• TODAY: SWAPO BUYS R1 ,9m FARM * DR KAIRE MBtJENDE SERIOUSLY INJURED IN SMASH'· SUPER SPORT· . MAJOR EDUCATION R RMSPLANNED Com,prehensive· Pl-oposals ~ unveiled to combat crisis, and stnash. ',wall of racism' DAVID LUSH THE GOVERNMENT intends to open a R25 million "nerve centre" from which to launch its reform assault on the· education system. Appealing for .. substantial: ' aid women; and contributions for the centre, Educa­ * the diversion of all new resources tion Minister Nahas Angula said the into "disadvantaged" . schools - National Institute for Education schools catering for the black com­ Development (NIED) will be the munity and those in rural areas . ., 'nerve centre for educational refonn, However, money remains the big curriculum development, production deciding factor. "We are ...appealing of learning materials, language re­ to private companies. intcl1lIl.tional search and development, and the in­ orgaltisations, governments and in­ service training of educational lead­ dividuals to assist us with educa­ BOwiNG OUT: Outgoing president of the Namibian National Teachers' Union (Nantu) Marco ers" . tional resources to deal with the cri­ Hausiku receiving honorary membership of the World Confederation for Organisations of the The NIED is to be set up at Oka­ sis of education in black schools," Teaching Profession (WCOTP) from WCOTP president Dr Joseph Itotoh at Nantu's first national handja and mining company CDM said the Minister. congress. Picture by David Lush. (For further conference stories, see page 3) has already pledged a "substantial Angula left his audience in no doubt contribution " to tpe project. about the extent of this crisis. He said Opening the first annual congress Namibia's classrooms had a 25-30 of the Namibian National Teachers' per cent annual drop-out rate; each Swapo buys farm Union (Nantu), Angula outlined other year 100 000 children failed to get proposals for refonning and upgrad­ school places; and an annual expen­ ingNamil?ia's education system 1hese diture of R3 900 for every white included: pupil compared with R300 per black .for Rl,9 million * A massive classroom-building student. It was essential to fully inte­ THE Cabinet has approved the programme; 2 500 classrooms at an grate Nanubian education and its ad­ draft budget proposals by Fi­ estimated cost of R25 million; ministration if children's basic learn­ nance Minister Dr Otto Herrigel Nujoma assures farmers it will be 'productive' . * the launch of a "comprehen­ ing needs were to be met. and has mandated him to pres­ sive" in-service teacher training "This is the process of breaking programme by September - "resources down the iron-curtain of racial and ent the budget in Parliament on AFTER visiting a Swapo farm, recently bought for Rl,9 million, Juiy 6. permitting" ; etlmic barriers in education," said This was announced by the Min­ Namibian President Sam Nujoma allayed fears at a meeting of * an adult education programme Angula. "The wall of racism in istry of information and Broad­ 'white' farmers in the Grootfontein district, saying Swapo would aimed at "meeting the educational casting on Friday. utilise the farm as a "productive enterprise" and not to train needs of disadvantaged racial groups, Continued on page 3 The Cabinet has also decided to "security guards". rural communities, girls and young activate the Public Service Com­ mission immediately. President Nujoma, who travelled said to an ovation from the farming " The Prime Minister has been to Grootfontein in a Lear jet to ad­ community, produced , 'the best beef For the best in quality and service instr ucted to make proposals In dress Kenyan troops about to leave in the world". Nujoma also called on this regard to Parliament when Namibia, also paid a visit to the farm farmers to both train and pay their let us develop and print your colour It resumes on July 3," a state­ De Rust, recently purchased by workers well. In reply to questions ment by the Ministry said. Swapo 's commercial arm. about the farm bought by Swapo, he film and you can have a: It. was also announced that the The property, which formerly be­ told farmers that .. security person­ Cabinet has appointed Dr longed to Bernie Miller, is located in nel" would not be trained there. The FREE Hlesbler and the Permanent the Grootfontein district and consists farm would be managed as a " pro­ Secretar y of the Agriculture of 1 100 hectares, 600 on which ductive enterprise" , he emphasized. * Film M inistry, V Nghipondoko, as maize is grown. Hanekom said it was believed that director s to represent the gov­ Nujoma toured the fann on Satur­ about six per cent of farm land in * Foto file PLUS ernment on the South West Af­ day and later told a meeting of farm­ Namibia was owned by absentee rica Meat (Swam eat) Corpora­ ers, organised by Ian Engelbrecht on landlords. * Photo Album tion board for the period J une 1 his fann Hoba, that Swapo had bought On the question of nationalisation, 1990 to M ay 31 1993. the farm to show that the party could he said the Government would first Further, the Cabinet has in­ be " productive". make