The Inventory of the Pete Hamill Collection #883 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center Hamill, Pete #883 9/30/88, 11/14/89, 3/14/91, 8/24/93, 11/9/93, 3/23/94, 9/21/99 Preliminary Listing I. Manuscripts. A. Files; includes correspondence, printed materials, professional materials. Box 1 1. “After Hours.” [F. 1] 2. “Against - Compassion Fatigue.” [F. 2] 3. “America’s Holy War.” [F. 3] 4. “The Best is Yet to Be.” [F. 4] 5. “Beverly Hills /Menendez Case.” [F. 5] 6. “Billy Bathgate.” [F. 6] 7. “Breaking the Silence follow up.” [F. 7] 8. “Brown University.” 9. “Commencement, S.C.C.C.” [F. 8] 10. “Daily News.” [F. 9] 11. “Daily News - 1982.” [F. 10] 12 “Daily News ’83 (1/2/83 - 6/26/83).” [F. 11] 13. “Daily News 1984 - Jan - June.” [F. 12] 14. “Ensenada.” [F. 13] 15. “Esquire Columns.” [F. 14] 16. “Esquire Column.” [F. 15] 17. “Fatal Attraction – Article on Mexico.” [F. 16] 18. “Great Migration.” 19. “Hamill on Breslin.” [F. 17] 20. “Hamill/Chelsea Hotel.” 21. “Hamill - Collection.” 22. “Hamill/Cosmo ’90.” 23. “Hamill/Cosmopolitan/ women athletics 8/85.” [F. 18] 24. “Hamill/Drugs/Lear MAS.” 25. “Hamill/Ensenada - Travel Holiday.” [F. 19] 26. “Hamill on Puerto Rico.” [F. 20] 27. “Hamill/Playboy - Madonna.” 28. “Hamill/Regan and Mob Story.” 29. “Hamill/ Shopping Article.” 30. “Hamill/Under 30, Village Voice.” [F. 21] 31. “Hamill/Village Voice 1984.” [F. 22] 32. “Hamill - War Fotogs.” ` 33. “High Roller.” [F. 23] 34. “Horses.” [F. 24] 35. “The Indy 500 and Other Jock Crazinesses.” [F. 25] 36. “Irish Piece - OFS.” 37. “Jean Doumanian 212-980-3465 2883699 Chris Enzerra K QV.” [F. 26] 38. “Koch - Re-election, Daily News.” [F. 27] Hamill, Pete (9/30/88, 11/14/89, 3/14/91, 8/24/93, 11/9/93, 3/23/94, 9/21/99) Page 1 of 12 39. “Laguna Heat.” [F. 28] 40. “Lost City.” [F. 29] 41. “Magic Johnson - Playboy.” [F. 30] 42. “Mantrack.” [F. 31] 43. “Mark Breland.” [F. 32] 44. “Mexico City.” 45. “Michikko! Edit for Michiko.” [F. 33] 46. “Miscellaneous Articles.” [F. 34-36] 47. “Newburgh.” [F. 37] 48. “New Orleans (News Article).” [F. 38] 49. “New York: 20 Years After – N[ew] Y[ork] Mag.” 50. “New York Magazine - Brilliance Dec. ’92.” [F. 39] 51. “New York: The Rainbow City.” [F. 40] 52. “New York Times Column.” [F. 41] 53. “New York Times Column 1983.” [F. 42] 54. “Nicaraguans in Miami.” [F. 43] 55. “NY Mag – Drugs – Aug ’88.” 56. “Parade Mag/Naval Story - Slow Gulf Blues.” [F. 44] 57. “Playboy - Bugsy Story.” [F. 45] 58. “Richmond, Fred.” [F. 46] 59. “The Rise and Fall of New York City.” [F. 47] 60. “Sinatra.” [F. 48] 61. “Tales of the City New 7/3 - 12/25/83.” [F. 49] 62. “Tales of New York 7/1 - 12/30/84.” [F. 50] 63. “Travel Holiday/Columbus.” [F. 51] 64. “Travel/Holiday - Ellis Island, Puerto Rico, Panama Canal.” [F. 52] Box 2 65. “Under the Volcano.” [F. 1] 66. “Vigilante.” 67. “Village Voice 1986 Jan.” [F. 2-3] 68. “Village Voice/Nicaragua Column-Zapata/Travel Holiday.” [F. 4] B. Articles; TS unless noted. 