voq Copyrl^k't © l^*7S "B<2.cv44'y Fanzine D i rCC tory 2 for 1976 ~~ Published in Aug. 1978 -- Wakigyaj publication #210 Allan Beatty / PO Box 10*4-0 / Ames, IA 50010 / USA — PRICEt $1 (US, Aus), Can$1.15i 60p, or 5 International Reply Coupons. Double price for overseas airmail. Also available for trade. Checks and stamps are accepted. READ THIS INTRODUCTION publisher, variant titles, and other notes. Addresses This book is a bibliography of one year’s production are in a separate section. of fanzines—amateur publications dealing with science Please note that the currency symbols $ and F mean fiction, fantasy, comix, movies, wargames, and other the currency of the publisher's country. For example, overlapping interest areas, Fanzines are not "little if the price of a Canadian fanzine is given in $, that magazines" in the usual sense of the term, altho the is Canadian dollars, not US dollars. When ordering a categories do overlap. For further information on foreign fanzine, send to the agent in your country if fanzines and fandom, see The Neofan's Guide. there is one. If a publisher gives prices in other The coverage of the directory is world-wide, inclu­ than his own currency, that is generally cash only. ding titles in languages other than English. A supp­ Most fan publishers accept unused postage stamps or lement includes fanzines which were not published in International Reply Coupons (1 IRC = 2O0US or 10p). 1976 but for which tentative plans were announced; by If a fan publisher states that he will not accept the time this directory is published, some of these checks in his own currency, then no price is given titles nay have already had half a dozen issues. here. Cash is always mailed at the sender's risk. The directory is not limited to publications that I Frequency of publication is not given, because you have seen a copy of. I am well aware of the reasons could count the regularly-published fanzines on your for limiting a bibliography to items that the compiler fingers, even if you've had a bad accident with a has personally examined, but in the interests of com­ power saw. pleteness I have included information gathered from Entries are arranged alphabetically. Serial pub­ fanzine reviews and other sources. The fanzines that lications are entered by title; books and oneshots are I have seen myself are marked by * at the end of the entered by author or editor. Titles that were not entry. The information on these is probably more re­ published in 1976 are in a supplement. liable. There is an index, with entries for publishers, edi­ The directory covers only the year 1976, and notes tors, alternate titles, and co-editors. Books that about the status of titles refer to the end of 1976. were entered by author in the main list are indexed by Changes in 1977 are not included, except addresses. title, not by author. Possibly some serials were mis­ Compilation was completed in summer 1977, and every classified as oneshots or vice versa, so look in both effort was made to have the addresses up to date at the index and the main listings. that time. A smaller number of corrections have been Corrections and additions will be appreciated and made since. The compiler will be glad to answer spec­ acknowledged, as will suggestions for improvement in ific requests for more current information (be sure to the format of volume 3« A list of corrections might include a SASE or IRC). The 3rd Volume, for 1977, be published in a few months; it would be sent to will be published in several months. those who supply information and to my regular mailing The directory does not include professional publi­ list, and would also be available for a SASE or an cations, convention progress reports or program books IRC. Or corrections might be listed in volume 3. (unless they have articles), or publications composed Thanks are due to Steve Sneyd, Niels Dalgaard, Peter solely of house ads. Apas and apazines are not in­ Roberts, Marc Ortlieb, and Graham Poole for providing cluded (except apazines that have a wide circulation information. The directory would not be nearly as outside the apa), because they are covered in South of complete without the fanzine reviewers who brought new the Moon (now published by Lester Boutillier / 2726 zines to my attention in their columns! Keith Walker, Castiglione St / New Orleans, LA 70119). Ned Brooks, Terry Whittier, Barry Hunter, Jan Van The listings in the directory are not advertise­ Genechten, Norbert Spehner, Eric Batard, Meade Frier­ ments; the fanzine publishers have not paid or re­ son, Irvin Koch, Donn Brazier, Mike Glicksohn, and quested to have their publications listed. When a many others. title is listed, that only means that at least