If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. and the 1 1 1 COIII"ts of the U!lited States I J j 1 50th Edition ! j i l 1 I 1 I 1 1 NCJRS ! MAY;<i 1977 ACQUISITIONS REGISTER Departmellt of Justice AND THE COllrts of tIle Ullited States Issued by the Contents UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Part Page 1. PRINCIPAL OFFICF.RS OF TFIF. DF.PARTMENT IN WASHINGTON •• 1 II. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE UNITED STATES COURTS; FEDERAL JUDI­ CfAL CENTER • . • . 21 III. TnB FEDERAL JUDICIARY; UNITED STABS ATTORNBYS AND MARSHALS ......••.... 25 IV. PENAL AND CORRECTIONAL INSTITL'TIONS. 127 V. ApPENDIX . • • • . • . • . 133 Administra~ive Office of the Uni~ed States Courts 23 Antitrust Division . 5 Attorney General, Office of the. 3 Bureau of Prisons 12 Civil Division . 6 Civil Rights Division . 7 Community Rela'vions Service 14 Courts of Appenls . 28 Court of Claims . 35 Court of Customs and Patent Appeals 36 Criminal Division . 8 Customs Court. 36 I Deputy Attorney General, Office of the 4 ] District Courts, United States Attorneys and :'.Tarshals, by districts. 37 District of Columbia Court of Appeals .50 Drug Enforcement Administration 16 Federal Bureau of Investigation 11 Federal Correctional Institutions 127 Federal Judicial Center . 23 U.S. GOVERNIHENT PRINTING OFFICE Federal Prison Industries, Inc . 12 Former Members of the Supreme Court of the United States. 143 WASIIINGTON : 1976 Former Officers of the Department of Justice 133 50th Edition Immigration Appeals, Board of. 11 Immigration and Naturalization Service. 12 Land and Natural Resources Division. 9 Law Enforcement Assistance Administration. 16 Legal Counsel, Office of '. 5 Legislative Affairs, Office of . 5 jVlanagement and Finance, Office of . 10 Pardon Attorney, Office of the . 11 Policy and Planning, Office of . 4 Principal Officers of the Department in IVashington . 1 Professional Responsibility, Office of . 4 !l Solicitor Genernl, Office of the . 4 ~: Superior Court of the District of Cdumbia 51 1, For snle by tho Superintnndont of Documents, U.S. Govornmeut Printing Offico Supreme Court of the United States 27 J Washington, D.C. 20·102 - Price $1.80 Tax Division. 9 Stock Number 027-()(J{}-{)(}!47-4 United States :Marshals Service. 19 Catalog No. J 1.7:50 United States Parole Commission. 11 IVatergate Specinl Prosecution Force 4 I.1 iii PART I Principal Officers of the Departlllent in Washington Department of Justice Constitution Avenue between Ninth and Tenth Streets, NW 20530 Tel: REpublic 7-8200 The Office of the Attorney General was creatcd September 24, 1789 The Department of Justice was established June 22, 1870 Original Appointment to Namc and office appointment prcsent position Siale OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Attorney General (appointed by President) Edward H. LevL ________ June 10,1940 Feb. 6,1975 Illinois Co~mselor to the Attorney General Douglas R. Marvin ______ Oct. 2,1972 Mar. 6,1975 Virginia Special Assistants to the Attorney General John J. Buckley, Jr ______ Mar. 2,1975 i\1ar. 2,1975 District of Columbia Ronald G. Carr _________ Aug. 3,1975 Aug. 3,197.5 District of Columbia Jack W. FulleL _________ Feb. 24,1975 Feb. 24,1975 Illinois Maurice Rosenberg ______ June 14, 1976 June 14, 1976 New York Mark