p MUNICIPAL DISTRICT w OF BRAZEAU NO. 77 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING PI 98 11 25 PI p p pi pi MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF BRAZEAU NO. 77 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA DATE: 98 11 25 TIME: 9:00 AM S| PLACE: M.D. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, COUNCIL CHAMBERS Page Nos. Call to Order Present 1. Addition to and Adoption of the Agenda 2. Adoption of the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of 98 1112. 3. Business arising from the 98 1112 Regular Council Meeting ^ 4. Emergent Items 5. Delegations/Appointments 10:00 am PIAD - Chris Severson-Baker 1-2 11:00 am Ratepayer Concerns 3:00 pm In Private - Road Construction ra 6. Finance Matters a) Cash Statement and Investment Summary, October, 1998. 3-4 - report and recommendation attached pi b) Transfer of Outstanding Water Bills to Tax Roll - report and recommendation attached c) Double Billing of Linepipe at 3-18-48-10 W5M for 1998 Taxes F 6-15 - correspondence attached - report - separate handout at the meeting IH ^1 pi Planning, Development and Land Matters a) Application for Amendment to Land Use Bylaw 109-90 - Proposed Bylaw No. 343-98 Lot I, Block 10, Plan 982 0064 (Hamlet of Lodgepole) From Industrial Land Use Districting to Hamlet Commercial Land Use Districting Applicant/Owner: Pam and John Bruce 16-18 p - report attached b) Drayton Valley Airport Vicinity Protection Area Regulation 19-23 II - report attached p 8. General Matters i a) Ratepayer Concerns P b) Surface Rights Lease Review Committee I Mandate 24 - report attached c) Bylaw No. 336-98 - Noise Control Bylaw - amended bylaw attached - requires three readings 25-30 d) Fire Hall/Exchange of Services 31 - correspondence attached e) Range Road 80 - Ratepayer concern 32-33 - correspondence attached f) Alberta Horticultural Show Awards Night 34-35 - correspondence attached g) Fire Guardians - Areas 1 and 6 36-37 - report and recommendation attached 9. Correspondence/Items for Information a) Correspondence from the University of Alberta regarding the Breton Plots Endowment Fund. 38 b) Copy of correspondence from the Alberta pi Municipal Government Board to affected r landowners in the Municipal District of Brazeau regarding the intermunicipal dispute between the Town of Drayton Valley and the Municipal 39-44 District of Brazeau. c) Labour Pains- An employers guide to employment and labour law issues 45-52 d) News release from AT&U regarding the Emergency Preparedness Contest 53-54 m e) Correspondence from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities regarding association membership. 55-56 f) Municipal Update from the Alberta Used Oil Management Association 57 g) Correspondence from the Government of f Alberta regarding the 'International Year of Older Persons 1999'. 58 h) Correspondence from Alberta Health regarding Bill 37. 59-67 i) Correspondence from Region Nine Child and P Services Authority Regional Office regarding organization changes. 68-72 j) Correspondence from AT&U regarding rural utility loans - natural gas - water/wastewater. 73-74 k) Correspondence from the Minister of Environment regarding the federal court ruling in the case of The Friends ofthe West Country v. The Minister ofFisheries and Oceans. 75-81 I) Correspondence from the AAMD&C regarding r the Farmland Assessment Review. 82 p) m) AAMD&C Executive Meeting Highlights 83-84 n) AAMD&C Contact Newsletter - Nov.4/98 85-86 pi j 10. Councillor Reports 11. Question Period for Media r 12. Meeting Dates 13. In Private Session Wl a) Annexation b) Road Construction wm c) Mystical Fireworks } 14. Adjournment jp ipi MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF THE MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF BRAZEAU NO. 77, HELD IN THE M.D. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, COUNCIL CHAMBERS IN DRAYTON VALLEY ON THURSDAY, 98 1112. CALL TO ORDER Reeve M. Schwab called the meeting to order at 9:03 am. PRESENT M. Schwab, Reeve D. Ellis, Councillor A. Heinrich, Councillor J. Starling, Councillor K. Porter, Municipal Manager K. Robinson, Recording Secretary ABSENT B. Guyon, Councillor OTHERS Leon Mankow, Ratepayer S89 ADDITION TO Addition To and Adoption ofAoenda AND ADOPTION OFAGENDA 2212-98 Moved by J. Starling to adopt the agenda with the following additions: 2. b Organization Meeting Minutes 5. a 9:30am- RCMP125* Anniversary Banner 6.c 1:30 pm - Taxation Clerk'sReport to Council 10. h Community Lottery Board i AAMD&C Resolution j Petition Re: Annexation Memo to Reeves Re: Electoral Representation Letter to Town of DraytonValley regarding undeveloped land inventory m Correspondence from CouncillorGuyon 11. w Correspondence from PIAD 15. e Sewage Issue f Council Concerns 9 Development Concern CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Colm Heaney arrived at the meeting at 9:15 am. ADOPTION OF Adoption of Minutes MINUTES 2213-98 Moved by D. Ellisto adopt the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of 98 10 28 amended as follows: BJ Page 5 - Farmland Assessment Reeve M. Schwab stated that the presentation made by R. Hogan, the Agricultural Fietdman, was very well received and may be discussed at the Northwest RegionalConference. fp Page 9 - last paragraph should read "public Input prior to signing the agreement..." Page 10 - second paragraphshould read HShe asked if there..." