rv i o , 1 9 3 9 I * 5 s r g £ s ? s , Election Tuesday uesday evening the Coun- Do we want to be at war? Did Tuesday night, February 14 of the Wyoming Association we want to be at war in 1914? from 0 to 9 P. M., the annual I'd from Ernest Palmer, the Why did we go to war three school meeting of the Township t preliminary report of Its years later? What will keep us will be held in Washington mlttee named some weeks out of the next war? school, Millburn avenue, Mill- to make a study of the ad- These questions will be dis­ burn. Three members of the bility of municipal owner- cussed at the High School on Board of Education will be ip of the local water system. Thursday, February 16, at 8 named at that time and the Is group of Investigators Is o’clock in the evening, by four budget will be ratified. aded by W. B. Gero as chair- speakers whoaK views' present Not in years has there been 111. four different proposed Roads the activity among candidates Earned to probe into public to Peace. fui<l friends of candidates that nership primarily, tire com- The speakers will be Com­ has marked this 1939 contest. ttee expressed surprise at re- mander William L. McDonald, Teag and meetings have been lt disclosures that Canoe U. S. N., Mr. Warren Mullen, held in all parts of the Town­ ship and these hJtve kept the 00k is relied upon for a water Mrs. Leslie Crichton and Mr. urce and recommended that five candidates, John W. Dickey, Harold Edward Fey. JOHN W. DICKEY, South Is be brought to the attention Leslie E. Freeman, Eugene C. Commander McDonald has Mountain resident and Board of the Millburn Township Board DR. HAROLD E. FEY, Millburn Helnzitiger, Vincent A. Schauler .served for the past 28 years in Education candidate. Health In view of conditions "Town Meeting” speaker, Feb­ 9 and Mrs. Helen M. Walker cir­ the Naval Reserve, and is at lown to exist along Its course. ruary 16 at the High School. ★ culating day and night. present commanding officer of The committee has now out- Civic groups and individuals tthe U. S. S. Newton. His sub­ led its procedure which will have sought to wipe out the ject will be “The Preservation Dog Census elude not only the study of postal deficit with mailing pieces 3rd Guidance of Peace Through National De­ imicipal ownership as such, and letters so that if half who \ fense”. ’ it also the possible sources of read, run to the polls, the 2,000 Mrs. Crichton is executive Going Down independent supply includ- Program ballots now on the presses will secretary of The League of Na­ S the Newark city system, & Nineteen stray dogs picked up be insufficient. The third guidance meeting tions of New Jersey. She serves, stems of East Orange, South in the Township from February While there is small chance sponsored by the Parent-Teach­ as well, on the New Jersey State ange, Elizabeth and Madison 1 to 3 have by now gone the flint any will not have the op­ er Association will take place on Committee on The Cause and be studied as will the ques- way of all flesh, unless their portunity to know the candi­ Tuesday evening, February 14. Cure of War, and is known also m of acquisition of existing owners belatedly came to the dates and their qualification^, Two years ago the guidance pro­ as the president of The College ins as against creation of a rescue. This makes a total of 39 The Item in this last issue.be­ gram was outlined and pre­ Club of the Oranges. w distribution system, wandering canines that have fore the election, presents a sented in broad detail; a year Dr. Harold Edward Fey, is well nvestigation to date has been gathered up in the past review of them in the order in ago, at an open meeting the sub­ known as an editor and clergy­ (own that the whole task will month in a local drive to stamp which the names will be found ject of guidance as it functions man. He is now executive secre­ 1 one calling for wide and in- out rabies here. on the official balldt. through the various departments tary of the Fellowship of Re­ At Monday night's meeting of . John W. 45lclcey- River lane, (Contlnued on Page Twelve) of the school was covered; at conciliation. He was the only the Board of Health seven cases South Mountain Estates, resi­ ★ this meeting the subject of guid­ American delegate sent to the where dogs bit residents were dent and home owner since 1035, Institute of Pacific Relations. ance is being discussed as it reported and Health Officer college