G, Wells, Vesvuius Bay Road, R. R. 1, trfttooo* x5fOJT ^ft * b|^ Ninth Year, No. 27 GANGES, British Columbia Thursday, July 4, 1968 $3 per year. Copy THEY NEW ACREAGE WATCH HOSPITAL IN JOY IS GROWING Whittling whistles, — BIG-BY-LAW IN FALL he's whittling wood whistles and the big The Lady Minto Gulf Islands gional Board and the Hospital crowd of small boys Hospital has received the green Advisory committee, of which and girls are delight- light from the Regional Board to administrator Harold Hoffman is ed. The whittler is purchase a property adjoining the a member. Tom Low and the au- present hospital and covering Of the 800 beds planned for four acres for their future needs. the region, 20 will be built at dience is made up of It is the intention of the Re- the local Hospital if the by-law youngsters from the gional Board to submit a bye- is approved in the fall. Protestant Orphanage law to the Capital Region voters in Victoria at their for $12.5 million to cover 800 recent picnic here. new and replacement beds for Tom is one of the extended care which will allow island Lions who ent- a large number of acute beds to JUNE ertained them. be utilized for their proper pur- pose throughout the region. Regional Director Doug Cav- DIDN'T SPEAKER REFERS TO CHANGE aye reports that the phasing out of St. Joseph's Hospital mooted in Victoria has not been approv- MAKE IT! ed so far. Nor has the location COMPLEX WORLD OF BUSINESS of the proposed new hospital to June this year just didn't Rapid changes in thchniques a complex world or industry, the evening's program. be built somewhere in Saanich measure up against the past. are among the most significant where nothing stands still. A Banquet was held in the been decided. This will probab- There was more rain and the trends in business today, grad- thorough training and a thor- courtyard of the secondary ly be considered at a meeting to | sun brought less warmth than is uating students at Ganges were ough education are essential (Turn to Page Six) be held shortly between the Re- I customary for the mouth. The told on Wednesday evening last factors in this complexity, he change from last year was not- week. told them. able. Addressing the youngsters The address was enthusiastic- STOLEN FROM High temperature in June was 72 deg. on the 5th and 30th was G. F. Auchinleck, division- ally hailed by the several hun- CENOTAPH FOR al manager of the B.C. Tele- dred who attended . It was a and the lowest temperature was phone Co. Mr. Auchinleck re- change from past routine. The THIRD TIME 43 deg. on the 3rd. viewed the problems of keep- entire event was a new depart- Last year saw a top jump in ing staff weil versed in proced- ure for the Gulf Islands. In the June of a sizzling 87 deg. and a ures when changes in equip- past it had not been the pract- On Wednesday evening the ates themselves who would do it] low of 47 deg. ment and technology are taking ice to bring a speaker from out- flag staffs at Salt Spring Island he observed. Rain rose By 200 per cent. place almost every day. side to address graduates. At Centennial Park proudly bore A navy ship in port overnight Last mouth's rainfall amounted He emphasized that the one time transportation prob- their flags. was questioned, but the crew to 1.88 inches, against last knew nothing of the theft. year's of 0.56 ins. graduating students are entering lems were too dificult. On Thursday morning the two RCMP at Gauges are still in- This year the students heard sticks were bare. High mean was 66.6 deg. Mr. Auchinleck speak of the For the third time in a year vestigating the incident. and minimum mean, 48.8 deg. problems facing the employer the flags from the cenotaph had RANGER of the new graduates. They als< been stolen, saw an unprecedented crowd A year ago a group of navy ca- attend the formalities. dets were held responsible for At Fender TRUSTEES BUILDING For many years the graduat- the theft of the flags. They ion ceremonies were held in • were apprehended and the flags the Mahon Hall and a very lim- recoveiod. This Month NAMED IS SOLD ited attendance was possible. Earlier this year the flags Last week, for the second Interest in the centennial park There is no longer a forest were once again stolen. They at Ganges proved to be very weak ranger building in Ganges, time, the event was staged in were replaced when the past July meeting of the board of the gymnasium, where a large trustees of Gulf Islands School last week when only six person;, The familiar headquarters of president of the Royal Canadian attended the Chamber of Comm- the ranger service was sold last assembly could be