1901. L EGI SLA'l'IVE A SSEMBLY. N EW SO U TH -nrA L ES. AUSTRALIAN MUSEUl\i. (REPOR1' OF THE 'l'RUS'l'Ei<:S FOR THE YEAR 1000.) -- -------- --- tJ ret~c n lcb lo ~Jarlinmcnt pnromml ta J\d 17 ~(.}ic ~o. 2, .sec. 9. Printed under Ko. 7 Rf'port j,·om Prinli.ti!J Oommillce, 17 October, 1001. T o H 1s ExcELLENC\' TH~: Oov~:n:o;on AND ExECUTIVE CouNC'II.,- Tht> Tm:.tees of tilt' Ausb'lliian )[u ~eum J. nve t.he honor to submit to your Excellency their Forty·SC\'Cnth Annual Repo1·t. 1. lt ill with deep 1·egrd thab we ha,·c to rc>cnrcl the death of Dr. ,J. DclisLu·io, one of t.J.c Elective Trustees, who occupied a :;eat. on lllc Board since Novc'mbc1·, 18i3. J Le wa~ I'C' gu l ;~r in his ;~ttonclance at the mcet.ings, and evinced gn•;Lt inlr·rest. in the management of the ~ l u se utH. The vacancy has been filled by the clecLion of CrilcheU, " 'alker, Esq., C.)l.G., Lhc Pt·incipal Under. 'ccrelary. L M\C of ahsence Wtls gin•11 to Colonel " '· D. Cumpbell 'Yilliam ~, P.)l.O., on a<;count of his departut·e for • 'outh .\frica in t·luuw• n£ thr Nrw Houth Wale>; ..-u·my 1lcdicnl Co1·ps. 2. The M ut~rum continurtl nJWn to visitor:; during thr usual hours, '·iz., from 2 to 5 p.m. on Sunday:i, <tnd f1·orn 10 1t.m. to 5 p.m. on nil wrrk·d<ty:s, cxcep~ ~londays, whirh wr1·e> •·esE'I'vNI for cleaning purposrs, but on Monday aftcmoons tlw collt•l'Liun>~ havr, as ul!ttltl, brrn aecessiule to fiL udents ttnd schools for teaching pm·poses, on npplic!tLion hcin~ n111dr to the Curator. Thr total numh<'t' of visitot•s 1·eeordNl is 116,927 (see Appendix Jl 1 ), !;]towing a dt•crrnsr of 1,692 for· the ~·rat·. The a'·ct·nge wns 32.3 on wrek-dnys (3-!5 the }>l'C\·ious year) and 601 on Hunduys (590 the pt'l'\'iuu-; yrat·). The lm·grsL attendance on nuy onr day again OCClll't'('d un ~Ionday, lst Octuh<'l' (Eight-hout· Day), whcn ~,:?91 pt·r~ons entered the huilding. I t is worthy of note that the whok of thr decl·easc oct·utTNI dm-ing the months when the plague was at its height in Hydney. 3. The funds voted fut• lh<' fi nnncia I yt"ar 1900 I 90 I amount lo the same as fot· the previous y~u'. 'ome I'C-adjusllll<'nL of the incidencr of the vot~>s has nllowPd of minot· improvement:;, but, f01· the present, no uew ~chemes can be entcrl"d into. ThC' grl'.tt ncf'ds III'P funtls to sl"nd ouL coliPctors, and to purchase books and collections of national importance. 4. ThP purchases amounted to 1.61.") sp<'Cilll!'n,, LIH• most. noLieeablc acquisitions being:­ :38 l•:thuologic>tl sprciuwns from .a\l r,;. J e0 1·ey~. :l!'i , M1·. H. 1'3lockdtdc•. the Bishop of )lclnncsia. 