WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1961 iNiflB'EIGrHTEe* Average Dally Net Preea Ran The Weather iNanrli^atPt lEv^ttinQ H^raUt For the Weak Eaded .. Fereeaat of D. ■. Weather Baiea Deemiber S8, leei OeBori Beayy anew wandage. LISTEN TO KATHY GODFREY, WINF, MONDAY thru FRIDAY ItlO F.M. - SATURbAY AT 11:10 A.M. Rabi m ixed vrttli aBoar tapertag o ff About Town 13,525 toBlgtit. No aetr aiow an iliiinlai Monber of tho Audit tton. V e m near 90. Cleudy, edMer U m U K f c t MuHdiMUr Lodg« Bui;aaa of Otreolattoii Friday. High 20 to 25. e t Uuona will meet toni«;ht et 7 Manchester— ‘A City of Village Chatm « t tin Maeonlc Temple and pro­ T ' / Main Straaf ceed to the Holmee Ftineral Ifame. Ample .FREE 400 Main 8t., where at 7:30 they Manchartar VOL. LXXXI, NO. 74 (SIX'TEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1961 (Claaaifled Advertlataig on Pago 14) PRICE FIVE CENTS win oonduct a Maacmic memorial PARKING Ml 3-4123 eervloe for Luoiua M. Foster. rear of store I Mtae Jane Steiner. 3M Hilliard .. J j .. Bt„ has been inducted into Delta Laos Parley Fails Prober Claims Fhi Alpha social sorbrity at the State Neit>s Univereity of Hartford, and Miss Carol Ann Walach, 53 Wellin^rton Smelter Union Rd.. wta initiated into Sigma Roundup Kappa Delta social sorority, also Katanga Will at the 'Uni\ersity of Hartford. Neutral Prince Red Infiltrated Marine Pfc. Roger A. Anderson, Washington, Dec. 28 (!P)— eon of Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. An­ Stale Ecologist derson. 19 Gardner St., ivas grad­ Solves Cheshire A hearing examiner has rec-i uated Nov. 27 from Photographer's HinW Surp rise ommended that the Interna-1 Mate School at the Naval Air tiohal Union of Mine, Mill and ' Technical Training Unit. Naval Pearl Robberies Smelter workers be declared Air Station. Pensacola, Fla. He Confederation was awarded first prise in Novem­ By KKNE-OBORGBh INAOAKia The general aald he had called -r— . a Communist-infiltrated or- ber for "picture of the month.” Vientiane, I.,aos, Dec. 28 (/Pj to insist that Souvanna and Cheshire, Dec. ganization, Atty. Gen. Robert, Anderson is a 1958 graduate of —...ruuioiiDL-Neutralist PrinceI lu.Lc Souvannauuu.niii.oi, , Cheshire fspulv | f . Kennedv announced today. Manchester High School. Phouma smiled tonight and^^u^Oum X r th^breX^ unwillingly castingj t^e recommendauon of ex- told reporters: “ Let me work terday, have dinner and dis- before mice got ^beir gminer A. Blasts Rule Alpha Kappa Omega sorority on this three or four davs <'U»»'on« at the general's reel valuables back, and caught a ed by the Sub\ersl\e Aeliv liM will hold a "Happy Holiday" dance on this three or four da.ts. I ^ ecologist at Center Springs Liodge tonight Maybe you will have quite a from 7:30 to midnight. A apokeaman for Souphanou.- suggested they SOW a few |,,„dJr the Na-, nice surprise.” vong however, promptly announced O f N ation That was Souvanna'i summary seeds of distrust. ‘ tjonal Labor Relations Act. The Past Mistress Club. Daugh­ that his highness was too busy to regularly 45.00 and 49.99 OUR ENTIRE REGULAR STOCK of a day of behind-the-scenes talks attend. The trouble started when sn The Labor Department directory 2 ters of Liberty. No. 125. will meet | among Laotlan.s—watched over an­ Souvanna. the premier-designate opal-r--- ring, valued at $100, was tak- i■ of labor unions lists the Mine.■ Mil! at the home of Mrs. Joseph John­ I left) xiously by U.S.. British and So­ of the proposed new government. I en from atop a bureau in the bath-1 and Smelter Workers Ln.on as Central ston. 15 Hawley St., tomorrow at viet ambassadors—to check pros- and his half brother___ai__ u Ihadj __separate’ .vwzm TT*/Mirroom. n^nrlB Four vi'o-ropearls * 1*0were ta.kPTi al.so < taken,havmc' having200 locftl 200 unionslocal unionswit! with a 8 pjn. I MEN'S SUITS, TOPCOATS ects for revival of the Laotian audiences with King Savang V a-' from a necklace—not the whole, toUl 1 0 0 ,^ members. na- By PETER GROSE ORLON'PILE LINED SIg three princes' abortive summit thana. The results of these were necklace, just tour pearls. ; tional headqusrters are in..Denver. i The social games sponsored by j conference. not announced. Dr. Stephen Oolllns. an animal ! C(^. Leopoldville, The Congo, the American Legion on Wednes-' Souvanna warned earlier in a expert from Bhe Connecticut Ag- Tiiat membership figure, how - ; Dec. 28 (JP)— Six Katanga day nights will be canceled for to-1 SPORTCOATS Premier Prince Bonn Oum. a rlghtest, persisted in his re^ talk with newsmen that collapse rlculfira! Experiment SUtion in ' ever, dates from 1959, indicating a deputies took their seats to­ n l^ t, and will be resumed next W O O L AND fusal to sit_ia with...let- Phouma_____ and__ i iI -of . sthe i . ____negotiationsai^ai___—. could1.J - 1plungeI V j New * - U-.