E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 117 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 167 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2021 No. 27 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Monday, February 15, 2021, at 9:30 a.m. Senate FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2021 The Senate met at 12 noon and was If there is no objection, the Journal come together around shared prior- called to order by the President pro of proceedings of the trial are approved ities. tempore (Mr. LEAHY). to date. Like every other politically moti- f I would ask the Sergeant at Arms to vated witch hunt the left has engaged make the proclamation. in over the past 4 years, this impeach- TRIAL OF DONALD J. TRUMP, The Acting Sergeant at Arms, Jen- ment is completely divorced from the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED nifer A. Hemingway, made the procla- facts, the evidence, and the interests of STATES mation as follows: the American people. The Senate The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Hear ye! Hear ye! All persons are com- should promptly and decisively vote to Senate will convene as a Court of Im- manded to keep silence, on pain of imprison- reject it. peachment. ment, while the Senate of the United States No thinking person could seriously is sitting for the trial of the Article of Im- believe that the President’s January 6 PRAYER peachment exhibited by the House of Rep- speech on the Ellipse was in any way The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- resentatives against Donald John Trump, an incitement to violence or insurrec- former President of the United States. fered the following prayer: tion. The suggestion is patently absurd Let us pray. RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY LEADER on its face. Nothing in the text could Mighty God, unsurpassed in both The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The ever be construed as encouraging, power and understanding, we worship Democratic leader is recognized. condoning, or enticing unlawful activ- You. Lord, when there is nowhere else ORDER OF BUSINESS ity of any kind. to turn, we lift our eyes to You. Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, for Far from promoting ‘‘insurrection’’ As, again, this Senate Chamber be- the information of all Senators, we will against the United States, the Presi- comes a court and our Senators become plan to take short breaks approxi- dent’s remarks explicitly encouraged jurors, guide these lawmakers with mately every 2 hours and a longer din- those in attendance to exercise their Your wisdom, mercy, and grace. Lord, ner break around 5 p.m. rights ‘‘peacefully and patriotically.’’ infuse them with a spirit of non- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Pur- Peaceful and patriotic protest is the partisan patriotism. Unite them in suant to the provisions of S. Res. 47, very antithesis of a violent assault on their efforts to do what is best for the counsel for the former President the Nation’s Capitol. America. As they depend on Your prov- has 16 hours to make the presentation The House Impeachment Article idence and power, may they make of their case, and the Senate will hear slanderously alleges that the President choices that will be for Your greater the counsel now. intended for the crowd at the Ellipse to glory. We recognize Mr. van der Veen to ‘‘interfere with the Joint Session’s sol- We pray in Your sovereign Name. begin the presentation of the case for emn constitutional duty to certify the Amen. the former President. results of the 2020 Presidential elec- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Go ahead. tion.’’ This is manifestly disproven by The President pro tempore led the COUNSELS’ PRESENTATION the plain text of the remarks. Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: Mr. Counsel VAN DER VEEN. Good The President devoted nearly his en- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the afternoon, Senators, Mr. President. tire speech to an extended discussion of United States of America, and to the Repub- The Article of Impeachment now be- how legislators should vote on the lic for which it stands, one nation under God, fore the Senate is an unjust and bla- question at hand. Instead of expressing indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. tantly unconstitutional act of political a desire that the joint session be pre- THE JOURNAL vengeance. This appalling abuse of the vented from conducting its business, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Sen- Constitution only further divides our the entire premise of his remarks was ators, will you please be seated. Nation when we should be trying to that the democratic process would and ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S667 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:27 Feb 13, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12FE6.000 S12FEPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S668 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 12, 2021 should play out according to the letter There is no debate. President TRUMP. We will never defund of the law, including both the Constitu- There is no debate. our police. Together, we will ensure that tion and the Electoral Count Act. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Sixteen voting—— America is a nation of law and order. In the conclusion of his remarks, he Vice President BIDEN. There is no debate. Vice President BIDEN. If we were in high Ms. JACKSON LEE. And the mass—— school, I’d take him behind the gym and beat then laid out a series of legislative Vice President BIDEN. Please come to the hell out of him. steps that should be taken to improve order. Mr. TESTER. But I think you need to go democratic accountability going for- Ms. JACKSON LEE. There is the—— back and punch him in the face. ward, such as passing universal voter Vice President BIDEN. The objection can- Mr. BOOKER. I feel like punching him. ID legislation, banning ballot har- not be received. President TRUMP. We just want law and vesting, requiring proof of citizenship Ms. JACKSON LEE. What the Russian—— order. Everybody wants that. to vote, and turning out strong in the Vice President BIDEN. Section 18, title 20 Mr. SCHUMER. I want to tell you, of the United States Code prohibits debate in next primaries. Not only President— Gorsuch; I want to tell you, Kavanaugh: You the joint session. have released the whirlwind, and you will these are not the words of someone in- Ms. WATERS. I do not wish to debate. I pay the price. citing a violent insurrection. wish to ask, Is there one United States Sen- President TRUMP. We want law and order. Not only President Trump’s speech ator who will join me in this letter of objec- We have to have law and order. on January 6 but, indeed, his entire tion? Mr. CUOMO. Show me where it says that challenge to the election results was Vice President BIDEN. There is no debate. protests are supposed to be polite and peace- squarely focused on how the proper There is no debate. ful. civic process could address any con- Ms. WATERS. Just one. President TRUMP. We believe in safe cerns through the established legal and Vice President BIDEN. The gentlewoman streets, secure communities, and we believe will suspend. in law and order. constitutional system. The President brought his case before State and Fed- Mr. Counsel VAN DER VEEN. In 2000, Tragically, as we know now, the Jan- eral courts, the U.S. Supreme Court, the dispute over the outcome was uary—on January 6, a small group, who the State legislatures, the electoral taken all the way to the Supreme came to engage in violent and men- college, and, ultimately, the U.S. Con- Court, which ultimately rendered a de- acing behavior, hijacked the event for gress. cision. their own purposes. According to pub- In the past, numerous other can- To litigate questions of an election licly available reporting, it is apparent didates for President have used many integrity within this system is not in- that extremists of various different of the same processes to pursue their citement to insurrection. It is the stripes and political persuasions own election challenges. As recently as democratic system working as the preplanned and premeditated an attack 2016, the Clinton campaign brought Founders and lawmakers have de- on the Capitol. One of the first people multiple postelection court cases, de- signed. To claim that the President, in arrested was a leader of antifa. Sadly, manded recounts, and ridiculously de- any way, wished, desired, or encour- he was also among the first to be re- clared the election stolen by Russia. aged lawless or violent behavior is a leased. Many Democrats even attempted to preposterous and monstrous lie. From the beginning, the President persuade the electoral college dele- In fact, the first two messages the has been clear: The criminals who infil- gates to overturn the 2016 results. President sent via Twitter, once the in- trated the Capitol must be punished to House Manager RASKIN objected to the cursion of the Capitol began, were: the fullest extent of the law. They certification of President Trump’s vic- Stay peaceful and no violence because we should be imprisoned for as long as the tory 4 years ago, along with many of are the party of law and order. law allows. his colleagues. The gathering on January 6 was sup- The fact that the attacks were appar- You will remember, it was Joe Biden posed to be a peaceful event. Make no ently premeditated, as alleged by the who had to gavel him down.
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