<H$trfbirt?on BED BANK Today fiffy. iSr ttdgfct #; Ugh, 19.100 ,- Suaiajr. SM wwtber, 7 Independent Daily f [ non*»rTtmaueHr*iD*r-agr.m* j Dial SH I-0010 luuea dally. Uoniiir uuoufb rrtclur. Second CUM POJI«I« VOL. 84, NO. 209 Paid M Red Bank ami w A*dttJon«l MaUlas Ollices. RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1962 7c PfiRCOPY PAGE ONE Hughes' Hold 3 Robbery AskSllMillionAid Budget Suspects Pared Trio Charged To Protect Beaches Appropriations In Wednesday's Unit Makes Only Raritan Holdups RARITAN TOWNSHIP—Thanks 51 Towns Slight Changes to the good memory of a patrol- man and fast work by state and TRENTON (AP) — The Madison Township police, three Appropriations Committee men have been arrested In con- Submit nection with the holdups of a of the N. J. Legislature has confectionery store and dairy cut $550,000, only slightly here Wednesday. Requests more than one-tenth of one The trio face arraignment in per cent, from Gov. Rich- Municipal Court here this mprn- ard J. Hughes record half ing on charges of armed robbery. TOMS RIVER (AP) — State police, Keyport Barracks, The state has been asked billion dollar budget for 1962-63 identified the men as Victor P. for $11,604,322.25 to help The trimmed budget will be in- Volkert, 24, of 846 Summerfield corporated into an appropriations Ave., and Marvin G. Cooper, 26, finance the reconstruction bill arid introduced in the Legis- if 815 Forest Ave.. both Lau- of dunes and other shore lature April 30, Sen. William E. rence Harbor, and Frederick protection projects. .Ozzard, R-Somerset, said yester- AFLOAT AGAIN — The destroyer Monssan, center fore- Spinola, 26, of 56 Main St., Key- day. ground, blown ashore at Beach Haven, N. J., during the port. That was the total after Ozzard, chairman of the Ap- 51 coastal municipalities sub- big storm of early March, it ihown just after it had been Police said both Cooper and propriations Committee, said Spinola have admitted their parts mitted their requests to itate plans call for Senate passage of refloated by the Navy. In foreground is some 'of tiro in the thefts, which netted the Conservation Commissioner H. the bill May 7 and Assembly heavy equipment used to scoop out a channel in the rio $185 in cash. Mat Adams and other conser- passage May 14, the day the Police said the clerks in both vation officials at a meeting here Legislature hopes to adjourn for .six-week battle to free the ship. In background are the yesterday. the summer. tugs which put in final big tug at high tide April 19. stores have made positive iden- ifications of the three as the The money would be drawn Hughes originally proposec (AP Wirephoto) from a $15 million aid fund con- •pending $499,985,751, when he men who held them up. 2 Holdups sisting of a $1 million regular . submitted his budget in Febru state appropriation," $4 million ary. Ozzard said this was cul The trio are charged with hold- ing up Cornell Dairy Store, Rt. voted by the state Legislature as to $499,435,000. part of its relief package follow- The committee cut $680,000 35 at Paul St., about 8:30 p.m. Of ficial Tax Rates Wednesday, while Volkert and ing the March 6-T storm and $10 from Hughes' proposals and million pledged by the federal added $130,000. Ozzard said, wit Spinola are charged with holding up Keelen's Confectionery Store, | government. the bulk o' the savings due t( Shrewsbury Township Has Highest Under the scheme, which ap- the elimination of 98 new job; Palmer Ave., about 2:30 p.m. that day. THE GOODS — In top phpto, plies to public property only, the proposed by Hughes. The gov FREEHOLD — The Monmouth Neptune City 3.0055 money would be turned over on ernor's budget called for a tota County Board of Taxation yes- New Shrewsbury Boro 3.(465 a 50-50 state-municipality match- ef 762 new jobs. terday released tax rate figures Ocean Twp. 2.7578 State police said Patrolman (rate police at Keyport ex- ing basis. Rent Helicopter for the 53 county municipalities. Rarltan Twp J.7482 But some of the communities The committee approved $50, The rates are the first for all Red Bank 1.7858 revealed they have already ex- 000 to rent a helicopter for use municipalities since the 100 per Roosevelt 4.8144 descriptions as Cooper. "P when three men were ar. ceeded their bonded indebtedness In traffic control, beach patroli cent valuation has been placed Rumson , 2.8*37 When he spotted the suspect rested yesterday in connec- and cannot, by state law, borrow and fire fighting work. Hughes on all communities. Sea Bright : 1.4345 -valking Into a restaurant on Rt. tjon with two armed robber- additional money. This leaves askn.1 for $100,000 to buy and The highest tax rate in the Sea Girt 1.8054 35, Laurence Harbor, Wednesday . , . _ ,. ., them uncertain of their ability to operate the helicopter. Ozzard county is listed for Shrewsbury Shrewsbury 2.7207 night, he immediately contacted ••* ln Karitan Townihip. Left undertake 50 per cent of the costs •aid the rental would allow the Township, with a figure of $8.31 Shrewsbury Twp. ... 