t oror'lcneuoo o6oe cn'loamre O5IBCo CUG@Q(I)o oqgl acd GoJCBJ6Bo0do' e6r0)oo m(d6coA cn1 corcdl 4[ QE rdl omsso0 caoE cn'l coram'le omutocg cr1 cot fl rorlotomcroo;oo 1g,aaa 2021 c6,og m'l(o)am)e q4oilorf AJe: 2 rrlor'lcn6nrco o6@E <rflcoomle OSrECo ffUcmgmo 6r{Eg1(6 - cc(oo 2 2021 6ooer 15 om6:- 50 c06rT3co m:cmgcno,cororo" aqgflacd clcaSecnc.roao- 9(orDOo cn oEa, rm rof I m" crn <ror o;1 g gg rfl otmt eonsa ol c op e_cld oo rro. ";[ cumocoJ oe,.;[oggrl 2021 6ooer 22,29, cnloloo, o{orffDcaDo, o,o16 orc'gf oqgi) opocA,;"05, 12 ooorotrrofl orc,g[ogqil m)oo6,rO5ID-Om1ccrg.,voa Oie'rpf OqEfl "r$o,ecofl , u$e,ordc4, oJl rmceo oJ'Iecu) G@ruo- GBoJm)lo orcr g[ oqgr'] 2021q,aaa 23,30, orcDo- orm5ts1oIl ore,gr a@n ro'ooq! 06, 13 BeroJleo oa,6[oggr1 OGTUJSilAI.I)CDo, fiDCoffHCO'16,o, GQOlElmcOrlUO ore,6[ ogqil oojcpoocooro"-ojlcrncnm.leiuco ora.6f oqgi) 202lgaau26, o"-rcpollrr5creScmr- ororcs'lafl ore,d oqErl ror6oqg02, 09, 16 oorrnl- eorcnmldmcsm oa,gf oqgrl otrmrloro, oa,*[ oggfl @oqolo, "locorml@ 6.Ml oa,gfoqqr1 prmrooJlnsceScm:-mlcq"o5m1ror1 oa,g[ ogg'l 202lgaaa 27 (,)(Dc(r)(r,) oa,.g[oqEr1 rogoqg"03, 10, 17 6, co)"l 6)0, olol o-o", "od foldroncs(D olorrlf o@n gofiuo(oaru5rD- aMoojlo,rn:cn oa,dr ogqtl qoJJo@1 28 202lgaaa rorgc o culS- or rn1 rur oo1 goJl o, cru m orc, 4f oqgl orgoql"04, 11, 18 rea,v5-o"rcqol'koloem orc,*[ oqqrl (o cquo fiutaooG o6rDo, (r)cooJl 6,m)cDo, o{Dooft fiu" ore,4f oggrl 3 orlorl(l) o@floc6 eJo@el (Uo(nde(m ollcsomEos orsne qg'l. o/lcmooodl ollsot6 : Qulo@fl OoJCglgO5IDo oo oJl caoor5c aurEqlaqao0 (1,roo]l@6rDqo (ruc mloID'l a, ecoJoJo cocml-tgo, ruccts (o)'l6cocm{qo, olol m:nlrofl aell rn'l a,ro6rD rn1 co4qtemo nu omfl oi poacpt g15o m "nl (sD oe' (srouel crn eng g'l of ol c c"-r g smafl "ocom.r" oroooooroqgf poecq4.sjoa pqn0oor6corolo0 oscqc gm1 ooffDfifloicagoo qrolroc<rotcmro ccpl g- c.ocapi l gc ell gl oOaodcolcds"ffu' oocsc oooird GrocodrDoffunccn mo"l geto caccggcd .o/l.g[oul" orocrfl' gqcrdercrff cncoJlc<,.'sjoa coog ccp;g" gqederccff cncoJl crr.'sjoo cac 6 gco.elod pqo0.'o 6ca.v oi rurgcrfl I or$ o' olcet.s o0 ml" crncdaei GDrsJ0ooo ojls'lero0au" onar;lrn1ong.sroa oc.'o" ffD'lono8 oroof @1o1rnoa mg$nu- rsrouril<loomo eeoiqa<r0 @ro,J s'l loJo c q1;.'v mo1 ogo mdcDolaIUGaIUao 4 mo)oJooc@, (QJocmorHS oOflC OIdi@56Bqo oo056110 or(0c06@14[ls.lflcr6to oilcsra)5moa o/l oooloc(O: 6odle oodolldanocs<o ot6 erOCOl']aro ol6uo4o ooga" (D"ld(oncsmruo 6cnjlorDolccf oocorcdEcot ,6DoO@ rf oooooacolla8 : o fiul@ or& 6 QoQalo a)CgsrUo(/)ECqd,ua oJoco]cr$ oJOCc(OAl @,1. cCl.sE6. m(rfla6 e1.e.1- (Yloo6m otaero eanuJoJo rulond m)ootJr\Jo goJeecdg6)CoJo etlooE oocscgml @1. oDQ6rrl ocg oG)c(,)cD (u4qra GOC(D" (,O)C(,(Do cocc5cd oJcoorn6oBua gel(,(')C(,roo q61. oa. oOal. duCelOoCalC0i (r)(I)ac ol ot4qfo (.l)marCOJo cnc.gi6rDd ccruoJlo o'cru" cq;cd oj6c4m)" olcEmlecJrn'la,(dr'l ac6.s/lacoc@) cD16,6'l S.,Siol6rUA eeic5ol 5 cqBc occDlg" eaiog eqBC onl mcoadiJ(d taootgJfiufiu- "6tofl cqllC PoAoqooaffD" corog ool rnc o0 rol5d cacttgeo"oloa qltcml Grooil' gtlcrnl ord$ oQDc. @6. 