AVBBAGB DAILY CIBOULATION Postmaster Frank B. Crocker 110; WEATHER -------pu------------------- ----------- — . — u v . j n e I for the Month of July, 1988 ABOUT TOWN the Manchester postoffice reports REPORT ON DEHCIT MISS MARIE H . DAMATO found that he had a broken leg. Hs Forecast ot L. H. 'Veatlier Bureau, net increase in receipts for the first SEVEN BADLY HURT then assisted Vesley, who was in Hortfore^ seven months of 1038 over the corre­ the back oeaL Partly cloudy tonight and Wed- JCis. Rath McCann and aon, EM- sponding months of 1934 of |1,B63.40 SURPRISE P A im r GUEST Wilbur Hill, a cousin of the driv­ 5,468 newlay, poasibly foUowed by show- vard o f 101 Cedar atreet, left yea- or 3.7 per cent. Increases by months IS DUE TOMORROW AS BUS HITS AUTO er of the sedan, was following close Member of the Audit era Wednesday, not much change in tatday for a two weeks' vialt at in this period were shown by the behind. He took'<tbe driver Into his lOLANI Bnreanef drcnlatlons temperature. Mra. lfc<MDn’a old home in Nova monthly report for January, Feb­ HomMtead Street Toung Wom­ cor and started for the Manchester fleotla. ruary, April, May and July. Memorial .hospital. Another passing Decreases were shown In March and an Will Be Married to James Auditors to Make Known Four Taken to Hospital Fol­ automobile ,took in Miss Hill and SERENADER8 (Oloaellled Advertising on Page 10.) The Toung People'a Legion of tne June. The total receipts for the Jack August 26. Vesley. Florian hod been partly VOL. LIV., NO. 262. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1935. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Salvation Army under the direction seven months' period this year are knocked out qnd got lost in the o f James Munsle, Jr., will conduct 844,246.31 and for 1934, ,42,682.01. Amonnt of Tax Collector’s Miss Marie M. Damato o f 24 lowing Accident m North crowd. He was later token to the Hawaiian Popular an open air service in Rockville to­ hospital In Holloran's ambulance, night at 7:80. The regular meeting of the La­ Office Shortage. Homestead street was the guest of which was called soon after the ac­ Dance Music dles' Auxiliary, A. O. H., will be held honor at a surprise shower given Coventry. cident NINTH DISTRICT Threat To Roosevelt Bringrs Arrest SECOND STORM Miss Helen McCann of the Man­ at the home of Mrs. John Buckley, by her mother, Mrs. Louis Damato Traffic Blocked with IL DUCE CALLS OUT chester telephone exchange has re­ REQUEST POLICE TO 111 Wells street, at 8 o'clock tonight on Saturday evening.- The affair turned to her duties after spending All members are requested to at The traffic over the road was The report of Town Auditors Isaac was held on the la t^ at the home Seven persona were badly injured heavy at the time. While the state her vacation at Naven’s Inn, Nar- tend. _ of their neighbor, Mrs. James Bene- ROCO RONIFACE CUTS STRING OF STRIKES CHINA; Cole and John F. Limerick on the police were arriving red flares were raganett Pier. vento of Irving street. In an accident between a sedan and The Bing Crosby of Them All! ' set up by Mr. BIrgs to guard amount of the deficit in the tax col­ A mock marriage was one of the a New England Transportation 75,000 MORE TROOPS The Regina Italia Society will SEARCH FOR HOPSON, against further trouble. Members of Eleanor Duse Lodge, lector's office will be made to the high spots of the party. Miss An­ Company bus at North Coventry Daughters of Italy, who plan to at­ hold a regular meeting at 7:30 to A Connecticut Company bus went ALL THIS WEEK ASSEK OFFER MANYMDEAD Selectmen tomorrow night, it was toinette Damato was the minister. tend the held day at Hanover Park, night in the rooms of the Sub-AI center at 10:30 laat night. Four to North Coventry and brought in starting Tonight pine club on Eldridge atreet. All expected today. Since the town Miss Statia SobIskI the bride. Miss Meriden, Next Sunday, are request­ meeting last spring refused to hlio Rose Gravino the bridegroom, went to the Manchester Memorial the passengers. It was 2:30 this SPECIAL AITRACnON TBURS. AND SAT. members are urged to be present. morning b^ore the damaged bus Estimated That 140,000 NORBECK ISSUES ed to get In touch with Mrs. Anna outside auditors to make the check, Laura Domlco the maid of honor hospital, throe were treated by doc­ Voters to Yield Holdmgs to AO Wires Down So Few De- UTILITIES EXECUTIVE Della Ferra, SO Cottage street, by the local men have been preparing and Josephine Polito the best man. tors at their boniea and eight paa- was removed. In the meantime the