The original documents are located in Box 34, folder “Proclamations - Nixon (5)” of the William J. Baroody Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald R. Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 34 of the William J. Baroody Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library .. \ - - . THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON -:fd~J/~ ~/~~ //~~~~-~ ~~/./Z< ~ ~ r , .. PROCLAMATION DISTRIBUTION LIST Thomas S. Kleppe 9609 Hillridge Drive Kensington, Md. 20795 Louis F. Laun 3038 P St. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20007 William Lendman Watergate South, Apt. 107 700 New Hampshire Ave. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037 David Wollard 5605 CronMell Drive Washington, D.C. 20016 Robert F. McDermott 3702 Riverwood Court Alexandria, Va. 22309 Randall L. Woods 7705 Lookout Court. Alexandria, Va. 22306 H. Dixon Smith 1125 Chadwick Ave. Alexandria, Va. 22308 Gene VanArsdale One Washington Circle Washington, D.C. 20037 Gregory Austin 80 Kalorama Circle, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008 Harold Lang 3420 Blair Road Falls Church, Va. 22041 B. Winford Smith 504 Elderwood Road Silver Spring, Md. 20904 -2- Andrew M. Neary President Twigg Corporation 659 East York St. Martinsville, Indiana 46151 Mi chae ~ I vashuk President Control Laser Corp~1800 s.w, 7th Ave. Pompano Beach, Fla. 33060 William A. Paine President Standard Controls, Inc. 2401 South Bayview Seattle, Wash. 98144 James L. Wilhite President NC Metal-Working, Inc. 6215 Maple Ave. St. Louis, Mo. 63130 Dr; Robert E. Hopkins President Tropes Incorporated 52 West Avenue Fairport, N.Y. 14450 Herbert Strehl, Owner Tool Design & Engineering & Manufacturing 923 Folsom Ave. Salt Lake City, Utah Dr. Alan C. Kolb President Maxwell Laboratories, Inc. 9244 Balboa Ave. San Diego, Calif. 92123 Mr. Pau 1 Haines lnsaco, Inc. P.O. Box 422 Quakertown, Pa. 18951 Douglas R. Burnham Mardon Industries, Inc. Route 122 Lyndonville, Vermont 95851 -3- Wendell Skipper President Texas Materials Laboratories 2714 National Circle Garland. Texas 75o41 Don·~·e11· s/ P.O. · 11 Vie// ;\Va. 22180 Louis Shattuck Smaller Business Association of New England 69 Hickory Dr. Waltham, Mass. 02154 HO'tfla~sse 11 3003 W Ness St. N.W. Was _· g n, D. C. 20008 ' Paul~'oato 3114 rndale St. Kens. 'ng n, Md. 20795 I - Harold Leroy Morgenstern President M & S Construction Co. Missoula, Montana 59801 Richard N. Marshall President Marshall Maintenance Co. 529 South Clinton Ave. Trenton, N.J. 08611 -4- Eldrid M. Moody President Bank of Beaufort 921 Bay Street Beaufort, South Carolina 29902 George Burger National Federation of Independent Business 150 West Twentieth Ave. San Mateo, Calif. 94402 John Lewis National Small Business Association 1225 19th Ave. