BRUNSWICK TOWN COUNCIL REVISED Agenda November 18, 2019 Regular Meeting – 6:30 P.M. Executive session following business meeting Council Chambers Town Hall 85 Union Street Roll Call of Members/Acknowledgement Notice Pledge of Allegiance Adjustments to Agenda Public Comments/Announcements (for items not on the agenda) MANAGER’S REPORT a) Financial Update b) Holiday Trash Pick-up/Graham Road Landfill Hours c) Update on asylum seekers d) Charging Station e) Pleasant/Mill/Stanwood Intersection PUBLIC HEARING 156. The Town Council will hear public comments on an application for a special amusement license, and will take any appropriate action. (Town Manager Eldridge) Special Amusement Aki, LLC Tina & Laura Cigri/V. Ly D/B/A: Aki Japanese Cuisine 94 Maine Street HEARING/ACTION 157. The Town Council will consider proposed amendments to the parking ordinance Chapter 15 – Traffic and Vehicles, and will take any appropriate action. (Police Department) HEARING/ACTION 158. The Town Council will consider “An Ordinance Establishing the Compensation of the Town Council of the Town of Brunswick, Maine”, and will take any appropriate action. (Councilor Jane Millett) HEARING/ACTION 1 NEW BUSINESS 159. The Town Council will consider a request from Steve Levesque, Executive Director of the Midcoast Regional Redevelopment Authority, for Tax Increment Financing (TIF) funds in the amount of $692,900, and will take any appropriate action. (Town Manager Eldridge) ACTION 160. The Town Council will hear a presentation and recommendations for the relocation of the Farmer’s Market from Tom Farrell, Parks & Recreation Director, and staff members of the Brunswick Farmers Market Site Investigation Workgroup, and will take any appropriate action. (Town Manager Eldridge) ACTION 161. The Town Council will consider setting a public hearing for December 2, 2019, on proposed zoning ordinance text amendments regarding marijuana use definitions, established in Section 1.7.2 – Definitions, and minor changes to business licensing provisions in Chapter 10, Sec. 10-26 – Licensing, and in the Master Schedule of Revenues, Charges, Fees and Fines, to clarify and to be more consistent with the State definitions, and will take any appropriate action. (Town Manager Eldridge) ACTION 162. The Town Council will receive proposed updates to the Village Review Overlay District Design Guidelines, and will take any appropriate action. (Town Manager Eldridge) ACTION CORRESPONDENCE/COMMITTEE REPORTS CONSENT AGENDA a) Approval of the minutes of November 4, 2019 b) Approval of a “Small Business Saturday” Proclamation EXECUTIVE SESSION Executive session to discuss acquisition of real property per 1 M.R.S.A. §405(6)(C) INDIVIDUALS NEEDING AUXILIARY AIDS FOR EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION SHOULD CONTACT THE TOWN MANAGER’S OFFICE AT 725-6659 (TDD 725-5521) To email Town Council: [email protected] 2 Brunswick Town Council Agenda November 18, 2019 Council Notes and Suggested Motions MANAGER’S REPORT A memo from the Manager addressing items in the manager’s report is included in your packet. a) Financial Update: Copies of the financial reports are included in your packet. b) Holiday Trash Pick-up/Graham Road Landfill Hours: There will be no curbside collection on Thanksgiving Day, November 28th, but there will be a make-up collection on Saturday, November 30th for those who normally have the Thursday pickup. Friday’s trash and recycling route will be picked up as usual. The landfill will be closed on Thursday and Friday, November 28th and 29th, but will be open on Saturday, November 30th. c) Update on asylum seekers: A meeting including town staff, Nsiona Nguizani, Cultural Broker, and leaders of support organizations was held on November 7, 2019, at the Town Hall. Town Manager Eldridge will give this update. d) Charging Station: Town Manager Eldridge will provide this update. e) Pleasant/Mill/Stanwood Intersection: Town Manager Eldridge will provide this update. PUBLIC HEARING 156. Notes: The Town Council will consider approving a Special Amusement license application for Aki, LLC Cuisine, 94 Maine Street. Aki is requesting a DJ and dancing downstairs from 10:00 pm to 12:30 am on Fridays and Saturdays. A copy of the public hearing notice and the application are included in the packet. Suggested Motion: Motion to approve a Special Amusement license for Aki, LLC, 94 Maine Street. 157. Notes: The Brunswick Police Department is requesting a number of proposed parking ordinance changes, which are detailed in a memo from Commander Mark Waltz, and is asking the Town Council to set a public hearing for the proposed changes on November 18, 2019. The majority of the changes deal with traffic hazards of narrow streets, limits to parking time, site line hindrance and heavy pedestrian volume. Staff recommends that the imposition of a 2-hour limit on Noble Street be removed from the changes proposed by the Police Department. A copy of a memo from Commander Waltz and the proposed ordinance revisions to Chapter 15 – Traffic and Vehicles are included in the packet. Option for the Council if they choose to vote this evening - suggested motion: Motion to suspend the Council Rules to allow the Council to vote on this item at this meeting. Suggested Motion: Motion to adopt Brunswick Police Department’s proposed parking changes to Chapter 15 – Traffic and Vehicles Ordinances, excluding the proposed imposition of a 2-hour limit on Noble Street. 