L. WoIL __________ June 11,1974 May 12,1975 District of Columbia White House Fellow Walter M. Fiederowicz ___ Sept. 1, 1976 Sept. 1, 1976 Connecticut Secretary :.vlaryellen Toughill ______ Jan. 7, 1974 Sept. 13, 1976 District of Columbia Director of Public Information Robert J. HaveL _______ Sept. 3,1974 Sept. 3, 1974 :V1aryland Deputy Director of Public Information Robert E. Feldkamp _____ :'V1ar. 7,1972 Apr. .5,1975 Virginia Assistant Directors of Public Infornwtion John Y. Wilson, Jr _______ Mar. 9,1969 Mar. 9,1969 Maryland Robert L. Stevenson _____ Oct. 12, 1970 Oct. 12, 1970 Yirginia Mark T. Sheehan ________ Mar. 2,1970 July 5, 1971 Connecticut Dean St. Dennis _________ Aug. 15, 1966 Apr. 22, 1974 Virginia John K. RusselL ________ May 14,1973 Mar. 31, 1974 Virginia Original AppointmC7lt to Name and office appointment present p08iti01l State OFFICii'. OF THE DEPUTY l\TTORNEY GENERAL Original /Lppointment to Name and office appointmC7lt prcsC7lt p08iti01l State Deputy Attorney General (appointed by President) OFFICE OF LEGAL COUNSEL Harold R. Tyler, Jr ______ Feb. ll,1960 Apr. 7,1975 New York Assistant Attorney General (appointed by President) Associate Dcp1Lty Attorney General Antonin Sculia __________ Aug. 23.1974 Aug. 23,11:)74 Virginia Rudolph W. GuilianL ___ Aug. 30,1970 Nov. 17, 197ii New Yori, Deputy Assistant Attorneys General Executive Assistant to the Dep1Lty Atlorney General Leon Ulman ____________ Nov. 16,194,2 Feb. Philip H. Modlin ________ Nov. 3,1958 May 25,1975 Virginia 2, 1972 Maryland Mary C. Lawton ________ .Tune 27,1960 Feb. 2, 1972 Maryland Special Assistant to the Deputy AUorney General Mary E. WagneI'- _______ Sept. 29,1974 June 30,1975 District of Columbia OFFICE Ol~ LEGISLATHTE AFFAIUS (Estnblishetl by A.G. Ortler Secretary to the Dep1Lly Atlorney General 504-73 tinted "Inr. J 5, 10ii'3) Hedda Polansky _________ Apr. 14,1975 Apr. 14,1975 New York Assistant Attorney Genera,l (a'7Jpointeci by P7'esicient) Director, Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys MichaellVL Uhlmann ____ JtUle 27,1975 June 27,19715 Virginia William B. Gray ________ Sept. 9,1968 Dec. 14,1975 Vermont Special Assistant to the Assistant Attorney General Chief, Freedom of Information & Privacy Unit Lawrence A. Callaghan ___ June 13, 1971 Jan. 18, 1976 Californin Quinlan J. Shea, JI'- _____ Oct. 29,1972 Mar. 2,1975 Maryland Legis/ative Counsel Administrative Officer Hugh lVL Durham _______ Feb. 2,1966 Feb. 2,1973 Virginia Ann Marie Dunn ________ Apr. 9, 1952 July 1, 1974 ·Virginiu ANTITRUST DIVISION OFFICE OF PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY Assistant Attorney General (appointeci by President) Counsel Donald 1. Buker _________ Oct. 10,1966 Sept. 1, 1976 ~ew York ;\'Iichael E. Shaheen, Jr ___ Jan. IS, 1973 Dec. 14, 1975 District of Columbia lJep1t1y Assistant Attorneys General Hugh P. ]Vlorrison (Acting) Sept. 17, 1962 Aug. 23, 1976 Virginia I OFI~ICE OF I"OLICY ANI) I"L,L'VNING Jonathan C. Rose _______ Apr. 14,1974 Nov. 17,1975 Ohio Direct07' Joe Sims _______________ June 15,1970 Nov. 17,1975 Virginia Ronald L. Gainer _______ June 6, HHlO Dec. 7, 1975 Virginia Director of Operations Assistant Directors William E. Swope _______ Oct. 28,1958 July 26,1976 -;irginia James F. Mc1\1ullin ______ Sept. 20,1968 Apr. 15,1976 Maryland