NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH AND NEURO SCIENCES (INSTTTUTE OF NAT]ONAL TMPORTANCE), BENGALURU - 29 N I M H/H OS/P U - 1 lF in-Bid I 2020 -21 Date.24.Q3.2021 CIRCULAR Please note that, the Financial Bids of Drugs and Surgical items has been opened on 24.03.2021 and the price bid of all the firms have been uploaded in NIMHANS website. All the bidders are informed to access the same. MEDICA NTENDENT To: All the Bidders Copy to: All the Committee Members : For kind information FORM-VII TO BE SUBMIT IN COVER-B PRICE BID FORMATE Reference: TENDER NOTtFtCATtON NO. NtMH/PU-1lDl/TENDER/RC/OU2021-22 dt.21.01.2021 due on 22.2.2021 (ANNEXURE-CI SI. no Drug Name of the item Manufacturer Brand Name unit Unit Unit price in ST Pri ce MRP/Ret Remar code name price/offer Words) Rate With GST ail Sale ks ed (in in o/o in INR price Fi s I 1 3 4 5 6 7 o 9 10 tI 12 1 458 Alcohol Rub-ln- Hand 3 M India Limited 3M alcohol Hand Each 500m1 Rs. 120.00 Rs. One Hundred !2o/o Rs. 1.34.40 575..00 Disinfectant 500 ML rub 500m1 bottle Twenty only Liquid(7070 Isopropyl Alcohol 1 450 Liq Chlorhexidine 3 M India limited Avaguard 3M CHG Each 500m1 Rs.235.00 Rs. Two Hundred 120/o 263.20 760.00 Gluconate solution BP scrub 4% bottle and Thirty Five 20o/o v fv 4o/o w /v only 500mI Bottle ar 3 470 Liquid Povidone Iodine 3 M India Limited 3M Skin prep PVP Each 500m1 Rs. 101.00 Rs. One Hundred l2o/o Rs. 113.12 189.00 5olo 500 ML Bottle 5% 500ML bottle and one only Li uid 4 471 Liquid Povidone Iodine 3 M India Limited 3M Avagard PVP Each 500m1 Rs.204.00 Rs. Two 12o/o Rs. 228.48 +25.00 Scrub 500 MI Scrub 7.5% 500m1 both Hundred and Four onl 5 496 Elastic Adhesive 3 M India Limited EAB B cms x4mts Each roll Rs. 125,00 Rs. One Hundred l2o/o Rs. L40.00 1990.00 Bandage BCM Width x twenty five only 4 5MLen 6a 497a) Surgical Paper Tape 3 M India Limited Surgical Paper Tape Each roll Rs. 63.00 Rs. Sixty Three 72o/o Rs. 70.56 740.00 5.00 CM x 9.1M (2 INC Scm x 9.1 mtrs only x 10 YDS 6b 497b) Surgical Paper Tape 3 M India Limited Micropore surgical Each roll Rs. 66.00 Rs. Sixty Six only 1,Zo/o Rs.73.92 1056.00 5.00 CM x 9.1M (2 INC tape scm x 9.1 mtrs x10YD t rN \' 5e I -jl rl Concordc Eic.l:, U:l C:iy .).' No, 24, Vittrl ir,'i.: l!i,: l?r:C *6'1 ,wt ,+ Bengaluru - l3i;. q I w n{ Sl. no Drug Name of the item Manufacturer Brand Name unit Unit Unit price in GST Total MRP/Re Remark , code name price/offe WordsJ Rate Price tail Sale s red ( in in o/o with GST price Figures in INR 1 ') J 4 5 6 7 o 9 10 11 72 7a 498 