. Winter weather hits East Coast (UPI) -- Winter has hit the Eastern A 13-year-old Haverhill, N.H., boy wnen more than 100 flights were can- Workers prevented new coal ship- half of the nation with a fury equal was believed to have drowned in a celed. ments. to last winter's blows. river swollen by heavy rains that Drifting snow stacked up as much Other utilities enforcing power Blizzard or near-blizzard snows swept New England ahead the cold as fender-deep on roads and highways cutbacks included the Tennesee Val- stranded thousands of persons along wave. from northern Indiana to Maine. Mo- ley Authority, Dayton Power and clogged highways in the Northeast. A storm rode in off the lakes and torists took refuge in motels, truck Light, Detroit Edison and Consumers Harsh cold and frozen coal stock- struck western New York. A 58 mile stops, community centers, armories, Power in Michigan. piles forced utility companies from section of the New York State thru- schools and private homes. Southern and Ohio said no one had the Great Lakes to the South to or- way was closed and motorists were Temperatures dropped to 34 below surplus power in the East Central der power cutbacks or appeal for warned against unnecessary travel zero in Thorhult, Minn. The Chica- U.S., but the New York State Power energy conservation. in several counties. go morning rush hour saw a tempera- Pool sent electricity to help Mid- A National Weather Service offi- ture of five below and a wind chill western power firms meet the soaring cial in Erie, Pa, warned people who A sheriff's deputy at Warsaw, N.Y. of 48 below. demand. had to go outside to "dress as said this morning, "Everything's Temperatures went below zero deep Weather-produced power problems though their lives depended on it." shut down. The plows aren't even into the Ohio Valley and into the were not confined to the East. Wind He said exposed flesh might freeze out because they can't see where 30s in southern Florida. and lightning knocked out power in within one minute. they're going." The Arctic cold bit into energy scattered areas of Los Angeles A two-year-old girl, dressed only Buffalo schools called off classes supplies in the East Central part County as rain fell again on South- in nightclothes, wandered outside for the second day in a row. of the nation. ern California. her farm home near Humboldt, Ill, One power outage occurred in down- and froze to death while her parents Ohio Governor James A. Rhodes or- Two major Ohio firms, Columbus town Los Angeles and blacked out the slept. dered 130 National Guardsmen to help and Southern Ohio Electric and To- Los Angeles Times, the State Office Five persons, including three rescue marooned motorists. Guards- ledo Edison, said they had critical Building and the State Department of children, died in a fire that swept men, state patrolmen and sheriff's supply shortages because of a freez- Transportation Building for about 90 a farm home in Southwestern Wiscon- officers took families from strand- ing rain that fell ahead of the minutes. sin. Firefighters said the 20 de- ed cars and carried them to safety. snow and froze their stockpiles of Radio Station KFI was knocked off gree below zero temperatures caused About 1,200 travelers were strand- coal. Indiana and Michigan Elec- the air when lightning struck its their hoses to freeze. ed at Cleveland's Hopkins Airport tric said a strike by United Mine transmitter in La Mirada. * Park to tell Vol. 33 No. 5 Wednesday, January 11, 1978 Navy has job the truth soon of studying WASHINGTON (AP) -- Attorney General Bell said Tuesday he expects that South Korean rice dealer Tongsun boom sounds Park will reveal the truth about WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Navy has won his alleged influence-buying within the task of investigating those a few days. mysterious atmospheric booms that Bell spoke after an agreement be- have been occuring off the East tween the United States and Korea Coast in recent weeks. was signed in Seoul removing the A White House spokesman said Tues- last legal obstacle to sending Park day the Naval Research Laboratory back to the United States for ques- The Navy'4 otey Sho'e-bated daily has 60 days in which to present an tioning. U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba interim report. The agreement gives the Justice The spokesman, Arthur Morrissey, Department, but no other agency or said federal agencies which could any Congressional committee, the have been responsible for the booms right to call Park to the United claim they were not. States should it decide to do so. Four barges, tankers run aground River, but (UPI) -- Tankers and barges carry- Two members