1. “The 7th Power Review – Miller,” 10 p., includes correspondence, [F. 5] 2. “Asians,” 10 p., includes printed materials. [F. 6] 3. “The Border,” 9 p. [F. 7] 4. “Brooklyn - Going Home Into the Light,” 14 p., TS with holograph notes. [F. 8] 5. “CIA,” approx. 20 p. [F. 9] 6. “City Brutality,” 14 p., includes printed materials. [F. 10] 7. “Collector’s Choice - September Movies About New York,” 5 p., TS with holograph notes. [F. 11] 8. “Coney Island,” 8-12 p., 2 drafts, TS with holograph notes; includes professional materials. [F. 12] 19. “Drug Addiction,” 8-10 p., 2 drafts, includes correspondence, n.d. [F. 13] Hamill, Pete (9/30/88, 11/14/89, 3/14/91, 8/24/93, 11/9/93, 3/23/94, 9/21/99) Page 2 of 12 10. “Dying Apple,” 4 p. [F. 14] 11. “Everglades,” 10-12 p., 2 drafts. [F. 15] 12. “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner,” 10 p., TS with holograph notes; includes handwritten draft. [F. 16] 13. “John Gotti,” 12 p., 2 copies, includes professional materials, printed materials. [F. 17] 14. “John Lennon,” 4 p. [F. 18] 15. “The Leader,” approx. 20 p., includes holograph draft. [F. 19] 16. “Liberty,” approx. 20 p., includes holograph draft. [F. 20] 17. “Making Doc,” approx. 15 p., 3/6/71. [F. 21] 18. “Mexico Journal, 10 p. [F. 22] 19. “My Right Lung,” 11 p. [F. 23] 20. “New York - 2000,” 2 p., TS with holograph notes. [F. 24] 21. “New York Romance,” 5 p., TS with holograph notes. 22. “Nulede Christmas,” 13 p., TS with holograph notes. 23. “NY Style.” [F. 25] 24. “On Being Offended,” 11 p. [F. 26] 25. “On Exiles,” 2 drafts, 9 p. each; includes fragments, correspondence. [F. 27] 26. “On Gay Activism,” 9-11 p., 2 drafts, TS with holograph notes; includes printed materials. [F. 28] 27. “On Robert Grossman,” 2 drafts, 5 p. each, TS with holograph notes; includes fragments. [F. 29] 28. “Ronstadt,” 9 p., TS with holograph notes. [F. 30] 29. “Sinatra,” approx. 10 p. [F. 31] 30. “Striking City Employers,”2 drafts, 4 p., each. [F. 32] 31. “Trump,” 10 p. [F. 33] 32. “Vietnam, Vietnam,” approx. 10 p. [F. 34] 33. “What Is To Be Done?” 17 p. [F. 35] 34. “When the Money Stopped,” by PH and Denis Hamill, 13 p., TS with holograph notes. [F. 36] 35. “Who Killed Momo?” 4 p. [F. 37] 36. “World Series -1989.” 5 p., includes correspondence, 1989. [F. 38] 37. “Winning,” 7 p., TS with holograph notes. [F. 39] 39. Untitled, re: Camelot, 6 p., includes professional materials. [F. 40] 40. Untitled, re: Paris, 4 p. 41. Untitled, re: Rep. Michael J. Harrington, 2 copies, 3 p., each, TS with holograph notes. C. Short stories, TS unless noted. 1. “The Class Reunion,” approx. 15 p., TS with holograph notes; includes holograph draft. [F. 41] 2. “The Fighters,” 7-8 p., 2 drafts, TS with holograph notes. [F. 42] 3. THE INVISIBLE CITY. a. Draft, 149 p., TS with holograph notes. [F. 43] b. Draft, approx. 