United States Patent (19) 11) 4,053,845 Gould 45) Oct. 11, 1977 (54) OPTICALLY PUMPED LASER AMPLIFIERS Levgyel, "Evolution of Masers and Lasers', Amer. Jour. of Physics, vol. 34, No. 10, 10/66, pp. 903-913. 76 Inventor: Gordon Gould, 329 E. 82 St., New York, N.Y. 10028 Primary Examiner-Nelson Moskowitz Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Lerner, David, Littenberg & (21) Appl. No.: 498,065 Samuel 22 Filed: Aug. 16, 1974 (57) ABSTRACT Optically pumped laser amplifiers are disclosed. One Related U.S. Application Data type of such amplifier utilizes an excitable medium, the 60 Continuation of Ser. No. 644,035, March 6, 1967, atoms, ions or molecules of said medium having well abandoned, and Ser. No. 804,540, April 6, 1959, defined energy states including a lowest state, a lower abandoned, said Ser. No. 644,035, is a division of Ser. state above said lowest state, and a higher state above No. 804,540, , and a continuation-in-part of Ser. No. said lower state, and a bright pumping light source 804,539, April 6, 1959. composed of a radiative substance different from such medium which radiative substance emits energy in a 51) Int. Cl? ......................... H01S 3/091; H01S 3/22 spectral range which can be absorbed by such medium, 52 U.S. C. ............................... 330/4.3; 331/94.5 G; and wherein the major portion of the energy absorbed 331/94.5 P by such medium causes transitions of the atoms, ions, or 58) Field of Search ................... 330/4.3; 331/94.5 G, molecules thereof to populate the higher state. Another 331/94.5 P, 94.5 D; 324/15F type of such amplifier utilizes a medium of atoms, ions, (56) References Cited or molecules, some of which have broad bands of en ergy levels corresponding to a broadband of absorption U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS transitions and energy levels corresponding to at least 2,929,922 3/1960 Schawlow et al. ................... 330/4.3 one fluorescent emission transition, the upper energy levels of said broad bands being above the upper level FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS of said fluorescent emission transition, and wherein 148,441 1959 U.S.S.R. ................................ 330/4.3 some of the upper energy levels above the upper level 123,209 1959 U.S.S.R. ................................ 330/4.3 of said fluorescent emission transition are rapidly quenched via non-radiating transitions to the upper OTHER PUBLICATIONS level of said fluorescent emission transition. In a pre Fabrickart, "Electronic and Ionic Devices (Transla ferred embodiment of the latter amplifier, the lower tion)', Trudy, vol. 41, 1940, pp. 236-296. energy level corresponding to the fluorescent emission Butaeva et al., "Investigations in Experimental and transition is relaxed by non-radiating transitions. Theoretical Physics', 1959, pp. 62-70, Studies in Exper imental and Theoretical Physics. 12 Claims, 7 Drawing Figures A SAV/Aa - 1 -426 AAA/DV ad7477//6 A/ASA/D AAS2/4/7 M7/66Oa A/6A/7 a.MWA/A/A6 Al 72A U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 1977 Sheet 1 of 6 4,053,845 7-33 OV&A “Y or W SAWS/772A2 R.l. as2 s WOA6%/M/6 %24.(Wa 6.4S) : /2 24 NO c ax/7 awaz 1 AX6/7/W6 Af A/6A/7 SOC/ECA 22 aAAAAC76 e.7. M40 /awzae INVENTOR. (70,620// 6702/2 BY ... ." ... ." U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 1977 Sheet 2 of 6 4,053,845 Tise. - 5 7-46? of Hg 54.612 V. t2?20a 6 4.677 / Q 6. 0.63 4/05 sec/ I.O 6 5 0,00/As b al 4. S. 0.00/2 too, R 4. S.V) S 3 0.0043 l & s S. o 2xtes sec . S 2 S S S N \& Ya VS SQ O *P3s Fs 22. 27 INVENTOR. GoAedow Gould BY U.S. Patent Oct. 11, 1977 Sheet 5 of 6 4,053,845 A "r ELAC Teow/c OWLY LOWEST Gaol/WA S747A TWO J.-L.AVALS AAA AOA/A7A.D A7 AeCoM 7A/MAAA WaleAF -1 INVENTOR. Coe Dow Govzd BY 777 OaAvey 4,053,845 2 sion has a spectral distribution similar to that of the OPTICALLY PUMPED LASER AMPLIFTERS inducing radiation and may be in a very "sharp' line. This application is a continuation of both of my appli Spontaneously emitted photons, because of the ran cations, Ser. No. 644,035 filed on Mar. 6, 1967 and Ser. dom nature of the zero-point fluctuations, have no defi No. 804,540 filed on Apr. 6, 1959, which were co-pend- 5 nite phase or polarization. Because the zero-point fluc ing herewith and both are now abandoned. My continu tuations contain all frequencies, spontaneously emitted ation application Ser. No. 644,035 was co-pending with radiation has a finite bandwidth, characterized, at the and (1) a divisional application of my application Ser. least, by a Lorentzian line shape. No. 804,540 filed on Apr. 6, 1959, now abandoned, and In thermal equilibrium, the populations of two states (2) a continuation-in-part of my application Ser. No. O