& W B*- s m l t cnKXiMinoK ^fir-m i m a ixk «< <MM«; IM S'' 5.255A nm (Oaselfled AieaHliIng on' Pnga VOL. UL* NO. 48. NEURATHER LOOMS FOR P APEN’S POST hraMDt Gennan F o re ip WOMBliUlEBAIIillD WM Attack Awropriatkms France 0, K*s Pact CoigreisiDnal L eatern Hiniiter May Cambine ASUNIONEHVOYS That Hava Momiled lbpid- Agamat Plan Bat Two Poata—Appointaiant b Siace 1924—Drys Bi* With* Soviet. , f RussiaI , dent Tdia Driitor Nations Hdd Dp For Fow Days. Labor Men Fear Ibey Canniet , pactad To Figkt Mo?e. f 0 • • Parii, Hov. 86.-^(AP) —Thi tsxtiof tos o ^ rito r interfering with the It Is His Pnrpose To Control Them Daring Con- of a pact of ooholUatiott and non- granting of eredits to the other. BprtiB, 2f0T. fe ^ ( A P ) - r rM ld n t Ruesla agfeeo alto to refrain from Washington, Nov. 26.—While wete aggreisloB between France and propaganda in’ France and its Create Conmiisrion To Ro* won Htodwrturf W 4 * "Crown, Tontione. proM their drive for legelisation of Soviet Russia, Was approved today colonies. Oeunell" with hli d e itit ad v lttn to* beer and repeal'of toe Elgbteeiito by tbs Cabinet. Premier Herrlot Soviet Russia bas; negotiated a riew die Problem. day and daeldtd to poitpona tha np- Amendment, Kouee membere Inter­ ■aid it will be ilgned on Tuesday. act of non-aggreesion and poneilia- '.1 polntmant of a now obanoaUor for The agreement' provides toat 8oh with Poland, and conversations Cincinnati, 0., Nov. 26.—(AP)— ested In eeonoihy ere giving serioue neither country, alone oMn conjuno- with Rumania have been going on tha Xaloh for aavaral dayi. Women labor auxiliaries will have ooneideratioB to e.drestlo reduction rioB with a third power, will reiort for BOtBo. tlniOt WMhingtoa Nov. 26.—(AP)— Tha dalay was ballavad dua to tha to wait at least another year, for to Cpeet Guard approprlatloni. to dmos agalnet toe other, and toat There was a commercial treaty Despite strenuoue oppoeltloii of Con­ foot Hindanhurf wlabad to asca^n representatloa in conventions of the Drys, however, are expecting to isaoh will respect toe territories un­ with Great Britain, but England gressional leaders to crearion of a« ■ r-i how tha Raichataf would ra g ^ tea der the sovereignty of toe other. withdrew from that arrangement agency to review, war debts, Amer­ aondntmwt of a prasidentlal Cabl* American Federation of Labor. light toe reduction on the theory J t fdso stipulates th a t’ if either because It was Incompatible with Wives and sweethesTts of the that, if toe Volstead act is UberaHx- ica’s notes to three Europeem pow­ MtSAarant than the Junker gov- ed, all present f a t t ie s of the OOhet ptofy is toe object of -aggresslon of toe Empire preferences negotiated •m n aat of ChaacaUor Frans von delegates knocked yesterday at the Guard will be needed to curb emUg- a tmrd power toe other will not aid last summer at Ottawa. There is a ers; advising, them to pay December Papan* door to the convention ball, and the toe aggressor directly or indirectly. Commercial treaty In force with 16 debt instalments, stated that While ofBelal drolaa did not ap* glers., If one party should coinmlt an act Italy mid epeclal arraz^eniente cov­ President Hoover intended to recom­ answer was: They point to toe example-of Fin­ ering commerce with Germany. pwar to axpaot support for such a "We doubt our ability to control land, which last year rapudiated its of aggression against a'third power, mend establishment of such a com* K^mment from the majority of the women if they get in here." toe other psurty.to .toe agreement There have been unofficial reports mission. liquor laws and has since encounter­ can immediately withdraw from the recently of negotiations with Japan The notes' banded by. Secretary. Reichstag, they seemed to hope at While a large feminine gallery ed a tremendous smuggling of least either fcr toleration by pivotal glared, the convention voted al­ pact for-a pact of non-aggression. Not Stimson to toe ambassadors of liquor,' probably because of toe gov- Both, nations agree that neither long ago China, resumed diplomatic Great Britain, France, and Belgiuiyi parties, or an agreement to give a most unanimously not to recognize ermnent taxes. Some members nf nvw Cabinet a chance to work by a fraternal delegate from the Fed­ shall enter any international ar­ relations with Soviet Russia after a on November 23—toe evtaing gfter Congress hold that toe United States rangement hampering toe commerce break of several yehrs. toe President'e conference with adjourning several months. eration of Women’s Trade Union woirtd Arid , itself in a similar cond- Flvotal Farttea Auxiliaries next year. those Congressional