th th 5 Aug 2021 – 6 Aug 2021 Items Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 蔬菜鸡清汤 西式汤 玉米胡萝卜汤 Vegetable and chicken Western Soup Corn and carrot soup 二选一 clear soup Choose 1 of 2 中式汤 西湖牛肉羹 青菜粥 Chinese Soup West Lake Beef soup Vegetable Congee 奶油青柠汁煎鸭胸 西式套餐 煎香葱猪肉肠 Fried duck breast in cream Western Set Menu Fried pork sausage with scallion lime juice 青椒滑炒肉片 中式套餐 三选二 芝士焗鸡腿 Fried pork slices with Chinese Set Menu Choose 2 of 3 Baked chicken with cheese green pepper 莴笋炒鸡蛋 香菇烧豆泡 蛋白质素食 Scrambled eggs with Bamboo Braised tofu with Vegetarian shoots mushroom 蔬菜 红烧茄子 豉油皇生菜 Vegetable Braised eggplant Fried Lettuce in soy sauce 自选 Complimentary 番茄菜花 清 炒三色玉米粒 蔬菜 Stir-fried cauliflower with Stir-fried corn with Vegetable tomatoes vegetables 淀粉类 奶黄包 蒸小馒头 Starch 自选 Steamed cream custard bun Steamed Mini Buns Complimentary 米饭 白米饭 白米饭 Rice Plain Rice Plain Rice 饮料 二选一 酸奶/牛奶 酸奶/牛奶 Beverage Choose 1 of 2 Yoghurt / Milk Yoghurt / Milk 水果 水晶梨 圣女果 Fruit Pear Tomato 二选一 Choose 1 of 2 甜点 芝士蛋糕 迷你小马芬 Dessert Cheese cake Mini muffin th th 9 Aug 2021 – 13 Aug 2021 Items Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 西式汤 奶油土豆汤 胡萝卜南瓜汤 匈牙利牛肉汤 慢烤番茄汤 奶油玉米汤 Western Soup Creampotato soup Carrot and pumpkin soup Goulash soup Tomato soup Cream corn soup 二选一 Choose 1 of 2 牛肉丸白菜汤 中式汤 鸡茸粟米羹 小白菜粉丝汤 红豆薏仁汤 鲜肉丸子汤 Beef meatballs and cabbage Chinese Soup Corn soup with chicken Cabbage vermicelli soup Red bean seed soup Pork meatball soup soup 豉汁烧鸭腿 番茄香草烤鱼 炸鸡配番茄汁 西式套餐 匈牙利烩牛肉 韩式肥牛 Roast duck leg in black Grilled fish with tomatoes Fried chicken with tomato Western Set Menu Goulash beef Korean style beef bean sauce and herbs sauce 木须肉 中式套餐 三选二 亚式咖喱鸡 台湾卤肉 菠萝咕噜鱼 红烧肉 Fried pork with scrambled Chinese Set Menu Choose 2 of 3 Asian style chicken curry Taiwan style pork Pineapple fish Braised Pork soy sauce eggs and fungus 洋葱木耳炒鸡蛋 西红柿炒蛋 蛋白质素食选择 红烧豆腐 蔬菜蒸蛋羹 卤水鸡蛋豆腐 Scrambled eggs with onion Stir Fried Tomato Vegetarian Beancurd in brown sauce Steamed egg with vegetable Marinated egg tofu and fungus and Egg 蒜蓉娃娃菜 蔬菜 香草烤土豆 炒混合时蔬 清炒玉米粒 奶香土豆泥 Steamed baby cabbage with Vegetable Baked potato with herbs Stir Fried Mixed Vegetables Stir-fried corn Cream mashed potato 自选 garlic Complimentary 银耳炒菜心 醋溜大白菜 蔬菜 清炒盖菜 炝炒圆白菜 炒小油菜 Sauteed White Fungus