PRroAY, DECEMBER 27, 19«i Average Daily Net Praaa Run The Weather Sleet changlnr to rain by ¥■ PAHa 81XTBBN llanrlffater lEpgning Ijgralb Navamfeer I t , ISM temoon In most aectlona. Mixed one-time offender who h u Uv- rain, aleft and enow tonfghf, coin* wtan th eir oaeea are to be u n d e r n e w iianrhpfitpr lEuptimg Hrralh Mkely chanflng to enow and end­ stotante to the ohtof baft ootn- ed in the area for a numtar m MAMAOEMBirr hoonl. ing by morning. Airman l.C. Moitln O. He­ Night School Viclii Appciiited mlartonar to three, the lannber y«ars and is a memtar o f ^ 15,341 bert, eon o* Mrs. Annette B. He­ provided tor In the 12th Ctooutt Those arreeted who rwpieit PETTH Mandtmter— A City of Village Charm About Town a reduction In ball, or ask to be im m u n ity , the Idea bert ot tt Salem Rd. and Quy Regtotration for Manchee- To Court Post but unfulfilled until today. an offender can reaaonaWy m a u t y s a l o n excused from It entirely, are (Cleasifled Adverttafaig on Fage 10) PRICE TEN CENTS A MrtMth 'fbr o»Uece J. Hebert of BTB Hilliard St., i« ter Adult Baenlnc School The baU program la part of be expected to show for a M Church Sfc, Maaohaeter MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1968 referred to the ball oonunlssdon- VOL. LXXXVm, NO. 75 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) home tor TkosUon, etaUoned at Mt. Home AFB, winter term cl aaaea wm be Fearvunte J. Vtohl, 880 Main the Ciwuit Court ayatem adopt­ court appearance. 848-8888 wm be bekl tonight at 8:U at Idaho, hartng been aasign id to held at ihe Mancheeter High St., wee swum in as aatoitant ed In 1080. er. He inveetlgates and makes Permanent gU J8 a recommendation to the court Temple Beth Sholom. On Sun­ a unit of the Tactical Air Com­ School office on Jan. T, 8 and A ta ll oommleelonar’e lob la Children’s H alrc^ J».»8 bail usmiitoilrawir for the 12th baaed on pereonal intervlewe Giraffes have the w»'*<*^* Gift Certtflcatea AyaflaMe day morning at 10, a brunch mand. He U a navlgaUon equip­ 9 from 7 to 8 p.m. Ragiatra- to check people charged wtth hlgheat blood pressure, 18-tncn Ohoutt by Judge Nichotoa Ar> with suspected offenders. (Bvenlnga by Appotatmesit wm be held at the Temple tor ment repairman. He waa prev- tion le piimartly tor new en- mentano In the Judge’ s of f enses to dotatm lne whether long tongue# and frontlege poeb Only) the atodents. Michael Beren- ioualy atatloned at Ixnrlng AMB, or no* they can safely be releas­ ’Ihe program la meant to al­ At New Yearns Day Meeting refieea. atsmbere at We court building leviate the Inconvenlances of ar- erfid enough to kick Ui* head off tMnm of New Torh caty, a grad- Maine. ed on a nonaurety tend and tMs inotvilng. Vlehl’a appoint­ rest and ball formallUea for the a lion. onto atudent at Boeton Unlver- ment brings the number of as- stm be expected to show up for elty, wlU lead an Intormal 11s- The Rev. Stephen Price, cur­ Town Receives Passengers Killed I iwelrm od a eubjeet related to ate of St. Mary’s Bplscopal dte academic world. Church, will conduct a service Bids on Truck Sunday at 8:18 a.m. on radio VC Offer to Talk Smlor Qlrt Scout Troop 2 will sUtlon WINP. The program Is Hartford Rd. Bnrterprlsea o f Ita 30th annlveraary sponsored jototly by the Man­ lUnchester, wMh a net price ot with a tea Sunday from 2 to 4 chester Council ot Churches 88,867;^ tile apparent low hld- pjn. in Woodruff Hall of Center and the Manchester aergy As- dar for supplying ttie Mantaes- Oongregatlonal Church for all aocletlon. ter Highway Department with a & Release former member*, troop leaders 14,000 pound dump truck, oom- Plane Hits Hang end advisers. Oustbve QUll o f 18 Basel St. p l^ with body end hoist •nvf STORK OP WUHtO**' SAIGON (AP) — The renenteflvai ctargvxl ttte Viet F la .; Spec. 4 Ttenma N. Jonw, will be honored on his 78th Its gross price was 81,887, for Viet Oong today broadcast ®*u iried to im »*»n into a LomnvIRa, Ind., end P to. Donald ‘ CHICAGO (AP) ~ A Luts Junior Museum will be birthday Sunday at an open a 1980 mteraational. A 8800 al­ / lowance on ttie trade-te of a 'proiMgMKla oIrouB C. SmMfi, Akron, Fa. North Central AirHnes rtoead Wednesday, New Tear’s bouse from 2 to 4 p.m. at his a new offer to meet with ------------ - •*“ *“ Tin CMrtmaa Day meeting, 1981 Chevrolet truck brought Itoe