MANCHFSTER SPORTS WEEKFND PI ( S L^ttor keeps £ , r d « ^ Toronto blawto HC^*u>icim6^ Moot Ifie roof swlm m wsup the Red Sox Mr. Amazing iMt?.;________ . - M d t o l l n*i)e A iHaiidiratrr) Winr:hp.;tor i ,*i-y rjl j ||;jqp Hrralh Saturday, Sept. 27. idSS 2S Cents A year ago today, town was wet, windy and daric S OyOeerae Leyrto were left wfthont electricity, aome aaid in an interview Friday. "1 think* about when reminded of HereM itoaerfer for aa long a* a week. But being unveiled laat winter. N O officiala think I can cope with it if only we Hurricane Gloria. after the atorm. Shelter* were kept in tbe dark about when power knew what waa going on." aaid they were prepared to apring apecifically deaignated for future "What I remember moat ia the 9ho A f t n aye today ffnrricaM would be reatored fa tbe firat thing Into action thia paat Auguat. when criaea. old generator* replaced and Sirianni aaid a major concern difficnity of dealing with the Gloria rfyped t^roag^ tike Man- many people remember about the Hurricane Charley threatened new communication* ayatema W y during the ordeal waa that the food utility,’’ be aaid Friday. After the ctoater area, tearing road* co­ atorm. which ripped through the Connecticut. But Charley blew out purchaaed. E ant vered iritit free Hmlw. home* inhiar^gerator wouMgobad. On cleanup waa over, Weiaa and central part of the atate on the to aea. ao the teat ia yet to come. MIC wiOkoot power, tchoofs and ho*i- afternoon of Sept. n . isss. the third day, he bought aome dry Mayor Barbara Weinberg held a The phyaical aigna of Gloria’* nenea cloned and a laating me­ ice to keep the Hema cold. On the public hearing to give re a i^ t a the Weiaa aaid the town teamed ita Wait are atill viaible an around. A Jamea Sirianni. who live* on own leaaon and baa better prepared mory of natore’a aweaome Green Road In Mancbeafer. went aixfh. he borrowed a generator. opportunity to complain. The two abort walk in the wood* win reveal atrength. alao attended a hearing called by itaelf to deal with future emergen- tree* anapped in half and other* aix day* without electricity. Hia For Mancheater Town Manager Moat noticeaMe waa the loaa of tbe General AeaemMy to addrea* clea. An emergency operation* uprooted. biggeat complaint, however, waa Robert Weiaa, getting information electricity, wMch took away moat atatewide complaint* againat NO. committee meeta regularly, and a that Northeaat Vtilittea could not from NO about when power would But for the Mclntire family on of Hfe'a modem convenience* for The company’* reaponae waa to new police communication ayatem accurately fell him when hi a power be turned back on and what he aaid Pine Shore* Drive in Coventry, the over half a million Connecficiit develop a decentraHted communi­ haa been inatalled. would be back on. waa the company’* failure to reminder* of Gloria remain In the reaidenta. Thonaanda in Manchea- cation ayatem deaigned to provide P In Bolton, Coventry and An­ "Th a t waa the main thing — you coordinate reatoration efforta with front yard. ter, Bolton. Andover and Coventry information to town official* and didn’t know where you st<^." be the town are the firat thinga be dover, aimilar ennergency pre- the general public. After it waa paredneaa plana were deaigned Pleaae tarn to page 3 W r Sanctions veto iiv r ',iir> ' 7 - sets stage for legislative fight By Terence Hunt president will not wage an all-out The Aasocicrted Press fight If it appears certain he will lose. WASHINGTON - President "Doing nothing has always been Reagan, setting th^ stage for one of an option," Speakes said. the toughest foreign policy show­ Meanwhile, dozens of House and AFTI downs In his administration, ve- Senate members gathered at a 2 p.m. toed legislation Friday imposing rally at the Capitol to urge Reagan NortI new eoMMMio taaeuiu sgalm to afgii ^ aamkteaa bill aittf, i0 the white-minority government of wonda «/ m*My of (Hwn, '~g«f <m the clouc South Africa. right side of history." In a message to Congress, Sen. Alan Cranston, D-Callf., the Reagan said portions of the mea­ assistant Democratic leader, said sure "would seriously Impede the he was "very confident" the Senate prospects for a peaceful end to could override a veto. apartheid and the establishment of And Rep. Mickey Leland, D- a free and open society for all In Texas, chairman of the congres­ 7 South Africa." sional black caucus, told the rally: Deserted by many of his usual "President Reagan is waiting until H o n allies, Reagan does not have the last minute like a thief In the enough votes to prevent the House night to veto legislation that Prim and Senate from overriding his clearly has the support of the gabeol veto, according to the White House American people.” honora and