&- — 192.9 Rushville, Middlesex and Dresden T the northern end of the Marcus Whitman High- physicians, a harness shop, two shoe shops, a wagon Away, Rushville lies on the direct route from Roch- shop and two blacksmith shops. Russell Slayton was ester to Watkins Glen. It is the birthplace of Dr. Middlesex's first postmaster in 1841. John Walford, Marcus Whitman, that intrepid missionary and pioneer Jr., was owner of the first grist mill. who saved the vast Oregon territory to the United States. The village lies in a valley, from whose sur- Dresden rounding hills may be obtained exquisite views of RESDEN, on Seneca Lake between Watkins Glen productive farms and shadowy groves, which bear D and Geneva, has the distinction of facing the wid- silent testimony to the wonderful fertility of this est expanse of azure blue of any town in the lake region. district. Rushville, which had previously been called Old Seneca at this point is five miles in width. Dresden Federal Hollow, was named in 1818 in honor of Ben- is at the mouth of the Lake Keuka outlet. In a course jamin Rush, then a noted surgeon of Philadelphia. of five miles the water falls 276 feet through a rocky At one time the place was also known as Burning gorge, producing valuable water-power resources. Spring, from the natural gas springs one mile south- Of interest to the visitor is the birthplace of Robert west of the village. G. Ingersoll, near the village. The home is now open As early as 1792 Elias Gilbert opened a tavern at to the public. Fishing just off the village is of the best Rushville. The first merchant was Philander Wood- and the cordiality of the community is typified by worth, who also opened a tavern about 1810 at the the free camp site maintained for tourists. The village corner of Main and Gilbert Streets. The village had a has an enterprising Chamber of Commerce, which is district school about 1800. The Rushville Academy one of the strongest backers of the Finger Lakes move- was built in 1834 and razed in 1867, to give place the ment. Dresden is reached by a lakeshore drive from next year to the present Union school building, built Geneva and also connects with Penn Yan to the west at a cost of $13,000. by a good macadam highway. A postoffice was established as early as 1818 and Only about a mile south of Dresden was the "New the first church, the Congregational, organized in Jerusalem", built up by the followers of Jemima 1802. Rushville was incorporated as a village in 1866, Wilkinson in 1788. The little band in the settlement when it had thirty-one houses. The first physician of cabins chose this spot on the Indian trail leading was Dr. Buffum Harkness, who settled in 1796. from the Chemung Valley to Kanadesaga. The quiet serenity of the vistas about Dundee is a Middlesex real delight to the tourists pouring along the highway EAR the famous Vine Valley on Canandaigua from Penn Yan to Watkins Glen. The low rounded N Lake, on the main highway southwest from Gen- hills variegated with stretches of woodland, inter- eva, Middlesex lies in a locality whose rare beauty is spersed with fields of waving grain, dotted here and an awesome delight to the motorist. Sweeping pano- there with berry and grape vineyards, afford a natural ramas of mountain, valley and lake he stretched off beauty that is unsurpassed. Poultry farms, apple and into blue distances. Middlesex is in close proximity peach orchards and pastures all lend a unique charm. to Bare Hill, sacred hill of the Iroquois and in the Town of Middlesex, at the 1 head of the lake, there is located the largest organ- ization camp in the lake region. Camp Tarion, the property of the Finger Lakes Boy Scout Council, com- prises 286 acres, including more than a mile of lake front on the eastern slope of Whale Back Mountain. Middlesex is a leading grape center. John Walford 'and War- ham Williams were the first settlers of Middlesex in the latter part of the Eighteenth Century. In 1869 after the Civil War the place contained only one store but boasted two Middlesex and Vine Valley on Canandaigua page two hundred two [ 779 — 192.9 Just as the building of the old Keuka and Seneca pointed out that the highway proposed would be one Canal brought new impetus to the growth of Dresden, of the most scenic in the entire lake country, as well the village today faces possibilities for real profit through as a great convenience to the public. the proposed building of a state highway along the west shore ot Seneca Lake from Geneva to Watkins Glen. In the summer of 1925 the Yates County Board of Supervisors voted to complete