More News The Seasonal Newsletter of St. Thomas More Catholic Parish Scranton, Pennsylvania Transfiguration 2018 Texas to learn how better to keep this en- and students to Maria Kaupas Academy will From the Pastor deavor growing – and connected to the other necessitate classroom space we simply do not schools of our diocese. Please pray for the possess. We have the school building, but it parents, teachers, and students of both our really is not useable space, so what exactly we Lower and Upper Schools as we begin our do with that structure must be determined, as third year offering this unique and enriching well. In short, we must formulate a strategic curriculum. plan for the growth we anticipate, and this will likely issue in a capital campaign imple- The renovations to the convent have mented next year or the year after. We are been funded through the donations of two grateful for how the Lord has blessed our generous benefactors and include updating work. Responsible stewardship means we the electricity and installing emergency light- must begin an intentional discussion about ing and exit signs. But the most common how best to receive future blessings. question I am asked about the renovation is, “What’s going to happen to Ron?” As you We hope by the fall, after Bishop Lopes’ know, four years ago Ron Morgese moved visit, that we will have a clearer picture of Dear Members & Friends, into the convent and has served as an what precisely needs to be accomplished, and invaluable presence on campus, helping to we will have a discussion about how to do it When Bishop Steven Lopes arrives on maintain our grounds while generally keeping and how to pay for it. For the purpose of August 18, it will have been six years since St. an eye on the place. Having expressed a desire formulating an annual budget for operating Joseph Church was dedicated and two years to continue fulfilling this role, he will still rent expenses, our conclusions will be part of our since his last visitation. Much has happened a room on our campus, but now in an efficien- annual stewardship campaign this October. in the intervening two years, and as we cy apartment with its own entrance to the Any inauguration of a capital campaign will prepare for his time with us I want to take this building, completely separate from the school occur in conjunction with – and with the opportunity to explain how recent develop- facilities. We’re pleased to have Ron, because blessing of – Bishop Lopes, the objective of ments point to the future for our parish. we’re certain that the benefit of having his such accountability being that we do not bite eyes and ears on the Ferdinand Street side of off more than we can chew or do less than First, we have repurposed the convent our property is well worth the expense of that to which Jesus calls us. Please pray with this summer so that it can be used for the creating a new space for him. Nevertheless, me that we will be wise in our deliberations, expansion of Maria Kaupas Academy, now to we need donations of time and treasure to that Bishop Lopes, our father in Christ, will include an Upper School for high school-aged finish Ron’s new accommodations, so if you offer good counsel, and finally, that the Lord students. Our desire to offer an affordable, can make a contribution in this regard, please will provide for the mission He’s called us to classical Catholic education to our children is let me know. fulfill. part of a broader movement throughout the Church and, indeed, throughout our nation- The expansion in the coming years of our Looking forward to the beginning of the wide diocese. So many parishes and com- educational mission, and the growth of our school year, grateful for the support you’ve munities of the Personal Ordinariate of the parish this is helping to fuel, means we must given to make this moment possible, and with Chair of St. Peter are considering or have discern how to facilitate our work and provide prayers for the eight young people to be con- begun ventures like ours that our Chancery in facilities for it. That is, even as we will soon firmed on the Anniversary of the Dedication Houston is offering a seminar in Houston increase Paul Campbell to full-time status, we of St. Joseph Church, I am, about how to advance our common goal. will require before long another paid em- Your servant in Christ, Katy Kadonoff, our parish bookkeeper and the ployee in the office. Moreover, while we can coordinator for Maria Kaupas Academy Upper expect that the renovated convent will hold The Rev. Eric