and Chinese Cabbage with Vegetable Stir Fried Green Vegetables Stir Fried Green Cabbage Stir-fried rape Green Vegetable Vinegar 淀粉类 小花卷 蒸南瓜 中式炒饼 面包片 小馒头 Starch 自选 Steamed Twisted Rolls Steamed Pupkims Pan Fried Flapjack Bread Steamed Milni Buns Complimentary 米饭 白米饭 白米饭 白米饭 白米饭 白米饭 Rice Plain Rice Plain Rice Plain Rice Plain Rice Plain Rice 饮料 二选一 酸奶/牛奶 酸奶/牛奶 酸奶/牛奶 酸奶/牛奶 酸奶/牛奶 Beverage Choose 1 of 2 Yoghurt / Milk Yoghurt / Milk Yoghurt / Milk Yoghurt / Milk Yoghurt / Milk 水果 香梨 香蕉 苹果 水晶梨 圣女果 Fruit Pear Banana Apple Pear Tomato 二选一 Choose 1 of 2 甜点 奶香曲奇 戚风蛋糕 瑞士卷 葡式蛋挞 奶香小面包 Dessert Cookies Chiffon cake Swiss roll Egg tart Cream bun th th 16 Aug 2021 – 20 Aug 2021 Items Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 土豆大葱汤 西式汤 奶油南瓜汤 奶油蘑菇汤 慢烤番茄汤 胡萝卜玉米浓汤 Potato and spring onion Western Soup Cream pumpkin soup Cream mushroom soup Tomato soup Carrot and corn soup 二选一 soup Choose 1 of 2 中式汤 粟米羹 鱼丸汤 番茄蛋花汤 猪肉丸子汤 蔬菜粥 Chinese Soup Sweet corn soup Fish ball soup Tomato and egg soup Pork ball soup Vegetable porridge 红烩鸡块 西式套餐 日式照烧鸡 炸鱼配薯角 脆皮烤鸭肉 蜜汁香烤猪梅肉 Stewed chicken brown Western Set Menu Teriyaki chicken Fried fish with potato Crispy roast duck Roast pork with honey sauce sauce 醋溜木须 酱爆鸡丁 中式套餐 红烧肉 Fried pork with scrambled 土豆炖牛肉 四喜丸子 三选二 Diced chicken with bean Chinese Set Menu Choose 2 of 3 Braised Pork with soy sauce eggs and fungus with Beef Stew with Potato Braised Pork Balls in Gravy paste sauce vinegar 芹菜炒腐竹 青笋炒鸡蛋 杏鲍菇炒豆腐 西红柿炒蛋 蛋白质素食 黄瓜炒鸡蛋 Stir Fried Celery and Dried Scrambled Eggs with Green Stir-fried tofu with Stir Fried Tomato Vegetarian Stir Fried Cucumber and Egg Beancurd Stick Bamboo Shoots mushroom and Egg 粉条炝炒圆白菜 香菇油菜 卤汁烧白萝卜 蔬菜 蒜蓉藕片 杂菜蒸蛋羹 Stir-fried cabbage with Stir-fried rape with Braised white radish with Vegetable Garlic lotus root Vegetable steamed egg 自选 vermicelli mushrooms soy sauce Complimentary 奶油芝士焗双花 蔬菜 香草烤时蔬 烤薯角 黄油时蔬 炒混合时蔬 Baked cauliflower broccoli Vegetable Grilled vegetables with herb Baked potato Buttered seasonal vegetable Stir Fried Mixed Vegetable with cream sauce 素炒饼 淀粉类 清蒸奶香小馒头 炒饭 小花卷 素菜包 Pan fried pancake with Starch Steamed Mini Buns Stir Fried Rice Steamed Twisted Rolls Vegetable bun 自选 vegetables Complimentary 米饭 白米饭 白米饭 白米饭 白米饭 白米饭 Rice Plain Rice Plain Rice Plain