I FATS, MEATS, 11, •• , ••• re' .ta.,. Q! I....... UI •• od Ih,ou,h A.,. at I ", Ih,•• ,. EI 1JI,.. ,h S.pl. lain so : Al Ih,o ••" II ..... , ........ O.L II, ... PI Ibro •• b KI ...d Ib,.. ,1l N ••• lit, LI 11l ....b Ql b.­ IOWA: 0eeuIeUI Mowen and •• me •• tld 8.pl. I ani a,. ,... '""D,b D~.. 8l. SUOAIl. ,lamp 16 '.0' Ib' ..... A••. 81 '0' II .. thu.ntl.nlM~ PvIb eleallz and pound,. Siamp aa lO'" 8.,1. lib,•• ,. D ••. 81 I., DAILY ' IOWAN eonUnaed wana. five pnqndl, 8HOS. bloll ,brei allpl... 1&aIll,1 I, " THE z. a and ••re v~JJd la•• II.'taly. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper • ===============-~========-=======================~~~~~==~~~~~~~~========~========~~~==~~~~~~~ ?IVE CENTS TBI ASSOCIATED paESS IOWA CITY. IOWA SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 19.5 TBI AIIOCIATU PUll VOLUME XXI NUMBER 29S In fast x_ club O. direc­ county filed their '" Farm Bur- ac rt u·r,· 1st ...... ova ry _nter o yo' • HERE'S FIRST AMERICAN FLAG TO FLY OVER TOKYO Advises MacArthur Strike Tolal " Backers Push Jap Fanatics Killed General in Attempt Journey Back Hils New High Benefit Plan To Delay Surrender From Deleat '" Of 121,000 Produce Endorsements Nip Sources Reveal Of Uriemplcyment Pay BaHle Between War, Completed Green Ignores Plea Boosts From Business Peace Fadions To Continue Pledge Symbolic U. S. Flag WASHINGTON (AP)-Backers TOKYO (AP) - J a pa ne se Of No Strikes of President Truman's imperilled sources said yesterday the mur­ Flies Over Tokyo plan for higher unemployment pay By THE A8S0CIA:n:o Pllt88 accused opponents yesterday of der of a general near the emper­ Yanks Paracle The national total of strike trying to befuddle the issue_ or's palace grounds, the forging of idle mounted yrstcrday to ] 21 ,- They also produced endorse­ a military order and a wild chase T KY, aturd8Y (AP)­ 000, highest in months, as AFL ments of the plan by bdslness, to the radio station climaxed at­ General MacArthur cov red the President William Or de· farm and llibor leaders comprising last mile of the long road back en tempts of a group of fanatical c1ared labor"S no-strike pledge the advisory board of the office of from defeat in th Philippin ended with Japan 's. urrender. war mobilization and reconversion. Japanese army office;s to prevent by entering Tokyo today with In Wa. hington, Oreen told Thus they opened a determined the imperial surrender announce­ ment from reaching the people. oocopa 'on troop of lit First reporters he could not accept counteroffensive in behalf of the proposal to use federal funds to The dramatic battle In the clos­ eM'alry divi i nand Tai 'ing the Pr'esident Truman's request for supplement state payments so that Ing days of the fight between two same nited tates flag which continuance or the wartimo "no persons who qualify for miximum factions in Japan-one for peace, flew over Rome and B rlin. The Bream, strike, no-lockout policy'.' but benefits shall get at least $25 a the other to continue the war­ GEORGE ACHESON JIl., 48. ca­ Axi dcf at was compl t . Colony, "we will tr to work out some week for 26 weeks. Present state was revealed by well-Inrormed reer diplomat with nearly n yean' l'IiacArthor mad his trium­ Gardner, understanding wit h manage­ maximums vary from $15 to $28 Japanese sources. service in the tar east, will be act­ phal entry in & thre mil pa­ I win Hunter, ment to minimize work stop­ a week_ Most run tor no longer These sources said that youne Inr political advlAer to Gen Doue­ rad of American meehaniz d Robert Jen­ pages." than 18 weeks. Japanese offloers on Au,. If ia. MacArthur In Japan. A native military might throngh the Murphy, Reeords maintained by The Social Seeurlty Board kllled the commandlnr eeneral of Denver, Col .• he recently w .. heart of Tokyo .. bands blared Paulus and A!!Ioclated Press showed yester­ Senator KiJgore (D ., W. Va.), of f:mperor lllrohlto's personal named United Stala m1nlster to "The Star Spangled Banner" and .ay's hl&'h total of idle over the made public an opinion from the r u a r d s dlvl Ion. Lieutenant Thailand. "The General's March." country com,ared with a pre­ social security board that the plan General Morl, and by lorlin' Japanen In downtown TokYO vious high of 92,815 on June %1, would not conflict wiLh state laws. hJs name to an order sent troops .tared In "Ience .. the parade. r~hed durin, the wave of op­ Williams had told the senate fi­ to surround the palace. They led b,. the Seventh re,lment of Germany timism Il'owlne ou' of vlctorJ nance committee that laws in most hoped to prevent a