HUN ULLETINe Vol. XXXIII. No. 1 NEW YORK. N. Y., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15. 1943 Price Three Cents WAVES OCCUPY CAMPUS -. .,: . .. J . .. A.; .. : Hail : It is not for mere students to set themselves above :he faculty of Hun- ter College. But at this point we find Hunter College Park. which is now accomplishing that not-too-easy feat. Instead of bemoaning your own fate, you bereft Bronxites, pay tribute to the Park Avenue building, now doing double duty and receiving neither thanks nor appreciation. "Long may she live our college fair." With the Bronx campus now established as the largest Naval Training Station in the United States for WAVES and SPARS, Hunter College has in- stituted numerous curricular and administrative changes. Day sessions now include nine periods, the first one beginning at 8:40 and the ninth ending at 6:00 p.m. Classes will be in continuous session through- out the day with no particular period set aside as lunch hour. Instead, each stu- dent has been asked to arrange her program so as to leave either the third, fourth, or fifth period free for lunch. In addition to the Park Avenue Building, classes will be held at Public School 76 as well as in the Hunter College High School. The Romance lan- guages, German, the Classics, and several speech courses will be given in P. S. 76, whereas .some classes in education, English, music, psychology and physicd education will meet in the high school. To facilitate registration, former Bronx students have been assigned to classes of their own for this semester only. The freshmen and sophomores will continue under the guidance and direction of Dean Ann G. Anthony, formerly of the Bronx; Dean Hannah M. Egan will supervise the juniors and seniors. Miss Margaret Rendt of the Dean's Office, in charge pf freshmen at Park Avenue last semester, will take over at P. S. 76. While these changes were carried out at Hunter College, the Bronx cam- pus welcomed the first group of enlisted applicants yesterday, February 15, with 2000 as the initial number. Hereafter 2000 more WAVE and SPAR candidates will amve every two weeks. Since the given course is of six weeks duration, there will be as many as six thousand attending the school at certain times. Farewell: Housing facilities have been arranged by vacating thirteen apartment houses in Say au revoir instead of goodbye, since Hunter College Bmnx is not a the immediate vicinity of civilian tenants and supplying them with furnishings thing of the past but a thing of the future. "Whm the lights go on again from the former luxury liner "Manhattan" and a few other such vessels, which all over the world," they will shme on hosts of happy Hunterites cutting have been converted into troop transports for the duration qf the war. Student classes to bicycle 'round the campus. hopping cver the worms that come Hall lunchrooms serve as mess hall, the former faculty cafeteria as officers' with April rains, lunchmg on the Cafeteria steps, frolicking on Field Day, and, mess. Gillet and Davis Halls are used for. classroom lectures as usual, the gym- of course, pursuing knowledge. Remember, girls, we did it before and we nasium for body building training and recreational activities such as table te can do it again. nis, badminton and swimming. 61 I Page Two HUNTER BULLETIN Mcnday, February 15, 1943 President Shuster Greets Graduation War-Time Frosh Class Talk by H.Agar Your class enters Hunter in war -- time. Our Gllere has the ereat Heard by 644 Owned and puhli&d weekly. durin. the col\qc ynr. rilb ~bec-rion o1 natio~n smd cumination reeks. by stmdents of Hunter Collcgt. 695 Park A=.. h'cr Yolk City. privilege of being able to xn Enrd n secondclru matter Scplemkr Zj. 1910. st the P-l OGce .I Ncr York. ly in the effort wh ich all AInerica is At tlie commaicement exercises on uadcr the Act of March 3. 1879. making to insure the prexrlration of February 3. at which 644 degrees were frdom We shall be somewrut mom awarded. Herbert Agar delivered the HELENE PETROVITCH Editor-in-Chief crowded than we have bem. Perhaps baccalaureate address on the role of GL0RI.I AGRIN ........................................................................ Managing Editor this or that additional difficulty will civilians di~ringtlie war. RIfOD.4 E. .+LIN Sews Editor arise by reason of shortages. But Sixty-three seniors were gndmted we hzve every mson to believe thaf with honors, and three prizes. were NAOYIEVELYN HOROWITZ GORDON COW Editors - -- - although a number of our tacl1ers hav1c awarded to the members of the class ALlI.