K ’-'r THE WEATHER Forecast by U. S. Weather Borean, NET vF R E S S r u n ^ H artford. a v r b a g e d a i l y circulation for the Month of October, 193§ M ostly cloudy tonlg^ht and Tues­ Conn. State Library—Comp day; rain Tuesday afternoon or night, not much change in tempera­ 5 , 5 2 2 ture. llembcrs of the Andit Bnrean of Circulatlona TWELVE PAGES PKICE rUKEE CENTS VOL. XLIV., NO. 36. The Mayor and the Manag’er Join the Red Cross SEN.ATETIE FOUR ARE DEAD, PROF.CDRTIUS PRESIDENT PAYS FIFTY HURT TAKES POST OF RAISES RATE NATION’S TRIBUTE IN RAIL CRASH DR.STRESEMANN ONTDNISTEN S jm m TO SOLDIER DEAD Absence of Vice-Pres. Curtis Four Day Coaches and Three j Appointed Minister of For- K Defeats G. 0. P. Finance Places Wreath at Tomb of Pulhnan Cars Leave the’ eign Affairs for Germany; PRICES S H IP Committee’s Amendment Unknown Soldier in Ar­ Tracks; Victims Are from i Has Brilliant Record; Not s WHENTRADBS s V of House Rate. lington Cemetery; Armis­ Ohio and Michigan. Well Known. Washington, Nov. 11— (AP) — !(EEP SELlINfi tice Day Observed All Berlin, Nov. i i .— (A P )— Professor j Vice P;-esident Curtis’ presence in Oakdale, Tenn., Nov. 11.— (AP.) Chicago today for an Armistice Day Julius Curtius, acting minister for Four persons were known to have address, prevented the breaking of Over State and Nation. foreign affairs, was appointed to been killed and over fifty passen­ : a 31 to 31 vote in the Sente and re- Scores of Active Stocks Car­ that portfolio today to succeed the I suited in the defeat of a Republican gers injured in the wreck near here late Dr. Gustav Stresemann. Profes­ finance committee amendment to Washington, Nov. 11.— (AP.)—■ early today of the Ponce de Leon, sor Curtius has been minister of i the tariff bill to restore the existing ried Down $3 to §15 a With pride in America’s achieve­ fast northbound passenger train of economics in the government of 1 duty of 45 cents a pound on ments in the cause of world peace Chancellor Mueller. I tungsten ore, a steel making raw and paying impressive tribute to the Southern railway. President von Hindenburg made I material. Share in Quiet Market; the World War dead, the govern- Three of the dead were trainmen. him acting minister of foreign m - { Senator McNary of Oregon, pre- t The other, a man, w,as identified fairs when a crisis threatened at Dr. M Vf ■’ V j siding at the time, had voted when Some Quotations. ment’s officialdom headed by Presi­ later as Marion Bradshaw, St. Stresemann’s death. t 1 his name had been called on the dent Hoover joined with the rest Dr. Paul Moldenhauer was ap­ W 4 J , I ballot. This prevented him from Augustine, Fla. [ of the nation today in observing the pointed to succeed Dr. Curtius as j casting a ballot as the presiding of- New York, Nov. 11.— (A P .)— | eleventh anniversary of the sign- The majority of the injured, pas­ I ficer. minister of economics. Dr. Molden­ Several hundred million dollar? | ing of the armistice. sengers were from Ohio and Michi­ hauer is a university professor from The Rea erase Annual Roll Call was givenan ^ o U 1. ‘ R o t S j Rate Increased gan. They had been on a week-end today when Miss Jessie Reynolds, local Red Cross and. soci^ servic^ I. J cppiiri- Opening the commemoration was Cologne and a member of the Peo­ Photo above shows, left to Defeat of the amendment. t f per- I quoted value j recital of burial services over excursion to Chattanooga and ple’ss Party.Rartv Hetie satsai in theuic Reichstag i chairman of the Board of Selectmen, and Town Treasurer George H. Waddell, Red Cross at the Mayor’s mitted an increase in the rate to 50 ,^^ere washed away today in a , marble slab in Arlington Lookout mountain. The three for the Cologne-Aix-La-Chapelle dis- | right. Miss Reynolds, Mayor Rogers and Town Manager Waddell, joining t e i cents QQas proposednrnnnsp byv thee House,OUS6. too steady Stream of liquida-j ^igj^etery under which lies Ameri- coaches which were carrying them trict and generally supported the desk in the Municipal building. I stand. home were among the four day j The absence of the vice president tion which poured into the m arket; ca’s Unknown Soldier and then as poUcles of the late Dr. Stresemann. , ____ rrn-ncr M^e most notable exercise of the coaches which left the tracks. PoUtical Authority and the tie vote recalled to many in from t p ^ ^ ! afternoon a memorial service at Three Pullman cars were derailed. For many years Dr. Moldenhauer 1 the Senate the now famous after- Scores of active