use of totally unused land, such structed the -Director-General of Both he and Agriculture Minister as in eastern and western Ovambo the Plan ning Commission, .Dr Gert Hanekom spoke to approximately and Kavango, befcre resorting to gerhard botha Zed Ngavir ue, to follow up on 50 fanners from ·the district. nationalisation of farmland. pledges made a t the donors' Nujoma emphasised the Govern­ On the question of an increase in photography conference in New York by ment's policy of reconciliation, and the maize price, Hanekom said both 44 KAISER STREET commencing immediate negotia­ also spoke briefly onnationalisation. the farmers and their needs had to be Farmers were also given the oppor­ taken into account as well as the PO BOX 21907 tions with all those who pledged WINDHOEK a3sistance "in order to ensure a tunity to ask questions. needs of consumer~, before such a His attitude towards the farming step was undertaken. He invited fann­ balance between undeqlledged Tel (061 ) 3-5591it and overpledged sectors". community was described by observ­ ers to present their cases to him at ers as "positive" and Namibia, he any time. 2 M(i}Flday duly 2 ·1-990 EAST AND WEST GERMANY: •s;. Champagne corks pop ....6Qj no '"~ • P1J.o@· YOUR DAILY GUIDE TO EVENTS WORLD-WIDE ~:::--- for monetary union EAST. BERLIN • East and West Germany merged their economies yesterday, a milestone on the road to political unification after 45 years of post-war division. BONN - West Gennany made clear that after the unification of the two Gennan economies it would press for full union of the fatherland as swiftly as possible. East Germany adopted West Ger­ many inefficient East German com­ well. many's deutschemark currency and panies into bankruptcy, triggering On the stroke of midnight, cham­ JERUSALEM - Israeli parliament speaker. Dov Shilansky, who survived the Nazi free-market system at midnight (2200 high unemployment before growth pagne corks popped and the crowd holocaust, said the world should fear a unified Gennany as "mountains of ashes and GMT) under a treaty of union, effec­ starts. Prices will also ·shoot up as on AlexandeIplatz erupted into cheers bones" still separated Jews and Germans. tively abandoning economic sover­ ,subsidies vanish. ' and whistling as the Deutsche Bank­ BRUSSELS - NATO leaders may announce plans to withdraw all US nuclear eignty in the run-up to all-German But warnings of hardship were Kreditbank AG branch opened its artillery shells from western Europe when they meet in London for a summit this general elections expected in De­ disregarded as thousands besieged doors. Some people wept openly. week, alliance sources said. The group is also planning a series of initiatives to cember. the first bank due to open on the As police struggled to hold back convince Moscow it is changing and that a united Gennany would pose no threat as Inter-Gennan border controls were stroke of midnight to dispense West the impatient crowd, the first cus­ a member of the 16-nation alliance. abolished at the same time, just eight marlcs from special exchange accounts. tomer was presented with a 100- MOSCOW - The leaders of the three Soviet Baltic republics have called for joint months after a pcpular uprising toppled "Open up, we are nearly falling mark savings account as a gift. negotiations with Moscow on their independence demands, an official in the East Germany's communist rulers over," a 19-year-old woman begged Fireworks crackled at the former Estonian capital Tallinn said. In VILNIUS, oil flowed into Lithuania's sole refinery who built walls to prevent most citi­ shortly before the bank opened. "It's Checkpoint Charlie crossing point in for the first time in two months following the Kremlin's decision to ease its zens from travelling to the West. enough to make you weep. " the Berlin Wall, where motorists economic blockade of the rebel republic, which voted to freeze its March 11 Several thousand people queued to West Germany's powerful central honked their horns in celebration. declaration of independence. withdraw their first deutschemarks bank, the Bundesbamc, said that East German border guards, some in a mood of celebration on East because of an uncertain economic due to be redeployed to the frontiers JOHANNESBURG -The African National Congress (ANC) has called a nationwide Berlin's central AlexandeIplatz, while future, it expected most East Ger­ with Poland and Czechoslovakia, strike to put pressure on , Zulu tribal leader M'angosuthu~uthe l ezi and th_: white minority government. elsewhere in ~ city re"Sidents held mans would save their first deutsche­ toasted' ~e official end of passport farewell parties for the unloved East marks rather than go on a spending controls while souvenir sellers touted JERUSALEM - A leftist Israeli legislator said the government was building almost German mark.' spree.' original' 'border Zone " signs for sale 600 new homes in the occupied West Bank which would encourage Soviet Jewish Western competition unleashed by The Bundesbank is now' offi<.tally to tourists.
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