are related by the Boltzmann distribution factor: 804,539 filed Apr. 6, 1959, now abandoned. The present invention relates to amplifiers, and par ticularly to optically pumped light amplifiers. Ehigh - Etow A short explanation of the physical principles in KT volved will be helpful in explaining the nature of the 15 invention. It is known that atoms, ions or molecules (hereinafter Thus, in equilibrium the population of a higher energy called molecules) ordinarily exist in so-called "station state is less than that of a lower energy state. In particu ary' states possessing a more or less well defined en lar, the population of a state separated from the lowest ergy. While in such a state a molecule does not exhibit by an optical frequency is practically nil at ordinary an oscillating electric or magnetic moment. However, temperatures. Induced transitions under these condi since a molecule is made up of charged particles, it will tions necessarily absorb photons from the radiation be perturbed by any oscillating electric or magnetic field. field in which it may lie. When so perturbed, a molecule The foregoing principles can be utilized to devise originally known to be definitely in stationary state "a" 25 apparatus for microwave amplification by stimulated will possess a certain probability of being found in state emission of radiation which has been termed a MASER. “b' with different energy. When in such a "mixed' If by some means the population of a higher energy state, the molecule may exhibit an oscillating electric or state is made larger than that of a lower energy state, magnetic moment (i.e., it may appear as a system of 30 induced transitions must necessarily result in the emis oscillating charges, or charges in changing orbits). A sion of photons to the radiation field. Thus a molecule molecule will undergo a transition from state 'a' to may emit spontaneously a photon which in turn may state 'b' (i.e., have a large probability of being in state induce coherent emissions in neighboring molecules, "b') if the induced electric or magnetic moment oscil adding to the total radiation energy. If the transition is lates with almost the same frequency as the applied is at a microwave frequency, the system may be enclosed electric or magnetic field, and if the polarizations and in a cavity resonant at the same frequency and the es phases of the oscillations correspond. The frequency of cape of the photons prevented. If the power loss from the oscillating moment is determined by the Einstein the cavity is less than the power emitted from the mole relationship: cules, the system will oscillate with a frequency which fluctuates much less than the (Lorentz) bandwidth of the transition. The condition for MASER oscillation in where a gas is that the excess population density vo E the oscillation frequency h = Planok's constant h N - Na >> - - - AE = the energy difference between the two molecu 45 8ar pro lar states. The same equation E = hly gives the energy of the if the gas fills the cavity, photons associated with the electro-magnetic field. The T = T = T, is the relaxation time or state lifetime. photon density is proportional to the energy density of Q = the "quality factor' of the cavity. the field. During a transition, a photon or "quantum' 50 p is the oscillating electric or magnetic moment char electro-magnetic energy is emitted to or absorbed from acterizing the transition. the field, depending on whether the molecule is chang If the condition for oscillation is not quite met but ing from a higher to lower energy state or vice-versa. external power is coupled into the cavity, the "sensi Even when there is no radiation energy density of the tized' or "pumped' molecules will add to or amplify right frequency directly observable at the molecule, 55 the signal. Because power is lost through the output spontaneous transitions occur from higher to lower coupling, the condition for infinite gain, at optimum states with the emission of photons. These transitions output, is are actually induced by random fluctuations in the elec tro-magnetic field of so-called "empty' space. The photons emitted during an induced transition N - N --rpr unloaded have the same phase and polarization as the inducing wave - i.e., they are "coherent' with it. A single atom This amplification adds very little random "noise' to may radiate a photon in any direction. However many the amplified signal. The minimum noise is determined atoms distributed over a finite volume and radiating by thermal fluctuations in the radiation field or by ran coherently cooperate to generate a wave having the 65 dom spontaneous emission, whichever is larger.
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