+ MAYTESE .... Club Editor gone into the Anny and Navy or intt> of February 1943. All but six of the Government offices, your Iduatio~ 1 gnduata rmi\.ed the degree of Bach- Editorial Board: Sonia Charif. Deborah Friednun. Jlinnie Riback. June will be just as high a degree or ex- elor of Arts. Four degrees of Master Schwartq En Schwan, Fkmice Silvennan. Harriet Waltzer. ccllence as Hunter tnming has trad- of AN wm awarded. and ha0 of Rcpmters: Elernor Bnis, Alberta Bell. Alice Dclnnn. Shirlq Didstan, itionally bmr. We think also that Bachelor of Scimcc. Gnce Gauen. Diana hr,Phoebe Lopatin, Irene Rcgmstreif, Jacqueline you will find friendship and compan- Dr. Agar, who recently returned Stem, Frances Tabachuick, Ruth Tati. ionship. The Gllege has no other from Europe, urged that the people wish than to serve YOU. May I hop of America make to the people of Cnb Repwfns: Lillian &tar. Helm Kenm Chin. Denise Fwd- Adde that you will enter quickly and deeply Europe adAsia a few fundamah; Gottdicncr. Naomi Grossbein. Son& Grossman, Dorothy Hogan. Natalie Jacob- into the life of the institution and that promiss The continuance of lmd- son. Miduela Kilmartin. Janim Kmnm. Edith Kmgly, Flormce Rownberg. you will find us helpful teachers and laxad tndc traties must be -g Sonia Roxnzweig. Pauline Schwarz. guider those promises, Dr. Agar dedarcd. Gcorge N. Shwrttr. President TESSIE HOFFMAN Business Manager It is the job of those at home, he JEASETTE WElSS __-_--.--..-----.--- Circulation hkmger pointed out, to nuke the war worth winning, while thox who are fighting VoL. XXXIII Monday. Pebmary 15. 1943 No. 1 Helen Baldwin of History Department xe that it is won. After an invocation by- the Right Dies After Protracted Illness Revermd William A. Scullv.-. LLD. secretary of education of the Arch- It nu with deep regret that the col- Bronx-Park Unity at Last diocese of New York, President Shus- lege lamed of the death of Professor ter conferred degrees on the candi- With the desired unity between the Bronx and Hunter Celebrates long Park Helm Baldwin on January 18, 1943. dates, presented by Dan Eleanor H. after an illness of some weeks. A buildings now a physical reality, many changes, some desirable, a Grady. member of the Department of History College Birthday few regrettable, will noticeably affect the college life of the Hunter- since 1925, Professor Baldwin will luig Four members of the class graduated surrrnra r~rrrrIuudc. They were Brnida ite. She will no longer enjoy the semi-annual BULLETINpleas for be remembered as an inspiring teacher. With United Spirit Professor Baldwin was born in Sew Landown, who was graduated in Scp- cooperation between the buildings, the dancing the green and .4long with all tin other swcct re- or on York City and was graduated from tmber, Grace C. Spies, Ruth Edith mi~idcrsthat St. Valentine Days im- gaping at athletic instructors' exertions synononious with Field Day, Barnard College in 1921. She con- Taylor and Sonia Yudko. The grad- part. 1:cbruary 14. 1943 ~ttarkcd the tinued her studies at Cnlun~bia Uni- uates nogltn rurrt krrdr are Shirley or the malicious pleasure Bronxites derived in describing spring on scvcnty-tliircl hirtlxlay of Iltnrtcr GI- vnsity receivit~gtlie degree of .\laster Hroyard. Hilde Hnfma~~nI'reud. Ruth Icgc. the Bronx campus to their less fortunate cottfreres. The sunken of Arts in 3922. and of Doctor of li. tio~tigslxrg. Hilda A. Lefkowitz. The occasi~n~(.ttore gala than ever ;\lice l.e\.ine. Alae Kci~ter,Ruth Ro- garden will be assigned to a dusty corner in Hunter tradition to he Philosophy in 1930. She taught at St. Joseph's College from 1923 to this ?-car. sitre the ctltire stuclcttt My senhaum. Claire Louise Shwarz and finally forgotten along with bicycle rides arocttid the campus, the is Iocatr-tl witl~itta radius of a block Fay Str~uCl;."r. rift" eirls eracl- ....... I924 and kame an instrt~rtnr21 Illan- .- - - lller Hall niursl, ...,d the amazed atid sl~ghtlyconfused expressions ter College ill 1925. Professor Halcl- or so) will Ix celehratctl :tt a frstive uatctl rlrnr 1~11ldr.. oti the faces of Bronxites entering the Park Avenue b~tiltlingfor the win was pron~otnlto the rank of as- birthclay chapel 0.1 Wednesday. Three prizes were awarded to meni- first time. sistant professor in 1932. Slie was the One of the traditions i~rspirdhy krs of the class. Shirley Wool re- author of "A Survey of the Manor of Hiinter's past birthdays is the college ceived the Uusiness Economics club But all this is unimportant when contrasted with the greater Wye," a volnme in the Columbi Uai- birthday song - the first stanza of prize; the Farth Science club prize good deri\.etl from surrendering the uptown buildings to the WAVES i.crsity Studies, and was a contributor which follows, for the henefit oi the was awarded to Marie Bohrn; and to the Anrrriro~~Hirto~ral Review and uninformed : Hererly Fox received the Home Eyn- and SPARS.
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