Harry A. SearL _________ Oct. 2,1969 Apr. 15,1976 Virginia Deputy Director of Operations (Acting) Richard J. Fuvretto _____ Sept. 6,1966 Aug. 11,1976 Maryland ConsumeI' AjJairs Advisor Director Economic Policy Office ii,1972 18, 197fi Edwnrd J. Dauber (Acting)_ Oct. Jnn. New Jersey George A. Hay __________ July 9,1972 July 24,1973 Maryland Chief, Investigation RlJv'iew Unit Jaffrey I·Iarris ___________ Dec. 19,1968 Apr. 5;1976 New York Director, Office of Planning ancl Special Programs (Acting) Gregory B. Hovendon ____ Nov. 29,1965 Aug. 25, 1975 Maryland 6FFICI~ OF Wl\TEIlGt\TE SPECll\L PROSECUTION FORCE Chief, Appellate Section Special Prosecutor (appointed by Atlorn6Y Gen6ral) B, Barry Grossman ______ Aug. 28,1967 Oct. 20,1975 Muryland Charles F. C. RufL _____ May 1,1967 Oct. 17,1975 District of Columbia Chief, Consumer Aj)'airs Section P1Lblic Information Officer Charles R. McConuchie __ Sept. 19, 1971 Dec, 1,1975 Virginia Daniel N. Rosenblatt ____ Apr. 14,1974 Dec. 16,1975 Maryland Chief, Evaluation Section Neil E. Roberts _________ Sept. 4,1968 Dec. 22,1975 Maryland OFFICE OF THE SOLICITOn GENER,\L Chief, Foreign Commerce'Section SoUcitor General (appm'nted by President) Joel Davidow ___________ Feb. 14,1966 Sept. 10, 1973 Virginia Robert n. Borl'- ________ June 19,1973 June 19,1973 Connecticut Chief, General Litigation Section Dep1tty Solicitors General Gerald A. Connell _______ Aug. 22,1061 Apr. 21,1970 Virginia Daniel M. Friedmun _____ Mav 2,1951 Aug. 25,1968 District of Columbia Lawrence G. Wallace ____ Jan: 16, 1968 June 6, 1971 District of Columbia Chief, Judgments and Judgment Enforcement Section Andrew 1. Frey _________ May 1,1972 i::lept. 30,1973 New York Bernard £,1. Hollander_. __ Oct, 31, 1949 July 12, 1971 :Maryland A. Raymond Randolph ___ Aug, 24,1970 Jan. 20,1975 Maryland Chief, Public C01Lnsei and Legislative Section 1,1972 1,1975 Keith A. Jones __________ Mar. JUly District of Columbia Joseph J. Saunders ______ Dec. 15, 1952 Mm'. 15, 1963 Districi; of Columbia Chief, Special Litigation Section Lewis Bernstein _________ Jan. 5,1953 May 17,1959 District of Columbia Chief, Special Trial Section 4 John W. Clark __________ Jan. 23, 1967 Aug. 23, 1976 Virginia Orfytnal AppOintment 10 Orlg/rlOZ Appofntmrmt to Name and of]1ce alJPoin/ment present position Slate Nan" and .f]1C( appointme'1lt pr6srmt p03ftion Stair CiYU DIV~SION-Colltilllled "NTITHUJST DIVISION-Continued Special Assistant Chief, Trial Section Thomas S. Martin _______ July 27,1975 July 27,197fi John C. Fricallo _________ July 16,1956 Oct. 16,1973 Virginia Chief, Administrative Section Chief, Patent Section Virginia Corum _________ Oct. 2,1950 JUly 25.1967 Maryland Richard II. Steru ________ Aug. 31,1959 Jan. 5,1970 District of Columbia Chief, Admiralty and Shipping Sectioll Chief, Special Regulated Industries Section Lawrence F. Ledebur ____ Sept. 20,1955 Mar. 1,1965 Virginia Kenneth C. Andersou ____ Sept. 17, 1962 Dec. 9,1975 Virginia Chief, Appellate Section Chief, Regulatory Reform Unit :Morton Hollander ____ . __ i\'Iay 3,1948 Aug. 22,1960 Maryland Donald Flexner__ __ _ _ __ _ Dec. 22, 1968 Sept. 18, 1976 District of Columbia Chief, Corn7ll8rcial Litigation &ction Administrative Officer Stuart E. Sohiffer ________ Apr.
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