rate and The contribution· rate of the a punishment for drug dealers in after it was accepted, 7-Q, by the pension formula itself, we officer's salary toward the pen- colllinlll!d to page 6 Delaware was proposed Jan. 25 by Sen. Thomas B. Sharp, D­ Pinecrest Food Service The proposal states that con­ victed drug dealers would receive five to 40 lash~s "well laid on," within the confines of the prison. debuts 'Abbey'~-· However, it would be open for public viewing. Sharp said whipping is not a severe punishment "compared to at Daugherty what drugs do to people and fami­ lies." by Mary Ellen Colpo for noon and e-vening meals - no 'lhe bill applies to more senous Copy Editor matter how good the food may drug offenses such as selling, traf­ be - it's cause for dissatisfac­ ficking and distribution to minors, A new dining facility, located tion," he added. he said on the upper level of Daugherty Director of Food Service Use of the whip in the case of Hall, will open Feb. 7 in hopes Raymond G. Becker estimated minors, women and first offenders of drawing students from other the cost of renovations to be would be left to the judge's discre­ dining facilities, Associate $250,000. The renovations were tion, Sharp said. Director for Board Operations paid for with Food Service Sen. Andrew Knox, R­ Jeanett~S. Collins said Monday. funds. Greenville, has taken a strong Collins said she hopes The "We looked at all the facilities public position against the flog­ Abbey, a converted study lounge and found that the only one that ging bill. which will seat about 150 peo­ could feasibly expand was "I think it's barbaric," he said. ple, will help alleviate some of Daugherty Hall," Becker said. "I'm ashamed for the State of the overcrowding at other dining Collins explained that a stu­ Delaware." halls. dent survey was taken last He said he did not think whip­ Associate Vice President for semester. Ninety-five percent of ping would be a deterrent. Facilities Management and the students who replied gave colllinlll!d to pagt 7 Services Dr. Robert W. Mayer positive responses to the idea of The Review/Dan Della Piazza said university dining halls were the Daugherty expansion, he Cheers for years- Susan Deming (AS 91) shows there's lots to essentially built to accommodate said. cheer about at the Hens' double overtime victory over Hofstra. Inside the 7,000 students living in resi­ "It's really great," said Julie Due to limited production sauces, Collins said. • Phone-in drop/add dent halls, but Food Service sells Dively (ED 90). "All my classes space, The Abbey will offer a In addition, The Abbey will called a success••• p. 6 10,000 board contracts. are in Willard so it's very conve­ rather fixed menu, Becker said. serve one special each day. "(Dining halls] are accommo­ nient." The menq includes an exten- Manager of The Abbey, • Wilmington play dating nearly 50 percent more The expansion will not affect sive "make-your-own" sandwich Sandy Barber, forsees a 25 per­ bombs. ................. p. 12 SIUdents than the facilities were service at the snackbar, which is and salad bar, "top-your-own" cent increase in student staff. initially designed to serve," currently located on the bottom baked potato bar, a taco, nacho, "It is feasible for us to serve • Men defeat Hofstra Mayer said. level of Daugherty Hall, Becker burrito bar and a pasta bar with up to 1,000 people a day, so at buzzer in double "After three or four seatings said. three choices of pastas and colllinlll!d to page 6 o~T~..... _ .................. p. 20 American exports new negotiations on convention­ individuals under 35 years of Inquirer reported. corporation, al forces in March. age may drop from the current Quayle will visit Venezuela poisonous gases Mercantile Corp., of New York These talks were given a 55 percent to 41 percent by the and El Salvador on his three-day City, purchasing more than 400 boost back in December when year2030. trip, which, according to the tons of the chemicals. Soviet leader Mikhail S. "You're going to have [a soci­ Inquirer, is "largely ceremonial." Federal prosecuters said an A ton of thiodiglycol pro­ Gorbachev said the Kremlin ety] ruled by old people," said The trip will serve as a get­ American was charged with ille­ duces about a ton of mustard would reduce the Red Army by Jonathan Robbin, founder of acquainted session for Quayle gally exporting poison gas com­ gas; 100 tons would be enough half a million soldiers by 1991. Claritas Corp., a company that · and the leaders of those coun­ ponents for use in the Iran-Iraq to launch an offensive of the The government will also get rid interprets census and demo­ tries. The vice president will war, according to The News type common to the Iran-Iraq of 10,000 tanks, 8,500 artillery graphic statistics for otheJ;" corpo­ attend the inauguration of Journal. systems and 800 combat planes. rations. Venezuela's new president, The man charged was an war. The report also said the 16- Carl Raub, a representative Carlos Andres Perez, and will American businessman who col­ nation NATO has 2.1 million for the Population Reference meet with various right-wing laborated with a Dutch national. Superpowers disclose ground troops compared to Bureau, said instead of teaching political factions in El Salvador. ·~e chemicals are believed to Europe's 1.8 million from the skills, the work force will have have been made by Alcolac armed forces count Washington observers believe Warsaw Pact, and 685,00 sailors to emphasize learning geriatric International Inc. of Baltimore. that Quayle's trip is part of a pro­ to the Eastern bloc's 338,000. care services to accomodate They were shipped to Iran and gram of events that Bush has The Soviet bloc announced older Americans. Iraq by separate agents in 1987 planned for him in an attempt to that its forces in Europe have The black American popula­ and 1988. Study says we're prove that Quayle is qualified to more tanks than NATO, The tion is expected to grow 50 per­ Alcolac agreed to plead guilty hold his position. News Journal reported. growing older cent in the next 40 years, an to one count of knowing viola­ Presidential officials also say However, they claimed the increase of 14 million people. tion of export laws in connection that by thrusting Quayle into an West has advantages in attack The latest Census Bureau with the export of the lubricant active role, he is trying to bolster aircraft and personnel which study indicates that over the next thiodiglycol, which produces Vice president makes the credibility of his own choice make the sides about equal. 91 years, Americans will grow lethal mustard gaS when com­ in selecting Quayle as his run­ The West did not agree. A older and the caucasian popula­ foreign visit bined with hydrochloric acid. ning mate. NATO spokesman said the idea tion will drop significantly, The Nicholas J. Defino, 64, of of a rough parity of forces in Philadelphia Inquirer reported. Vice President Dan Quayle Recently Quayle has been New Jersey, surrendered delivering speeches daily, meet­ Europe has no correspondence The life expectancy of the embarked on the first foreign Monday to U.S. Customs ing regularly with reporters and, to the factual situation. average American is predicted to voyage of any high-ranking Service agents. Vienna will be the site for increase from 7 5 to 81 by the Bush administration official on last week, he met with anti­ Defino conducted business y~ 2080, and the percentage of Wednesday, The Philadelphia abortion activists. ·, : If you've got a gripe or comment about The Spring Semest~r (898) Review, write it down and send it to us.
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