1~ " 17 li'os!>ils fmm ,\ft-s. llopc•. I (lrizzly Bear ft·om tlu• X<•w •>uth 'Yale"> loolo!;ical , ociPty. 5. The t·ollecting of specinwns slill remains cii'Jwn<lcnl on the volunlnt·y efl(lt-ts of members of the ~ta!f nnd fri<'tllls who a1·e willing Ill dc,·oLc some p01·tion of lheir leisure lime lo it. 13y this mc:u1s about 1,842 spcci mc•m1 wcrc acquired. 6. 'flu• Trustees again dc•sirc• lo dmw your Ext·l'llc>ney's attPntion lo the fact that through insufficiency of fund'! fo1· tit<• ulxl\'e puqwses many ';tlualJie and pos,.,iiJly unic1ue sprcimens al'e pennanently lost to the Htatc, and wnultl urgPutly rt'IJllt'sl that a<lt·cluatc funcls l~t• provirll'd, 7t{83$ " 10-L\ 7, 2 i. The Donntiou" l'<'c<'h Pc! lllllllb.;'''('ol i,ll-!l from IIUIII('I'ou~ donor-:. Tlw most noticeable al'e :­ X.-st of n. Bla<:k bnekNI )lagpie (f:ym. tibi,·in) c•on.;t•·uet<'ll of fenet>-lacin.g wirr, by :'llt·. William T..o<ler Fine :<l'rii'S t)£ \Ion rl'mniu-. f1·om Ot·l::•), hy )f,·. .1. llihb-;. ('rrhu·P0\1-< l •'o.~si l " l't•om QurPnsland, hy l\f1·. 11 . \\', BlomfiPicl. A collt'CI iun, 1\ll lll hPt'ill~ !i6 spccinwn-<, ni' p ,~h··o-NI'nlit,h i c Slo!U' TmplPilH'IIl!l from n rnmark, by !Ill·. K llun.q('n. An t'X('('llcuL ~p<•ciutPn of Ll11' OilhPt·L l,; land ()uira!-ts, by ~ lt ·. K Twynam. A ( 'uit'a'lS and A nniPl from t lw Oil bert (:roup, and fi 1 P 1 et)' linP X rw f: ui 1\<'ll (;I u hs, hy 1\r , .. P. {.;, Bln.C'k . .\n rh•ctt•olypr• of tlw nl.w•rst' of thr lk-;-.PIIH•I" c:uld l\f('dul of rill' lt·on and S(pc•l Institut.-, by thr ( 'nuncil. An rl<'ctrnlyp" ut' tltt•l'npl<'y .\fPclal. P''''"'nh•ol in liiG hy lit<' Hoyal SnciPty to {'nptnin .James Cook, hy tlw Hoyal :-.ol('it•ly uf London. Copil'" of it>~ 11111 \lt>tlnls. hy thP Royal Socit•t.' of X!'w South \\' ;de ~. l3ron~•· :\lt•dal, c·ommPIIlnt•nth·e of llt•r :\lajrsl,\ \ .J uhilet>, hr tht> Corpornt10n of London. 8. l~xc h nngc·~ lmi'P hP<'n c;LJ'ried ouL 11 illt ,·arinus -'1 u ~c UI\Il; llntl pl'intLC (•ol leclnrs, with ilw t·esult. of athlin~ :i~O spt•t·inwn ..; to Llw \lu~f'Uill t•ollcct i on~. Thr most iulporl;uu L wcwo wiih lhc \\'est AusLra l i 1~n Jlfuscum, l'c• rLh: lh<' 'I'Pc hnolul-{it· .. l :1l.1~Pl1111, Hydnt'y; !lte !loyal 7. ool•>gic~t l i\lu~!'uln, l•'lorence : tho Geological :-iunry of Qth'Pnsland ; and J?rof!'ssN· 'rat<·, of AclPiaide. !l. The additions lo tlw Li brary numl)('r :l:ia n1lunws, besidPs numrrous pnutphleh and unbound pat•ls of pPrindicat.... ..\ list of tluplicatcs, :naihii,Jt• for <'xchang<', h:\S bef'n printe-d and t'irculatecl, with the r('sult that ah·eady .,,.,.,•ral U'if'ful exchun!.