L. Bergman School, will travel on our behalf next month to us over for the next two years, adding grades Worship Masses for the Bishop Lopes to Visit Assumption of Mary August 18-19 The Solemnity of the Assumption of the St. Joseph Church was opened and dedi- Blessed Virgin Mary – August 15 – is a Holy cated for the use of St. Thomas More Parish Day of Obligation; all Catholics in good stand- on August 18, 2012, a date which the Parish ing are obliged to assist a Mass on that day, continues to commemorate in two ways. Every year, we celebrate the Solemnity of the rehearsals more convenient to families, two Anniversary of the Dedication of a Church on adjustments will be made to the schedule: that date (or the closest Sunday); and every Rehearsals will begin at 3:45 p.m. (15 minutes two years, we host the Bishop on that same later than in prior years), allowing non-MKA occasion to confer the Sacrament of Confir- students adequate time to get to the church mation upon our Youth Confirmation Class. after school bussing, etc.; and rehearsal in the loft by all choristers will take place first, fol- lowed by the smaller musicianship classes, opposite the previous pattern. whether here at the Parish or at a more con- Teen and Adult members of the choir will venient time or location elsewhere. To that begin their Sunday morning rehearsals at 9:00 end, Said Masses will be offered on that day a.m. on Sunday, September 9, coinciding with at 7:00 a.m. and 12 noon. Solemn Mass will the resumption of Sunday School and all other be offered at our usual Wednesday Mass Parish programs after the summer break. time, 5:30 p.m. Please join us in celebration of this Holy Day! Fall Mass Schedule To that end, Bishop Steven Lopes will visit the With Maria Kaupas Academy set to run Parish on Saturday evening, August 18 for three days per week beginning this fall – and Adoration Continues Hiatus Confirmation (the Parish does not normally with daily Mass being a key feature of the offer a Saturday Vigil Mass, but will do so in Until November Academy schedule – said Masses will be this case). Then, on Sunday evening, August A reminder that Eucharistic Adoration offered at 11:30 a.m. on every Tuesday, Wed- 19, Bishop Lopes will for the first time ever continues its hiatus at the Parish until Novem- nesday, and Friday that the Academy is in ber, owing both to the summer break and to visit the Blessed John Henry Newman Society a fall pilgrimage by Fr. Bergman. This break – our mission congregation in the Lehigh applies not only to First Sunday adoration Valley – to greet our members there and after Mass and 24-hour adoration on First assess the progress of the mission. Needless to say, this will be an “all hands on deck” weekend for the Parish! Please plan to partici- pate, both to support our youth as they are confirmed, and to receive our Bishop as he visits our two congregations. session. The only change to the remainder of our weekly Mass schedule is that 7:00 a.m. Masses will no longer be offered on Tues- Choir Season Resumes days. Therefore, after Labor Day the full Mass September 5 & 9 schedule will be as follows: Fridays & Saturdays, but to the attendant Choir School rehearsals and instruction Sunday: 10 a.m., 7 p.m. devotions such as First Friday Evensong, First (for choristers in grades 2 through 7) will re- Monday: 7 a.m. Saturday Mass & Confessions, etc. Rest sume on Wednesday afternoon, September Tuesday: 11:30 a.m. assured, these important devotions will all 5, concurrently with the first school day of Wednesday: 11:30 a.m., 5:30 p.m. return on November 2, 3, & 4. Maria Kaupas Academy. In an effort to make Thursday: 7 a.m. Friday: 7 a.m., 11:30 a.m. Discipleship Sunday School Planning All Programs Resume Meeting August 12 After Labor Day The annual Sunday School planning meet- Having taken a hiatus for the summer ing will be held after 10:00 a.m. Mass on months, all discipleship programs for children, Sunday, August 12. All parents and teachers, youth, and adults will resume their regular please plan to attend and offer your input as schedules after Labor Day, Monday, Septem- we plan the 2018-2019 Sunday School season. ber 3. Please join us for a rewarding season! Holy League Maria Kaupas Academy enroll their students only in those courses needed to supplement home schooling -- We look forward to a successful third Schedule Change though they may certainly enroll in all courses season of Maria Kaupas Academy, our exten- After several successful seasons meeting if they wish.
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