^^^^mot^t^sS^sr^m^S^ • w-,^. ^t.-—. ^•^t" .\;>~SCaA,'i:«i'vgtt^r1^.^Jffi-^1js^S(t;-iqJKtt=fflv^[,^ii COURIER-JOURNAL Friday - a a Hollenbach Conducts -Review- April 9, 1954 || Hollywood Films Likened B^rlica'Requiem' 4 Medical School Grant J' The Eastman Theater is com­ To mi(w^of In $w&pe THE ROBE Washington-(NO—A $3,000 pletely sold out for the perform­ .by A, Sister of St. Joseph- fund for research in cardiac sur- ance on April 10 of Berlioz' Re­ Innsbruck, Au^ip"'*- (NO *- Tftyflugh H^ollyWood gery has been set up at George­ quiem by the Rochester Oratorio films America is waging "germ, war" in Europe, a Jesuit Presented by The Holry YKBtA\f Theatre durliig ?*mm ^«% town University Medical School Society. The chorus of 300. voices, preacher told a mass meeting here' attended by 25,000. 1954, at the parish sudltorlain on «Tsy Sti, ifwcttrttiilr* ,' here by Allan Kander of Wash­ an orchestra qjf over 80 pieces, *n . "It's a lie that Americans have The second annual production of "The Robe,*' as "tirW&a- ington, it has been announced ^addition to .special, tyrnpani and dropped;, gefca..'banjos over tized by John McGrejevey,. is being pi*esented th5§ weefe |>y by Father Thomas J. O'Donnell, brass choir sections. vyJU be corn Korea,".Fiihs^teppich told the DeSales Senior Play the Holy Family Tl.esatre Group with ajnaost trJ*JcE^:tieal S.J. njedical school regent. Dr. ducted by J. Theodore Hollen- crowed* ''Built; unfortunately, it is cast that appeared a year ag*»- £harl& A. Hufnagel, noted bae& the unvarnished truth..that all heart surgeon, will conduct the Cast Is Selected An^audience would be imnaed' cated atmosphere "pervi|de» In this, the. 150th year of Hec­ of Europe has been diseased lately impressed by the elabor­ research. with Hollywood germs. GeneviK — Cast for "Growing wiiole perfor,mar)Ce.-.' •,,:••. .,-•,-;, v: tor Berlioz' birth, there is in­ Pains,* the senior- play of beat e settings and rich costuming, These young pecfple aire giving creasing interest in the rnusic of "HOLLYWOOD films deceive Sates|High School, has been an­ Pilate's banquet room with it» more than a stage\ production, "Ev«rvt|iing Undtr th. Sun" this French composer, Who orig­ men by presenting to them 8 nounced. massive dark pillars, its tapestry Tfaey are, one may say, praying inated many new ideas of musi­ non-existing world of luxury," he table cover, its bust of Tlberira Heinrich - Seibold Mary Jane McHale and Ken­ and also the lavish hall for Cab rather than playing (Heiffparjts. cal expression Which are,-"only said. 'They arouse yearnings neth Smith are Terry and George Such flaws of dicti^ft and.jttjpifcttr« • STATIONERY rcO, now beginning to be^appreoiated. /that can never be met. What*s igula'a feast are entirely convinc' - I Storei in Rocheater 4, N. T. Maclntyre, the teen. agers on ing. as are almost inevltwte) iji' S«n 4 E. Main 357 E. Main A number of distinguished mu the use of the most efficient rci whose "Growing Pains," the play- amateur sicians and friends of music are frigerator if there is disorder in is. centered,, Louise Shalala and The two garden scenes are gtalfed to this atinpspheti?A<i|-Te FOR THE OFFICE expected to attend this perform married life? What's the use pf Donald Ninestlne will portray lovely—both the rustic Athenian ltglous cotisecr^tio«; Asi^^oj^e EQUIPMENT, FURNITURE, STA­ arice of; the Bequiem, coming the finest garments if the soul is their long-suffering parents. picture with its fine arc* and. itsyoun g lady in thefaudie^ce-fe- TIONERY AND A PINE, LOT 0r from New York Gity, Buffalo, glimpse of the sea, an^the im­ EXCELLENT FOUNTAIN PENS. " eaten by rust." Elile Patterson and her domin­ marked, "You rrtlght n& %et and other points in this section perial garden with Its fcaandsomeranc h spltitaal iif^,, from"the «J W. Main 8t. Turning to the question of ating mother, the character roles, mch and marble seats. of the State. Communism, F a th e r Leppich are portrayexj by Carolyn Dim- nxovle version, but- Vow jllfiely ACTING Is' uniformly would fcow tftjs.j)ia5f,'|<>[ • Vv; CUT RATE PRICES ON BEVERAGES- said while materialism is taught mlck and. IrenetrPovero, respec­ in the schools of the eastern tively. t * and earnest. Joseph NOT mi Ai^vrneans ihe least IEER and ALE - BY THE CASE countries, materialism dominates George and TSary's friends are or as Marcellus dominates contribution to the reverent tone life in the West. James Salorie* LoiiW Guard, Dom­ !ay with a rellgio»us spirit is the skilled organ performance 12 oz;' $«.0S \ "32 oz. $*IJ0 "Communism can only .!» inic Di Campli, Glbriel GiUotti, . ..dent sincerity. His voice is of FrahR Pelicki of John Fisher Case 9 • Case •» pleasing and flexible, htis etiun- overcome