accommod- Legion here organized a fund a- District will be staged at Pender ated. Island, on July 9. erce meeting to name a committ week to Alex McManus for mong Salt Spring Islanders. Policy of the board is to hold ee. $14,300 when his bid was the The evening's program was Those flags have now been almost entirely handled by the its meeting at the outer islands The meeting went ahead with highest at a public auction. stolen and the last set in posses- during the summer months. its plans and named Adrian Wolfe The building was constructed students themselves. sion of the island community Principal Donald Hartwig Preceding the meeting there Milner, Henry Giegerich and Nor shortly after the Second World are now flying. will be a public meeting in the man Mouat as trustees of the park War and served all the islands at introduced Mr. Auchinleck. On Wednesday evening grad- Remainder of the program was island school at which interested fund. one time. uation ceremonies at Gulf Island residents may question the board The trustees will be responsib- Last spring staff was with- under the direction of the grad- Islands Secondary School were uates. on matters relating to the . le for the administration and drawn from the island and the accompanied by no untoward schools and students. maintenance of the property. building was vacated. Standing The whole list of events was incident. run into one program. The Meeting will open at 8 pm For the past near-three years on more than one acre of land, Theft of the flags was coin- for discussion and regular board the building is located on Gan- graduation banquet was follow- cidental with the ceremonies, the park has bercn directed by ed by the graduation ceremon- meeting will come to order at M. F. Peiler as chairman of the ges Hill, next to the RCMP of- but Mr. Morris brushed aside the 8.30. fice. ies and the dance concluded question. It was not the gradu- centennial committee. PAT WORTHINGTON HE'S A CANADIAN IN CALIFORNIA RESEARCH PHYSICIST A research scientist is a man plained. Toronto might, but its ing than the sparsely populated Dr. Worthington outlined a has switched polarity from time moulded around a question mark. facilities and its resources fall Canadian coast. project in which he is associated to time. It is possible to take a Armed with an insatiable curio- far behind those of Los Angeles. The Los Angeles freeways are and which is of keen interest to segment of rock and eliminate sity, he never finds the answer Besides all that, he talks like the the most effective means of mo- him. current polarity, thereby deter- because every new answer poses Los Angeles Chamber of Com- ving large numbers of vehicles The project to take cores from mining its original polarity. By a new question. merce in his enthusiasm for the quickly from point to point, ex- the ocean floor and to assess the this means it is possible to assess Looking for the answers is Dr. city. plained the visitor, and the toll movement of the ground struc- the periods of change. Pat Wortlungton, of California. On Salt Spring Island, Dr. of the freeways is far lower in ture there has been under way foi He is the expatriate son of Mrs. Worthington is odd man out. some time, he noted. As soon as he speaks ot his terms of passenger-miles than work, Dr. Worthington shows the E. Worthington, of Ganges Hill. While the island numbers ever the islands roads here. He also The samples will be analyzed Dr. Worthington is living and increasing residents of California chemically and electronically in devotion to enquiry that prompts spoke in praise of the vast music his every investigation. working indie United States be- coming here to escape the pace centre under preparation in Los order to determine changes in cause he can find the facilities and complexity of living, the the earth's characteristics over Mrs. Worthington is not a Angeles. The western metropolis scientist. She is on the other side and driving force only in the lar- physicist is happily enjoying the is now blossoming out much as the centuries. ger population centres. B.C. of- facilities of the western United It is accepted, he explained, of the fence and is engaged in San Francisco did after the Gold painting and the fine arts. fers no such opportunity, he ex- States and finding it more pleas- Rush, he suggested. that the earth's magnetic field Page Two Gulf Islands DRIFTWOOD Thursday, July 4, 1968 Thurs THEY WERE ALSO SO YEARS INSTALLED IN THEIR NEW OFFICES ON PON AN ISLAND Last week's report of the an- TOGETHER nual banquet of Salt Spring Li- Frederick A.
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