~~~g~~~~~~~~ Mm@ ~~@'~Qg f~r l' r~~ @Dd ~w It bg@ II~. mHJ Q) ~M w@11§~It ~~. tM IuMlra every w~ ftle new llelcony fgnd•• tin ••• weather 385 ••• a year~It has 115 tGDB cat *conditioning; 411dJ fudIItrooms; more Gum 13,888 watts of alftPiDiad SOUIId feeding 315~ 8Iid a video systeM wRb 611fiiDfiltGr8~Itis i ref it ~ iI Oii8iis AUgus' ia at 8. ,. 3923 Cedar Springs, Dallas, Texas ~ (214) 559-0650 [email protected] ~nf;~ ;fitnti ~IHfif. ;ti\fI~ ~IH; VOLUME 23, NUMBER 22 AUGUST 1 - 7, 1997 14 LOOKING BACK The Lost Year, Part 2: Trouble, Progress and Division for DGA by Phil Johnson 18 SURFING THE NET A Quick Tour of Gay Stops on the Information Highway by Chris Gray 26 FRESH BEATS Waako Records President Bob Shami Talks Dance Music by Jimmy Smith 30 ON OUR COVER Scott Andrew Robbins photos by Artistic Visions by Greg 39 CURRENT EVENTS 45 BACKSTAGE Casa Manana Brings Candy Buckley to Fort Worth in Mame 49 STARSCOPE Surly, Rampaging Mars Changes Signs in Mid-Month 59 TEXAS SPORTS 60 TEXAS NEWS 65 TEXAS TEA 78 CLASSIFIEDS 84 OBITUARIES 85 GUIDE TWT (This Week In Texas) Is published by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co.. at 3300 Reagan Street In Dallas, Texas 75219 and 811 Westhelmer In Houston, Texas 77CXJ6.Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of lWT or of Its staff. Publication of the nome or photograph of any person or organization in articles or advertising In 1WTIs not to be construed as any Indication of the sex- ual orientation of said person or organization. Subscription rates: S79 per year, $40 per half year. Back Issues available at 52 each. Payment must accompany all orders. Copyright © 1997 by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement, news, article or feature, copy or photograph from TWTis specifically prohibited by federal statute. THIS WEEK IN TEXAS MAGAZINE Texas' Leading Gay & Lesbian Publication Since 1975 • Weekly Circulation: 20,000 DALLASOFFICE PUBLISHER HOUSTONOFFICE 3300 Reagan Street ALAN GELLMAN 811 Westheimer, Suite 111 Dallas, Texas 75219 EDITOR Houston, Texas 77006 Dallas Fax (214) 520-8948 RICHARD HEBERT Houston Fax (713) 527-8948 (214) 521-0622 COMPTROLLER (713) 527-9111 $100 Cash Prile"" ~-mail: [email protected]..} STEVEMILES E-mail: [email protected] ARTDEPARTMENTRichord Bang, Chris Solza, Rick Smith MOImY CONTRIBUTINGWRITERSDonnie Angelle, Don Baker, Elizabeth Birch, Robert Bois, Mork Deaton, Chris Gray, $1.50 Domestic Beer Phil Johnson, Gary Laird, C. Lichtenstein, David Parnell, Jimmy Smith, Bruce Williams, Cody Young STAFFPHOTOGRAPHERSRobert Miller, Jerry Stevens, Ilo, Albert Tovar $1.15 WelllJrlnkS NATIONAL SALESDIRECTOR. Steve Miles. (214)521-0622 • FAX 520-TWIT Advertising rates ore available on request from the salesperson In your nearest city. Houston / Galveston - Steve Nally (713) 527-9111 All other Texas cities- Steve Miles (214) 521-0622 CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING • Dallas Chase Gutierrez. Houston David Parnell II TWT© 1997 Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Company DICK SHANERUFF,PRESIDENT/ CEO / DIRECTOR ALL A B ROY KLAUS/ CO-DIRECTOR ~ ""-"-"')1' ~ ro en en 00 Z ,--9he Bhoic~}tff ~~ o t iD::J m en ..(1)<. - fit •• 2- the BO/J'/nlUl/i{y nCO.• o '1':- :C (1)11)...•. ><~ m:::r .. :z: ~C aCD. a::J. _CD ,i~.:::!= , ::t.,g. (j'TJ I, Co. 0., . 1/,,/0. t(k,;, :::~a:-. .1Iu; ,:/)(U#'"" Cf'~V' m • JI '~!en CJ) n v /" ~ ~S' Zn~~0_ ::-: • 710 guest rooms - 250 with •• :E: CD"tI III ~ m • = tII :r 0 ~~ 2 double beds I 2 baths 3 :z: c; $20~ e !!!. 0 a r- JI CD D' • 40,000 sq. ft. ::'C::t<D:u c~a=Ii..CD n ~a;.c •• III •• :x of function SRace. " ..@ Io"""I-:::S:r c.acr _. ~~ • iii:z ~ :s ••• ,. • Full serviie ~".. ·0 • 0", o<~~ e .i2f.,;;.. c g -._S' . ~ restaurant andillud' ~ # '2 N :;: (J)~ *A -:~ a ooo=: !i'1 "'._ l>::JCD- • Rooftop jacuzzi a:q.9.fsun:deck ~ ::r •••• <D • ""II » ~ c n_!!!CO;:2 overlooking D()'W'ntown Gl $ " ·b' °cn-noq, I.I-t~~ ~§1" § 3 ..