S S For Updates, Information and GREAT Offers on the fly-Text SASS to 772937! i NNoovveemmbbeerr 22000011 CCCooowwwbbboooyyy CCChhhrrrAooonnniiiiicccllllleee g PPaaggee 11 NNSSoeeopvpvetteeemmmmbbbbeeeerrr r 2 2 220000001111 00 CCoowwbbooyy CCShhrroonniiccnllee PPPaaagggeee 1 11 (S S - e C u e O p p T October 2010 Cowboy Chroniiclle PaageN 1 o g V e d ~ s E a 3 N y 8 T ! The Cowboy Chronicle , 3 IO 9 ) N The Monthly Journal of the Single Action Sh ooting Society ® Vol. 26 i No. 11 © Single Action Shooting Society, Inc. November 2013 DAYS OF TRUTH Augu 10 TH Annual EuropEan Cowboy Action Championships st 7–10i, 2013 By Tex, SASS #4 parany, Czech Repub - ments by receiving his SASS Regu - lic – The largest Cowboy lators Badge during opening cere - Action match ever held monies. Registration was smooth O in Europe was hosted and efficient (it has to be with just outside Prague this past Au - nearly 300 competitors!) and the gust. Roughly 260 competitors scores were posted quickly follow - were in attendance for Wild Bunch, ing each competition. Cowboy Action, side matches, shoot- The shooting match designer offs, and costume contests. It was a was Headshot Jack, SASS huge international class event that #79567,who was responsible for not proved to be well organized, smooth only designing the stages, but set - running, and enjoyable to shoot! ting them up and keeping them op - Organization is always the key erational throughout the event. to truly successful matches. Thun - There are 18 bays at the Oparany der Man, SASS Regulator #29821, shooting facility, and 15 were used was the Match Director and sur - for main match competition. That’s rounded himself with a talented set a lot of targets to be managed and of people who handled the myriad kept in repair! of special tasks that make every - Days of Truth began with Wild thing look simple and easy. Colbert, Bunch. There were some 63 com - SASS #87058, handled registration petitors who shot nine stages over a and scoring for the match and was two-day period—five stages the The Civil War era cannons certainly got everyone’s attention! recognized for his past achieve - first day and four stages in the af - These guns were used to signal the beginning of the ternoon the following day after the evening ceremonies each afternoon. first five Cowboy Action stages were SASS C owboy Chronicle complete. (The nine-stage day was same as last year in Hungary— were stationary, but there were a bit of a challenge, especially since Bandit won … again! knockdowns and one flyer. Starting the weather the first two days of the For Cowboy Action, there were positions varied, and starting lines In This Issue match was well into the 90s (ºF), 15 stages— five each day! Not only were required for every stage. And, and the humidity was high as well!) were the stages well designed and the props went from basic to quite documented, the target sizes and nice, depending upon the scenario. eadquarter s The four standard Wild Bunch cat - 14 H -22 egories were offered and there were placement were exceptional. The This shooting event compared fa - by Grey Fox and a large number of takers. Tex and sizes were generous and the dis - vorably with any found in the Miss Mary Spencer Samuel B. Carpenter (Bandit), tances just far enough away where United States … and that’s no sur - SASS Regulator #34043, once again they had to be shot … but every - prise. These match organizers 16 Beau Bassin found themselves in “head-to-head” thing was VERY hittable. There travel to matches around Europe range riders competition in Wild Bunch Tradi - were “stand and deliver” stages, and here in the US, so they know by Frenchy Cannuck tional … and the results were the others had movement, most targets (Continued on page 50 ) m o c . t e n s s a s . w w 20 european regional w 5 1 0 7 8 M n , d o o w e g d -(p art 1) e y a W y o b w o c 5 1 by Frederick Jackson Turner 2 C h C 23 sHootout under r o tHe MidnigHt sun o w by Little Nelchina n b i o Make Mine c y 26 a s ix pack l by Larsen E. Pettifogger e Page 2 Cowboy Chronicle November 2013 Visit us at sassnet .com November 2013 Cowboy Chronicle Page 3 Visit us at sassnet .com Page 4 Cowboy Chronicle November 2013 Visit us at sassnet .com November 2013 Cowboy Chronicle Page 5 The Cowboy CONTENTS Chronicle 6 FROM THE EDITOR Territorial Governors & The Convention Summit . Editorial Staff NEWS Tex 8 Early and Modern Firearms EMF . Editor-in-Chief 10, 11 LETTERS Comments From SASS Members . Cat Ballou CAT’S CORNER Editor 12 Victorian Morning Jewelry . Miss Tabitha Asst. Editor 14-23 ON THE RANGE Buffalo Valley Into The West . German Territory Regulators Adobe Illustrator Layout & Design 24, 25 CLUB REPORTS Shooting Across The USA . OK Corral Outlaws . Mac Daddy 26-29 WILD BUNCH CORNER Make Mine A Six Pack! . The Great