. ■ ■ , * ** w^9 Former Klan Leader Found, Pleads For Freedom A Newspaper PRICE With A 6c I Constructive Policy — PER COPY á ríwza ijtttt.v D JOU*N . .-.¿-¡¿jûsbH --------------- ■ -Si VOLUME 19, NUMBER 45 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1950 PRICE SIX CENTS --------------------------- . President, Mrs. Gore Honored At West Tennessee Educational Congress Believes Death Holy Convocation Opens Saturday; Delegates Pouring In For Session Sentence Will I Not Be Exacted BY MILTON A. SMITH tockade here. He is imprisoned In TOKYO STOCKADE: Lt Leon 1 cell block reserved for officers, A. Gilbert crossed his legs, took t lis cellmate is a white major; he deep puff from a king sized cigar­ als at ar officers mess; he wears ette and asked: "Honestly do yot Hirers uniform but not officers think I’ll get a new trial and thef jars. be able to continue my service ir. Col. C. J. Nelson, commandant of the Army? I feel that I'm being he prison said that Lt. Gilbert charged with a crime I'm not guilty .-ould. if he wished wear ills offl- of. but I hold no grudge against the -er's markings but that he did not. Army for their mistake. I'd like to Col. Nelson and his staff were a continue in the Army. But will I gracious host to me on my visit. get a new. fair trial, he asked Col. Nelson described Lt. Gilbert again." as a model prisoner. "I believe I I told the Lieutenant I honestly ould open the gate and let Lt. ELDER CHARLES H. MASON did not know, but that the consen­ Gilbert walk in and out at will and Founder, Senior Bishop sus of opinion was that the sentence he would not try to escape. He only Cttfo,*— .pyblic , relations' '. _ director’ for — a death sentence — would nevci isked for one thing — a Jacket the Convocation. This will be the Jbe carried out. when it got cold. Five minutes af­ ftret time in the history of the Lt. Gilbert is being held in the ter be asked for It, he had it." Lt. church that the State’« Chief Exe­ Tokyo Stockade under the charge Gilbert verified thia, “It was leu cutive will have addressed the oon of violation of the 75th Article of 'han five mlnutee, I think." he vocation. ’ War. "Misbehaviour" in the pre­ said. • U. 8. Congressman William sence of the enemy." Actually the Upon entering the stockade I was Dawson of the First oongratetonal charge is that Lt. Oilbert was too *i»ke on Bishop from her own school, while ar- escorted to Ool. office. Over 1,700 teachers from the rior knowledge. position of vice-president; W. E. scared to carry out an order Yet Mason's Bay to 1Wfl ,nl1 •» G* western section of the state were "You must not overrule any-pos- Ledbetter, of Selma; T R. Wilson, ranging for the popular Lane col­ he had beqn under fire Ju Italy aud present in Jaokson tor the tatli sibillty that a child is poaseM- of Purls: W. W Mays of Hannteg. lege Choir to UP prenmtod by its ill Korea. audience I annual session of- the West Ten­ ed with the qualifications of suc­ vfce-nrerident, who was elected tn rector, Prof. Roa C Ctay. Friday It was not the fear of being car­ nessee Educational Congress, ft cess. irrespective of how dormant night three high school bands from weather, which had become terribly House, Co position of president, and H. T. ried before a firing squad some The coming of Governor Brown­ was the largest delegation to reg-. these qualifications may be at the Mempiu.; were featured in a band told and damp, and finally we had Coleman of Somerville. dreary morning that most concerns ing will offer him opportunity to let Ister for the Congress during its tune of their training, "President Mrs G W Gore came in for a concert as well as the majorett« coffee Lt. Gilbert now. Col. Nelson told me that it Lt. vishora from all over the nation almost fifty years of history. Higti Gore stated. full share of the glory and honor from nil four bonds on hand for Gilbert, would consent to see me learn lint-hand something of hl« light of the Congrem was a fea­ The public program was held on bestowed- upon her distinguished the meeting. Bands taking part in cleared? Will this incident damage he and I could sit in a private room administration as It has related to tured address by President George Friday afternoon in the Gymna­ husband. Two beautiful bouquets of the concert were Manassas, under integration? Will it harm our ClI's? for an Indefinite length of time. both Negro« and white« of thia W Gore of Florida A and M Col­ sium of Lane College, seat of all flowers were presented to her by direction of Bandmaster Matthew Although he feels that racial hat­ Major Bradley escorted me to the state His address will not be a po­ lege former Dean A and M