Ann. Geophys., 33, 109–116, 2015 www.ann-geophys.net/33/109/2015/ doi:10.5194/angeo-33-109-2015 © Author(s) 2015. CC Attribution 3.0 License. The extreme solar storm of May 1921: observations and a complex topological model H. Lundstedt1, T. Persson2, and V. Andersson1 1Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF), Lund, Sweden 2Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Lund University, Lund, Sweden Correspondence to: H. Lundstedt ([email protected]) Received: 4 June 2014 – Revised: 19 November 2014 – Accepted: 29 December 2014 – Published: 27 January 2015 Abstract. A complex solid torus model was developed in or- and possible severe geoeffects. Historical records and astro- der to be able to study an extreme solar storm, the so-called nomical observations of solar-type stars also tell us that we “Great Storm” or “New York Railroad Storm” of May 1921, may be exposed to much stronger solar storms in the future. when neither high spatial and time resolution magnetic field Flares up to a thousand times stronger have been observed measurements, solar flare nor coronal mass ejection obser- on a solar-like star (Maehara et al., 2012). It is important vations were available. We suggest that a topological change to have warning of severe/extreme solar storms several days happened in connection with the occurrence of the extreme ahead, far enough in advance to be able to take action. Recent solar storm. The solar storm caused one of the most severe studies of extreme solar storms (Cannon, 2013) suggest that space weather effects ever. they occur much more often than just every 150 years and Keywords. Solar physics astrophysics and astronomy (mag- also that they can occur at any time during the sunspot cycle, netic fields) i.e. not just close to solar maximum; they can occur even dur- ing weak sunspot cycles such as the present solar cycle 24. The most famous extreme solar storm, in September 1859, occurred during a weak cycle. This event, the so-called Car- 1 Introduction rington event, is often used as a measure of the most extreme solar storm and has been called a super solar storm. However, Today’s high-tech society has become very vulnerable to at that time solar magnetic fields were not measured, making strong solar storms, such as coronal mass ejections (CMEs) it difficult to classify as an extreme solar storm (Lundstedt, and solar flares. Fast Earth-directed CMEs may cause se- 2010, 2012). In 1908 George Hale at Mount Wilson (MW) vere geomagnetic storms with large dB=dt variations and Observatory was able to measure the solar magnetic field us- accompanied problems for the power industry (Lundstedt, ing the Zeeman effect, a breakthrough in the search for a pat- 2006). Intense solar flares may cause problems for HF com- tern behind solar activity and solar storms. In this paper we munications and aviation. Sixteen regional warning centres describe an attempt to use changes of the magnetic complex- (RWCs) within the International Space Environment Ser- ity to understand the extreme solar storm of May 1921, the vice (ISES) provide world-wide forecast services of solar first extreme event for which solar magnetic field measure- storms and space weather effects. RWC-Sweden (Swedish ments are available. Space Weather Center) is operated by the Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF), in Lund. We offer warnings and fore- casts based on space- and ground-based observations. Agen- 2 Solar observations cies around the world, among them the Swedish Civil Con- tingencies Agency (MSB), now work together in order to The active region (AR), with Mount Wilson number 1842, prepare for severe space weather effects. However, the latest of May 1921 was observed for the first time on 8 May on research and observations show that we lack the necessary the east limb at 85◦. Since it was already large on 8 May, it knowledge to understand and warn for extreme solar storms must have evolved on the far side of the Sun. It was followed Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union. 