VOLUME 9, NUMBER B, NOVEMBER 1975 CALTECH NEWS PUB LIS H E D FOR A L U M N I A N D F R lEN D S 0 F THE CAL I FO R N I A INS TIT UTE OF TEe H N 0 LOG Y First Kenan Judge Shirley Hufstedler Professor: named to Caltech Board Harry B. Gray The nation's highest ranking as in education, Judge Hufstedler has woman judge, U. S. Circuit Judge often affirmed her belief that there is Dr. Harry B. Gray, 39, Caltech Shirley Hufstedler of the Ninth Cir­ nothing in the daily lives of individu­ chemistry professor for the past ten cuit Court of Appeals, has been als that is not touched by the law and years, has been named the first Wil­ elected to the CaItech Board of Trust­ the processes of justice. liam R. Kenan, Jr. Professor. ees, according to an announcement Describing herself as inde­ "The selection of Harry Gray as the by R. Stanton Avery, chairman. pendent-minded, she has said, "I've first occupant of this chair is a tribute The second woman in U. S. history participated in the women's rights re­ to both his charismatic qualities as a to reach that level in the judiciary, naissance all my life. I have always teacher and to his leadership in scien­ Judge Hufstedler has served in her believed that all human beings, in­ tific research," said President Harold present position since 1968. Prior to cluding women, should have oppor­ Brown in announcing the appoint­ that, she was a justice of California's tunities to make the best of their ment. Second District Court of Appeals. She abilities. " "I really feel great about this ap­ was named a Superior Court judge at Judge Hufstedler spends time each Harry 8. Gray pointment," Gray remarked. "The 35, and seven years later was named year teaching a seminar for appellate fact that the professorship honors to the U. S. Court of Appeals. ju.dges at New York University, and both research and teaching makes it The Ninth Circuit covers thousands working with an advisory council to especially meaningful to me, for I've tist gave the CaJtech commencement of miles, and includes California, find ways of sharpening up proce­ always made it a point to get to know address last June. Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Mon­ dures in the appellate courts. She is my students. And of course it's a spe- A native of Kentucky, he received a tana, Nevada, Arizona, Alaska, chairwoman of a national commission cial honor to have been chosen as the BS degree from Western Kentucky that deals with improvements in the first person to receive the professor- University in 1957. He obtained his criminal justice system, and serves on ship." PhD degree from Northwestern Uni- various committees of the federal ju­ The irrepressible Gray, who is versity. dicial system and the American Bar noted for his use of lively classroom He was NSF Postdoctoral Fellow at Association. presentations to keep his students in- the University of Copenhagen in Born in Denver, she graduated terested, including one memorable 1960-61. In 1961 he joined the chemis­ from the University of New Mexico appearance dressed as a horse, try faculty at Columbia UniverSity, and Stanford Law School. She and added, " I think I'll have some new becoming the youngest full professor her husband, attorney Seth M. Huf­ _ ...I.l.!.UJW.J.J es ma d e u p i of th4:!-.J.l.1J.tll!.-.mStolI¥--'lJL tJllilJWJIJJ!lsru:w:wLL.LO __ stedler, liv in Pasadena- with their occasion." 1965. The Columbia student news- son, Stephen. The energetic chemist is widely re- paper appeared with a black border spected for his research, which cur- the day it announced his departure rently emphasizes studies of the for CaItech in 1966. chemistry of excited sta tes of The winner of several awards - in­ Four quasars metallo-organic compounds and the cluding the American Chemical Soci­ role of metal ions in living organisms. ety Award in Pure Chemistry - and discovered in He has published more than 200 sci- member of numerous professional Shirley Hufstecller entific papers and ten books. Tn rec- and honorary societies, Gray is work­ ognitionofhiswork,hewaselectedto ing toward understanding the Hawaii, and Guam. Judge Hufstedler sky survey the National Academy of Sciences mechanisms by which energy is presides at regular intervals over the when he was only 35. stored to run biological systems. He courts in all of these locations. Four relatively nearby quasars­ Internationally known for hi in- and hi s group are trying to under­ In the field of education, she serves only 2.7 billion light years away from as a trustee at Occidental College and novative teaching methods, he was stand the reactions of metals with ox- earth-have been discovered by Cal­ named in 1972 as one of four notable ygen in these systems. • for the Aspen Institute of Humanistic tech graduate student Richard F. college chemistry teachers in the U.S. A grant from the William R. Kenan, Studies. She is a member of the Board Green. Green has surveyed one­ of Councilors of the University of by the Manufacturing Chemists As- Jr.