such a highway from the Ontario County line to Dresden and the road has since been built. Such construction gives a fine high- way all the way to Geneva. The problem ahead of the backers of the west lake road is to bring about the building of the highway on southward to the head of Seneca Lake. The movement for the new route has been pushed with vigor during; recent months and all prospects point to even a greater energy behind the endeavor. Advocates of this road, which would place Dresden in the strategic position of being midway between Geneva and Watkins Glen on a heavily traveled tourist thoroughfare, has Marcus Whitman Birthplace: The above picture is a view of the birthplace of Marcus Whitman, who was born in Rushville in had considerable backing of the press of the lake the year 1S02. The new Penn Yan-Potter-Rusbville state road has region and are confident of ultimate success. It is been named the Marcus Whitman Highway in his memory. C. E. Denniston D. S. Pulver Dresden, N. Y., on Seneca Lake Restaurant, Ice Cream General Mdse., Sodas, Cream and Lunches Confectionery and Cigars served at all hours A Good Place to Eat—Regular Meals or Light Lunches—Opposite The Depot Gas, Oils and Free Air. Plenty of Parking Space DRESDEN, N. Y. Gasoline Motor Oils CENTRAL GARAGE Phone Middlesex 9-Y3 SMITH B. KENNERSON, Prop. REPAIRING and ACCESSORIES H. S. Hart's Garage Gas and Oil AGENCY FOR CHEVROLET CAR AUTOMORILES -:- ACCESSORIES TRUCKING RUSHVILLE, N. Y. H. S. HART Middlesex, N. Y. FRED E. DEAN Dresden Garage COAL — ICE — PHOSPHATES E. P. Eaves, Proprietor MASON SUPPLIES — SALT REPAIRING and ACCESSORIES Phone 26-F-22 DRESDEN, N. Y. Road Service Phone 27-F-22 DRESDEN, N. Y. Rushville Phone 17 Y 2 JOS. J. JOHNCOX Funeral Director — Furniture — Rugs Rushville State Bank Rushville, N. Y. Rushville, N. Y. THE MIDDLESEX GARAGE E. R. FRANCISCO, Prop. SATISFACTORY SERVICE Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits Middlesex, N. Y. $125,000.00 page two hundred three <r r- 1779 192.9 Lodi and Ovid TNEXTRICABLY linked with episodes Masonic Lodge, which has erected a new J- connected with the Sullivan Expedi- temple, with dance hall, banquet hall and tion, the attractive village of Lodi, the moving picture theatre. Electric light and gateway to the Seneca Lake Fruit Belt power is furnished by the Elmira Water, is located on the main north-south road Light and Railroad Company. to Watkins Glen. One of the wonders Ovid of the lake country, missed by many tourists because it is off the main highway, By Mrs. Cora S. Wilson is Silver Thread Falls,160 feet high, above, VID village was incorporated April 17, which the Lehigh Valley railroad bridge O'1816, but the act was repealed on towers 40 feet in air. The tails may be April 11, 1849 and the place re-incorpora- reached by a mile and a half spin over im- ted in 1852. The first pioneer of Ovid proved highway to the railroad station, village was John Seeley, who came in less than five minutes walk from the bridge. 1792. He purchased 900 acres of land, The gorge below the falls widens to Silver Thread Falls a portion of which comprised the site 300 feet and the perpendicular walls rise of the present village. It was he who do- 210 feet. The gorge may be followed three-quarters nated the land for the county buildings. The first of a mile to Seneca Lake where are located fine cottages, frame Court House in Seneca County was erected on the Geneva Y. M. C. A. camp and an ancient Indian this tract in 1806, on the site of the present brick burial ground. Boats are available on the lake shore. structure. For forty years justice was here dispensed. An ancient Indian trail crosses the ravine a half The present building and surrogate's office were erected mile above the falls. Down this path Sullivan's army in 1847. Courts have been held in Ovid alternately marched, camping the night of September 4, 1779 on with Waterloo for three quarters of a century, with the farm now owned by Brown and Boyer. Here may the exception of about two years in the early twenties. be seen one of the largest trees in the region, an elm In scanning the history of Ovid, several isolated measuring 28 feet in circumference. It was standing events stand out distinctly. One was Ovid's first when Sullivan passed that way. celebration of the Fourth of July in 1817. A procession, Lodi is in the heart of what was once the country oratory and patriotic exercises were features, with of the Senecas, whose vegetables, grain, and fruits dinner served to all in the Court House.
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