Pahayagan ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas ANG Pinapatnubayan ng Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo English Edition Vol XLV No. 11 June 7, 2014 www.philippinerevolution.net Editorial Oust the regime that reeks of corruption! enigno Aquino III and his regime reek of corruption. After other big comprador bour- close to four years of endless chatter about "clean govern- geoisie. Bidding for such big- Bance," Aquino has shown that he is no different from past ticket projects as the MRT main- presidents in promoting, and benefiting from, bureacrat capitalist tenance contract and the "mod- corruption. ernization" of the Philippine Or- thopedic Hospital have been in- The Janus-faced Aquino bank accounts in the form of variaby rigged. This clearly rode on the people's anger at kickbacks for government offi- demonstrates that Aquino's PPP the corruption of the previous cials. projects have actually already Arroyo regime and peddled the Aquino has favored his cro- been negotiated and awarded "righteous path" slogan. Howe- nies and other wealthy families among his closest big bourgeois ver, it was merely a means to in awarding infrastructure con- comprador supporters. Such ne- cover up the breadth and depth tracts under the Public-Private gotiations are handled directly of corruption in the Philippine Partnership Program. The big- by Aquino through his sisters, as government under his rule. gest beneficiaries of government in the case of the reported in- The use by government offi- contracts are also the biggest volvement of Ballsy Aquino in cials of state power and privi- contributors to the Aquino's the government contract to pur- lege for personal gain or to fa- 2010 presidential cam- chase new train coaches for the vor their families or patrons re- paign—Eduardo "Danding" Coju- MRT. mains rampant under the Aqui- angco, Henry Sy, Manuel Pangi- Aquino has stepped up no regime. linan, the Ayalas, Consunjis and smuggling through legal and ille- Aquino makes use of public funds to strength- en his hold on political power. In particu- lar, he has used the Priority De- velopment Assistance Fund (PDAF) and the Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP) to force congressmen and sena- tors, and even local government officials to toe the line. He likewise uses public funds to ensure the loyalty of Liberal Party members. These funds are transferred to private gal channels. One year into the big comprador companies. The nents. Anti-Aquino senators Aquino regime, it was estab- Aquino regime's tax policies are have been charged, but none of lished by the International Mon- heavily skewed in favor of big the pro-Aquino officials accused etary Fund (IMF) Direction of business. Up to 40% of the top of receiving kickbacks or bribe Trade that smuggling has wor- 100 companies in the Philip- money. Meanwhile, it continues sened threefold compared to pines are not among the Bureau to bungle the corruption and previous regimes and now of Internal Revenue's list of top plunder cases against former amounts to $19 billion per year. 500 corporate taxpayers. Many president Gloria Arroyo and In 2013, Aquino made a big foreign big business operations, provide her with privileges in show of removing the chief of including oil and mining compa- detention. the customs bureau, making nies, are among the biggest There has been no funda- loud accusations that certain of- beneficiaries of tax exemp- mental change in the orientation ficials have not been following tions. of the ruling system. Govern- his "righteous path." Yet, not a Aquino has been covering up ment remains an instrument of single official has been charged the involvement of his key offi- the ruling classes of big com- or punished. This means that cials and pro-Aquino congress- pradors, landlords and big bu- such drama was only meant to men and senators in kickback reaucrat capitalists. Political remove certain customs officials scams or in facilitating the power is wielded by the ruling whose loyalty to the Aquino transfer of public funds to pri- Aquino clique to serve the inter- clique has been found wanting. vate accounts. Despite having ests of the Aquino family, its Large amounts of smuggled been named in the pork barrel cronies, the pro-Aquino oli- goods, especially rice, onions, scam many times, Aquino's garchs and foreign big business. garlic, pork, poultry and other budget and agricultural secre- The broad masses of workers agricultural produce continue to taries "continue to enjoy the and peasants and the middle be illegally dumped into the Phil- president's trust" and exercise class sectors are sick and tired ippine market, pulling down the same power, authority and of Aquino's "righteous path" farmgate prices to the detri- privilege they have been using rhetoric. They know that there ment of small