SCHLITZ BEER and RED tomorrow at the latest. The outing of the Luther League their report. It could not bo ascer­ Rose Damato and Virginia Pontl- sengers on the bus were ohoken up. sedan continued to bum and in less Soldiers Are Already in of the Emonual Lutheran church, tained today if the deficit varies to celll were the flower ^ rls. Re­ The sedan caught Are after the than on hour oil that was left , was Town V^thont Condition; scheduled for tomorrow night at the framework. POX ALE and DeLUXE G .O .P . GUIDE BOOK tafls Are Known; Called The Manchester Master Barbers' any appreciable degree from the freshments were served and on en­ crash and burned rapidly, only the SCHEME PROPOSED Witness TeUs Lobby Prabera Protective Association will hold its Columbia lake, has been postponed 84,800 announced last winter when it joyable time spent by all. prompt action on the part of Harold To Arrest HID East A frica; Ethiopia Or­ regular monthly meeting In the until next week Tuesday. The com­ was discovered. Miss Marie Damato will be mar­ Blrge, bus driver, saving the occu­ The accident was investigated by LAGER ON DRAUGHT District to Carry On Rec­ W orst Typhoon in His­ Hotel Sheridan tonight at 8 o'clock. mittee In charge Is now working on ried on August 26 at St. Bridget's pants of the small car from more State Policeman Robert M. Herr of That He Spoke M All members are requested to at­ The Selectmen will discuss the ganizes Its Red Cross. Sooth Dakota Senator De­ a change of location for the outing recommendation of Town Counsel church to James Jack. serious injuries. The injured: the Stafford barracks assisted by TO GIVE MEN JOBS tend as Important business will be and further details will be announc Walter Hill, 28, North Coventry, Motor Vehicle Inspector Levine reation Temporarily. tory of Area. discussed. cd later. William S. Hyde that on assistant tax collector be appointed to make driver of the sedan, left leg broken, Howlett. As a result of the inves­ clares Repnbhcans Most Associated Gas Co. Execo- bruised about the chest and arms, tigation made in North Coventry Rome, Aug. 6.— (AP) — Premier An important meeting of the Tall house-to-house periodic collections Mrs. Mona Fuller Frazier of Tal ■ taxes in an effort to bring In some COUPLE OBSERVE Z5TH cuts on face. Treated at Manches­ State Policeman Herr said that he Mussolini today called 78,000 more The voters of the Ninth School Amoy, CHiina, Aug. 8.— (A P )__ Cedars of Lebanon carnival commit- ter Memorial hospital. New Haven Road WiH Supply tive Last Night in a Wash­ cottvllle, formerly of Manchester, the more than three-quarters of would have a warrant issued for the SILVER men to arms "as a consequence of Seel{ Aid of Progressives. District, by a vote of 89 to 68, last fee will be held Wednesday night at announces the engagement of her Miss Frances Hill, 23, sister of arrest of Walter Hill. Because of Southern Fukien Province today 7:80 sharp. All members are urged million dollars owed the town in WEDDING ANNIVERSARY heavy Ethiopian mobilizations.” night offered to the town of Man­ daughter. Miss Helen L. Frazier, to delinquent taxes. Walter, cut on the face and hands, Mr. Hill's leg being broken it will be was struck by a second typhoon Materials If Government ington Hotel. to be present. bruised. Treated at Manchester chester, without strings of any kind, Arthur J. Monaghan, son of Mr. several weeks before be can appear Specifically, he ordered the mobi­ Washington, Aug. 8— (A P) — A which ripped Inland from the sea, and Mrs. John Monaghan of Tol Memorial hospltsL In the justice court of Coventry to lization of two regular army divi­ the assets of the Ninth district con­ warning that the Republicans can devoatatlng a huge area. Wednesday, August 7, the women cottvllle. Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Tem­ Franklin Florlon, 29, Glaston­ answer to the charge that may be sions and a volunteer Fascist Black sisting of recreation and library Pays the Wages. of the Manchester Country club bury, working at Miller poultry not win in 1936 without giving the Coming close behind yesterday’s Washington, Aug. 8.— (A P )—The pleton of 10 Beech Street lodged against him. .GRILL Shirt division and created two re buildings, equipment and furniture hurricane, officials feared a terrific will have a team match and guest Mrs. Algot Johnson of Edgerton WOMAN IS STUNNED farm, North Coventry, cuts on hand placement divisions. party’s Progressives a voice, was old of Washington police was day at Wethersfield.
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