-Charitable Trust made the new fourth of the night sky over a period of Southern California Law Center and sociation. chair possible. Mr. Kenan, who died three to five nigh ts per mon th for a of the Visiting Committee of the Har­ His rapport with people and sense in 1965, was a chemist, engineer, in­ year in a search for these cosmic ob­ vard Law School. She has been of humor are appreciated by students dustrialist, businessman, farmer, and jects which are the most energetic in awarded honorary degrees by the and faculty alike. The articulate scien- philanthropist. the universe. Universities of Gonzaga, New Mex­ The newly discovered quasars are ico, and Wyoming, and by Tufts and among the nearest to the earth that Occidental Colleges. astronomers have yet detected, and Judge Hufstedler termed her ap­ their discovery will help scientists pointment to the Caltech Board of understand how quasars are distri­ Trustees an expression of her lifelong buted in the universe, and to judge interest in the quality of education more accurately the distance of those and its contribution to human life. that are farther away. They also may She looks forward to her role on the help scientists unravel the mystery of Board as a means of keeping abreast what quasars are and how they pro­ of new scientific developments of im­ duce their tremendous amounts of portance to people throughout the energy. world. The discoveries were made as part "J have long been interested in Cal­ of a survey in which some 300 fields of tech and its scientific work," she said. the sky, or one-fourth of its total area, "Its faculty and students are out­ were photographed with the 18-inch standing. Technological develop­ Schmidt telescope at Palomar Obser­ ments have done much to change the vatory. Green's survey is part of a world, and Caltech has played a larger study on the distribution of major role in making these changes quasars that is being done by his re­ happen." search adviser, Maarten Schmidt, She said that she is particularly professor of astronomy and chairman eager to learn about the role of women of Cal tech's Division of Physics, at Caltech, and about contributions Mathematics and Astronomy. An 80-mil/ion-year-old shell may help us to understand the evolution of a protein. Stephen Weiner, that women are making in science. Each piece of Green's film includes graduate stuclent in geology, has extracted fossi/izecl protci~ from the shell he IS holcllng . Weiner IS comparing this protein with that of the crea ture's modern COUSin to see whether there are any differences Known for her interest in prison an average of 20,000 stars down to the between th e an ienl and modern proteins. conditions and in criminal law, as well 17th magnitude. NOVEMBER 1975 CALTECH NEWS 2 Inquisitiveness at peak among entering freshmen " My goal in life is to find something erable time to assemble, suffered from that was not known before abo ut a miscalibrated power supply, inabil ­ what goes on in the universe. A Cal­ ity to control the time drop for more tech education would help me find than one voltage setting, a curious the area tha t is most promising for my lack of charge in the latex spheres, a search, whether it is 10,000 light years poor micro copic system for viewing away, in living organisms upon the particles, and blatant operator inex­ earth, or within my own mind." perience." The high school student who gave Despite the limited uccess of his this reason for wanting to enroll at experiments, the Admissions Com­ Ca ltech is getting the opportunity that mittee gave him its bleSSing, and he's he hoped for. He's one of224 men and already on hi s way to learning more women in this yea r's freshman class, effective research techniques. the second largest in the school's hi s­ Stirling L. Huntley, associate dean tory. Last year, entering freshmen of graduate studies and director of numbered 212. admissions and financial aid, said that The 206 men and 18 women in the the quality of th e incoming class is class of 1979 surely ca n match any consistent with that of previous years. Haywood Robinson, center, leads discussion group at Freshman Camp.
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