Republican vote-counters In "After years of mere negligence during Ah photo Congress. and Immobility, the president of next V Playing for time to find suppor­ the United States will use the man to About 20 members of the Zulu tribe stage a sit-in Friday Reagan vetoed legislation Imposing new economic ters, the White House delayed prestige and power of his office to chusett In the lobby of the U.S. Consulate In Johannesburg, announcement of the veto until sentence millions of South Africans Mug( sanctions against South Africa. The group got Its wish after the House quit work for the South Africa. They vowed to remain there until President Friday night. to a life of cruelty and injustice," whlte-r week, thus preventing a quick said Rep. Norman Mlneta, D-Callf. ony to I override vote in the Democratic- "The Congress and the American be hor controlled chamber. public will not sustain this Indecent speaks It an override is approved, the act.” as the r sanctions — including a ban on all With sanctions seen as a politi­ the 101- new American investment and cally popular Issue In an election Senate warned on anti-drug bill bank loans In South Africa — will tlon mo year, the legislation rolled through Univt be enforced despite Reagan’s the House on a 308-77 vote and objections. Duffey WASHINGTON (AP) - The mob.” through the Senate on a 84-14 tally. Dole, R-Kan., said he hopes for Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., In addition to banning U.S. Two-thirds of the members present recogni Senate began fashioning a |1.4 He urged his colleagues to "cool final Senate action on the drug bill predicted that if civil liberties Investment and bank loans, the and voting are needed to override a cess in billion anti-drug bill Friday amid the passions that ruled the House” at a rare Saturday session. concerns are not satisfied, they new legislation would terminate veto. ravag pleas by some moderate Republi­ and steer clear of legislation that Evans' warning that House pro­ would “ derail" the entire bill, landing rights In this country for With a House override believed warfa cans to resist controversial House- "could be as dangerous as the drug visions would "trample our Consti­ which House and Senate leaders South African aircraft and prohibit Inevitable, it will be up to the and " approved proposals they said problem itself." tution" was backed by GOP Sens. have given top priority for enact­ U.S. imports of South African Republican-ruled Senate to decide racial would "trample our Constitution" In contrast to the t3 billion-bill Charles McC. Mathias, Md.; Ro­ ment before Congress adjourns for uranium, coal, steel, textiles, mil­ whether Reagan wins or loses. Muf and violate civil liberties. approved by the House on a 392-16 bert Packwood, Ore.; JohnChafee, the November elections. itary vehicles, agricultural pro­ Even in the Senate, Reagan faces contrt These proposals included Impos­ vote Sept. 11, the scaled-down R.I., and Lowell P. Weicker, Conn., ducts and food. an uphill battle. Thirty-four votes ing the death penalty in drug- Senate version would pour more But these arguments were dis­ remai who threatened a parliamentary "The veto situation is one which are needed to sustain a veto if all related murders, stepped-up use of money into drug interdiction, erad­ missed by Sen. Paula Hawkins, Cabin roadblock over the bill's financing could go either way. I believe that senators vote. the armed forces to halt drug ication, education and treatment, provision. R-Fla., who is fighting a tough On there are the votes in the Senate to Lugar, appearing on the "CBS smuggling and easing the "exclu­ outlaw laundering of drug profits re-election campalgn that is domi­ Cartel Weicker served notice he would override the veto but I say that Morning News,” said Reagan sionary rule” that prohibits cour­ and stiffen penalties for drug nated by the drug problem in her at the object to creating a federal anti­ very reluctantly,” said Sen, Ri­ appears to have 28 to 30 votes In the troom use of illegally obtained possession and distribution. home state. Zimbe drug trust fund financed partly by chard Lugar, R-tnd., chairman of Senate. evidence. But Majority Leader Bob Dole’s contributions from taxpayers who ter De "Already we hear the same the Foreign Relations Committee, In Congress, supporters argued' Sen. Daniel J. Evans, R-Wash., floor strategy for what he calls a earmarked a portion of their 9 the Re voices of permissiveness who have who has split with the White House that sanctions would put pressure said these and other provisions "tough but fiscally responsible" income tax refunds for use in the usal thwarted effective action against on the issue.
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