I • • c::=:=' .., I • \ $3.75 U.S. vol. 6 no. 9 • december 1989/january 1990 $4.95 CanadIan .1 ~ --< It's a tIme of fun and I . antIcIpatIOn. With wonderful gIft Ideas, festive decorations, :and lots of seasonal I fun for the young at heart It's a time of holIday hustle and bustle, made easIer by Eastland With more stores, extended hours, added secunty, and valet parking, you'll feel at home at a place so close to home r~ r L_ It's a time of season for good cheer among I good fnends. So spend some time wIth the folks you know. And rediscover the magic of the season wIth Eastland. The right place for the right times. VALET PARKING AVAILABLE • EIGHT MILE & KELLY ROADS. HARPER WOODS THE , . --OF AMERICA~ TODAY'SCHEVROLET™ . , t - -.!o.1"'~ ' .... - ....- -,... .. - -- .'"' .... '" mmond CHEVROLET "'Ge~e 15-175 E. Jefferson Ave. Grosse Pointe Park, Mf 48230 (313) 821-2000 --'_. - --,.."'....~ "'~ "'", '" ..~"',.,'" '" '" "''''''' ...• ~~~- -r,." ~:,,- F "'---~ ----: ... - ...~- Imagine a new lakefront development that combines the lifestyle you expect with views of Lake St. Clair never before experienced. Think of sea gulls, sailboats, wind off the lake ...viewed from traditional architecture and plush gardens. Think of Harbor Place. The Blake Company has continued the Grosse Pointe tradition with this new luxury condominium development. Choose your lifestyle: town houses, terrace homes, each in two- and three-bedroom variations that provide the depth of living that you require. And the amenities are virtually endless: boat slips, interior parking, landscaped views, and timeless quality construction. The Blake Company, the developer with generations invested in the east side and metropolitan area, proudly presents Harbor Place. Continue the tradition that you have lived all your life. Call the Blake Company today, and see for yourself the new tradition called Harbor Place. THE BLAKE CO~IBL\NY (313) 881-6100 Developers of Dodge Place, Windwood Pointe, Scherbrook, and Harbor Place. The Blake Company ...the new Grosse Pointe Tradition. r-- I Vol. 6, No 9 December 1989/]anuary 1990 ARCHIVES 10 Make the holtdays speClal with a tnp to Greenfield Village and a candleltt dmner at the Eagle Tavern, Clrca 1850. FASHION 16 The beauty of the beaver's pelt brought prospenty and development to early MlChigan. SHOPPING 24 Surpnse your loved ones with unusual and luxunous gifts. ART by Wendy Brzan 35 Modem haglOgraphers pamt evocative reltglOus themes at Assumption Greek Orthodox Church. TRADITION 42 HERITAGE celebrates the season of glvmg by honounng the ladles of the Fontbonne Auxlltary. FOOD 54 Restaurateur Chuck Muer struck out mdependently twenty~ fIve years ago, bmldmg a successfui tradition m hiS own mlmltable style. PERFORMING ART by Wendy L. Clem 60 Comedtan Jonathon Round teaches the art and virtue of humour. SPIRITS by Gene Cunmngham 66 Michigan wmes come mto their own; HERITAGE announces this year's award~wmnmg .selectlOns. FICTION by Robert Hageman 68 RESTAURANT GUIDE 70 TRADITION: The White Chnstmas HERITAGE (ISSN #8756 2448) 15 a bl monrh!; publIcation CopYtight 1989 All tights reserved ThIS mal."Ine Ball has become a traditional '1cceprs ill) re<;r~m<;I1)lhtr for unsolicited m,muscnprs or artwork They wJlI not be returned unless accompanied b} .1 st1.mped. self addressed envek'pe Send materIdl, [0 HERITAGE Magazme, 20010 Nme Mtle Road, Sr Clair endeavour for the ladles of the Sh,'res, 'vi! 48080 Telephone (313) 777.2350 Annual ,ubsctlptlon rare 15 $24 Please send change of address Inf,>rmarlOn to CIrcularlOn Department HERITAGE MagaZIne, 20010 NIne MIle Road, Sr ClaIr Shores MIChl Fontbonne. Story on page 42. ,an 48080 ) - - ~ER1TJ\gE Publishers Edward B. Serwach Patrida Louwers Serwach Editor Patricia Louwers Serwach Managing Editor Inez Frias Pltlosh Assistant Editor Pepper WhItelaw Art Director Ann DeMara Editorial Committee Bill Brownfield EdConiey Susanne Davison Alicia Gillette Cover KellGroS:> Lucy Quinn Klink Artist: Nancy Polk Daniel Renn Pierce Eileen Figure Sandlin Eleanor Siewert Title: Mary Beth Smith "Silent Partner" Cristina Staats Pepper Whitelaw LImIted edmon prmts avaIlable from Back Country Col- Contributing lection, 521 S Hunter HIll Road #4, Hudson, WI Writers 54016 (715) 386-8736. Archives Patti Edwards Art Wendy Brian Fiction Robert Hageman atall ship to Performing Art Wendy Clem maUisland. Spirits Gene Cunmngham ComewifuusonaCaribb~n Production lams Cheek 'Barefoot' adventure Linda Coutts 6 or 13 days from Ho7.o;. JuliFuller > • To remote Islands Keith Hardman "~board schooners Jen:y Isrow "gnce belonging to Gloria Voss ~nassls, VanderbIlt, Thomas Wilson TbeDukeof Ulustration Linda Coutts We~imster Photography Terrence Carmichael John Sobczak Circulation Dawn Benaquisto Jennifer Simoneau p __ .....""" =.