stocks were car- j Woodrow Wilson, the Rushed to Hospitals was a member of the board of direc­ I noon nap once taken by Vice Presi- STRAYSHOTS I dent Dawes shortly after he entered ried down $3 to nearly $15 a share, j -wartime president, in the National tors of the German Dye Trust and is Thirty-five of the injured were VICE PRESIDENT PLEADS j office, when the Senate rejected the with even larger losses in a few cathedral. To climax the observ­ taken by special train to the hos­ a recognized authority on social and ance of the historic event President political matters. He is widely nomination of Charles Beecher War- inactive specialties. pitals in Chattanooga. Every am­ ! ren to be attorney general by a tie Hoover will deliver an address to­ bulance in the city was pressed in­ travelled and often visits the United IN SCHOOL ST. Total Sales night under the auspices of the States whence he returned last Sat­ I vote. Total sales in the first two hours to service. Others among the in­ FOR A USTING PEACE ' Today is the first Curtis has been American Legion to a disting^uished were 1,644,100 shares, as contrast­ jured were taken to Somerset, Ky. urday after a trip of study of the I absent since becoming Vice Presi­ audience of government officials, chemical industry. ed with 2,218,000 in the same peri­ Relief trains with doctors and dent. diplomats and World War veter­ nurses were operated from Chatta­ Dr. Curtius, the new foreign The vote also found all Republi- od Friday. minister, is a discovery of his pre­ I ans. Declares World War Suffi- i can members of the finance com- There were no adverse trade or At 11 o’clock Washington was nooga and Somerset. decessor, the late Dr. Gustave RED CROSS SEEKS | j The trainmen killed were: W. A ’ mittee who answered the roll call, bu^ness developments over the I called on to join with the rest of Stresemann. voting against the position they had week-end to account for the renew­ ! the nation and the former warring Eisman. of Chattanooga, engineer On the return of the German fire- dent Cause; Nations Now 2,400 NAMES H E R E ! f f ® ™ Hunters’ taken in committee. al of selling, but the suicide of I coimtries in two minutes of si- Ed Grant, Rising Fawn, Ga., delegation from Geneva in Septem- James J. Riordan, New York bank- ^ ry If n • ■ * In all 22 Republicans and nine I Iciice. man, and Z. Winstead, mail clerk 1926, after Germany’s admission Guns Whine Continuous­ Democrats voted against the com -j er, who had been prominently iden- of Nebo, Ky. to the League of Nation’s, the Understand That Wars ' mittee proposal while 18 Democrats | tified with a group of men active in The derailment occurred on a special train stopped longer than ! ar.d 13 Republicans Supported it. , stock Market operations in the last Washington, Nov. 11.— (A P )— sharp____ curve_____ at 1:20 o’clock this necessary on the German frohtier Most Be Discarded. "Well Gel More Than That," ly in That Section; Houses j West for Increase. j few. years,vears causedcausea widespreadwiuespi un-President Hoover paid the tribute of m^orning 28 miles north of Oakdale opposite Basel, Switzerland. I Western Senators of both parties easinessiness and much nervous liquida-; the Nation at the Jo^nb of the Un- and about 25 miles south of the Not Well Known I advocated the higher rate. They tion The CoiSw Trust Company.' Itnown Soldier today by laying a Kentucky line. Word was passed round that Dr. Is Drive Head’s Idea as Peppered With Shot. i contended higher protection would ^ Sinrrinn wa.s Dresi- wreath of white chrysanthemums Stresemann was expecting a Dr. Chicago, Nov. 11.— (AP)—Hope of which M busi-;upon this hallowed place in Arling- Among the Injured for a lasting world peace was ex­ permit the reopening of many mines dent, opened as usual, with ousi , f cemeter-v Curtius whom he had sisked to ride ! ill Nevada and Colorado. I ness normal and deposits reported ton cemetery. Among the passengers severely pressed by Vice President Curtis The President was accompanied to part of the way to Berlin with him Teams Start In. Resident on the south side Senator Phipps, Republican, Col- as larger than withdrawals. | injured \vas John Russel, seven­ to discuss political questions. Who today in an address at the Armis- ■ the cemetery by Mrs. Hoover and tice Day celebration on Soldiers’ i School street, in the territory em- | orado, said the 50 cent duty also Some Quotations > teen, of Mills Springs, N.
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