Rice Plain Rice Plain Rice 饮料 二选一 酸奶/牛奶 酸奶/牛奶 酸奶/牛奶 酸奶/牛奶 酸奶/牛奶 Beverage Choose 1 of 2 Yoghurt / Milk Yoghurt / Milk Yoghurt / Milk Yoghurt / Milk Yoghurt / Milk 水果 香梨 香蕉 苹果 水晶梨 圣女果 Fruit 二选一 Pear Banana Apple Pear Tomato Choose 1 of 2 甜点 椰香曲奇 葡式蛋挞 香蕉包 甜甜圈 法式小软包 Dessert Coconut cookies Egg Tart Banana bun Donuts Sweet bread th th 23 Aug 2021 – 27 Aug 2021 Items Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 西式玉米燕麦粥 西式汤 匈牙利牛肉汤 意大利蔬菜汤 小米南瓜粥 奶油胡萝卜汤 Western corn and oatmeal Western Soup Goulash soup Minestrone Pumpkin Congee Cream carrot soup 二选一 porridge Choose 1 of 2 中式汤 西红柿鸡蛋汤 冬瓜丸子汤 紫菜蛋花汤 西湖牛肉羹 鸡蛋菠菜汤 Chinese Soup Tomato and Egg Soup Wax gourd pork ball soup Seaweed and Egg Soup West Lake Beef soup Egg and spinach soup 煎香葱猪肉肠 西式套餐 红烩牛肉 香烤猪梅肉 咖喱鸡 滑蛋牛肉 Fried pork sausage with Western Set Menu Stewed beef brown sauce Roasted pork Chicken curry Fried beef with egg shallot 冬笋烧鸡块 豉汁蒸鱼 青椒炒鸭片 滑溜鸡片 中式套餐 三选二 糖醋鸡柳 Roasted chicken with winter Steamed fish with black Fried duck slices with green Stir-fried chicken slices Chinese Set Menu Choose 2 of 3 Sweet and Sour Chicken bamboo shoots bean sauce pepper with green pepper 青椒豆皮 炒合菜 西红柿炒蛋 蛋白质素食 株肉蒸豆腐 芙蓉蒸水蛋 Fried green pepper bean Stir Fried Bean Sprount and Stir Fried Tomato Vegetarian Steamed tofu with ZouRou Steamed Egg curd Chives and Egg 西 胡萝卜炒西兰花 红烧冬瓜 葫芦炒木耳 蔬菜 炒混合时蔬 香芹腐竹 Stir Fried Carrot and Stewed winter melon in soy Stir fried zucchini with Vegetable Stir Fried Mixed Vegetable Fried celery with beancurd 自选 Broccoli sauce fungus Complimentary 豉汁大白菜 醋溜大白菜 蔬菜 清炒菜心 炒小油菜 炝炒圆白菜 Stir Fried Cabbage in Soy Chinese Cabbage with Vegetable Salted Green Vegetables Stir Fried rape Stir Fried Green Cabbage Sauce Vinegar 淀粉类 牛肉馅饼 蒸南瓜 什锦玉米粒 馒头片 手抓饼 Starch 自选 Beef pie Steamed Pupkims Sweet Corns Sliced Bun Pan cake Complimentary 米饭 白米饭 白米饭 白米饭 白米饭 白米饭 Rice Plain Rice Plain Rice Plain Rice Plain Rice Plain Rice 饮料 二选一 酸奶/牛奶 酸奶/牛奶 酸奶/牛奶 酸奶/牛奶 酸奶/牛奶 Beverage Choose 1 of 2 Yoghurt / Milk Yoghurt / Milk Yoghurt / Milk Yoghurt / Milk Yoghurt / Milk 水果 香梨 香蕉 苹果 水晶梨 圣女果 Fruit 二选一 Pear Banana Apple Pear Tomato Choose 1 of 2 甜点 黄油蛋糕 曲奇饼干 迷你南瓜派 香蕉蛋糕 葡式蛋挞 Dessert Butter cake Cookies Mini Pumpkin Pie Banana cake Egg Tart.
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