peasants and ru- for corruption. has been no fundamental ral producers. The "anti-corruption" rheto- change in the way that the reac- Aquino has raised the peo- ric has simply served as a weap- tionary government is being run. ple's tax burden, but provides on wielded by the ruling Aquino To them, it remains the exclu- tax exemptions and holidays to clique against its political oppo- sive domain of the ruling class- es, who pocket public funds that should accrue to public health, education, housing and other ANG Contents essential social services. Editoryal: Oust the regime which reeks of corruption 1 The Filipino people are ut- Vol XLV No. 11 June 7, 2014 Scrambling to cover-up Aquino’s involvement 3 terly disgusted with the stench WEF, a grand show 4 of corruption under the Aquino Ang Bayan is published in Pilipino, 2 mining firms punished 5 regime. They demand an end to Bisaya, Iloko, Hiligaynon, Waray and NPA denies killing Navarro 5 Aquino's coverups of his offi- English editions. NPA stops mining survey in ComVal 5 It is available for downloading at cials involved in the pork barrel the Philippine Revolution Web Central US interference in Zamboanga Siege 5 anomalies. Aquino himself must located at: Civilians victimized in Sorsogon 6 be held responsible for the use Justice for 8 workers 7 www.philippinerevolution.org. of pork barrel funds and his pro- RPA: Butchers still 7 motion of corruption through Ang Bayan welcomes contributions 100 families evicted in Sierra Madre 7 the discretionary disbursement in the form of articles and news. Mabacas demand 77th IB pullout 8 Readers are likewise enjoined to send Farmers reject CARP extension bill 8 of billions of pesos of public in their comments and suggestions for monies. They demand an end to the betterment of our publication. You Land grabbing in Negros 9 can reach us by email at: NDFP pays tribute to Bishop Millemena 10 Aquino's PPP program where big Teachers launch protests 10 oligarchs connive with the Aqui- [email protected] Martial law in Thailand 11 no regime to make use of public funds to burden the people with Ang Bayan is published fortnightly by the Central Committee privatized transportation and of the Communist Party of the Philippines other services. 2 ANG BAYAN June 7, 2014 In the face of widespread Scrambling to cover up Aquino's corruption, the Filipino people intensify their demand for the involvement in the pork barrel scam ouster of the Aquino regime to put an end to its lies and preten- alacañang's minions are currently in a mad scramble to cov- sions to righteousness. They call Mer up the involvement of Benigno Aquino III no less in the for the establishment of a broad `10-billion pork barrel scandal. anti-corruption front to unite all First, Aquino sought to discredit and belittled Janet Lim Na- democratic forces and isolate poles' two sworn affidavits incriminating his regime's key officials the corrupt ruling Aquino re- in the pork barrel anomaly. Napoles claimed that it was Budget gime. Sec. Florencio "Butch" Abad who taught her how to navigate the The ever worsening socio- complexities of the pork barrel fund. economic conditions of the peo- This time around, Malacañang wants to put a lid on news that ple underscore the need for Aquino's name was among the list of them to struggle for the ouster politicians found in digital records of the Aquino regime. By putting maintained by Benhur Luy, one of forward the demands for higher the whistleblowers in the wages, lower prices, larger pork barrel scandal. budgetary allocations for public Computer forensics ex- education and health services, perts have discovered that employment, land reform and a number of files had been other democratic demands, they deleted from Luy's com- can belie the Aquino regime's puter. This piece of infor- claims that its "good govern- mation was among those di- ance" has resulted in a "Philip- vulged by the Senate after pine miracle." Luy's files had been sub- The Filipino people seek the mitted to the Blue Ribbon ouster of the Aquino regime be- Committee. fore its term expires in 2016. The forensics analysis There is urgency to their strug- revealed that more than 50 gle to oust the Aquino regime files had been deleted. as the Aquino clique is current- Among the deleted ly seeking to consolidate its po- documents were let- litical power precisely by con- ters addressed to "PI- trolling the purse strings in or- NOY" (Aquino) requesting financial assist- der to ensure the outcome of ance amounting to millions of pesos. Also deleted were the names the 2016 elections and perpet- of Executive Sec. Paquito N. Ochoa Jr., Sec. Butch Abad and the uate its power, its lies and cor- name "BIGBOY." Senate Pres. Franklin Drilon used the nickname ruption. "Big Boy" in his 2001 election campaign.
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