www.earlyfordv8victoria.com P.O. Box 53517 Broadmead RPO Victoria, British Columbia V8X 5K2 Say hello to our own Jack Stidson. The handsome one on the left. Page | 1 January 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. Minutes January 2016 regular meeting 2. Member Profile / Around the island. 3. Club news – updates, breaking news & old news. 4. Tech talk – V8 members input, Q&A. 5. Photos – special interest. 6. Buy & sell – parts, restorations, collections etc. 7. Committees – contacts, functions, updates, help. 8. Fun page – could be anything – members contributing. 9. Miscellaneous – news and other interests. We gratefully welcome contributions from EFV8 members and associates for inclusion in the Rumbles Newsletter. Page | 2 January 2016 Position Name Telephone email President TBA V President Bill 250 656 7029 [email protected] Pritchard Treasurer Jim 250 477 5594 [email protected] Jennings Secretary Chris 250 595 0312 [email protected] Chown Fraser Kaye 250 514 8529 [email protected] Directors Dennis 250 478 6440 d&[email protected] Mounce Lauri 250 478 7565 [email protected] Stevens Page | 3 January 2016 MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 12TH, 2016 Opening. The regular meeting of the Early Ford V8 Club, R.G. #109, was called to order at 7:35 PM on January 12th 2016 by Vice President Bill Pritchard. Members Present: Lauri Stevens, Bruce Somers, Murray Anderson, Bob Mortimer, Mike Mortimer, Norrie Spencer, Tony Cond, Dave Pemberton, Reg Ash, Vic Nordstrom, Jim Jennings, Chris Chown, Bill Pritchard, Rae Robirtis, Steve Butler, Don Landels, Steve Gordon, Rob & Donna Bada, Dave Wallace, Jack Stidson, Reg Ash, Marc Brown, Gary Clarke. Vice President Bill Pritchard introduced New Member Jim Banks. Jim and his wife, Patricia have recently relocated to Victoria from Surrey B.C. He is the proud owner of a 50 Meteor 4dr. custom sedan. Welcome aboard Jim and Patricia. Meeting agenda distributed for all attendees. Minutes from November 10th, 2015 regular club meeting Unanimously approved as distributed in the November Rumbles Newsletter. Committee Reports/ business arising from the minutes. Dave Wallace extended thanks and appreciation to all members contributing efforts for the “Christmas in the Village” exhibits at Heritage Acres. Reports that attendance was down this year, primarily due to poor weather. Several members expressed appreciation and favorable comments related to the annual Christmas Dinner held at the Royal Oak Golf Club on Dec 4th. Both Anna Meyer and Steve Butler were acknowledged as doing a fine job once again. A total of $248.70 in donations collected at this event has been passed on the Salvation Army Christmas Fund. Regalia: Reg Ash informed the membership that there are new issue Tee shirts available in most sizes. Reg also introduced a new fleece vest for $48.00 and ball caps for $24 and a Polo shirt for $38.00. All items would display the EFV8 club logo and are available on a small quantity basis. ACTION: Reg will investigate alternate items and report findings at Feb meeting. Page | 4 January 2016 EFV8 club name tags are available through Jim Jennings. Free to new members, and a modest charge for replacement issue. Show & Shine 2016. Bruce Somers reports progress on several fronts connected to the 2016 show, a search is underway to establish some new major sponsors. Show date is registered for July 17th. All members are requested to contact Bruce or Lauri with ideas and suggestions for likely new candidates willing to join in as major sponsors. Shop Tours: Gary Clarke reported very positive feedback related to the Gord Martman tour held on December 12th. All reports indicate an excellent attendance with both members and guests. Probably one of the best tours in recent memory. ACTION: Group discussion agreed that the EFV8 club should establish a way to state our appreciation to anyone kind enough to host a shop tour. Several suggestions were put forward for consideration. Gary was “encouraged” to investigate options and report back to membership when a review is complete. Please contact Gary directly if you have any ideas, suggestions or experience along these lines. Your help is appreciated!! Gary is currently seeking new opportunities for club tours with John King and others. Please let Gary know if you have any ideas or potential hosts. Camosun Auto Shop Tour: Tony Cond has been in contact with Camosun College attempting to establish a date for an auto shop tour. Still waiting for a response or options. ACTION: Tony will continue his efforts to determine possible dates. Membership: Current membership for 2016 is being finalized. Registrations for paid up members and a new club roster will be confirmed for the February meeting. Please contact Marc Brown or Louise Smith for information updates. Treasurers Report: Jim Jennings reports a positive balance