.953 VoL VIII No. 2 FEBRUARY, 1953 INFORMATION Id ISSUED BY THE ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH REFUGEES IN GREAT BRITAIN s 8. FAIRFAX MANSIONS, FINCHLEY ROAD ( fAiRpAx^'loAo ) LONDON, N.W.3 It Otpee end Cantulting Hourt : 10 a.m.—I p.m.. Ip.m. Sunday 10 a.ni.— I p.m. Te'eehone . MAIda ViU 9396/7 (General OWce) MAIda V.l» «*4° lEmplovm.nt Afency) Q WTien, in 1941, I was in the Soviet Hard Labour Camp, Onega, near Archangel, I met POISON FROM MOSCOW a 70-year-old Jew from the Bukovina who (.'V January 13, Moscow Radio broad- position to murder sick men under their care. had been sentenced to 10 5^ears' hard labour (.„ ^" 24 languages a surprising official And they are said to have committed these by the Soviet Occupation Authorities only ^niunique of the So\-iet TASS agency. shameful deeds on the orders of " the because he had been the chairman of the pL ^^."^ording to the statement, nine Soviet ' Joint ' —• the international bourgeois Zionist Keren Hayesod in pre-war Rumania. kin '^^' ^^ "^^ them professors, have been nationalist organisation," as the Soviet com­ ih^^ °r trying to poison the highest person- munique put it. In another part of the Soviet The Bolshevik Doctrine ^^s among the Sovdet ruling class. They statement the " Joint " is described as " a In their pre-revolution times the Bol­ gedly succeeded in killing two mighty terrorist-espionage organisation which gave sheviks, including Lenin and Stalin person­ Star '^^ ^^^ Kremlin : Andrei Zhdanov, the directive to exterminate the leading ally, had been engaged in a bitter struggle kov''^^ closest collaborator, and A. Scherba- cadres of the U.S.S.R." against any recognition of special organisa­ 4 ' '•he political Commissar of the Soviet tions of the Jews, even of Jewish socialist Cynical Pretexts workers organisations. It was Lenin who Col ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^° have not forgotten the Readers of AJR Information need not be wrote in 1903 : " The idea of a separate %^^^^ Soviet purges between 1934 and 1938, told what the " Joint "is. To present it, as Jewish people, which is utterly untenable fgJ^ ^niong the innumerable victims of the the Soviet government does, as having been scientificall}', is reactionary in its pohtical gen '^ nearly all Bolshevik leaders of Lenin's " set up by the U.S. Intelligence " is one imphcations." And Stalin wrote in 1913 : tfgj.'^^'^ion were executed as spies, saboteurs. more morbid fantasy of the Soviet Secret " How can it be seriously maintained that ^aitors ossified religious rites and fading psycho­ QH^e -^\ s and murderers, may now mutter only Police. This only proves again the endless ''.^ord : Again ... cynicism of people who, as late as 1949, were logical residues have a greater influence on Bu these Jews than the living socio-economic *hit! *^^^ *™^ ^^^ purge steirted with a note still accepting millions of dollars donated by " ^^ has a rather wicked originality. As in the same Joint in their satellite countries. and cultural environment which surrounds tal' th, them ? " r^ansky trial, the Communist All those who were victims or witnesses of com- But if the Kremhn wished to attempt a J^W'^K^^ time and time again underlined the Nazi antisemitism cannot help asking the question : Is Communist Russia going to forcible assimilation of its two milUon Jewish sh origin of the majority of the accused. subjects it would not, as in Prague and Pfl^^cow went one step further than satellite unleash the forces of racism ? Will Nazi antisemitism now be followed by Communist Moscow, display the Jewish background of WQ^*^^- It made the arrested men not only antisemitism ? the latest victims of its political purges. Sejj. 'or foreign spjang agencies, but pre- Even more sinister appears the intention of \vij ^ them as common and vile criminals After the Prague trial the present writer was inclined to disagree with people who the Soviet government to make an impartial \' Against the most primitive laws of philanthropic organisation appear as the anit^ityv . nse(j their high professional described it as a kind of a Drej'fus affair. Every student of Bolshevik and Com­ bogy Synhedrion described in the " Protocols munist theories on nationalities knew per­ of the Elders of Zion." DAYS OF ANXIETY fectly of the Kremlin's basic approach to Are the two milhon Jews in the Soviet titi t ^^"'^ hardly possible to add to the manifold Zionism. From the beginning of this century, Empire threatened with liquidation as a Prjj '•Pretations which the general and Jewish Zionism was looked upon as nothing but a national group ? Or are the anti-Jewish notes Ciif. ,^'^^ to the developments East of the Iron cunning device of the Jewish bourgeoisie to in Moscow a temporary' measure to woo the Wjf °^' The Prague Trial, some of whose aspects prevent the Jewish Proletariat from taking Middle East .