90 p., TS with holograph notes; includes fragments. [F. 44-45] Hamill, Pete (9/30/88, 11/14/89, 3/14/91, 8/24/93, 11/9/93, 3/23/94, 9/21/99) Page 3 of 12 4. TOKYO SKETCHES. a. “Kodansha - TOKYO SKETCHES - 9/22,” approx. 100 p., includes correspondence. [F. 46-48] b. “Tokyo Stories” [i.e., TOKYO SKETCHES], approx. 150 p. [F. 49-52] c. “Tokyo Tales/Edited,” re: TOKYO SKETCHES, approx. 200 p., TS with holograph notes. [F. 53-55] d. “Tokyo Tales/Revised, 3/2/92,” re: TOKYO SKETCHES, approx. 100 p. [F. 56-57] D. Books, TS unless noted. 1. FLESH AND BLOOD, TS with holograph notes, 323 p. [F. 58-62] Box 3 2. INCIDENT AT HOWARD BEACH, 477 p. [F. 1-6] 3. LOVING WOMEN, 100-677 p., 7 drafts, TS with holograph notes, may include correspondence, printed materials. [F. 7-31] Box 4 a. Ibid. [F. 1-12] b. Chapter fragments, 4-11, 23 approx. 75 p. [F. 13-14] i. Fragments, approx. 50 p. [F. 15] j. Outline, handwritten drafts, 5 p. [F. 16] 4. WET GULF WIND, 181-198, 2 drafts, TS with holograph notes; may include fragments, handwritten pages. [F. 17-22] 5. WHY SINATRA MATTERS, 139 p., TS with holograph notes. [F. 23] E. Screenplays, TS unless noted. 1. “After Hours,” 3 drafts, 97-102 p. each. [F. 24-26] 2. “Dirty Laundry,” 2 drafts, 40-110 p. each. [F. 27-28] a. Draft fragments, TS with holograph notes, approx. 20 p. [F. 29] 3. “Judgment Day,” 107 p., 8/2/84. [F. 30] a. Draft fragments, TS with holograph notes, holograph fragments, approx. 30 p. [F. 31] 4. “Laguardia,” 112 p., TS with holograph notes. [F. 32] 5. “Laguna Heat,” 82-168 p., 3/1/86, 6/1/86, TS with holograph notes; includes fragments, 4 drafts. [F. 33-35] Box 5 a. Ibid. [F. 1-2] 6. “The Neon Empire,” 101-220 p., 4/28/87, 5/22/87, 4 drafts. [F. 3-6] 7. “Spaldeen Summers,” 65-67 p., 2 drafts, 3/17/86, n.d. [F. 7-8] F. Speeches, TS unless noted. 1. “American,” 16 p. [F. 9] 2. “Politics and Religion,” 12 p., Sep. 1984, TS with holograph notes. [F. 10] 3. Untitled speeches, approx. 10 p., TS and handwritten drafts. [F. 11] G. Outlines and treatments, TS unless noted. 1. “Amelia,” includes: a. Schlesinger, John. TNS to PH, 7/7/76. [F. 12] Hamill, Pete (9/30/88, 11/14/89, 3/14/91, 8/24/93, 11/9/93, 3/23/94, 9/21/99) Page 4 of 12 2. “Corrigan & Co,” approx. 15 p., TS with holograph notes. [F. 13] 3. “Daytona Blues,” 4 p., TS with holograph notes. [F. 14] 4. “The Greasepaint Squad,” approx. 15 p., TS with holograph drafts. [F. 15] 5. “The Hero,” 49 p., TS with holograph notes. [F. 16] 6. “Spaldeen Summers,” 58 p., 2 copies; includes correspondence, 1982. [F. 17-18] 7. “Thunder,” approx. 10 p., 2/27/86, TS with holograph drafts. [F. 19] 8. “The Quarter,” approx. 20 p., 1986, TS with holograph drafts. [F. 20] H. “Mexico City Blues,” proposal, 2 copies, 9 p. each, TS with holograph notes. [F. 21] I. “A Talk with Pete Hamill,” interview transcript, 10 p., TS with holograph notes.
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