a) Surgical Paper Tape 3 M India Limited Surgical Paper Each roll Rs. 31.50 Rs. Thirty one & tZo/o Rs.35.28 740.00 2.50 CM x 9.1M (1 INC Tape ps.fifty only x 10 YDS) 2.5 cm x 9.1 mtr 7b 4e8 b) Surgical Paper Tape 3 M India Limited Micropore Each roll Rs.33.00 Rs. Thirty Three 720/o Rs.36.96 1056.00 2.50 CM x 9.1M [1 INC Surgical Paper only x 10 YDSJ Tape 2.5 cms x 9.1 mtr Ba 499 a) Surgical Paper Tape 3 M lndia Limited Surgical Paper Each roll Rs. 16.50 Rs. Sixteen and ps. 12o/o Rs. 18.48 660.00 L.25 CMx9.0M (L/2 Tape Fifty only INC] 1.25 cm x 9.0 mtr Bb 49e b) Surgical Paper Tape 3 M India Limited Micropore Each roll Rs. 19.50 Rs. Nineteen & ps. 12o/o Rs.21.84 1056.00 1.25 CM x9.0M (L/2 Surgical Paper Fifty only rNC) Tape 1.25 cms x 9.1 mtrs I 500 Crepe Bandage BP 10 3 M India Limited 3M Crepe Each roll Rs.65.00 Rs. Sixty Five tZo/o Rs. 72.80 405.00 CM x 4M[4 INCHES) Bandage 10 cm only 10 506 Transparent Adhesive 3 M India Limited Tegadrem Each roll Rs.39.60 Rs. Thirty Nine & 72o/o Rs.44.35 86.00 Film Dressing Pads t623 ps. Sixty only Size 6 x 7CM 6cms x Tcms 1L 507 Transparent Adhesive 3 M India Limited Tegadrem Each roll Rs.77.40 Rs. Seventy Seven t2o/o Rs.86.69 188.00 Film Dressing Pads 8526 & ps. Forty only Size 10x12 CM L0 cms x 12 cms Thanking You x Yours Faithfully t\ 3 M India Limited J/ {\ Manmath Nath Acharya -A ;t.,J State Head Karnataka n/ t*{h' '\ fi. -r..\ (, Str1 lnriia ["im[ted + oncordo Block, UB CitY \q = o. 24, \'ittal rulillya ltoacl \ - i\$"",; -t Eengaluru S:0$01 FORM-V TO BE SUBMIT IN COVER.B PRICE BID FORMATE 0 Reference: TENDERNOTIFICATIONNO. NIMH/PU-1(DI/TENDER/RC|OL|2OZL-22 dt.2t.Ot.2|2l dueon22.2.2O21 {ANNEXURE-DI Sl. no Drug Name of the item Manufacturer Brand Name unit Unit Unit price in GST Total MRP/R Remarks code name price/offer Words) Rate Price etail ed (ln in% with GST Sale Figures in INR price t 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 7 76 ADULT ECG ETECTRODES 3M INDIA TIMITED 3M MON]TORING EACH Rs, 3.96 RS.THREE & PS. L2% Rs, 4.43 23.50 ELECTRODE NINW StX ONrY 2 ,14 N-95 (HtGH FtLTRAT|ON 3M INDIA TIMITED 3M MASK EACH Rs.77.40 RS. SEVENW SEVEN L2% RS.86.69 100.00 EFFICIENCY , GOOD BREATABITITY, 4210 & PS. FOURTY ONTY WITHOUT QUATITY STANDARDS NIOSH N95, EN149, FFP2 OR EqUIVATENT} WITH HEAD rooP/BAND 3 115 N-95 (HrGH FILTRAflON 3M INDIA TIMITED 3M MASK EACH RS. 37.40 RS. THIRTY SEVEN & 12% RS. 41.89 45,00 EFFICIENCY, GOOD BREATABILITY, 9504 PS. FOURTY ONIY WTHOUT VATUE , FLUID RESISTANCE MINIMUM 80 MM HG PRESSUREBASED ON ASTMF 1862, r5022609 