as of December 31st 2015. The EFV8 club 109 has no outstanding payables and a small amount of outstanding receivables as of December 31. Should you wish to have full details please contact Jim directly. Please note that membership dues are required no later than January 31st, 2016. Annual fees are $25.00 for EFV8 national members and $30.00 for non- national members. Page | 5 January 2016 New Business: Bill Pritchard tabled a letter from Bob Malley, President of The Early Ford V-8 Foundation & Museum, seeking RG 109 members to join the foundation and to help them raise funds for the upcoming expansion of their museum in Auburn Indiana. A “Buy the Foot” campaign for donations of $150.00 USD per sq.ft. for the new expansion of 8,700 sq.ft. is the target. Full details are available on line at www.fordv8foundation.org or call direct 260 927 8022. A request for EFV8 club involvement in the “Rock & Roll for Little Souls” 3 day event in May 2016 was put forward by Bill Pritchard. The hope is for EFV8 club members to display their collectible autos. This event is connected to the Saanich Firefighters Burn Unit. The club is requested to show about 6 to 8 vehicles over the 3 days. More information is available from Bill Pritchard or by visiting www.rockforlittlesouls.com ACTION: Bill Pritchard is to discover more information and report in February. Bill Pritchard reported that the EFV8 is required to pay a $25.00 registration fee to the BC registry for non-profit organizations. Noted that we are obliged to pay this fee annually. ACTION: Jim Jennings to issue payment and review details with Bill P. The National Association of Automobile Clubs of Canada annual membership dues for EFV8 #109 are now due. Information at www.naacc.ca. MOTION: To pay annual dues for 2016 to NAACC in full. Motion by Norrie Spencer, Second by Bob Mortimer. Carried, Unanimous. ACTION: Jim Jennings to prepare and execute payment immediately. ACTION: Executive is to provide full information about insurance coverage for the EFV8 109 at the next meeting. Contact with John Carlson for details. Suggested that the EFV8 club upgrade our website to include a member’s only port. This would be used to post members only information, communiques as well as meeting minutes and the Rumbles Newsletter. Rae Robirtis provided excellent insight about various risks involved in publishing certain types of information on the website for public viewing. Thank you Rae for such valuable input. ACTION: Chris Chown & Bill Pritchard are to investigate options. Our search for candidates for President of EFV8 #109 continues. A close off date to finalize is set as January 31st, 2016. ACTION: All club members are encouraged to nominate any member they consider acceptable for the position. All nominations are to be sent to the current executive prior to the end of January. Final selection will be announced at the February meeting. Page | 6 January 2016 A wide ranging discussion on club dues structure has resulted in a good format to simplify the slight confusion about national members and non-national members. MOTION: To revise annual dues to $35.00 for non-national members and $25.00 for national members. Effective January 1st 2017. Moved by Tony Cond, second by Marc Brown. Carried. Unanimous. Tech Talk: Marc Brown is searching for a tool or instrument that could be used to remove the Fuel Pump Push Rod Bushing. Please call Marc if you can help. Norrie Spencer has informed us of recent changes to the ethanol content in many types of gasoline. It should be recognized that using fuel that has an ethanol additive can cause considerable problems with older version gasoline engines. Specifically if such engines use rubber fuel lines. Ethanol can cause deterioration in the rubber with the debris disrupting fuel combustion efficiency. Chris Chown received lots of good advice on the best way to lift the crankshaft out of his flattie. Thanks for the help. Additional information: Dave Wallace is the lucky winner of this month’s 50/50 draw. He says first time ever!! Powerball is next. The next regular club meeting will be held on Tuesday February 9th at 7:30 PM. Location is The Well in Central Saanich. See you there. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 PM. by Tony Cond, second by Murray Anderson. Minutes prepared by: Chris Chown January 14, 2016 Minutes approved by: Bill Pritchard January 14, 2016 Page | 7 January 2016 Early Ford V8 Club R.G. #109 Victoria, British Columbia 2016 Club Agenda & Events ACTIVITY AGENDA – January through December December 19 Gord Martman Garage tour. January 12 Regular Club Meeting – at The Well. February 9 Regular Club Meeting – at The Well March 8 Regular Club Meeting – at The Well April 12 May 10 June 14 July 17 Fords & Friends Annual Car Show August Club BBQ. Date and location TBA.
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