of a special strike In Delaware Bay the Liberian-re- no spillage was reported. ing millions of gallons of oil and force boarded the barge to deter- gistered tanker Tulsa Getty, loaded At Ft. Lauderdale, Fla, a tanker gasoline were buffeted by fierce mine how much of the fuel had seep- with 922,000 barrels of African loaded with 180,000 gallons of fuel oil developed Minds off the Atlantic Coast today, ed into the bay, but high tides and crude, ran aground about 13 miles steering problems and ran aground and four were aground at windy, bitter cold weather prevented west of Cape May, N.J. No oil was in the main shipping points from New York to Fori- a thorough search. reported leaking from the ship. channel. In the aftermath da. The escaping oil and gasoline was And in another accident, a tug of another mis- hap, In the worst incident, a barge reported moving south in the harbor, towing a 240-foot barge loaded with the 712-foot tanker Achilles was towed free from the carrying one million gallons of but conservation officials say no 50,000 gallons of heating oil ran sandy bot- tom of Mount Hope heating oil and gasoline was leaking damage to the shoreline has been aground in Chesapeake Bay after Bay off Rhode Is- land thousands of gallons of fuel into found. And a boom extended across high winds lowered the water level. Tuesday after one fourth of its 12 million the harbor at Huntington, N.Y. on part of the harbor caught some of The barge was grounded one mile gallon cargo of oil was unloaded. the northern shore of Long Island. the spill. from the mouth of the Susquehanna Tough talk heard again in the Middle East (UPI) -- More tough talk was heard ed "dire consequences to the future nounced programs that will encourage and diplomatic sources say the in the Middle East Tuesday about of peace" if Israel goes ahead with further immigration to the area. United States is considering propos- the settlement situation in the oc- its settlement program. The latest exchanges coincide with ing a compromise plan on the West cupied Sinai. rumors that Israel is prepared to Bank - Gaza Strip Palestinian prob- Egyptian President Anwar Sadat Israeli Immigration Minister David offer to trade some of the territory lem. reiterated his opposition to Jewish Levi went on a tour of those disput- it has held since 1948 in the south- It calls for joint administration settlements in occupied Arab lands ed Jewish settlements today. He ern Negev for the right to keep of the disputed areas by Israel, saying, "Peace cannot be achieved told settlers that Israel will never agricultural settlements in the Jordan, the Palestinians and perhaps through building settlements on oth- return those settlements to Arab northeastern Sinai. the United Nations followed by a er's lands." rule. referendum offering Palestinians And the Egyptian parliament's Levi vowed that the government Egyptian-Israeli negotiations on either a permanent link to Jordan Foreign Relation's Committee issued will never abandon the settlers as political aspects of a peace agree- or continuation of that joint ad- a statement warning of what it call- part of any peace agreement and an- ment open in Jerusalem next week, ministration. Soviets shoot for historic space rendezvous MOSCOW (UPI) -- The Soviet Union Janibekov and Makarov were sched- Tass announced that on-board sys- the rocket in their white space- Tuesday launched a second manned uled to dock Soyuz 27 with Salyut 6 tems of Soyuz 26 were functioning suits. spaceship toward a historic double and join the Soyuz 26 cosmonauts normally and Janibekov and Makarov The rocket lifted off into a sky linkup with the Salyut 6 space la- who are already aboard the space were both doing fine. so hazy that within seconds only the boratory. station for a historic joint mis- tail flare was visible to the cam- The official Soviet news agency sion. Soviet national television carried eras. Tass announced that the Soyuz 27 The Soyuz 26 cosmonauts, Lt. Col. a 10-minute film report of the Soyuz If the Soviets follow past pat- space capsule was launched into or- Yuri Romanenko and Georgy Grechko, 27 launching from the Baikonur Cos- terns, the Soyuz 27 space capsule bit at 3:36 p.m. (12:36 p.m. GMT) were launched into space exactly one modrome. should be in position for an at- carrying rookie commander Lt.Col. month ago on Dec. 10 and have spent Janibekov and Makarov were shown tempt to dock with Salyut 6 in Janibekov and veteran cosmonaut the last 30 days aboard the Salyut 6 arriving by bus at the fog-shrouded approximately 24 hours from the time Oleg Makarov. station. launch pad and then walking toward of launch.
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