\rabs, just as the support of foil- ^Scribed in our previous issue, has now been part in the Social revolution. Zionism was Zionism in 1947 was another manoeuvre of ^Dfl • ^y victimisation of Tews in Soviet Russia and is considered a crime in Soviet Russia, unprincipled power pohtics ? tieiy ri ^^stern Germany. The background of these punished with all the ruthlessness this State It is impossible to answer these questions amj^ ^^^'opments is dealt with in this issue by two who know it from their personal experience. practises. with any assurance. LUC JAN BLIT *hosp '^'^^ °^ the tragic aspects of the events that *erp • ^^^ °ow " accused " of Zionist sympathies NEWS FROM EASTERN GERMANY activities ' he has meanwhile escaped from East Berlin. thgj ' "* ^ great number of cases, most violent in According to press reports, measures were inter 'Wtf *°*'"Zionist attitude. Following the old alia taken against the following persons of Jewish Jewish Communal Leaders Flee origin who had held positions in Eastern Germany : Hot „ ^.' Jewish Communists ou the Continent were the author Arnold Zweig was temporarily relieved Among the Jews who fled from Eastern Germany tion-^''^*'^d with disbanding their Jewish affilia- of his presidency of the Academy of Arts ; the to West Berlin are the President of the Jewish tit- >>. but composer Hanns Eisler, a brother of Gerhart Eisler, Communities in East Germany, Julius Meyer, and ')Jfi J actively fought against the continuation and Paul Dessau were strongly criticized for their the Chairmen of the Jewish Communities of Leipzig '»r j/ "^ of Jewish group life, be it as a national " formalistic conception of art." The Information (Helmuth Lohser), Dresden (Leo Loewenkopf) and C, religious entity. Many Jews from the Office, headed by Gerhart Eisler, was dissolved. Erfurt (Guenther Singer). Other leading Jewish onti'Qen t ''**ish'^"-' **P^<^'^'ly those who worked with the communal workers who escaped to West Berlin are The organ of the Communist " Socialist Unity Dr. Grunsfeld (Leipzig), Leo Eisenstaedt, Albert Passj *outh Movement, will still remember the Party " " Neues Deutschland " of January 4 Hirsch {Adviser on Jewish .\ffairs to the East *Wgj^.. ^^ discussions which took place in the attacks two Jewish chief editors in the Eastern German Government). ui- It .'^ °" '•^^ question of " Red .\ssimilation." Zone, Alexander Abusch and Erich Jungmann, and 'n^., . ^^ to the tragedy that one of the countries two prominent non-Jewish Communists Paul Merker and Kurt Mueller. Merker, who was Lest we forget 'Si Ij„ Jews are now persecuted or feel endangered •^a-Stern n recently arrested, is inter alia condemned for having AJR REMEMBRANCE MEETING Posjj., ' 'jermany. For the second time, though advocated restitution and compensation to Jewish on the 20th Anniversary of the "ilsaf , different reasons, this soil has become Nazi victims ; he had done so, the paper says, in ^le 'ofor JewsT„ . the interest of the " .\merican-Finance-Oligarchy " Boycott Day ,, ^nly a f» and of the " Zionist Monopoly Capitalists." The WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 1953 tlleir K- years after the worst catastrophe in Jewish former Chief of President Pieck's Secretariat, Details will be announced in the next issue Leo Zuckermann, is accused by " Die Welt " of ''f a ^ °T. Jews have again become the victims Keep this date free. "°^t cynical policy. January ."i of ha\'ing participated in " Zionist AJR INFORMATION February. 1953 RESTITUTION IN FRENCH ZONE ^ The " Branche Francaise de la Jfwish Tri''^ RESTITUTION NEWS Corporation," which is in charge of the restitut' AUSLANDSBEAMTENGESETZ BUNDESDARLEHEN IN of heirless, unclaimed and communal property^ ^ Fristablauf : 31. Maerz 1953 RUECKERSTATTUNGSSACHEN the French Zone, may submit its claims by •f'*^'„, Wir haben wiederholt ueber das Gesetz zur 19.53. Individual claimants who know of restituti^^ Durch den—noch nicht ratifizierten—Deutsch- claims in the J'rench Zone which so far have " , Kegelung der Wiedergutmachung nationalsoziali­ landvertrag hat sich die Bundesrepublik verp­ stischen Unrechts fuer die im Ausland lebenden been submitted, should get in touch immedi*.^' flichtet, die rueckerstattungsrechtlichen Geldver- with the office of the " Branche Francaise," '^ .".(J .Vngehoerigen des oeffentlichen Dienstes vom bindlichkeiten des Reiches (z. B. fuer konfiszierte 18. Maerz 19.52 berichtet. Nach diesem Gesetz Friedrich Schneider Str. 3, in order to enable n , Lifts) zu erfuellen. Die Einzelheiten sind einer submit the claim before May 1. Particulars a koennen diejenigen \'erfolgten .Vnsprueche geltend bundesgesetzlichen Regelung vorbehalten geblieben. machen, die im oeffentlichen Dienst eine pensitms- evidence should be attached. This will be the' Der Bundesminister der
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