5r/lQ: (moD ollolca Cm)-m)CqoO o1@1 oraEf o@'l aaccge'olloSccJccrDo mrCcerror'l e, oll oJcreSccruo mrdotaetctoceto,oa (a,c6.s/1a,, oogcilcnol, .,o'l.sio"lou', oooJ)'ldooE, orne19o8 m>6oaetc<roc garoO aP1oa) @|cOlUOm "io'la,si6,Ua "6o0.mn.ma. oncruc"J(ASAP) crucq.roJm'lofl oo1 0s. -oll oc6rrrl : o@afltrD-as1@orlem)c) g(.r)rDo(0AiU6IDo eg'loojla,rrucno, aMlom;ooe,oem mroc.timerBuA gl']rjacesa<fr c o ogcf I cncfl rurO<rfl oo cn1 ooE ffu eooAru m)" au dqa,etcuo a (D0\uGlotodDo' @)t. o0o. oll. otocollts(o oc$16 : G)oo @Coorl6(rus)o, oloqJ o@1 oJ6tolcqDoDeqo 4cn1mfl gceJl glago ca,cdgco.sjoo6'qo g)coojlecruoo sacsna .Scmloul @ccoso'|6, ojla,mrrn rcrocroccflgla,oa a'let oOoofr(ru" 6 . oa. 6 oooto (D1 ollotr4aro'n oroorn6$ (nocmf,: @1. oJl. 0oo@B- OGrC@ooc o@-- oll o <Ocoml 6IUCO (tt6*f Oo-JCgO(0CAOIO- oflcrncom-leiorcoo o./l m)cd: 6N/l o OoMl cmrccolrd m.udcq cm)cco,(fl 4,6rraaudeol.fioa acdns/16, ffDdqaelc@cej O rx Co) 6ooC m)'l oo" ea,C 16.gCo.Oe o0 oe. ocu) @1. 6Ec6)1 e(u6ql, oJ'l(mCd6t o/lec(, odso- cOCUmUo Ot .lt5laecroflca,voo aJSil6,oi6(AGa,sjao oJlrmc6elrruqBc@)caruoo GBOICTUIo orcderooofloleco5o . 06. @CA(6: -sorcrfind@cdD ore o enrfiooml fiudcqcqo elcof oocdoc 6aD?rUo erccfl olcoocom:" colm(T)'16@c6rDo @b'1. an. @cEloi": 0/l@oo, ollor(n) 6@6 or m'lo)oo oJolffDco)o (mt"oa,oem o$olm)c@ mrnc.,lrneunua guEogos) orcornle5o ooo m1oo" rorgcfr e*1corc gu1 7 oo6,6rodl(Qo osftbogqo olcBl (gro(Iil onefl B' @oaoDffUl(rD" Aiaa)d @,@ol6Yl3'l o{oloDcco)o .tJccoe.sioa o!(o)oqcog' @)1 . oocdl @(,,(Nl0l : eetolleo otaef o@n ElElGfiDrlff)o o,acoAo.D" ooo'lco ocDolel*foo(tf @ococo1g1 €Bel oJargf @@Dgelojloo6lDoJo @rl'16,@SrDcUo G&1. mdl o-oJdloc(6 : o6nlf,ufilDd)o, (IDCoCPcol6o'Glol tBfi)o@o oleef o@fl oorDJ6ru0\D(T)o oocds, Ud colcfl o<n- "4aollm'l m;6ol6,elc(ocal "n'l.elo1m:" fiuCorlCo'16,0 ce(og cqBC oolello ooDolerdooof G6,c6.HGod4oA oeog deJrJ[@ (n?docBo'l (r)'l ca,o g cuo m)oc (r) aDco ff8c o'l 6, QJol 6(010) e G6,9io ffil G5Tuc 6GD' cQoreame,coJo C&'1. oO. Oe. so(n1@(o: or(I)o-or(I,letofl oaqJaCO'l Olfi)o ol(I)Jst'l oJl ffDooaIU6IDo (&1. on. (Dlot <Oasil: ooJcaoll olcelcm)- o@tccl ci o@1 oorcAojl6JcreJcffuo m)C@iUO(DC O'lo|Uoa o(d)cal(fl o(?Dcg'lqo olo"l(ro'lejm(Uo 8 OO(r)oJ6IDJo .rJCDO(lrrUCfiDo onc*.)1(rl)" (ot"O of c6rxc ao'lceJSr EQoa.ls4l ooarD" o oru),l ao(fl rudcXl ffu" PoArunUilo)GE sleru1emoEml" cererud cacsofla<ri @1. o/1."O<6. otcm)otd m)ao6o6ID-OlCloaDd(6 tlla*f ffUol)6(06IDo oee'lcdUrrgioA @1o@1 olcmc osc6d: 6DOoc(,,l-offin(,)-(n'l ollamlo olAq.f o@'l (slococ(,Jo (slQo6TlleArClOo oooolaoo8 oIlotrce5cm.ro oooo'laelafl mlr6qa,etcuocet poa ufl sc1 rDffD" ooaul mr'l o6 crlcolarl qpcn"nu" een0csco0 orcnlo-uo1g e6,!u0o no(If. on. O6mlO#00 (I)0(06, oilu@5o1. 9 FIFTEENTH KERALA LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY SECOND SESSION ALLOTMENT OF DAYS FOR ANSWERING QUESTIONS SECRETARIAT OF TTIE KERALA LEGISLATURE THIRUVANANTHAPURAM JULY 2021 10 FIFTEENTH KERALA LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY SECOND SESSION BULLETIN - PART II 2021JULY 15 No:-50 The allotment of days for answering questions by the Ministers during the Second Session is given below: Minister for Finance 2021luly 22,29, Minister for Law, Indusuies and Coir