• 0" 00 <D l>' 0 -: ~-. • Close proximity to Cedar Springs 00 ~ g ~ - » en ~ ~ ~ OO~~ cs O 8""00 ~ c: ;~ Call Veronica Oliverio, .214.747.7000, Ext. 3252 o go Z ••• Ul"C " o 3¥ _. ". g;- • 1914 Commerce Street Dallas, Thxas 75202 i~i A Houstoq Exclusive! THE LOST YEAR SATURDAY7 UGUST 9TH Part 2: Trouble, Progress Houston's. Most Po~lilar and Division Springs and announcements were made in our bars. Nov. 8, 1976. More than 450 (some say Party ;s a... The Baths, the Bars and as many as 600) gay men and women the Police crowded into MCC's new home at Reagan hen Dallas gays heard of the and Brown. The sanctuary and entrance Doors pen o t' 9' ,pm W savage beatings by the Galveston hall were packed, and some of our people police on the patrons of the Kon Tiki Baths were even standing outside on the porch the night of July 4, 1976, we thought, "Oh, listening over a loudspeaker. Foam 'F ows at ·10 pm surely it can't happen here." It did. On the night of Oct. 26, the police raided the Club Dallas baths. Fortunately there was no vio- f lence, but four men were arrested along with the assistant manager, who was taken ( in for repeatedly refusing to unlock an elec- tric door when officers ordered him to do so and for turning on lights as a warning to the ten men that undercover officers said were committing homosexual acts in an open room. Defiantly, the assistant man- ager said over the loudspeaker, "Gentle- men, we are having trouble up front; go to your rooms." Police said that at least five men fled, escaping arrest, and that uni- formed officers had to kick open the front door to get into the club. Inside Club Dallas, the police were "dis- mayed" to find a copy of THIS WEEK IN TEXAS listing 23 bars in Dallas where "deviates" o Well Dri until llpm hung out. D.L. Burgess, director of the police department's vice section, threat- "S ':25 Schnapps Night Long. ened to close them all. "We are going to see a lot more of these arrests coming up The event turned out to be kind of a pep soon," he said. rally, with singing, clapping and impas- ComplimenleJl (Iothes Check The Dallas Gay Political Caucus (now sioned speeches by the Revs. Jim Harris it's the Dallas Gay and Lesbian Political and C. Shawn Farrell of MCC; Chance Caucus) was only a few months old and West of DGPC; Fred Time, an attorney rep- 'orgeous "Soaped Up" Studs was limited by lack of money, experience resenting the Dallas branch of the ACLU; and leadership. Furthermore, we had no Ray Hardin of the newly formed Dallas formal members; anyone who showed up Alliance for Individual Rights (forerunner of Dancing For You could vote. Despite all this, for the first time the Dallas Tavern Guild). in Dallas' history, gay men and women But it was the big, bad and butch Rev. made an earnest effort to unite the com- Troy D. Perry (founder of the Universal 18+ To Dance • 21 + To Drink munity. Flyers were passed out on Cedar Fellowship of Metropolitan Community ID "Strictly" Requested 800 Pacific at Grant & Hyele p. TWT AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 7 1997 925 Hyele Parle" Houston" 71a-S Upon Entry & Re-Entry Churches) who brought the crowd to its audience. He did it so well, and knew he feet with his booming "We refuse to allow did. ourselves to become the new 'niggers' of A few months after Wilkins became par- America." Six thousand dollars was liamentarian, the then-president, Chance pledged for legal fees in case a court fight West - who had never really wanted the became necessary; it didn't. The bars and job, and it showed - resigned. His letter of baths were never closed. (See what we resignation said all the right things, but the can do when we stand united?) truth is that he was asked to resign. After However, those just coming out need to seven months, there were those in the know that there was a time when one uni- community who wanted someone more formed cop could empty a gay bar merely outgoing, someone who could mold the by walking into it. A patron would put his media. (Whoever did they have in mind?) beer down and leave, trying very hard to Anyway, according to the Caucus's appear casual. Then one or two others. In ambiguous bylaws, Vice-President Pat a short time, few would be left. Cherry should have filled the vacancy, and When that no longer worked, the police the board of directors moved to ratify her. tried harassment. They would demand to But Wilkins was nominated from the floor. see a bar's liquor license several times The board retired twice, but each time nightly. People going to or coming from the failed to elect him. An impasse. Then bars on Cedar Springs were ticketed for Volunteer Coordinator Jerry Ward moved jaywalking. (Well-to-do SMU students, jay- to suspend the bylaws and to elect the walking on upper Greenville, were not.) president through a vote by all those in at- Drivers learned that they had better not tendance. Wilkins won. The bylaws were come to a rolling stop near Sam Houston then reinstated. Elementary School, where children might Not surprisingly, the women considered be playing. At midnight on a weekend? this to be an affront to Cherry, who (Eventually the DGPC called a joint resigned.
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