«v« Haven, was railed in on tViAthe .KhAmsharp droD-off.drop-off, thcthe 11111011union moremore rf-re week. Phoui-na's pro-Communist half Laos into an East-West wsr as case. cently has been claiming onl\ 50.- day in the National Congo brother. Prince Souphannuvong. ‘o | well as rerive the revolution tech-1 Two aimulaled pearl earrings Parliament. They were ex­ Ih e Manchester Junior Square. Cherry's recommendation came pected to demand revision of Dance Club will not hold classes! CAMEL COAT 20> to 407« OFF! complete negotiations for a coall-; nically halted by a cease-fire last' were put out as bait: the thief tton government. May. removed one from its setting, but after more than four years of j tomorrow night. Lessons will be hearings ended last May. The Congo’s provisional con­ reaumed Jan. 4. ^ with detachable raccoon collar • MICHAELS STERN But Gen. Phouml Nasavan, de­ ,A Pathet Lao officer in town for left the other intact. On another stitution to relax the control the talks. Gen. Phoune Sipraseiith, occasion, two earrings were taken Nearly 150 witne.s.ses were heard. fense minl-ster and strongman of ‘ nioi e than 300 exhibits were in- the basic law gives the jllen- • KINGSRIDGE Boun Oum's administration, paid said "nobody’ wants war." But he from a miniature sideboard on the The Covenant Congregational ; trodiiced anri 9,721 pages of testi- ‘ tral government over Katan­ Church will hold its mid-week • CRICKETEER a courtesy call on Souvanna at the added "If we are attacked, we will bureau. fight." It must be a rodent, said Dr. ■ mony were recorded. ga and the other provinces: worship service-tonight at 7:30. • j ^ p latter's hearily guarded villa. And _ ,,, J _____ I Cherry, a member of the 5-man 38.00 Souvanna's expression of apparent Souvanna and Souphanouvong Oolllns, and a selective one at that , subversive ActiviUes Control Nine more Katanga deputies optimism was is.sued after tha< were due from EIlsabethYllIe to­ • MIDDISHADE *^’,1 I Board, held that the union was natural, green, red, sizes 6 to 18 meeting. (Conttained en Page 8lx) dont live in Chesihire, and "lAO ..,„bstantiallv directed, dominated day. Bolton Accident • V-LINE found no signs of a flying-squirrel controlled bv indiriduals who Seeing the first group off from Blisabethville yesterday, Katanga • regular, long, short, stout invasion. are (or have been) actively en­ Victims Improving regula^y 69.99 to 79.99 It must be a mouse, he reasoned, President Moise Tshombe said Researcher Reports gaged in giving support to the they would hold out for a Congo and since even bourgeois mice Communist party of the United regularly 15.99 presumably value sunflower seeds confederation that would give hla John Wrana III, hurt in a head- States." rich province considerable Inde­ on- crash on Rt. 6 in Bolton Fri­ UNTRIMMED COATS above pearls, he suggested using , "The aid and support flowing to seed as bait. pendence despite the Kitona unity day, ia up and walking around in the Communist Party cL'.S.A.) pact. The Central government tha emeci^ care zone at Manches­ SUPREME QUALITY Close observation was rewarded; from tile union and its controlling Little Rise E jected T^e man of the house watched contended the terms Tshombe put ter Memorial Hospital. Wrana, son leadership has been real, substan­ on his deputies' mission were at of WilUmanUc'B new mayor, un­ a tiny deer mouse, ea'sily recog­ tial and significant,'' Cherri- said nized by its white feel and belly, sharp variance wrlth the agree­ derwent surgery Friday for a rup­ 44.00 Through the union "the Com­ ment he reached a week ago with WORSTED WOOL nab the seed and scamper under tured spleen. munist party has acquired and wDl Congo Premier Cyrille Adoula. Two occupants of the second car • Imperial supreme 100% camel's hair In N-Tests Caneers the washing mat^ine. There, in a continue to ha-.-e a dependable In the Friday crash, Joseph and small cardboard box. was the loot. Tshombe charged in Eliaabeth- FLANNEL SLACKS foothold in the Labor movement vlUe today that U.N. troops are Peart Romanowrski of Norwich, are • worumba fleece Dr. Collins provided traps to in the United States.” the exam­ being moved today from the spe­ ^fallout should not produce more catch the mouae, then photo- preparing for a new militajy of­ • black, beige, camel, royal (below) By FRANK CAREY iner added. , One Killed, SI Hurt in Highivay Crash fensive against Katanga and that cial to intermediate care zone at (AP Sclencs Writer) than a 0.04 per cent rise above the gT'aphed him and let him go—a It Is the biggest union in the the hospital.
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