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Herb Hutchison RCA Corporation Rt. 38, Bldg 204-2 Cherry Hill, N.J. 08101 James M. Hill Raytheon Company 141 Spring St. Lexington, MA 021-7-3 Ken Vandergrift McDonnell Douglas Corp. St. Louis, Mo. 63166 Jack 217 ErneA~ns ld Hill Drive Washin t , D.C. 20022 David Buel 1 32 Cerdan Ave. West Roxbury, Mass. 02131 Benjami~ Read 908 Wayn ood Slvd. Alexandr a, Va. 22308 ' Stanley C. Baron President National Bag Corp. Box 95 Lamington. Road Whitehouse, N.J. 08888 -5- Morris ~tal 1108 No~ff\Belgrade Road sqver Spring, Md. 20902 Lt. General Wallace H. Robinson, Jr. (USMC) Quarters F, Washington Navy Yard 8th and M St. 'SE Washington, D.C. 20390 A. I. ~dblia 1001 ~!~~Blvd. Apt. 1107 Arlingtqh, Va. 22209 John 9209 , Va. 22066 St. 22207 Coirdllander Jacob Oaks 5614 Bloomfield Drive Alexandr~a, Va. 22312 Major Gen. Joseph J. Cody, Jr. USAF Quarters 24 Bolling Air Force Base Washington, D.C. 20336. Mr. Kenneth Valis 3870 South Hillcrest Drive Denver, Colorado 8023 7 I ""A flUI'" ur LU;) .IH'H.Jt:LC:> :AUJ\ ~l!>Hu~ps ANGELE.5 f :. 1220 WEST FOURTH t jl0425 WEST CO BCULEVARD . } : ' LOS ANGELES CA 90054 } los ANGELES A SC064 ' cJI 5'1 · : .•aa:: . .. ~---::iw::::: -• J .~ ... - • ·- -% . : . - _ ;: , - :-- s: 'I btlitd O: ~ ... · - \ ! ' .. 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WORCESTER MA 01609 · l ·;· • I ..." ! . ..-. -~ .C.·Sf-> !t •._;,_ -~· ;a;_ ·. r.!f . ·, .··- . ~ - - "' HRS ALICE KIMBALO ' ( REV ROBERT N WEST P~ESI::>ENT r.! : PRES I DENT "' UNITAR UNIV WOME~S FED i UNITARIAN UNIV Asset 25 BEACON STREET t 25 BEACON STREET BJSTuN MA 02108 1 BOSTON MA 02108 \ "' -~~":I-~~---~™~-::?-+:-!:±-~-:":~. ::::::""'.?.r~.= ==::::- s~;.-:S:':::.==--~--- :::~'!'ir.i-.=~--:=.:•iili:#r.:!i·+;z!*Sti:==:'.. -.. ~~-:::-s~==- --· : ...:: _:.-_..=:...· . ___ .: --~- _ •-=...:== ( H REV J OSEPH F MAGUIRE . :· M REV HS MEDEIROS <O t AUXILlA~Y JF BOSTON . LIJARCHBISHOP OF BOSTON t 2101 COMMONWEAL TH AVE ·1·L{, LAKE STREET . ,-o BRI:;HTON MA 02135 , i 'BRIGHTON MA 02135 f : 1 -=====:::::.:".::!":-.::=-=·. "--'- ..:.. _;,_.:; - ~ _ ;;_,;__ . ::.. :.: . ... I "' *4W ~ '>--::;:-:;::-. -=:::::::::::::::::::.::::::=:-:-.. =;..,. ::':.".'.~-. -::-~- ~.:-::-_ --:_:--:_:.::::::::::::::::::~-~- M REV DANIEL A CRONIN ~.'. 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M REV JOHN A MARSHALL . a1s~~p OF PORTLAND E ,. • BISHOP OF BURLINGTON 510 OCEMI AVENUE • lf 52 WILLIAMS ST l PORTLAND ME 04103 BURLINGTON VT 05401 ~ • r t .:=-=~~~--=.. :-:.'.:"'.!'._ ::::'.::.' .:':· = ' =•~-'~!.'~.. ·_:".!?;::!f.~.J!'C.- -::::1}:!:PZP~·=ee=-· .J ,..__,_,_...,..._,.:..:..r.,..~...._-,__-_ =--=----..-.... - ... _-_· _:_ ------__: _ .-~-:9° ..... a.::. ""L K .. _ ·_.;;......,1.- t M RE V JOHN F WHEALON M REV VINCENT J HINES "1 ~~CHBISHOP OF HARTFORD j BISHOP OF NORWICH A 1109 PROSPECT AVE I 213 BROADWAY ~ ~ t WEST HARTFORD CT 06105 f t NORWICH CT 06360 ~ r . ··---·-..:.... __. ;_:_ __ \ ; ... 1-~ ·_,._;~ :.: - -.•· ... --~ · .~ : ..... ~.... -·.· ... · : _..:... ~~~- . .:-;::--~~_;,;z::;-;:;:- . .. " EXCE L BIS~~ SCHMDNDIUK M REV MICHAEL J DUDICK .."' ' ~~~~ UK 0 ~ CATH STAMFORD EPARCH OF . PASSAIC l~l Gl~N6ROOK ROAD 55 HIGHLAND AVE ll-· ~T~~ro~o CT 06902 MONTCLAIR NJ 07048 .
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