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY «&**J) Adoption ofthe Minutes ofthe Oroanization Meeting of98 10 23 2214-98 Moved by A. Heinrich to adopt the minutes of the Organization Meeting of 98 10 23 as presented. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY BUSINESS Business Arisina ARISING None 1 EMERGENT Emergent Items ITEMS None GENERAL General Matters MATTERS Rateoaver Concerns Discussion took place regarding the ratepayer concerns portion of the Council meetings. 2215-98 Moved by A. Heinrich to table further discussion regarding ratepayer concerns to the next Council meeting of 98 1125. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Correspondence from ratepayer regarding the Breton Plots The correspondence was referred to the Municipal Planning Commission. Correspondence from St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Schools Council reviewed the correspondence received. 2216-98 Moved by 3. Starling to receive the correspondence for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Staff Sgt. Doug Bangle, RCMP arrived at the meeting at 9:30 am. Appointment ofTechnical Advisorto the West Central Airshed Discussion took place regarding the appointment of the Agricultural Fieldman to the WestCentral Airshed Committee. tfWJ***9 1 P5 2217-98 Moved by A. Heinrich to appoint R. Hogan, Agricultural Reldman as technical advisor to the West Central Airshed Committee. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY DELEGATION/ APPOINTMENTS Delegation/Appointments RCMP 125th Anniversary Banner Staff Sgt. Doug Bangle attended the Council meeting today to discuss with Council the realignment taking place within the force. in He also thanked the Municipal District for displaying the 125th Anniversary bannerforthe RCMP and hung the.banner on the wall in Council Chambers. Jody Lind arrived at the meeting at 9:50 am. Staff Sgt. Bangle left the meeting at 9:55 am. GENERAL MATTERS General Matters Appointment of member and an alternate to the Family/School Liaison Advisory Committee Reeve M.Schwab called for nominations for the position of member for the Family/School Liaison AdvisoryCommittee. p» J. Starling nominated A. Heinrich Reeve M. Schwab called a 2nd and 3rd timefor nominations. A. Heinrich was acclaimed member for the Family/School Liaison Advisory Committee. Reeve M. Schwab called for nominations for the position of alternate for the Family/School Liaison AdvisoryCommittee. J. Starling nominated D. Ellis Reeve M. Schwab called a 2nd and 3rd timefor nominations. D. Ellis was acclaimed alternate for the Family/School Liaison Advisory Committee. « Correspondence from the Village of Breton regarding the fire hall 2218-98 Moved by J.Starling to table further ^ discussion until the next Council meeting of ^Av\) ^# CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY v>'' tws Dravton Vallev/Brazeau Economic Development Reeve M. Schwab called for nominations for the position of member for the Drayton Valley/Brazeau Economic Development Committee. A. Heinrich nominated M. Schwab T Reeve M. Schwab called a 2nd and 3rd time for nominations. 2219-98 Moved by J. Starling that nominations cease. j CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY M.Schwab was acclaimed for the position of member for the Drayton Valley/Brazeau Economic Development Committee. Community Lottery Board Nominating Committee *^ Councillor D. Ellis reported that the Community Lottery Board requested thatthe Municipal District appoint a n memberfor the Community Lottery Board Nominating } Committee. Reeve M.Schwab called for nominations for the position of ^ member for the Community Lottery Board Nominating Committee. CHm! X Starling nominated D. Ellis Reeve M. Schwabcalled a 2nd and 3rd time for nominations. 2220-98 Moved by J. Starling that nominations cease. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY D. Elliswas acclaimed for the position of member for the Community Lottery Board NominatingCommittee. Petition Regarding Annexation Council received a petition signed by residents who did not wish to be annexed by the Town of Drayton Valley. 2221-98 Moved by A. Heinrich to receive the petition for information. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY* Downsizing of Electoral Representatives 2222-98 Moved by J. Starling to forward a letter to Reeve's regarding the downsizing of MLA's in the province. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY vV^V^«*#!& ] Letterto the Town of Dravton Valley Requesting Information 2223-98 Moved by D. Ellis to forward a letter to the Town of Drayton Valley requesting an inventory of their undeveloped lands. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Correspondence Received from Councillor Guvon 2224-98 Moved by A. Heinrich to receive the correspondence for information. iP CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AAMD&C Resolution A discussion took place regarding the presentation of the Municipal District's resolution and who should present it. A decision will be made prior to the Convention. Sheldon Fuson arrived at the meeting at 10:10 am. ip DELEGATION/ APPOINTMENTS Delegation/Appointments Sheldon Fuson - Fire Services Sheldon Fuson attended the Council meeting today to give the new Councillors an overview of the Fire Services provided by the Municipal District. L Coward arrived at the meeting at 10:25 am. Council thanked S. Fuson for attending the meeting and he r left at 10:40 am.
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