by prayer," h* said. Louis Taylor, An«lo Placlto ciat}bn good, and his manoier College.' His interludes maintain 13 FLAVORS OF SOFT DRINKS "We need praying statesmen -^- Barbara Lee, Nancy '^albert and easy. The difficult scones where­ the solemn niood and point up 12—30 o< $1M —, 24^-12 et. $1.25 not Christian politicians whfr go Kitherlne Bullock. in He attempts to show ti\e strrug- the drama at such salient times to the cathedral Jn order to be Geraldlne Delano is-ffce maid, gle/ between the reign oi the olda s the moment of Marcellus' sur­ ART HACK, Prop. photographed." render- to the power of the robe, Sophie;( and Carmelo Cinuli, a gods in his soul and that of thei -The lighting effects are Open Wed. — T«ur». — Friday 1-6 Saturday 9-4 Closed Sun. — Mon.-Tuej. o *-*• ' traffic cop, Taking partV the nrv Christus are portrayed yvith Shelford Road si Empire Blvd. — CUIver 4602 smoothly executed, the scenery party jcene will be Eileen a^neg, a/plausible artistry, shifts are eiffected with coin- -fc Cut Trench Line' Constance 'Roble^ Catherine B^n- Inez Paskal as Diana, his bemendabi­ e swiftness, and the bar, VirginiaiBennett, Kevin Pi trothed, is youthful and winning, whole production Is a credit to THE AMERICAN SPECIALTY CO., Inc. Still 'Off Limits' era,.Thpmas Conatable,.Terreni 'onald DeFralne brings serious- Father Bauer who directs it and wading Supply House - . Seattle _^(r^).^#J%»cter Coriitable and Bernard Davids, ss and dignity- to the role- <oi to the youngr aotors-who give-so Food Service Equipment and Supplier which has shown artrlhime«%er5 lUheatsals^ start this week etrlus, much of themselves to their \ \ Cott Vm sion of the condemned:: -jtomti,productio n is planned for roles, 'Chlnaware " ' r o * • ** "French Line," has in effect Be«rt May, tanding In minor jparts are (flauwara S T,bl enson as Melas, a devil- o—• Blhrerwara HOTELS • RESTAURANTS' Retrlcarator"™ "e declared "off limits'' fiir Catho­ •. v ..;• •-. , o-^ may-cai* slave; Clarence Den- Ut.aiil. BAKEBEES CAFETERIAS "«wa. 8lnk* lics. Despite the facC: mat the tinger as'Senator Gallio, the \wor- Rosary Leaders Set Tahiti, Chain movie house made cuts in theCensor s Reject SCHOOLS HOSPITALS «,„, JH,,,^. ried father%of Marcellira; Helen ••4a Faantalae film demanded by civic officials Schramel as the graciouts Athen­ On Auburn's WMBO Compltta 8toc]c 9«r. Equipment and Supplies here, Archbishop Thomas J, Con­ 'Son Of Sinb**' ian innkeeper. "283-291 CKOTKAl AVE.' (Between Clinton and St. Paul) nolly of Seattle urged Catholics Saturday, Apr. 10—Parti Hew* : New yo* — (N^ — Censor • BAker 2400- „ .': • -."• :• 1 -T- •< '•/ . ; in an official statement" to with­ WILLIAM RI3QDL makes a dori,St.vAlt)y«iu8j draw your patronage from the boards in New Y^ork and Ohio good appearance in the thank­ • R6chMter-5»,J^^6tl^^-:. •'•V.^R|!E PARKING IN REAR whose powers were trimmed by Sunday, Apr. tl—Thomas. P. Paramount theater, as well' as less role of Caligula and Law­ Tierney, Knights of Columbusi from any theater in Which the recent Supreme Court rulings are rence Klueber cheerfully meta­ still strong enough to reject a Monday, Apr, 12—Fred Franc- evil film is shown," He called for morphoses himself frona a ltast- zedc,St.Syaointhi .'^S'!) "a united front of protest against new? seal-less movie. ful soldier into a dying emper­ this and other offensive pictures," Both states have turned down or and again into a blbu3oui stem- Tuesday, Apr. 13—Myron Mas- "Son of Sinbad" which has not ator. ley, SS. rejer and Pa\ij! yet rcdeivtd tha seal of approval Although Bernard Sttartevanl'i Wetae>sdiy, Apr. _14—Ktrbert Family Radi?ifo - of the MotkMi Picture Production freth young tones telle his ven­ UaHood. St. Maryr^ Code. The movie was produced erable aspect as Simon Peter auid Thuredty, Apr, 15-AIbtrt - X. by RKO Radio which also pro­ James Wegman, a chtrrrring Row*, St. Francli; ., Rosary Leader! duced "the seal-less and widely Stephen, does not get all hli linei Friday, Apr. 18—WUHaon Cud. lx condemned "French Line." through to the audience, a"fed! dy; Holy Firritlyi ^ ; 1 "Son of Sinbad" has not yet Saturday, Apr. 10—Frank So- been released^ to movie houses bolewsW, St. Stanislaus; but it being-submitted to state Sunday, Apr. 11—Charles Wil­ censor boards.'It features a na­ ey, St Jerome, E. Rochester; tionally known: burlesque dancer PERRY'S Flower Shops -Monday, Apr. 12 — Luke T. In scenes which were rejected ss "objectionable" by both New York Tuesday, Apr. 13—Max Whel- and Ohio, ', — ~ EASTER PLANTS - f LOV/IRS 4V NOVILT1ES ehan, Sacred,'Heart Cathedral; If released without a Code seal, VISIT OUt ST0IIS ANO M^WSI AI0UND Wedneadayy Apr.
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