-=os:::Il __ E:Jj Support Staff Stephanie Brda " Advertising Stephanie Brda I Send me the • (313) 717-2350 Maureen Loftus I 'Great Adventure' Brochure. I Curtice Mink I Name. I Maggie Wonham Morris Inez Frias Pitlosh I Address I Jeanne D. Robbins I Clty, State. Zlp I Leslie Van Hanten JiIlWarren I~Windiarn~ I Produced by Great Lale:. Graplucs I ~ BartjOOt'Crui~g I St. Clair Shores. Michigan I 1-800-327-2601 or 1-800-432-3364 (Inside Florida) I (313) 714-8866 Box 120, Dept 4539, Miami Beach, Fl. 33119-0120 .. L -------------- 6 HERITAGE + December 1989 MAKE YOUR WISHES COME TRUE ... * or any other wish you may think of .-- Leasing ... 13711 E. 8 MILE ROAD Sales ... any make or model AT SCHOENHERR new FORD and used vehicles WARREN,MI 777,2700 ------. VERSE. ------ OF HOPE AND PRAYER Christmas approaches. In pam of Everyman clamounng for Mlchlgan, we Watt for the pnstine God's attention. I thmk of God snow to fall, cleansmg the lookmg down on the Earth, landscape of fall's drab clutter. We watchmg the black prayers nse rejOiCewhen the bnlltant sun in a through the murk of pollution and hard blue sky creates a pattern of the entangled web of radio diamonds on the snow -blanketed frequencles, televislon broadcasts, lawn, and the cardmals ViSlt our radar and satelltte transmiSSlons. feeders. We Slp our hot chocolate He shakes hls hoary head and dream of a white Chnstmas. inscrutably. "What do you do wlth The holtdays may be different all these worrles?" I ask Hlm, for Chnstlan and Jew, but the watchmg a mlilton wordless clods AUDUBON effect lS the same. We all turn of pain dnft up mto a hlgher realm. inward wlth the approach of the He does not answer. A gallery devoted to the art of John James Audubon season, as loved ones return home The Journal survey did not for traditiOnal celebrations. We shock me, for I have seen prayers DOUGLAS KENYON, INC count our blessmgs; we pray. float by on the wmd, thelr owners 1357 N Wells St • Chicago The Wall Street Journal pushmg them forward wlth great recently reported the results of a bellowing gusts of hope. That such IN GROSSE POINTE. 881-2144 survey whlch indlcated that nme heavmess can float no longer BY APPOINTMENT out of ten Amencans have prayed. surpnses me; I have mourned wlth WSJ reported that Amencans others m rooms of despatr, where overwhelmmgly belteve m the we dreamed a giant bubble of power of prayer. optimlsm and collectively willed it This report proves shocking to life. Itfloated, and we followed, to some, perhaps because we are leavmg our cnpplmg despatr such a pnvate, independent race. behind. An old Star Trek rerun was on God is Hope Incarnate. Of televlsiOn recently; the story lme all the other thmgs He may be, had Captam Klrk and Mr. Spock H1Sgreatest manifestation is as the ST. JOSEPH ACADEMY engaged m a Vulcan Mmd Lock (a Hope of Mankind. Columbia, Pennsylvania 17512 Phone (717) 285-4536 complete sharing of thoughts, for There are those who will scoff GRADES 9-12 those who believe thelr mtellectual at the Journal's report, for prayer Promoting pelsonal development pursuits supenor to the medmm). wlll never be chic. So be it; but and academiC growth In a CatholiC Spock sharply drew m hls breath when the pam of ltvmg takes its Christian atmosphere upon experiencmg Klrk's mmd; toll upon thelr trendy souls, we BOARDING AND DAY "How alone you are!" he wlll recogmze thelr offermgs in the FOR YOUNG WOMEN marvelled, hls shocked words laced blackness of the night when they PROGRAMS OFFERED: with wonder and plty. rise, as one, with ours. _ How alone we are, mdeed. What does God do wlth all AcademIC & General Commumcating on a verbal level, those womes? He accepts them. INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS we edit our words m the mterest of From the absence of our pam, we EnglIsh as a Second Language good relations. Our ltves are so fashiOn Hope, and Hope lS God. (ESLl busy that we seldom see the pam May God bless you thlS Moderate TUItIOn of lonelmess m others' eyes, or Holtday Season, and may you fmd Modern facIlities on a spacIous hear it m thelr VOices. your Hope renewed in the commg country campus When do we pray? I wonder. year. located ninety mmutes west of Troubled, I awake m the mlddle of Philadelphia fIfteen mmutes tram a black and dlsmal mght to the Lancaster, PA AIrport commumcate wlth God, smelling Write or call: the stmk of worry nsmg from every Patncla Louwers Serwach Mrs. Diane M. Ernst, Principal rooftop m the nelghbourhood, the Publisher December 1989 • HERITAGE 9 • ARCHIVES. ---------- THE IMPORTANCE OF T DITION Hohdays are full of memones; the fam1ly trad1t1ons of the Chnstmas and Hanukkah seasons have a tendency to turn us mward. We recall ch1ldhood hohdays, and rum mate about the way thmgs were. The frenet1c pace of modem hfe makes mtrospection d1f~ f1cult, but our need to reflect on our history 1Spowerful, for only by surveymg our begmnings can we measure and appreciate the d1stance we have travelled.
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