recordlne of 22 Persons Killed the First tavair), dlvl"on-the In Europe. states would require deductions the emperor's hi torlc surren­ rerlment which roueht for Cus­ The Detroit outomobile indus­ from state payments equal to the der reserlpt from leaving the In Air Liner Crash ter Oil LItUe BIa" Horn--.moved try, racing to supply the peace­ amount of federal payments. fl'ounds. from a point Jut east of the em­ time market with new cars, was Chairman George (D., Ga) of The plan to ·capture the sur­ peror's palace to the United hardest hit by the new wave of the committee telegraphed the render announcement lailed, how­ Plane Seeking Place Stales embuly. stoppages. Approximately 45,000 governol'$ of ail states asking if ever, when the forgery was de­ For Forced Landing At the embasay, MacArthur or­ were idle in the motor capital. that was right. Nearly half replied tected. dered Lieut. Gen. Robert L. Eich­ A continuing strike at the Kel­ that it was. When other members of the Plunges Into Swamp elberger, whose Eighth army ts sey-Hayes W h eel co m pan y Plan Unworkable "Cight on" faction learned of the occupying Tokyo and all Honshu prompted the Ford Motor com­ George then labeled the pro­ failure of the original scheme FLORENCE, S. C. (AP)-Twen­ to the north, to have the flag un­ pany to halt all its passenger car gram unworkable. In another they raced through the streets of ty-two per on -nine ot them sol­ fut-Ied. It was the same flag which field, Senator George said yester­ and truck production in eilht ci­ Tokyo to the radio staUon and diers-were killed before dawn flew over the White House jn day that an average reduction of began a search of the building for Washington, D. C., on that never­ ties and lay of! more than 30,000 yesterday when an Eastern Al l' LIEUT. BUD STAPLJfTON of Syracuse. N. Y., hoists Old Glory atop the Nippon News building,. over­ 18 percent In individual income the document. to-he-forgotten day of Dec. 7, workers. taxes can be expected In 1946. Ford o(flclaJs said, however, lookine downtown Tokyo, as tbe first American flae files over the capital of defeated Japan. This Is an Their efforts failed when 1\ radio Lines plane plunged into a dense 1941. official United States army radlophotocraph. The chairman of the senate 11- station employe eluded the con­ swamp, exploded and burned. At the momentous ceremony on ZM" of tho e laid off would nance committee estimated pro­ be r_Ued to OetroU area "'anY • spirators and telephoned a nearby The pilot apparently was seare/)­ the grounds of the embassy, Mac­ bablo income tax cuts for indi­ army garrison for help. Arthur was surrounded by men Monday and that It w .. ho~ viduals at $3,000,000,000 and lor jng for a place to make a forced III plants outside Detroit eould All the time, the reeordinr landing. who fouiht back with him on Ba­ Quisling Defends ' corporations at $2,000,000,000. was ,UIl at the palace and was resume production next week.' French Files Disclose Nazi Meanwhile, a move to modify All ot the bodlcs were burned taan in the closln, days of 1941 Other arranremenb were said delivered to the radio station badly except one-that of a JT\IIn and the early days of 1942. the operating principle though not shortly before It went on the air to have been made for materials Rule, Says Norway the goal of the so-called full em­ who was thrown clear of the The rlebt wine of the nearbJ ordlnarUy supplied by KelseJ­ at noon AUf. 15. wreckage and killed by a blow on chancellery had been tlalll8l'ed. ployment bill gained Democratic Organlzed resistance to the em­ Hayes. Civilians Killed 8Yank Flyers support last night from Senator the head. by a B-19 incendiary raid bat Needs More Traitors peror's decision to surrender the The Kelsey-Hayes strike, in­ Radcllt!e of Maryland. The bodies were brought out of the white atone embul,. bulld­ volving 4,500 CIO United Auto­ country apparently ended at the the swamp late yesterday In a inc, where MacArthur wUl set OSLO (AP)-Vidkun Quisling No Reason for Guarantee mobile workers, centers on com­ PARIS (AP)-The story of how missing in action on that date along "F'ull employment is important, radio station. Kamikaze pilots tractor-pulled wagon to army and up his headquarten, 'w.. 1I.D­ capped his two-day defense of his (suicide airmen) who were trained civilian ambulances. Rescuers had toaahed. pany refusal to rehire three minor eight American fliers were slain with the entire crew of a pomber but not more important than the union (lfficials.
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