ull Local Coverage Complete Newt, Pictures Newspaper Devoted Presented Fairly, dearly And Impartially Each Wr<»k |hc Community Interurt Snbepentient - leaber PRICE FIVK CENTS ;iS SIM nil'l ''1,193 WOODHHIiXiK. N. J , THURSDAY, JUNK 7, 1951 N J, actuation At Testimonial Dinner for Monsignor McCorristin StfltP f^alift fnr •m ulalc bid; Topic • i ii inn mmmm IT im •••••• MIIIII— \jailO LKJl Music' Application, Hearing •*a „ M.T Received •)•£', in KxerciscB " ,n| in Stadium On High School Plans ,||)(if: -- "MUSiC" Wft: ( me sixty-fifth an- ,',,-,'mpnt exercises of Two Youths, Who Stole Car Here, Boaid is Mum inch School at the ,,, 'IlUnt When 223 ,.,,,! diplomas. Nabbed as Wreck Climaxes Chase Oh Plea Other ,,.,,; wore suns hy the ,,,,;,linK "qde to Amer- WOODBRIDGE—Two Perth Amboy youths, one of whom j StUUY l)t* Mticlc* '.',,,, Your'SonW" ««« escaped froiti the State Home for Boys in Jamesbiirg, Moli- » J (••,nl" • , day, are still being questioned by local police this morning WOODBRIDGE-"A oompirtc set ;,,..,s of welcome, Ken- lifter they miraculously escaped injury yesterday when a;of new dnUt ami 1U1 :,ddu,ional ,';. [,on said In part; large car they had stolon from a local auto dealer over- stlll remain to be com- fc A,)• music is the theme of th hd tl f ll t dl e turned after a hectic chase near Freehold, pleted before the Board of EducR- 'mirement exercises. tion learns whether its $3,000,000 „.,.,, denned as ft pleas- The two ore Anthony Luqualta. - "~ 14 Merldlth Street, escapee, and liiKh school plans will be approved ,„ of harmonious Fucing Trial hy State authorities ln Trenton. '." isic Is something Charles Johnson. 17. 344 High im Street. The former escaped from All application formf.. contain- ,;;,, it Is a metns of inn voluminous detail, which were ,.'„! Each composition, the home with three other boys, Knight; Grand Knight Edward S. Leonard, Rev. Joseph McCor- all of whom have records us car ' .submitted to the State on the basis , i,;,liad. hymn, waltz, Above is the head table at the surprise testimonial dinner given risMn, Charles K. firegory, Thomas tlcltr.man. Muster of the Fourth thieves. Laqualid despite his youth of n $2,000,000 project, must now ; ii:i, march, no mat- Tuesday at the Pines for lit. Rev. MSRI-. Charles G. McCorristin. I IK1 corrected ln the Huht of the | or form, expmses Left to right are Harry F. Burke, Vrry Rev. Msjr. .lamen Foley. Degree, South Jersey, and Joseph O'l.enrV Master of the Fourth told police he has been wrested in ;lll Maryland. Delaware and Pennsyl- ; Increased wtimate. When these ,„.; feelings of the com- Thomas Barry, Stale secretary, Knights of Columbus; Rev. Thoirias Degree, North Jersey. Mayor August F. Greiner was railed away forms arc ready, the State Com- t v]n» of musical ar- Carney, Msjr. McCorristin. guest of honor; Rt. Rev. Msgr. Michael vania and ln New Brunswick, en Township business, just before the photograph was taken. Perth Amboy and in Woodbridiie i mlssioner of Education will con- , ,,n lje classified Into McCorristin, at the microphone; David F. Ofrity. Paul Grand duct another hearing al w.hic,h ,,iv. each division con- for various complaints includii\K ; breaking and entering and lar- | municipal officials. Township resi- .i,;-; expression of his 9 dents and the Bonril will be heaud. ceny, He also said he had been •;r SOURS, for example Critically Injured Tribute Paidto St. James Pastor ^atcr Co. to Talk ! Il is expected that at Idist three ,;,,„, love for his coun- I over to New York since his escape vecks will be required for J. H. \ mns show man's feel- "and had grabbed several pocket- Thayer Martin, Board attorney, to To write a Cop Gains Slightly On 40th Ordination Anniversary j Keasbey Lines Buy books." duplicate his original application . i however, the com- , , ...- , Madison Township police snid (iiitn. Siil./.v a definite pat- J WOODBRIDGE—Rt. Rev. Msgr. OharlftChl s G. McCorristinMcCorristin, ji wnnnRRTDOE—Th^ e Boardd off i they spotted the stolen car trav- Aylin Pierson, Honrd arrhitcrt ,,iie. he dotm't write WOODBRIODE - ^wes^ • " ~~~f £ f , church wB3 honored at a surprise jDil .ectol,, o{ the Middlesex Water on Route 9 at a "terrific rale whose $3,000,000 buikllns has cre- without carefu con Officer Michael Sasso. 27, Wood- P^^.^.f^^^. &t the pines Tuesday to mark the 40th Compiiny will meet June ao'to dis-, of speed" and gave chase, but were unable to catch It. When the ati'd n storm of protest, presented n there Is a tremen of his ordination into the priesthood. The ban- jcus s tne |)ossibility of buymK the slolen vehlde whlch lh(, mil line sketches of the hifjh school : of work Involved. Hi e.a. nu.pu« -.