R=HOW TO «T THE IIADER ^ Just Fill in the Form On Page 5 And Return It to Us! —Serving the Town Since 1890 tire Thursday* May 13,1993 232-4407 FORTV CENTS TOWW COUNCIL MEMBERS SPUT ON HOW EXTENSIVE IT SHOULD BECOME Ban on Skateboarding and Rollerblading Introduced for Municipal Parking Lots Subdivision of Dunham Avenue Site for Single-Family Homes, Senior Housing Pack Gain Approval; Budget Adopted Is 5 Per Cent Higher Than That of Last Year; Trash Noise Rules Discussed ROBERT R. FASZCZKWSKI Fourth Ward Councilman James the measure proposed by the Fourth would encourage their use in other , Wntu*f Hcly. however, said since most of the Ward representative which would lots, and thus cause a liability prob- The youngatTucsday night's Town complaints about rollerblading and limit the ban to the station lots. lem for the town. Council meeting on an ordinance to skateboarding concern the parking Councilman Greco said although The amendment failed, with only regulate skateboarding and lots on liie northside and soulhside of he would like to sec the ban extended Councilmcn Hely and Greco and rollerblading in municipal parking the Wcslficld Railroad station, the even further to include sidewalks in Second Ward Councilman, Mrs. lots was as uncertain as a schedule or bans only should be put in place in the central busincssdistricilhat action Margaret C. Sur, voting for it. 1 those areas. could not be la ken u nder the proposed When the original ordinance first TOURGUIDKS...Th«Wumiin SClubMaylSHouSeT«urcomrtillt«em«Uttli* narkfno hrMJllShkMUrllnllrtllf« partU"8 "I can support doing this because ordinance and he thought something came up for introduction,however, it we arc trying to keep the downtown should be done tostop the "invasion failed becauscof a4-4 votes— Mayor mr^..K AL At • . ~t .• ,,u udc.i plant Mile and a 50/50 rattle. Tickets lor SIHareavulliibleal the Central viable and activc,"Councilman Holy of the railroad station lots by GarlandC. "Bud" Boothc, Jr. was not Asproposcdforinlroducuonauhc rollcrbladers all day long. linty Hunk, Laniiisier Lid., The Musk S»aJT, Kord«n Really and The Town meeting, the ordinance would ban said,"but I don'tsccanything wrung at Tuesday's meeting. llook Slore or by Itkphiuilnx 333-7160 or 233-77H7. Shown, fen to right, tare: the use of the devices in all parking with rollerblading downtown (o get Both First Ward Councilman An- Councilman Hely, who at first voted Staled, Mn. Durothy llukurl, Mrs. Kav Hulse und Mrs. Sully Brown; standing, lots owned by the lowncxccpl the lot an ice cream." thony M. LaPorta and Third Ward against the ordinance, asked for re- Mr*. Murjurle Wlestmiin, Mrs. Nltu ViiHunh, Mrs. Rosa Kynes, Mrs. Ruth First Ward Councilman Norman Councilman Gary G. Jenkins felt On WaUcrson Slrcct, and il would consideration of the measure so it Kgntr, Mm. Myrll* Ottwon, Mrs. J«un Jon«s, Mrs. Dee Hobirison and Mrs. N. Greco seconded an amendment to banning the devices in only two lots ¥ny* DtGulT. Nut shewn ure Mrs. Murle Durne, Mrs. Nlnu l-oley and Mrs. havc assessed fines or$IOO to $200 Shftdtlett, for each violation DEADLINES HELP Tax Credits Offered School Board Okays Appointment LEADER SERVE YOU Those preparing press releases for submission lo The Westfield Leader To Stimulate Employment arcrcmindixl all copy should be in the Of 541 Members of Its Staff hands of die Editor at 50 Elm Struct, Wcslficld, by 4 p.m., on Ihc Friday Elimination of Business Property Levy Also Considered before the Thursday on which lhey Along With Accelerated Federal Depreciation System Of the Total, 398 Are Covered by the Tenure Regulations of New Jersey, wish it to appear. Seventy-two Are Non-Tenured and 7/ Don't Fall Within the Purview of the Law For events which happen the week- A number of pieces of Legislation dislribution,warehousing,service and end prior lo publication, pressreleases designed to increase employment retail businesses which make invest- should reach Ihe Editor by Monday of opportunity in New Jersey are ex- ments to create jobs, Senator By TUCKKK TRIMBLE Under this law, starting teachers personnel and 48 custodial and the week of publication at 10 a.m. itt Wriun/<*Tk4 Wt.f.-UUa.i arc offered a onc-ycar contract that maintenance staff. pected to be introduced shortly by the DiFranccsco said. Obituaries will be tukcrt until Tues- Republican-controlled Legislature. The Wesificld Board of Education can he renewed each year up lo three Due to reduction in staff, nine day at 5 p.m According to the Senator, such approved the appointment of 541 full- years, Or. Smith explained, [caching staff members were not of- For events which areplanncd weeks Of particular interest is a bill that businesses invest about $1.5 billion lime and part-time school stuff If these ihrce probationary years fered contracts. or months in advance, we encourage would allow for tax incentives for annually in the stale's economy. members for the 1993-1994 academic arc completed satisfactorily, he con- Havingiaughlin Wcslficld forIhicc submission of stories as early as pos- business investments ihalcrcatcjobs, The legislative majority wants to yew in a special meeting Tuesday tinued, ihc teacher is offered a con- years and having received positive sible prior lo the event. reports Senate President Donald T. add to that total by offering credit night. tinuing contract, or tenure, that be- evaluations, 16 faculty members will The uhovc dcudlines arc mean! to DiFranccsco, who represents West- againsicorporatc business taxes and, enable 4s to prepare your copy care- field. in some instances, property luxes, for "The special meeting was ncccs- comes effectivcon (he I'irstdayof the receive a fourth-year contract thai fully. 