New Junior High - -- An open ~M for tha ....ic will be helli at I_a City" _ lunlor hJth ,",Ildlnt Sund.y, Weath., forecast IIut Jhe dedication c.remonllll will be brief .... o-rally fair with little ella.... In temper.. caUM "the building .,.aks for iIMIt." For • tures thnuth ......... Hi'" tMay In the mW 9h. .tory OIl the buildi ... 'N ,.ge thr" of today'l ~~ ai' Further eutlNk: little ..., owan c....... Sunctay. 3" Firsts Dally I_an. Serving ThB Stote University of IOWtJ and the People Ot Iowa City could ,have won if he had &otte. Establisbed in 1868 Saturday. September 3. 1960. Iowa City. Iowa off to a better start. " I did III get of( well." he said. ..At lie tape I decided to make a I... hoping to win." Thomas went linn to .... lik. • champiOll. H..... .. ~e •• little misty, he .ald ..... Iy: "I'm very proud 01 willi I did. I finished third and that's • lot bett.r th... a lot 01 ..... est To Rebuff Khrushchev U.N. Visit ~d do. I ,.v. .veryth!nt I hitd," he Mid proudly. '.". Ru ••I.ns .... gOecJ lUIlIP'" MIl althouth I'm cfiMppointH, I'" Leaders Feel I not ..""med. Communist Threat Looms Cuba Accepts Charlie Dumas. the deCendiq high jump champion woo WouM He's Coming up si"th, offered this analysis: • "Thomas has had too mQ Soviet Offer pressure on him for too long a tim~ Larger In Chaotic Congo The Russians did not have IIIJ For Publicity pressure until today. John is 0lIl, LEOPOLDVILLE. the Congo (,fI1 mumba government has foilowed troops already are in the interior. Of Protection a youngster and he will flea( (/!em -The Congo careened crazily and the familiar pattern. they say. and It is not known who is directing Ike To Give Reply another day." bloodily toward civil war. anarchy they believe the chaos and con- the army's operation In the Bak· and possibly a communist·style fusion is all a part of the paltern. wenga area whlch eeks to be· Intends To Establish In Assembly to Red When Thoma. came 10 ROIIII dictatorship Friday night. For the A belief was growing among ob- come a separate province for Bal· Diplomatic Relations he Will marked for Taunts, Propaganda more ..... first time U.N. African forces reo servers that the U.N . could not uba tribesmen. But it certainly is tion tNn almo.t any .... sorted to gunfire to kecp order. restore order in this chaotic two- not Gen. Victor Lundula, the ooe· With Red China athleto In tho .,000 competllll (See Page 2 for analy is of h_. Bodies Iiltered the streets of mooth·old nation unless the Congo- time sergeant who now is com· HAVANA LfI- Cuba Friday night Bakwanga, the diamond mining lese army somehow could be dis· mander of Lumumba's Congolese Khrushcllev's coming visit to George Kerr of the British West broke diplomatic relations with U.N.) center where Congolese army armed. There is slight hope of this army. Lundula has been ob erved Nationalist China and announced Indies and the University of llli· troops have been fighting seces· in the face of Lumumba's miJit~nt arguing with his sergeants about WASHINGTON "" - Western nois, set an Olympic record of its Intention to recognize Red sionist forces of Albert Kalonji. determination to use the army to the proper conduct of the army. China. summit leaders were ~ported 1: 47.1. The old record was beld b, U,N. officials counted at least 270 quell OPPOSition In both Kasal and The United Nations h.1I report· Apparently only technical de· likely F'riday to boycott Soviet Tom Courtney of the U.S .• 1:47.7. dead. Katanga provinces. ed only quiet in the Bakwant. tails remained Cor Cuba to be· Premier Nikita Khrushchev's ap­ De ..con Jon.. of Iowa City, At Mo.rbek•• n.ar the .rmy Th. rich C.ntr.1 African nation region until Friday. come the first nation In the West· pearance before the United Na· wu the only U.S. quellfier fer Ita .. of Thysvill. in Leopoldvill. from which 10 much was ex· Then they reported that Congo- ern Heml phere to formally es· tions General Assembly. Saturcl.y's fin" of the ,. provinco, U.N. Moroccan troops pected SHms In gra". danger of lese troops had engaged the arm· tablish diplomatic relations with The Western cold shouldcr ap­ m.t.r IfNplecftaM. Phli e. opan.d fir. on a b.lIIg.rant dividing hopel.ssly along tribal ed supporters of secessionists and the Chinese Communist regime. peared to be sJfaping up .as a cal· group of armed clvlll.ns. First lin... that "·there was shooting for culated rebuff to what is viewed m'an and Gee,.,. Younv lost lUI. Defying pl ..s for hemisphere ro.ports Mid one civilian wa. kill. A consignment of 10 lIyushin-18 hours." as Khrushchev's eynioal move to In adi vity off the field, Roo ed. ' Soviet planes now has arrived in The incident at Mocrbeke mark- folid.rlty, Prim. Minister FIdei turn the session into a gig~Uc Delany of Ireland. the 1956 champ In Leopoldville Premier Patrice the eountry. A hundred Soviet ed the first lime the U.N. African C.. tro br.ndished the proml... propaganda circus. at 1.500 meters. told friends be Lumumba proceeded vigorously trucks capable of transporting ' troop reSOrted to gunfire.