110 H. Lundstedt et al.: The extreme solar storm of May 1921 Figure 1. Mount Wilson drawing of active regions occurring on 13 May 1921 at 17:30 UT and to the left, a white-light observation by Royal Greenwich Observatory (RGO) at 09:55 UT. up until 19 May at 61◦ on the west limb. Only the group 3 Terrestrial effects following the Hale polarity law survived to the next rotation and appeared at the centre of the Sun on 10 June (Tamm, Geomagnetic storm activity occurred mainly at about 1922). As can be seen in Fig.1, only one small active region 20:00 UT on 13 May (Royal Greenwich Observatory, 1955), (AR 1844) appeared at the same time. Whether connected at 21:00–24:00 UT on 14 May and at 04:00–06:00 UT on activity took place on the Earth-facing side of the Sun or not 15 May (Silverman and Cliver, 2001). A sudden commence- is hard to tell since the observer focused on AR 1842 (Title, ment (S.C.) and arrival of the first CME occurred at 13:10 UT 2012). on 13 May (Royal Greenwich Observatory, 1955). The next The active region 1842 in 12–16 May 1921 (RGO, 1955; S.C. occurred at 22:20 UT on 14 Ma (Silverman and Cliver, Silverman and Cliver, 2001; Tamm, 1922) showed magnetic 2001) and signalled the arrival of a new CME. The first CME ◦ ◦ complexity (β–γ / and was located between 26 E and 27 W may have cleared the way for the second one in the same longitude at low latitude (Fig.2). The spot group, Greenwich way as occurred in an extreme solar storm on 23 July 2012 number 9334, had a large mean area of 1324 millionths of the (Baker et al., 2013). Interestingly, a value for the rate of Sun’s visible hemisphere. The region 9334 with three large change of the horizontal component of the geomagnetic field sunspots showed large flux changes especially on 12 May, dBh=dt as high as about 5000 nT min−1 has been estimated but fluxes also disappeared and new fluxes emerged on 13 for 14–15 May in Sweden (Kappenman, 2006). At 00:00 UT and 14 May 1921. The observer Eddison Petit at Mount Wil- (02:00 local time) in the morning of 15 May a fire occurred son made a note on the drawing that both H-alpha and K lines in a telegraph station in Karlstad, Sweden (Em, 1921). Au- were bright, i.e. we also had strong solar flares on 12 May. rora was observed as close to the magnetic equator as Samoa We also notice a rotation of both sunspot groups, from hav- (Silverman and Cliver, 2001), making the 1921 event one of ing a line of polarity separation parallel to the equator to one the strongest space weather events ever reported. perpendicular to it. When the large region after 12 May was broken up into two regions, the left started to rotate counter clockwise and the right clockwise. New negative flux was also seen to emerge on 14 May. Mount Wilson measured 4 Complex topological models very strong magnetic flux densities of between C0:34 and −0:35 T (Fig.2). These values have been corrected (Liv- In order to be able to study an extreme solar storm, such ingston et al., 2006) to C0:35 and −0:36 T. We notice that as the one in May 1921, i.e. before high spatial and time- reduction of magnetic complexity took place at the times of resolved vector magnetic field measurements and velocity the solar storms. Interestingly, Schrijver(2009) suggests in measurements existed, we developed a complex torus model. his review that the emergence of twisted flux ropes into pre- The complexity is mathematically produced by an iterative existing strong field plays a critical role for many, if not all, mapping of a torus of magnetic flux tubes (Fig.3). of the active regions that produce M- or X-class flares. As A complex solid torus (Devaney, 2003) model was devel- for the Carrington event, the solar storms 9334 in 1921 oc- oped in order to address three questions: curred during a moderate sunspot cycle and during the de- clining phase of cycle 15. 1. Can parameters describing the complexity be extracted using a solid torus model from a picture of magnetic flux distribution or magnetogram? Ann. Geophys., 33, 109–116, 2015 www.ann-geophys.net/33/109/2015/ H. Lundstedt et al.: The extreme solar storm of May 1921 111 Figure 2. Active region 1842 observed at the Mount Wilson Observatory between 12 and 16 May 1921. V stands for negative magnetic field and R for positive. V25 e.g. corresponds to −0:25 T or corrected −0:24 T (Livingston et al., 2006). Large hatched areas of negative polarity are coloured red. When the large region after 12 May is broken up into two regions, the left starts to rotate counter-clockwise and the right clockwise. New negative flux is also seen to emerge on 14 May. 2. Can the solid torus model be used to reconstruct mag- netograms and also make a study of the evolution of the active regions? 3. Can a probable explanation be found of the extreme so- lar storm of May 1921? Let us start with the first question. Figure 3. A torus T is parameterized with the coordinates (θ;z/ to 4.1 A complex solid torus model of magnetograms and the left and a mapped cross-section is shown to the right.
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