(P'< ol hook-; hn \'(' bren made with ot hc·t· lnsl ilulion-.. 10. 'l'he <'l"t'cliou of half of thf' new South "'in~-: nf lhf' Musf'um has madr ,alisfacto•·y progress, and the buikling is now almo:st ready L11 ))(' handt•d on••· hy lh(' contr a~'tot· . Thr nrw building haii been erected o,·e•· the workshops, which now form its hn'>cment, and, although work wn" CIWI'ird on as usual in Litem, no acddc•uLs oct,lll'l"od ('Xcept damage' by min whit(' lhe roof Wt\S being removed. \\rhen this huildin;; is ltttndPtl ovrr, t.he fi n;t requirement wil l hP to t'l"t•cL C!~-;es, for which tht• ncct's!mry funds will Ltl m;lwd, •~nd then Lo r<llnove the> Ethnological C:ullt•cliun from it-; present lc•upOI'III'Y !JIUU'tt•t·s. \.~ soou u~ possiblt:, il is prop<N'd tu hn,·c tlw tcmpot'<try Etltuulugit'al huilding pulled tlowu, a11tl the IWW Somh "'in~ Pxteudcd lo ccmnrt't with the main :\I 1'"''11111 builtlings, whl'n tlw "C'ppt•r (;aJit••·.v 11 ill he dt•l•oted lo the Ethnological, ancltlll: <.:round !<'loot· to an P'<tl'nsion nl' \hP )fammaliun and OstPolo!.(i<·nl Colll'clions. 11. TIH' work ou th<' •· Fi,hPs of Au-.tmlin" w:,., t·tmtinued hr :\Jr. .J. ! >ought ... O!.(ilhy, under llw snprl'l"i o.;ion of 11 (;uuunitt!'c uf tllP Tnl'>l<'l"', until tilt' :lOth .J """• 1900, when it. """ lranstcJTed lo tlw t·ontrol of th•• ('hit•l' :-i<•t•rNilrj. 12. Tlw M UM'l\111 P ublit·!LLions issuer! duriu~ llll' Yl'lll' Wl'rc• :- " Hccords of Llw Aus tmli<~n J\luseum,'' Vol. Ill , Parts 7 ami 8, complrtinl-{ tlw \"nlu llll'. " :i\Ipmoirs ol' lht· 1\ u,;Lmli;w .i\ Jm,l'mn," \ 'ol. Ill (On L•'unafuti .Atol l), P:trl 10, t·omplt•Ling the Yolume. ")l emoil'h of lilt' ,\ ustralian )lust•tun,"' \'ol. J \' ( Hl'suhs of" ThNis " E:o.p<'dition), Pat·\ :l. •· L ist of Du plical<• Books a ntl Pamphll.'h n l'ailahlc for cxchangf' ... .l. full list of tht• :\tu ~•· um Publications will he t'omHI in Appendix \ ' l,antl ;tli~t of )»>JWI-:; published hy mcUJhcrs of the :\[ u-.<·Uht St all" in .\ ppl'tHlix \' I f. 1:t ThC' pt·t•pnmtion ot the new l•tlit ion of tlw " l),.,,.,.ipt h c ('atnl<>tttw of t l11• l\t•s(s awl Egg"' of Birds found Bt·oeuin;.{ in .\ nstmlia and 'l'asuu111in,'' h_y )IJ·.• \ . J. Xorth, has pt·o!.(I'C'<~t·d, nrudy nil tl11• plates bcin:.; Jll'l'Jilll"t'c l. Th•• lit·sl part ot lln• IPI!t•J'(H't'"-" wns hnnclrcl to tlw (ll'inlet· ahouL till' pm! of lhn yea•·, und slwuld he i ~>~ tlt'tl tn snhscl'ibt11'" c•11 rly in I !lOt. 1 k Tlw folll!ll iug Appt•utlicPs arP aUacl!t•d to !hi,.
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