1 sary,"Supcrinlen<lcntot Schools, Dr. fourth year. will make them eligible under the The proposal would provide a tax _ ^suclynvesiments as the diiwt own-, Mark C. Smith, told The WestfiM After receiving lenuru, a teacher state taw for tenure when they begin credit lo manufacturing, wholesale-" "crsfijp'or fc8smg"6r6uil9ing$*or in-' £*Kter,"bccausc llicsc actions had to only can bedismissed by due process the l'J°3-1994 academic year. vestments in building components, equipment or capiiatizcdstartupcosts be taken by May IS, in accordance or for behavioral misdeeds, Dr. Smith School Board President, Mrs. Su- with stale laws." concluded. Twenty-seven Juniors for new or expanded facilities, the san H.Pcpper, told theboard,"siafling lawmaker noted. Of the 54 J appointments, 398 are The full-time and part-time posi- decisions arc based on projected tenured staff members, 72 arc nun- tions include 377 faculty members, student enrollment needs, including Normally.only lOpcrceniof these tenured, and 71 do not full under the 35 administrators, supervisors and the number of elementary students 'High Scorers' in Merit Test investments result in the creation of state's tenure law. department hcnils, 23 aids, 58 office and the number andcourscs selected jobs, he added. by secondary students, on financial Nine Per Cent of Class Achieve Special Recognition The state would not assume the resources, on staff evaluations and cost of the program until after fiscal on state luws regarding tenure and Twenty-seven juniorsal WcslfieId MlehMl OMIKO Marti N«plorko*lkl year 1994,Senator DiFranccsco said. Another measure which the Senate Republicans Again Seek seniority," High School scored so well on ihc Philip D«Ro«t Llndtty Htftx Preliminary Scholastic AptiliidcTcsts Glenn GutUrmin Gtoffny North will be forwarding to the Assembly, emmuamnutu Jcnathin K9Kk N. OomlrtlfliM Plcou he noted, is a bill which provides for in October havc been designated as Hel«n Johnion Philip DoUnton FORMER RESIDENT "high scorers" by Ihe National Mcril Mtgan Joyc« Jainni Hull ihc elimination of ihe business per- Removal of Mr. Pappas Scholarship Program. Amimit Kong NMI 3hirm« sonal property tax, which would JERSEY CITY MAYOR TIKSC 27 high scorers represent Rlchud Knlro SlipNnlt Snltow benefit businesses which havc been Some Leaders Think He Would Hurt County Ticket nine per cent of the junior class, As Mirytnn Lt« Brani Sonmk'Schmtlz operating in ihc Garden Slate for many Former Wesifield resident Bret TMIana Mtnlnt Cre(W Wdnir years. liecause of Lawsuit Filed Against the Freeholders Schundler was elected last No- high scorers, they may participate in Oanlil Wiilockl the 1994 Merit Prog/iim's college Although the tax was scheduled to vember to fill the unexpired term havebccnphasedoutslartingin 1976, A group of Union County Repub- II is not dear how much support of Democratic Jersey City Mayor plans reporting service in which ihc lican leaders recently met will) the (hat effort obiU students can be referred lo iwo col- Spaces Available muchofthcrnachincryandcquipmcm Gerald McCann, who was con- still found on ihe state's tax rolls arc party's county Chairman Frank X. Suinc of ilii; leaders fear Mr. victed of fraud, and at that time leges or universities in which they McDcrnuKl of Wcslficld and ru- arc especially interested. At Two Girl Scouts held for business use and therefore Pappns' Inwsuii against the toimty becamethefirst Republican Mayor considered taxable.thcSenatcrnrjlcd. (jucsLcd him to remove Springfield will iiitikc the I'ruL'holdcr ticket an of the city in 76 years. Only 50,000 students, out of more Summer Camps The final measure would permit Township Cuininiliccnuii) Hairy P. easy liirnci fur the Democrais in this On Tuesday, he added to his ihiiii ix million who took lire test in Washgton Rock Girl Scout Coun- Psippas from ilicballoiiisa Republican year's General lllcelion. October, qualify iw high scorers. ihc slate, like all other states except political fortunes by overwhelm- cil still has openings at both its day California, to use the federal depre- onjsini/.ulioiicandidate for Freeholder Tito Commiticcniun, a former ingly winninga full, four-year term Scmil'innli.sls in ihc National Merit and resident summer camps.
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