8.3118 state police. to right ara Detective I/C for the reconstruction projects, state to see Just how much It for every $100 of assessed valua- South Belmar 2.RM9 Cooper was taken into custody William J. Kennedy and In- as called for by the aid plan. really needs a helicopter. tion. The lowest is for Spring Spring Lake 1.54M at the restaurant and police said .. , A • D u New Formula The committee added $40,000 Lake, with a figure of $1.54. Spring Lake Heights . 3.0834 he implicated the ©thertwo men vwfigator Andrew B. Man- George R. Swinton, city engi- to the budget to grant a pay raise The highest in The Register Union Beach : 3.811 after intensive questioning. ning, examining stolen trav- neer of Atlantic City, urged a to, the state's motor vehicle in- area, aside from Shrewsbury Upper Freehold - 2.WS5 Police said Volkert and Spinola e|er's cheques, Sgt. George change in the present matching spectors. Ozzard said the pay Township is Union Beach, with Wall Twp 3.0419 werej.rrested yesterday at their Qulnni Kayport barrack.com. funds program when municipali- hike was requested by Hughes $3.81; the lowest, Atlantic Town- Long Branch 2.9M5 (See SUSPECTS, Page 2)' ties qualify for direct federal aid. after the budget was submitted. ship with $1.89. ' • " ' " Harmi, with .32 calibre Swinton said that half the money He said the committee will also The following list shows the polica say was used in hold- should come from the state, one tubmtt a supplemental appropri tax rates for all municipalities in ups. Alto on the table ar* third from the federal govern- atlons bill for $2.8 million, most Monmouth County per $100 as BlameStudentDeath ment and one sixth from the mu- of it to cover unforeseen expenses sessed valuation. cartridge!, homemade hol- nicipalities themselves. • In tl}e present »nd previous fiscal ster and glovai. In photo, - , Commissioner Adams expressed years, Oxcartf said the commit- Municipality Tax Rate Interest in Swinton's plan and tee added $45,000 to Hughes' re- Allenhurst $2.3820 On Fall From Roof right, are two of the three sajd he would have the matter »n arrested, Marvin G. quest to pay damage claims Allentown 1.8781 Detective Sgt. William Walling studied. Asbury Park *... 3.5124 LONG BRANCH — The death agalrnt the state. of a 21-year old Jersey City man, said Davidson had been to the Cooper, Laurence Harbor, Adams reported that some mu- Included In the supplemental Atlantic Highlands 3.0048 a student at Monmouth College, Coast Bowling Alleys, here, stay- nicipal officials had advised him aoDropriations bill will be a new Atlantic Twp 1.8491 left, and Frederick Spinola, they, would be submitting addi- whose body was found yesterday Ing until about 2:30 a.m. He had Keyport. S284.C00 cafeteria for the State Avon MU7 on a tile porch of the Monmouth been drinking during the night, tional requests for funds in the House to replace the present Belmar 2.1813 Medical Center student nurses' though to what extent won't be next few Weeks. cafeteria In the basement of the Bradley Beach : S.KS4 residence, has been ruled acci- known until the results of a post Biggest requests came from Capitol. BrleUe - 2.7235 dental. mortem blood alchohol test are Long Beach Township, $1,230,000; (See BUDGET, Page 2) Sea Isle City, (836,110; Ocean Deal 3.1337 Police said the man, John received, Detective Walling said Eatontown 2.1572 Miss Diane McKinney, 19 of 34 Railroads' Freight Service City, $800,000; Harvey Cedars, Davidson, 27 Terhune Ave., Jer- $620,000; Cape May, $518,600, and Englishtown :. 3.8140 sey City, had plunged from a Rockview Ave., North Plainfield, Six Corners Fair Haven 3.5287 a student nurse, • was the only Atlantic City, $300,000. third floor roof where he had 10 Per Cent Farm Ingd ale 2.8811 climbed before dawn in a useless occupant of the residence during Freehold 2.7838 attempt to talk with a student the night. Aside from Miss Mey- To Shore To Be Curtailed Under the state's storm relief Overpass Highlands 3.4393 nurse whom he had been dating. er, all other students were away act, the conservation commis- RED BANK — A proposed cur as Congressman James dustry tracks and does not re- sioner is permitted to pay 90 per Holmdcl 2.2803 The girl.
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