August 05, l2 Minister for Electricity Minister for Co-operation and Registration Minister for Welfare of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes and Devaswoms 2021July 23,3O, Minister for Forest and Wildlife August 06, 13 Minister for Water Resources Minister for Fisheries, Culture and youth Affairs Minister for Public Works and Tourism 2021luly 26, Minister for General Education and Labour August 02,09, 16 Minister for Revenue and Housing Minister for Ports, Museums and Archaeology Minister for Agriculture Minister for Higher Education and Social Justice 2021 luly 27 Minister for Transport August 03, 10, 17 Minister for Sports, Wakf and Haj pilgrimage Minister for Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development Chief Minister Minister for Health and Woman and Child 2021July 28 Development August 04, ll, 18 Minister for Food and Civil Supplies Minister for Local Self Governments, Rural Development and Excise 11 Allotment of the Business of the Government amone the Minister^s Shri. Pinaravi Vijayan : Chief Minister General Administration All India Services Planning and Economic Affairs Science, Technology and Environment Pollution Control Scientific Institutes Personnel and Administrative Reforms Election Integration Information Technology Sainik Welfare Distress Relief State Hospitalily Airpors Metro Rail Inter - State River Waters Coastal Shipping and Inland Navigation Kerala State Inland Navigation Corporation Information and Public Relations Non- Resident Keralites' Affairs Home Vigilance Administration of Civil and Criminal Justice Fire and Rescue Services Prisons Printing and Stationery Welfare of Minorities All important policy matters Subjects not mentioned elsewhere t2 Shri. V. Abdurahiman : Minister for Sports. Wald and Haj pilgrimage Sports Wakf and Hajj Pilgrimage Posts & Telegraphs Railways amm ark r Ports Museums Archaeology Archives Shri. R.Anil: ter for Fo and Civil S oolies Food and Civil Supplies Consumer Affairs Legal Metrology Shri. Antony Raju : Minister for Tbansport Road Transport Motor Vehicles Water Transport h K.N.B Mi or Fin Finance National Savings Stores Purchase Commercial Taxes, Agricultural Income Tax Treasuries 13 Lotteries StateAudit Kerala State Financial Enterprises State Insurance Kerala Financial Corporation Stamps and Stamp Duties Dn. R. Bindu : Minister for Higher Education and Social Justice Collegiate Education Technical Education Universities (Except Agriculture, Veterinary, Fisheries, Medical and Digital Universities) Entrance Examinations National Cadet Corps Additional Skill Acquisition Programme (ASAP) Social Justice Smt. J. Chinchurani : Minister forAnimal Husbandrv and Dairv Develooment Animal Husbandry Dairy Development, Milk Co-operatives Zoos Kerala Veterinary &Animal Sciences University Shri. M. V. Govindan Master : Minister for Local Self Governments, Rural Development and Excise Local Self Governments - Panchayats, Municipalities and Corporations Rural Development Town Planning Regional Development Authorities KILA Excise t4 Shri.
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