U.8. representativee on A UB. apokeemnn etod today twin-engine plane attempt­ Day. home. he tad iw InuiMdiafe oomment held during a a^hour hoMoy net price to tiM 88,887 Hguro. New Year's Day to negoti­ tnxM, braloe down over Viet ing to land ttt mist-covered Carter Chevrolet also of Msa- on Mm new offer, taroadoeat by (YHare International Air­ The'^stewardship and finance Annual Sale of ate the release ot three tlM Ifint Gong’s lAberaUon Ra­ Oong demandi tin* the Ameri­ committee ot South United aiester, and the only other bid­ American prisoners of war. can detegntiMi diaouae “toetnaR'- port Friday night slam­ der, eubmitted a 88,440 n*t dio. But on FMday another Methodist Church wlU meet It came only hdura after spotaom an ta d eald Mw Unftied ties" prior to tnlkn about tnOag med into a hangar where Monday at 7:80 p.m. at the price, for nipplylng a 1969 tin prinonera. Ttw U.6. team of a drum and bugle team had Chevrolet Its gross price was an allied announcement ainton ie wMMng to "go any­ church. where, any ttme" to negotlaie live Army om cen sold It wont­ 84,2U, and It offered 8771 on the GIRDLES & BRAS! that tiiere will be no cease­ been practicing and explod­ fire Jen. 1. the reioaae of the prleomm. ed to dtacuee only tin date, time ed in flames. FIro control technlelan 3.C. trade-in. s and plooe tor tin priooner re- North Oentral officials said 37 TVywn Purchasing Agent Rich­ A eliwibir mneting Chrialnmi The priaonem n(« Spec. 4 Albert A. Ooncl, USN, eon of peraone were killed and Oook ard Corr said this morning, at Day bcuiae down w beo U A. i«|>- JunM W. Brigham of Oonto, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony B. Gone! The flrve Viet Oong reprwserit- County (Chicago) aulteelUas of 6M Keeney St, U serving bid openings, that he wfll study •tirvns eoM tin psisonera were said 37 bodies were counted in both bklB for specifications, be­ aboard the fleet oiler UBS Chuk- Lycra tricot panty not aivaltoMe and tiny bod no tile wreckage, which burned for SAVE A BUCK fore awarding a contract VAN RAALTE authority hi tint regard. Irtrtead I swan, a unit of Task Force 140 V. more than an hour. girdle. S, M, L. wg. $7. SJM: I®"* ttay Invite tin UA dftegetos Tin alrlkM aoid tt believed for tte manned flight Apollo 8. \V to rit down wtth ttnm a* a toUe M A N C H eSIB l V: there were 42 passengw s end panty girdle, reg. |11, S .8 G : *>**• • f > t'VI U. iS. Pledges Try and partake of wtoeelmnnbe. Members of the BUghth Dla- South Windaor 1 ) ,; four crewmen aboeml the Ooa- W ELDING seamed or eeam-free cups, 82-88. A, B, C, Dariler today UB. and SouSi I tilct Fire Department will meet s. valr 860. Vletnamnse opokeemen an- tonight at 7:80 at fire headquar­ 2-Car Crash peg. 8446, IJBO, AH in white and f a a ^ (Bttght boys, mwmbers o f a To End TalKs Lull nounce tiny wW not utaerve a drum and bugle corps which ters and proceed to the John colors. o^ New Tear’s Day F . T lem ey Funeral ^Hmne, 219 Investigated had Juft ended a prootioe ae» W ak M L' i PARXB (A P) — A U.8. plei^e posture of Prealdent-elec* Nix­ W. Center St, to pay respects (Bae Page Twelve) sVon In the empty hanger, were 1 Boulh WbslBor police ere Mill to try to break the Vietnam on’s administration which takes to the late Paul Managgia, Bol- peace talks deadtock was oftoet among 27 persona admitted to Investlgwting a two-oar accident offloe Jan. 30. hospitals. I ton vdunteer fire chief. All that happened on R t 8 to South PERM A-UFT “Spice” K »g log today by Saigon’* imlatence The dismissal Friday of the 12 •49.1658 «r •48.S762 tint Hanoi and the Viet Oong The crackup occurred when I mambm are reminded to he Wlndaar tost night government news agency and panty ginfle (shown here) with Magic Opai should make tin next move. fin plane aiqnrently missed a I In uniform. A ca r drtvGD by B^?ane4a J. television stttlon employee who runway In the fog and drissle laPotato, 44, of East Hartford Oval design, white and criors. S, M, L, reg. And the dlsmiaeal of 13 newe- had accompanied the Saigon Red China men attached to the Saigon shrouding O’Hare, world’s bus­ was fkruck by one <hlvwi by $9, # J W ; matching padded bra, rsg. $5, delegation to Paris was an­ iest airport. delegation added to apeoulation nounced today In Saigon by a Reginald J.
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