3 158. Notes: The Town Council’s annual compensation has not been adjusted since 1980, and since that time wages and prices have increased substantially. The current annual compensation for councilors is $2,000 for each member and $2,500 for the Council chair, and the suggested compensation is $4,000 per councilor, with $4,500 for the vice chair and $5,000 for the chair. Section 208 (a) of the Town Charter provides that the Council may determine its compensation by ordinance, but the new level of compensation shall apply to the Council in office as of the first Monday in January, 2020. A public hearing was held on November 4, 2019, and tonight the Council may vote. A copy of the ordinance, a pay survey, minutes from November 29, 1979 regarding compensation and pay rate, and the pay inflation rate are included in the packet. Suggested Motion: Motion to adopt “An Ordinance Establishing the Compensation of the Town Council of the Town of Brunswick, Maine”, in the amount of $4,000 per councilor, with $4,500 for the Council Vice Chair and $5,000 for the Council Chair, effective for the council in place as of January 1, 2020. NEW BUSINESS 159. Notes: The Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Committee met on November 7, 2019, and reviewed the Midcoast Regional Redevelopment Authority’s (MRRA) request and the proposed uses for the funds. The Committee supported the request and recommended that the Town Council approve MRRA’s request for FY 2020 funding at $692,900. A copy of MRRA’s request for funding and a proposed resolution to authorize the appropriation and payment of TIF revenues to MRRA are included in the packet. Suggested Motion: Motion to approve TIF funds for MRRA, consistent with the provisions of the development program and financing mechanisms of the tax increment financing programs, in the amount of $692,900 to support MRRA’s 2020 Capital Improvement Budget. 160. Notes: During the past year, a workgroup comprised of town staff, the Brunswick Farmers Market Association (BFMA) President, the Brunswick Downtown Association Executive Director and the District 6 Councilor has been investigating options for relocating the market for the 2020 season. A public meeting was held on July 25, 2019, with abutting property owners invited to hear an update and provide feedback on the options investigated. The recommendation of the Farmers Market Site Investigation Workgroup is to relocate the Farmers Market along Lower Park Row, and make Park Row a one-way street running north to south. Copies of a memo from Tom Farrell, Director of Parks and Recreation, the PowerPoint presentation, the letter to the abutters inviting them to the public meeting, and the comments received at the public meeting and by email are included in the packet. Suggested motions on the next page 4 Suggested Motion 1: Motion to direct staff to develop ordinance language and a project budget to implement the Park Row option, and set a public hearing to hear comments on the project. OR Suggested Motion 2: Motion to direct staff to develop ordinance language and a project budget to implement the Mall Hardscape option and to set a public hearing to hear comments on the project. 161. Notes: The Town Council is asked to set a public hearing for December 2, 2019, for the final adoption of the proposed Zoning Ordinance text amendments. The Town Council forwarded the proposed amendments to the Planning Board for review and public hearing on September 3, 2019. The amendments pertain to existing marijuana use definitions established in Section 1.7.2 – Definitions, and the purpose was to provide clarity to the Zoning Ordinance and to keep the Zoning Ordinance current with State legislation. The Planning Board held a public hearing on October 22, 2019, at which there was no public comment, and the Planning Board recommended approval of the Zoning Ordinance text amendments as proposed. There are also minor changes in Chapter 10, Sect. 10-26 – Licensing and in Appendix B – Master Schedule of Revenues, Charges, Fees and Fines. A copy of a memo from Matt Panfil, Director of Planning and Development, LD 1129 – An Act To Clarify Certain Provisions of the Maine Medical Use of Marijuana Act, and the proposed changes to Chapter 10 of the Marijuana Licensing ordinance are included in the packet. Suggested Motion: Motion to set a public hearing for December 2, 2019, for final adoption of the proposed Zoning Ordinance text amendments pertaining to existing marijuana use definitions established in Section 1.7.2 – Definitions, changes to Chapter 10, Sect.
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