• of Sovi.t .id as Cuba', answlf President Elsenhow.r .Imost would not defend alter loslng out to .ctlon. of the Org.nlzation of certainly will go to N_ Yortc to wipe out political opposition to in the heats of the 800 Wednesda1. Am.rlcan Stat ••• lat.r, ....vor. to deliver what his martial regime by throwing He also welco~ed Red Chinese will amount to a eotMlned Allied political opponents in jail. reply to any of Khrusflc:hev's Veteran diplomats in the capital Historical Association military aid ir it is offered. teunts .... boa,... Most otfIclal~ watched anxiously as the Lumum· Hundreds of thousands or Cu· IKI G'reeted in Helsinki ..poet KhrvIhchev will stay only Clipped! ba government proceeded along bans attending a so-called as embly a few day.. the path that leads usually to dic· of the Cuban people roared their Sovi.t Prlml.r Nlklta Khrvlhchev Imll05 a, hi brations of the 60th birthday of the Finnish Pr.,i· approval when Castro asked if they The Allied altitude was made Ask Olympian Jones; tatorship and a police state. Elects Rath President accepts flor.1 bouquets from children upon hi. dent Urho Kekkon,n. Tho children w.r. from wanted to establish diplomatic tics known a few hours after Khrush· His Rat. - $1.25 Scor.. of RUliians and Com· Frederick L. Rath. Jr., Vice Di· varsity Mus.um; Donald C. with the Pelping government. arrival by train at H.lslnki, capit.1 of Finland the Sovlot .mbassy hi HIlslnkl. chev arriving in Finland for a munist advisors have pourod Into Bigg., director of tha Callfo""l. Frld.y. He', In Finland 10 takl part In the eel •• - AP Wirephote visit. was quotA!d as saying "It ROME (~ - Want a ._ rector of the New York State His· With tho .hout. of the throng the Congo in recent weeks. Ob· Hiltorical Society; W. Samuel would be good" if Eisenhower American haircut in Rome? torical Association, Cooperstown, ringing In hi, ear., Co.tre ••id: s.rvlrs who kn_ w.1I the pat· T.rleton, director of the division showed up along with Britain's You can get it on the secOI!4 N. Y .• was elected president of the "From this _ent we end our tlrn of Communist infiltration American Association for State and of historic fit.. and mark.rs at Prime Minister Harold Macmillan. floor of 27·0, the U.S. sector in relations with the retime 0' Jolly Khrushchev Wins said the tr.nd of .vents here I. Local History at its 20th annual tho. North Carolina Department Chl.ng K.I·shak." Police Set Authoritative iolormants quickly Olympic Village. alrr:ost cluaical In de,lgn. of History and Archives; H.rbert made it plaln Western leaders meeting in Iowa City. Chiang is president of the Na­ lhal Th. cost: a buck and a qUiI" Kahler of Wllhl"9fon, D.C., at present have pLan of obliginJ{ From th e suppression of news· Rath. former director of the Na· tiona list Chinese government On Labor Day no ter. the ~r.vailing union sCiIt. tional Trust for Historic Preser­ chi,f hi.torian of the National Khrushchev in tlUs way-especlal· papers, the banning of political Formosa. Nationall t China's am· Cheers on Finn Visit The barber: Cherie. N. DeICIII Park S.rvlc.; Alexander J. Iy in view of bitter meetings. the rough and ready vation. has served as regional vice bas ador In Havana. Llu Yu·wan. t.he 8J\U· Jone., America's 3,* . ""'" Sturbrldg. Villag.. M.... ; and We tern campaign be has ODn· employment of troops and police president of the association since who represents almost 30.000 Chi· Road Patrols HELSINKI. Finland (,fI - Soviet came to sec II good n Ighbor," he .te.plechaser from Iowa City. to the arrest of political opposi· 1958 and headed the committee to Wall, a ..lstant director of Old Premier Nikita Khrushchev, jaunty said. dueled since torpedoing the May Holman J. Swinney, director of nese nationalists in Cuba. declined DES MOINES (.9\ - The State "Sure, I fix up a few he" tion, the course taken by the Lu· revise the organization to make im mediate comment on Castro's and jovial, came to wish Presld nt Khrushchev rolled in on a spe· summit conference.
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