Instructor, member of functions through the coopera­ Following this conference he Yes Cured MacPherson renewed his plea staff New Jersey State Teacher’s tion of school and community. went to Nanking where he met that all stray dogs be shot on College, Newark. Mr. Faddis is acting as gen­ General Chaiang Kai-Shek and Millburn residents are asked .sight. Leslie E. Freeman—Twin Oak 1 the Police Department to im- eral chairman and Mrs. Carrie other leaders of Chinese Gov­ A communication was read road, Short Hills, resident and ediately notify headquarters A. Hull, Rev. Herbert H. Cooper ernment. from the State Board of Health (Continued on Page Thirteen) any gypsies are seen in the and Mr. Carl Saisbury are bring­ Mr. Warren Mullin is the telling of 106 cases of rabies in ★ wnship, following the theft of, ing us the phases of guidance as fourth speaker. Mr. Mullin is on Essex county and 89 cases in 60 from Frank Rodman of 165 it affects our youth through the staff of The National Coun­ Union county, with death re­ illburn avenue at noon Wed- social work, through commun­ cil for Prevention of War. T o H ill Join sulting to two human beings. 7 fsday. ity projects, and through the Mr. Barr, who is the head of Rigid enforcement of local laws school. Perhaps no one but the the history department in the Rodman notified police that was asked together with owner person who has participated in Millburn High School, will be Morgan Firm > he was walking on Millburn cooperation, to the end that the /enue near Myrtle avenue a helping young people, to find chairman and mediator. Ques­ disease be stamped out. Last week is was announced ir containing two women and themselves, can bring us their tions from the floor will be wel­ Millburn’s new dog kennel is William A. Mitchell of Wood- man pulled up along side and problems with any authority and comed. nearly ready for use and it will crest avenue, Short Hills and I. *ed him the time. A gypsy insight. Come out to hear what house 12 dogs when finished. C. R. Atkin of Knollwood road, oman, apparently about 60 these community minded citi­ At the rate the dog warden now Short Hills, would be made part­ :ars old, got out of the car zens have to tell us in order to H ere Comes on full time duty, is' impound­ ners’ in the banking firm of J. od told him she could cure any understand more fully the whole ing animals, its capacity will be P. Morgan-and Company of New ilment he might have by rub- program of guidance as it ap­ taxed in the first several hours. York, on February 17. mg it. She told him to empty pears in our own locality. The Circus Dogs are held for three days Both Mr. Mitchell and Mr, At­ is pockets first and after jsup- The new boys’ locker rooms for owner reprieve after which kin are bankers of long experi­ osedly curing him, reentered and7 Showers will be open for in­ — Shirley Temple’s pony is com ­ they are humanely put to death. ence and their association with le car and drove away. At that spection. Open House precedes ing here with an unique circus, It is planned to continue the the - Morgan firm dates from tint he noticed his wallet mis- the meeting and a social hour the one circus in the United campaign here until such time 1925. Natives of Canada, both be*- ng. - follows with refreshments. -States that doesn’t hole up for as the dog population is m a-' 'rgnn their careers- with the Trad­ A teletype alajrm was imme- the winter soon after the school ★ terially reduced and until own­ ers Bank of Canada later going ately sent out but the gypsies THE JtfUSfC DEPARTMENT bells begin to ring. ers comply with the regulations to the Royal Bank of-Canada at ave thus far eluded police. of tim/Woman’s Club will meet Visiting Millburn for the first as to tags and permitting pets Montreal. atityhhom e of Mrs. Scott Stev­ time this wayward straggler ★ to run at large. They are active in the social “GANGLER’S CIRCUS”, Mill- ens, Hobart avenue, Short Hills, from the circus fold will arrive ______ ___ ★ life of the Township being mem­ Jfn High School, Saturday, February 13th at 2 P. M. The at the Millburn High School on Mrs. William A. Cudlipp and bers of t he Short Hills Club, the sbruary 11 at 2 P. M. Season program is titled, "Maestros of February 11 at 2 P. M„ by ar­ children of Beechcroft, have Racquets Club and of the Bal- ckets or Children 20c, Adults Our Day” .
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