one CONTENTS issue was published during 1976; it does not guarantee that future issues will be published. The compiler Introduction 1 does not guarantee that prices are current. Main Listing 2 The purpose of the Fanzine Directory is to provide a Addresses 11 bibliographic record of fanzine publishing during the Index 16 year. This is needed because no single source has ex­ Abbreviations 19 tensive information on current fanzines since Ned Corrections to Volume 1 1 Brooks (it Comes in the Mail) and Irvin Koch (Maybe) stopped reviewing and listing fanzines. As a rough estimate, only about 3% of the titles in volume 1 were Pour obtenir un exemplaire de la preface en frangais, listed in Ulrich's International Periodicals Direc­ remettez 1 Coupon-reponse international a l'editeur. tory, and that source includes titles that are several years defunct. BACK ISSUE AVAILABLE: volume 1, $2.20, £1.25, or In deciding which publications are fanzines and 11 IRCs. should be included in the directory, I have made much use of Don Markstein's functional definition! "A fan­ zine is a magazine that I get in the mail in trade for CORRECTIONS TO #1 my fanzine." Serial publications are classified as The only corrections listed here are additions or semiprofessional or fully amateur. A semipro zine is one which aspires to professional status, or which deletions of entire entries. Reprints of #1 incor­ porate a few more corrections. Deletions for which pays some of its contributors, or whose publisher in­ tends to earn part of his living from it. The semipro no reason is given are usually titles which ceased category has not been used for books and oneshots, due publication before 197*4. to the different nature of their distribution. Delete the following entries: AR*4-8*4 (hoax), The information included for each fanzine is: title, B*413G (pub in 1976), B633 (same as B712), B6*4*42, publisher, price and other availability with foreign B777 (same as Bl 102), C279 (pro), 0*491*4, C7*4 (con agents, subjects covered, editor if different from (continued on page 20) 2 1. A FOR ANTARES. Ian Garbutt. 35P> trade, sf sercon. 59• BANDERSNATCH. Brian Sibley, mem £4/yr. pub 2. A LA POURSUITE DES SFFANS. Jean Milbergue. F?.5, 4 Lewis Carroll Soc. /F25, arr. sf gen * 60. BAR STOOL. Eric Jamborsky. N'Apa, whim, pers * 3. ASFA NEWS. Rick Sternbach. 6/$5» pub Assn of SF 61. BAR TREK. Mike Dickinson & Lee Montgomerie, usu. Artists. sf. 4. ABBA ZABA. Simon Agree. 250, arr. surrealistic 62. BATMANIA. Rich Morrissey. $1. comix. miscellany * 63. THE BAUM BUGLE. Fred N. Myers. 3/$2.50. pub Inti 5. ABRAXAS. Chris Sherman. Apa-50, arr. pers * Wizard of Oz Club. 6. THE ADVENTURESS. Steve Johnson, ed Ted Delorme, 64. Beasley, Ron. PEN. $2. art. pub Comix Heroine Fb.n Club. 65. BEASTIALITY. Grag Spagnola. H»50« comix. 7. AFTER THE FLOOD. David Griffin. 25p. Brit & Sued 66. BEAVER RIPPLE. Garth Danielson. Minneapa, usu. sf faan. pers * 8. AFTERWORDS. James Denney. 35£> arr* newsletter for 67. BEHIND THE RABBIT. Janet Small, apas. pers * Art & Story * 68. Bell, Michael J., comp. THE GOR MANUAL. Pant Hoot 9. AFTERWORLD. ? ex? Pubns. pl. concordance, lexicon. 10. Agree, Simon. BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. usu. misc? 69. BELLICUS. Will Haven. Diplomacy & other wargames. 11. L’AGRIPPA. J.F. Roger. 4F. sf poetry. 70. BEMLETTER. Martin Lock. 12. ALGOL. Andy Porter. $1-50. 6/$6, A$1.20 Space Age 71. BEMUSING MAGAZINE COMIC NEWS. Martin Lock. 5/70p, Books, DM4 Waldemar Kumming. semipro sf sercon * &I.50. comix. 13. ALICIAN FIELDS. Marc Ortlieb. 500, arr. Lewis 72. Bentham, Jeremy & Stuart Glazebrook, ed. DR WHO Carroll. SPECIAL. Dr Who Apprec Soc. 14. ALNITAH. Ann Looker. 75p. Star Trek/ 73. BERENGARIA. L.F. Kirlin. $2.50. Star Trek fic. 15. ALTAIR. Terry Whittier. 600, 4/$2, usu. sf gen * 74. BERENGARIA REPRINT VOLUME. L.F. Kirlin. $6. incl 16. ALTAIR. Altair. 250. sf, art? 4 numbers of Berengaria. 17. ALTAIR 9. Richard D. Nolane. 5F. sf sercon. 75• THE BEST LINES... Charles Burbee. Rapa, etc. faan. 18. ALTER-NATIVES. Dave Shockley, sf. title varies. 19. ALTERNATIVA. M Itt. Giuseppe Caimmi. sf sercon. 76. BETWEEN. Thierry Stekke. FB80, FF7.50, 4/FB200, 20. ALVEGA. Alyson Abramowitz. 50#i usu. sf gen* FF25- sf; text in French. 21. AMAZINE. Rick Knobloch. $1. pub Linda Carter-Won- 77. BEYOND THE BARRIER. ? apa? der Woman Fan Club. 78. THE BIG REEL. Don Key. 12/$12.50. film coll ads. 22. AMAZINE STORIES. Eric Bentcliffe. faan? 79- BILIN MEYEN. Selma Mine, usu? sf; formerly 23. AMBROV ZEOR. Elisabeth Waters. Sime-Gen series of X-Bilinmeyen. J. Lichtenberg. 80. BIOYA. David Moyer. 75£» usu. sf. * 24. AMON HEN. Tolkien Soc. mem £2.50> US$6, A$4.50.
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