INDEX Aaron ben Jacob ha-Kohen of Lunel, 56n17, 281, 291–292, 296; Hebrew 162, 166 chronicles, 24, 246–250, 293; Kiddush Abelard, 71, 76n44, 84, 163 ha-Shem, see Martyrology Abraham Abulafia, see Abulafia, Abraham David Bonafed, 175–176 Abraham ben Eliezer ha-Levi, 290 Dawud al-Muqammas, 98 Abraham ibn Daud, see ibnDaud, Derrida, Jacques, 191 Abraham Dialogus inter christianum and judeum, Abraham Zacuto, see Zacuto, Abraham 72 Abravanel, Isaac, 173, 181, 183–185, Disputations: in Paris, 106, 158–159; in 186n32 Barcelona, 106–107, 170, 172n8; in Abulafia, Abraham, 194–226 Tortosa, 171n7, 178, 180, 182 Adversus Judaeos, 76 Dreams: 111–143 Agobard of Lyons, 254–255 De pol, Bishop, 256 Alan of Lille, 71, 169 Duns Scotus, 259, 263 Albert of Aachen, 26 Andrew of St. Victor, 72 Eliezer ben Joel ha-Levi, 157 Anselm of Bec, 15 Eliezer ben Nathan of Mainz, 112–113, Anselm of Canterbury, 85 124 Anti-Jewish accusations: wax motifs, Eliezer ben Judah of Worms, 126 247; blood libel, 25n45, 245–278, Eliezer ben Samuel of Metz, 126 287–288; desecration of host, 248, Eliezer ben Solomon of Touques, 166 250n18, 252, 254; ritual murder, 246, Eliyyahumenahem of London, 127 250, 253, 257, 274, 276 Elyaqim ben Yosef of Mainz, 112, 117 Antonio Ricciulo, 267 Ephraim ben Isaac of Regensburg, Arnulf, 78–81, 83 113–117 Asher ben Gershom, 150 Ephraim of Bonn, 256–257 Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, 13, 63, 66, Ephraim of Regensburg, 124 69–71, 73n34, 75, 92, 94 Friedrich Cosener, 252 Baron, Salo, 299–315 Francesco Cangiamila, 270, 271 Baruch ben Samuel of Mainz, 114, 119 Francis of Assisi, 85 Bernard of Clairvaux, 76n44, 78, 81–82, 85 Bruno of Cologne, 14n45 Gaspar Calderini, 264 Burchard of Worms, 92 Gero, Bishop of Cologne, 88 Geronimo de Santa Fe, 171n7, 181, 182, Cemeteries, Jewish, 227–244 German Pietists, 124 Chazan, Robert, 63, 189, 245, 279, 299 Gershom ha-Gozer, 127 Chronicle of Thietmar, 87 Gilbert Crispin, 91, 102 Clement III, antipope, 255 Girard, Bishop of Angoulême, 78, 79, 80 Conversion, 9–27, 260–262, 280–281, Giuseppe Sessa, 258, 262, 264–267 283–285, 288, 294 Gratian, 23, 71, 83–84, 93, 264 Conversos, 280, 295, 296 Gregory of Tours, 247 Council of Toledo, 11, 23 Guibert of Nogent, 9–27, 91: Crusades: First, 9–27, 56n17, 58, 59, 62, Autobiographie, 10, 15, 141–142; 281, 291–292; persecutions of Jews anti-Jewish treatise on the Incarnation, during the First Crusade, 9–13, 25, 11, 76n44; Gesta Dei per Francos, 12, 328 index 20n29; contra iudaizantem at Iudeos, Maimonides, see Moses ben Maimon 14, 21; Moralia, 15 Marburg, 234 Guillaume de Nogaret, 234–235 Marc Antonio Natta, 258 Guillaume le Breton, 252 Martyrology, 24, 26, 27n52, 245–278; Shevet Yehuddah, 281, 284–285, Hassidei Ashkenaz, see German Pietists 287–296 Hayyim ibn Musa, 171n7 Meir ben Simeon of Narbone, 106 Hayyim Yosef ben Azulai, 171n6, Meir ha-Kohen, 118, 120–122 Henry IV, Emperor, 12, 24, 255 Meir of Rothenburg, 118–120, 123–124, Hugh of St. Victor, 44, 86, 152, 155–156 127, 157 Menahem ben Aaron ben Zerah, 151, ibn Daud, Abraham, 282 158–159 Isaac Abravanel, see Abravanel, Isaac Menahem ben Jacob of Worms, 126 Isaac Arama, 178–179 Menahem ha-Meiri, 171 Isaac ben Samuel of Dampierre, 151, Menahen Ziyyuni, 175 154–155, 157, 160, 165 Messianic speculations, 169–187 Isaac Châtelain, 155 Mordecai of Avignon, 172–173 Isaiah ben Mali di Trani, 116, 117, 122, Mordekhai ben Hillel, 118–119 124 Moses ben Hasdai Taku, 156 Isaiah Tishby, 179 Moses ben Jacob of Coucy, 164 Ivo of Chartres, 92–93 Moses ben Maimon, 29, 98, 104, 111, 118, 132, 166–168, 171, 173, Jacob Anatili, 106 184–185 Jacob ben Levi of Marvege, 123, 134, Moses ben Nahman, 106–107, 111, 136–139 132–133, 150, 170, 173–180, 185–186, Jacob ben Meir, 25, 34–35, 113, 116, 192 118–119, 147, 156–157, 165 Moses ben Senior of Evreux, 129, 161, Jacob ben Reuben, 101–103, 169 168 Jacob ha-Gozer, 127 Moses ben Solomon ha-Kohen of Jean Calas of Toulouse, 275 Mainz, 116 Jean de Saint-Just, 234–235 Moses ben Solomon of Salerno, 104–106 Jewish-Christian polemics, 41–45, Moses ha-Kohen of Tordesillas, 180 47–62, 67, 97, 169–187, 189–226 Moses ibn Haviv, 133 John Chrysostom, 251–252 John Gilchrist, 11 Nachmanides, see Moses ben Nahman Johan Eder, 259 Nicholas Rodriguez, 263 Joseph Bekhor Shor, 30, 100 Nicolas Donin, 158 Joseph ben Meir ha-Levi ibn Megash, 149–150 Odo of Cambrai, 253 Joseph ben Nathan Official, 105–106 Orderic Vital, 83 Joseph Ha-Kohen, 289 Judah ben Samuel he-Hasid, 114, 116, P. de Bonavalle, 234–235 125, 157–158, 163 Pablo Christiani, 170, 172, 192 Judah ben Yom Tov, 152 Paolo Medici, 259, 260 Peter Damian, 85 Karaites, 36 Peter Lombard, 81, 90–91 Kiddush ha-Shem, see Martyrology Peter the Chanter, 90 Kimhi, Joseph, 101 Peter the Venerable of Cluny, 64, 78, 91, 141 Lachrymose conception of Jewish Petrus Alfonsi, 72–73, 91 history, 299–300, 302–303, 305–307, Petrus Mallius, 89n88 312, 314–315 Philip II Augustus, 234, 252 Leone da Modena, 181, 186 Philip IV the Fair, 228, 238–239 Louis IX, 162 Philo, 67.
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