Nor’Easter Graphic Design 30-36 GUNS & GEAR Buttercup History On Your Face (Pt 3) . Dispatches From Camp Baylor Advertising Manager (505) 843-1320 • Cell: (505) 459-0390 38-39 SASS-CONVENTION (( HURRY TIME RUNNIN’ OUT • SIGN-UP TODA Y!! ! )) [email protected] 40-43 HISTORY Contributing Writers Bloody Bill Anderson . Little Known Famous People . Alan McBrayer & Thomas Valenza, Apache Wolf, Big Jim Hammond, Blackthorne Billy, 44-46 PROFILES 2013 Scholarship Recipients . A True SASS Cowboy . Bullwhip Bones, Capgun Kid, Capt. George Baylor, Chilkoot, Col. Dan, Col. Richard Dodge, Cree Vicar Dave, Doc Kemm, 47-61 ARTICLES Cowboy TV . The Classic Cowboy/Cowgirl Shootist Award Program Frederick Jackson Turner, Frenchy Cannuck, Graver Bill, Grey Fox & Miss Mary Spencer, Janny Ringo, Joe Fasthorse, Justice Lily Kate, 48 REVIEW PRODUCTS Trade-In Old Gunleather-Frontier Gunleather . Larsen E. Pettifogger, Little Nelchina, Loco Poco Lobo & Nawlins Kid, Palaver Pete, R. B. Rooson & Redleg Reilly, 62 TRAIL MARKER Always To Be Remembered . Rio Drifter & Tennessee Tall, Sage Chick, Slye Buffalo, Stonewall, Texas Ghost, Whitesmoke Steve, Whitey Coyote & Sweetland, 63-65 GENERAL STORE /CLASSIFIED Phoebe Ann, Wolverine Wrangler The Cowboy Chronicle is published by 66-73 SASS AFFILIATED CLUBS (MONTHLY, ANNUA L) The Wild Bunch, Board of Directors of The Single Action Shooting Society. SASS MERCANTILE For advertising information and rates, ad - 74 (Nice Collectables) . ministrative, and edi to rial offices contact: Chronicle Administrator 75 POLITICAL State Nullification Is Justified . 215 Cowboy Way Edgewood, NM 87015 (505) 843-1320 FAX (505) 843-1333 Visit our Website At SASSNET.COM email: [email protected] http://www.sassnet.com The Cowboy Chronicle (ISSN 15399877) is pub - lished monthly by the Single Action Shooting Society, 215 Cowboy Way, Edgewood, NM 87015. Periodicals Postage is Paid at Edge - Following in wood, NM and additional mailing offices ® his brother’s SASS Trademarks (USPS #032). POSTMASTER: Send ad - footsteps, this sass ®, single action shooting society ®, dress changes to The Cowboy Chronicle , 215 young German end of trail ®, eot ®, Cowboy Way, Edgewood, NM 87015. competitor The Cowboy Chro nicle tM , DISCLAIMER - The Single Action Shooting (alias TBD) cowboy action shooting tM , Society does not guarantee, warranty or en - joined SASS cas tM , Wild Bunch tM , dorse any product or service advertised in this newspaper. The publisher also does not during tM Wild Bunch action shooting , guarantee the safety or effectiveness of any Days of Truth. the World championship of product or service illustrated. The distri - His brother, cowboy action shooting tM , bution of some products/services may be il - Little Big Bow-legged cowboy design, and the legal in some areas, and we do not assume German Man, responsibility thereof. State and local laws rocking Horse design joined SASS must be investigated by the purchaser prior are all trademarks of to purchase or use or products/services. during the single action shooting society, inc. Days of Truth WARNING: Neither the author nor The Cowboy Chronicle can accept any responsi - in Poland Any use or reproduction of these marks without the express written permission bility for accidents or diffe ring results two years ago. obtained using reloading data. Variation of SASS is strictly prohibited. in handloading tech niques, compo nents, and fire arms will make results vary. Have a competent gunsmith check your firearms before firing. Visit us at sassnet .com Page 6 Cowboy Chronicle November 2013 TErriTorial GovErnors conVention summit , w By Tex, SASS #4 Tex, SASS #4 were, and what, if anything, should responsible for determining the rial Governors to determine what he Territorial Gover - be done about them. Like the gov - rules of the game we play—Cowboy changes make sense and are good nors have been an im - &ernment, we needed individuals to Action Shooting™. The Wild Bunch for the sustained growth of SASS portant part of SASS represent their constituents, pres - retains the responsibility for estab - and to determine in all cases, T for years now. How - ent their views to the Wild Bunch, lishing policy and for making and “what’s the right thing to do.” ever, it’s appropriate every now and take the Wild Bunch’s views, implementing business decisions. In preparation, the Summit and then to review just what their comments, and decisions back to The RO Committee, as explained Agenda is distributed to the Gov - role is within SASS. the clubs for implementation. In last month, simply operates more ernors so the line items can be dis - As SASS grew beyond the abil - short, they were a mechanism to or less like the President’s cabi - cussed with their respective clubs.
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