leaders—all cau*- The pivotal parties might be the They may get in year-after next, tion. ried that statemtat. B ^d Increases The noted stated oleariy, boWevert centrists, and possibly the Nasis of however. A resolution on the mat­ Coast Guar(y appropriations, {Mr- Adolf Hitler, who declined to form a ter was referred to the executive toat Mr. Hoover could see no suffk Farliamentaiy govemnaant. council and will be reported at the sonhel and eqidpment,. have mcreasr HOBOES ARE GATHERING dent reason in toe requests prestaL-,' 1933 parley. ed amuingly since 1924, when that ed for granting a new montprium;, The President held his conference organization first found itself in a that Congress alone could make enoh with Chancellor von Papen, whose Women Del^fatee postodn to deal with some ade- Cabinet Is serving temporarily after Three women are official dele­ an exteneipa and that neither toe its resignation, Otto Meissner, the gates at the convention, but they qua^ with liquor rUnnisrB. FOR ANNUAL CONVENTIONNational Leglslatum nor toe Ampr* This picture shows a part of the throng of a half million people who: Aippropriations for the fiscal year lean people were in k mopd to do eo. presidential secretary; and Gen. spoke nary a word on the floor for gathered in Belfast when the Prince of Wales dedicated toe new North^ their auxiUaries. The galleryltes 1924 were 111,446,630: For toe cur­ Agalnet PropoeaL Kurt von Schleicher Von Papen’s em Irelemd government buildings. Heavy police escorts protected; the rent fiscal year that ends next June With pubUesrion of the potee. herd minister of defense. had a male champion, though, John British heir, who is seen (inset) as be appeared on this—bis flist—visit SO, 128,172,820 was'approprlaked for laet night came alio new expre Who will be the next chancellor P. O’Connell, of the United Textile to Ireland. tbs COgst Guard. Wets declare that Leaden Must Wait For Some ROOSEVETMEEIS is still anybody’s guess today. The Workers of Apierica, said: from eapitol UU against the '* latest rumors mentioh the name of "Women control 85 per cent of toe increase was almost excluiivaly propoiaf. Bspator Borah, Baron Konstantin von Neurather, the purchasing, power in this coun for prohibition enforcement D oloptea WkoiWoro Seat men of the Ssnats Forsign Jtslarions the von Papen foreign minister, who try. We should give the auxiliaries 'Enlargement of personnel and GRANGElEADERSi* ■ e (%mmittss, rspsatsd that tbs tattri representation so as to get them equipment has gons on apace. In debts question should be leaves for Geneva shortly. To Jail WkOo On Way To only in connscrion with a It was reasoned that he could sold on the idea of bujring union AMERICAN ART 1924. there were 209 oommlssioiied combine tIuP chancellorship and the label goods." officers? 420 warrant offlcerl ,and 6,- to adjust all post-war _ _ Another OpInloB 260 enlisted men. An organisation floulrisB and otaractsriisd thej . portfolio of foreign affaire as did Ckieago. Proiidont-Eloct To Talk Dror dent's proposal to allow fPfwgi former ffbw*^^^**** Heinrich Bruen But Frank X. Ifartell of Detroit, chart indicating tbs status of tbs representlBg the Typographical ■trvlcs today s^ w s 466. commission­ debtors to pay in tbslr own puiran?^ lag. Although von Neurather pps PLANA cy as a "dflutsd form of a meratof- sesset the Presidsat's oonfldenoe ^n Union, couldn't see it so. He fore­ ed Officers, 182 cadet officers at the By RAY BRENNAN Farm PreU bm At Warm saw "more women being admitted Coast Guard Aoadsmy at Nsw Lon­ lum." . „ a marked degree, informed circles Chicago, Nov. 20.—(AP)— From Will Not Oems Up* „ copjMdered hiiAPPoiatment unlikely as fraternal delegates from auxil­ don, 889 warrant officers an4 11,260 iary groups, if one was aljM^ad." T b jf ^ H o a n a sBlistsd man; . the stsppsi of; Russia to tbk junglss f ti a g t . RspMSsntativs SnsU of *^And," be warned, 'Tm not so The avsrags cost pbr m u for tbs sure the men gN going to be able 6nlistsd strsngto in 1984 wal T I p n ^ 200.841, ^ FEDEKAHONlIKn oMt has rifim to p« mi T |ey >will m M it at Hobo ,Tbab ipurred Arthur O. Wharton Aircraft Ssrvlss oA.dMoago’s V ^ t MadispB of Chicago, president of the Inter­ Fiiboni N^ectioi (be Coast Gmard officials and diFJi^P* and it mil start wbsnsvsr an thp day to tbif preblsms that have bspsi k m m y im national Association of Machinists, porters ;*dmit that the |*i" drisgdtss airivs, whieb should be tbs farmer for meratban a entury FTanos and, B w um to say: Art iol Making a Uvbig. Agns Piiiol WosnUn Ibad orsus has bssn large,, but tosy alto any tims now.
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