«.= • M— — -ponsored bv Middlesex Council, Knights of Co-!Kcasbcy water System from the estlmnte(J was going ,.m miles In Assistant Commissioner Ken- i|.f himself to much ZS neth Woodbury on Tuesday. Also describe his condition, lumbus. Monsignor McCorristin is State Chaplain ot me Township. •a n h0U1.01 . belter.. neai.ed lhe now present were Victor C. Nicklas, At Tuesday nmht's session of j preehold circle, the younger boy Uik Toward Goal ai "fair." , organization. ."Upcrvislni: prindpiil; Dr. John P. the Town Committee, Township! Wlls urgmg n|s friend "to wreck ;,me way, the gradual , recently appointed to the j MonsiRnor McCorristin was born Lozo. high school principal; Adolph new motorcycle squad, was the j in MBlville, August 24, 1887. He Attorney B. W. Vopel reported that) the cops » At lheclrcle i the boys inn of a composition To Head Rotary Club he and Howard Madison. Town-[ ^ the bin car and Qiiiult, member of the Bonrd; Mr. only member of the group toh hav e attended St.Vit Vincent''s CllCollege eI nin cou notmanag e • Martin, and a representative of. •M.IMI sounds Into.an i ship had .conferred, with' found tliey oould not tlie had previous experience on "the Lathrop. Pa., and was ordained tn MI( IIA11I, 1M:T1U!SK1 this newspaper. The latest plans ,,i mel'.idy which is finally Ambrose Mundy, president of theturn. wheel.". He drove one during the Philadelphia, May 27, 1911, by Middlesex Water Company. They: were represented to contain all mid a harmonious com- ar while in service. ! Bishop Pendergast. HU first as- Trj To Escape were advised that the matter hiole Jumped the curb, ! the requlrtments of the Stale In ,ui be compared to our Tne ve : respect to educational buildins UMI education. "Al We '«l- Tfie Officer's cycle struck a hole \ wgnment was as curate. Of Sacred would be discussed at the next. turned^jver, and was badly dam- Hearing on Rookie In WoodbrldRe-Caretret Road, be- • Heart Church, Trenton, where he standards, and were left to be i ,ii as freshmen, our ef- director'" ''••'' ' meeting''"", aged. The two youths, however. tw«en School Street and Blair; served six years. In 1917, he be- by Mr. Woodbury. .,-, (h.scordant^wi didn't Road, Bunday afternoon. He was ! came pastor of 8t. Patrick's j Once before. Lhe Middlesex managed to get out and started Cop's Case Tuesday efforts to extend the life ,,; a unit; but as time thrown to the pavement. Sunday j Church in Woodbury and estab-' Water Company expressed willing- running through/Pthe woods. Thej ,n.l we entered our soph of th£' bonds beyond the fjjteen- his condition, was reported • lished three mission churches in ness to purchase the system but two officers who'gave chase were WOODBR1DGE—Patrolman Pe- ,.,,: we began to realize the sale was balked by Ketti" year statutory iWiofl—at least t.ho )wMi, shown de-1 ttye area Mat are pulshes today, b trusk, a robHe, of 585 Amboy Ave- largest share of them—appeared '"' """L"''' ! In 1929 he was serif© St: "Joseph's r wTm caughlUghtt UupP wttwith the pairpa. r |11URM, Bnare 0I memappe KMn tlie fu'll'pTonis dTi^. have to pay too high a price for 6 w bcf0l e th e ho be hopeless Mr Wooribllly frac- i Crlurch, Camden. In 1937 he came The police checkel d the car andi™Committe' " eT'. Tuesday; a8t 8p P . l°T M, tot° '^CommissionethCmi- i r of ,;-. We had to work % a* lnjur.es include a 1 • water. However, the pressure, found it was stolen from the |pW|nemmd thathatt Wootlbridge. answer complaints of neglect of j^,.,, o t has as yet not . idnd'iniiy we begin turrd vertebra and several frac-; especially on Kea.vbey Heights and Speedway Auto Sales, St. George overnmen Monslghor McConiBtin* duty made against him by his permitted any exception to this j • .iii.i- for one goal. We tured libs. He is now able to move around the loop is so puur that at Avenue The registration plate ', "",-,;: ilriTStt' •[Turosrit imxriJem-iiolfflrfttnrri^'irttBr'Krr-- -ulir-ftMl-tuu AV,ii*sawd.. hi* _h*U*f-t- — J- one^olthie 'largestln Petmskl was appointed to the•t would be doubtful that one • ii tn harmonize with , veteran water. son, 831 State Street, Perth Am- formerly re. Ml*lta« County, growing from 1 department ln April, his name would be allowed in the loeal nisp. ; ,,; the Rroup. By the Keasbey resident ! boy. BSSJ^Tltne^Li « ««»lll- In WIT to 1,500 in Recently, being on the Civil Service list. ... t-niors. we had be- petition asking the In searching the wrecked car, Thus, something over $2,008,000 of accident said the patrolman "»!• He was appointed by Pope dremenw in* « ,AU™. .-O Police Chief George E. Keating the debt—ln the event the $3,000.- .
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