OR EQUIVAT.ENT, QUALIW STANDARD NIOSH N95 EN149, FFP2 OR EQUIVALENT) WITH EAR LOOP/8AND 4 tt7 3PLY SURGICAT MASK (MEtT 3M INDIA TIMITED 3M MASK 3 Ply EACH RS. 7.92 RS. SEVEN & PS L2% RS. 8.88 9.80 BLOWN, NON-WOVEN FACRIC standard NINTY TWO ONtY wrTH NOSE PrECE) W|TH HEAD LOOP Thanking You Yours Faithfully 3 M India Limited Man th Nath Acharya A'J Sta ead Karnataka 1\' MED L SOLUTIO ON M, {} 3M lnclia ) E .:i.. t-i*titarl Concordo S!o,:k, (,tI Cltv Au orized Signato No. 24, Viitat lyll ltya Roai Bengaluru - Se-0119 t Soi -4rn,nu?a Cnb rp ritot Mfrs :Absorbent Gauze, Bandage & Roller Bandage I f2 <.*APJ+VANAFJ P 0 FQBM-]IiI: 4 tr36t8g /\ (\/ d,4 t (To be submit in Cover-8) ODI''E EIIN ErlE'N' A T Total Unit Unit I MFP Unrt GST Name of Price/ Price I Dr Manufacture Bran Price Ra the ltem unit Offered with Retail Remarks rrg r Name d (in (in (i GST sale N Co Na!0. figures) (tn price o. e n I Ce rNR) I I IU lt tl I 2 4 o d I BANDACD CLOTH I 'r,.,^lau I CLOSELY I e I w-ovEN I 12 I ,. E? 354 1 508 SRI ARITM (24n8 pc. Rupees oh ARUMUGA ch) TIIREADS) LIGA Ninety LENGTH:7 ENTERPRI eight ME paisa WIDTH:6 NCHES I I I ROLLER I I BANDAGE I Fourtee I 12 I BANDAGE Per n CLOfl] Rupees 2 ARUMU Pc. 11.1 0 15.79 CLOSELY SRI Ten 384 WOVEN GA c6) ARI.'MI.]GA I THREADS) ENTERP I I I LENCTTI:? RISES I Mtr I I WIDTH:6 INC}IES ROLLER BANDACE I AIig]RtsA.BI"L ARUMU Per 10.18 Ten 12 11.40 155 509 ,% SRI GA meter Rupee Cft) CI,OTH AS PER ARUMUGA s and FCHEDULE ! Il ENTERPRISE eighte I I6CM X 2OMTR S [N a pec'xgr n I paisa - ADt rrlD^r l- 4.t e, I 1n 7d! llt6 ABS(]F}AITE ttr -l BANDAGE SRI .:A meter' C.D PER I CLOTH AS ARUMUGA l(Upec SCIIEDULE FII ENTERPRISE It6CMX2OMTR b IN A PACKET eighty seven I paisa iNT t'i?rilJL;t ' :fp{ 390 i I, S. S.K. Street, CHATRAPATTI Ma) Rajapalayem. lrl. No. 679 Sankarapandiapuram, Pin. 626 102 Mrudhunagar Dist Phone : 2574'16,25861/t (04563) Sri -4rurnug;a tnfu,p ritod Mfrs :Absorbent Gauze, Bandage & Roller Bandage e 0 5 509 ABSORBABI-E LJM Per 't9.80 Ninete 22.17 t080 BANDAGE SRI Lc) meter en I % ULOTH AS PER ARUMUGA Rupee SCHEDULE IT'II ENTERPRISE s and l l6CM X 20MrR c IN A PACKET eaghty only instructions for filiing this: . Unit means : per Tablet, lnjection, Ampoule, Bottle, etc * "Retail Sale Price" means the retail price displayed by the manufacturer under the provisions of the Drug (Price Control) Order 2013 applicable from titue to time, *** For column No. 9 please entre - NIU 5% ! 12o./c ! 18o/c - as applicable.
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