Col- activities of the Congress. Shown Miss Harry Mae Simon, and Miss Garrett; Booker Washington un­ red was responsible for him being room. In the big, hot room I met litical one, but Governor Browning College. Nashville and well known in accompanylhg pictures are high Lavera Seels, shown left and right der direction of Prof. William Mc­ found guilty, he has no complaint Lt. Gilbert. At first I thought he will speak m head of the State throughout the state as an ad­ lights of the public program. of Mrs Gore, center, during the Daniel; and Hamilton under di­ against his treatment in t h e was a sunburned white man Fin­ Government, and as spokesman for ministrator in the field of public Bottom scene: Officers of the public program. rection of Bandmaster Nelson Jack ally it dawned on me that this was the entire populace of Tennessee. education. Dr and Mrs Gore, both Congress. Seated, from left:- Mrs “It's always good to come back son. , the lieutenant and we shook hands "He'i a peat churchman himself native Tennesseeans who over a Pearl Niolsols. supervisor, Madison home." Mrs Gore told her friends We were alone in the room. The and wtn be glad To my something period of years at Tenne«ee State County; President Hayes, princi­ and well-wishers of the Congress Departmental sections of the Con Mrs. M. T. Seward 1 upper parts of the walls are to people who are making the test College became well acquainted pal of Manassas High School; Mrs. "Florida has been wonderfully nice gress stressed the Congre» theme white, the lower part shiny use of their opportunity to worship with the educational problems and Gore; Dr. Gore, Mrs F. A. Dob­ to my family and we are grateful “Education Essential to World Addresses Georgia An unbarred window overlooked according to the dictates of their patterns of this state were cited bins. Jean« Supervisor, Madison for everything the people of this Peace and Democracy," and em- a sentry box on the wall and gave BISHOP A- & McEWEN own conscience, "declared Attorney for their accomplishments. County; Miss Gannelle 01 Nelson, wonderful sjate has done for us. phftls was also placed upon this Baptist Women a tiny view of a pleasing Japanese Resident Bishop Robert Taylor, prominent lawyer of In his address President Oore of Ripley, recording secretary Exe­ “Yet there is always that yearn­ theme by President Hayes during garden. Hundreds of delegates and visi­ Memphis, who has teen closely warned the teachers not to become cutive Secretary Hartsfield of Mi­ ing that one has'to come back to his annual address on opening In the room there were several tors to the 43rd National Convoca­ identified with Governor Browning. so autocratic in their relationship lan; and Mrs Carrie Seats of those among whom he has worked night, Thurday, Nov. 1« soft chairs, a pair of hard chairs, tion of the Church of God in Other high points Of the convo­ with their students, but to' prac­ Trenton, Jeanes Supervisor. Stand and labored through the lightsand ash trays made of soft metal, and Christ are pouring Into Memphis cation will be Foreign Miseton Day tice the democracy which they tell ing from left; Miss Lavers Sects, shadows of a great cause. Thank Other features of the Congre« and advanced notices indicate that during which time Bishop McBwati these students so ourcti about He Jeanes Supervisor. Lauderdale you from the bottom of my heart.- included a parade by bands from (Continued on page Two) attendance will be up to that of will give reports regarding theths reminded them that frequently County; Prof. B T. Hunt, chairman Throughout, the Congrem from Memphis. Jackson and other last year. If not greater. Presiding work overseas. Rcprraentativ«Representative* the students they may jump to of the Executive Committee, past Thursday evening through Satur­ schools of West Tennessee, and over the three week continuous from the foreign fields will be on conchuuons. about regarding their president of the congress, and day. music for the sessions were ■the Coronation on the Lane Col­ Christmas Seal meeting which is held each year in hand personally to relate some of inability go achieve may be the principal of Booker Washington under supervision of Mi« Viola lege Field president c A Kirk­ Memphis church headquarters for their experience« as evangelists. ~ on« who will succeed rather than High School. Memphis; Miss Harry Flowers, head of the music depart endall of Lane College extended the Saints will be Eider Charles H Educational Day, featuring pro­ those who seem, on the face of Mae Simon, principal of Magnolia ment at Melrose High School.
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