SPECIAL SECTION: Celebrate Love Pages 20-21 VOLUME XXXXIV NUMBER XX $135 PER YEAR - $1.25 PER COPY • www.bhcourier.com February 13, 2009 City Still Hiring, Despite L.A.’s Recent Freeze By Abbey Hood will be charged with strengthen- Although the Los Angeles ing the economic base of Beverly County Board of Supervisors ap- Hills, primarily attracting and re- proved a hiring freeze on Tues- taining the best businesses to day, it appears Beverly Hills is Beverly Hills. He will also be in not following in their footsteps. charge of marketing the City to Late Wednesday, the City an- maximize sales and success. nounced the appointment of for- “Now, more than ever, the mer director of Community De- City requires increased resources velopment Mahdi Aluzri to a to sustain and grow Beverly Hills' newly created position, assistant economic base,” said Wood. STARRY NIGHT TO FIGHT CANCER–The Entertainment Industry Foundation’s Women’s Cancer Research City manager for economic sus- “Mahdi Aluzri joins the City Fund was the benefit as Saks Fifth Avenue staged its 14th “Unforgettable Evening” at The Beverly Wilshire tainability. manager's office as a revenue- Tuesday. From left, emcee Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson were there to honor Gwyneth Paltrow and In his new position Aluzri (see ‘HIRING,’ page 17) Courteney Cox for their work in helping to fight cancer. Photo by Gilbert Flores/CelebrityPhoto.com Sparks Fly At Otherwise City’s Water Preliminary Report to Citizens Boring Board Meeting Supply Courier Candidate Questioned By Amanda Peabody This week, Mayor Barry By Robert Wunderlich Interviews Reveal This week’s school board Brucker and wife Sue were rec- and Shana Epstein meeting was relatively unevent- ognized by Temple Emanuel of Special To The Courier ful, a point worth noting as the Beverly Hills and the school Southern California is expe- Discomfort In City board has been confronted with board for their contributions to riencing the impacts of a drought A strong sense of unease at its full report in order to allow multiple controversial issues as the community and the schools. combined with restrictions in of late. The commendation was present- the way the City of Beverly Hills councilmember Linda Briskman key water supplies the likes of operates, motivates all the chal- to return from a lobbying trip to Perhaps the board is taking a ed at the meeting and at Temple which have not been felt for al- week off to gear up for the im- Emanuel’s second annual Purim lengers for City Council seats Washington, D.C. most 20 years. interviewed by The Courier to The challengers and Brucker pending Feb. 24 meeting–one Ball, held Wednesday at The The severity of potential im- sure to run late into the evening. Beverly Wilshire. “My profound date, a concern shared by incum- reported to The Courier that pacts to the Southland’s water bent Mayor Barry Brucker. As of many decisions appear to be This is the meeting where thanks for everything you have supply was recognized by Gov. the permit issue, whether or not done for our schools and commu- press time, The Courier's editori- made before public input or full Arnold Schwarzenegger, who al board has interviewed eight of council consideration by City Beverly Hills Unified School nity. You both represent the gold declared an official drought this District will continue to grant ed- standard,” said Board Member the 11 candidates for City Manager Rod Wood with the summer. The City of Beverly Council. The remaining three knowledge of Briskman. ucational permits to those stu- Myra Lurie. “Mazel tov and con- Hills heeded the governor’s call dents living outside of district pa- gratulations on a most well de- candidates are scheduled for Briskman served on the City for water conservation, pro- interviews through Monday after- rameters, will be (hopefully) set- (see ‘BHUSD,’ page 16) (see ‘WATER,’ page 25) tled. noon. The Courier has postponed (see ‘INTERVIEW,’ page 17) City Council Candidates A Valentine’s Day Fairy Tale: Your Debate At Business Forum Dreams Will Come True At Il Cielo By Abbey Hood By Abbey Hood ensure that Beverly Hills con- When you walk through To help keep the business tinues to be competitive as a the iron gates of Il Cielo, you community informed, the Cham- luxury shopping location? are transported to a little town ber of Commerce Board of Di- Virginia Maas: We are outside of the Amalfi Coast. rectors hosted a City Council Beverly Hills. We have the name Maybe to Positano, in a Candidate Forum at the Beverly and the cache. The impact of restaurant playing Puccini or Hills City Hall. traffic is a problem for the busi- Bellini, drowned out by the The 10 candidates were ness community. We are a place faint sound of water hitting a asked three questions on matters with name recognition. But we stone fountain. of interest to the business com- need to solve our traffic issues. I As you sit with “him” munity. (Candidate Brent Lilley am committed to make it my holding his hand, his smile has was not in attendance.) highest priority. never looked so beautiful. 1) Given that luxury retail- Richard Stone: We should “She” has never looked so ers are now choosing to estab- be opposed to spot zoning. What beautiful. lish stores in surrounding ar- differentiates us from other areas Maybe it's the canopy of eas, sometimes in addition to a is our low buildings. Each time twinkle lights that hang over- Beverly Hills presence and we allow a tall building, we are head in the night's sky, or THERE’S SOMETHING IN THE AIR AT IL CIELO- Since opening 22 sometimes instead of a Beverly making ourselves less unique. It years ago, Il Cielo has hosted more than 1,800 weddings. And, is an- Hills establishment, what (see ‘IL CIELO,’ page 18) (see ‘FORUM,’ page 25) nually voted “The most romantic’ destination in Los Angeles”. strategy would you suggest to INSIDE: Main News: Pgs. 4,5 • Rabbi Pressman: Pg. 39 SPORTS Pg. 15 George Christy, Page 6-7 Arts & Ent.: Pg. 14,15 • Health & Wellness: Pg. 22, 23 GIRLS’ SOCCER EYES PLAYOFFS Burlesque Comes To Town; BOYS’ SOCCER SEASON ENDS The Wines Of Piedmont; Madonna,50, and Jesus, 22. Classifieds: Pgs. 30-38 2 BEVERLY HILLS COURIER FEBRUARY 13, 2009 The Best Read Newspaper in Beverly Hills BEVERLY HILLS • BEL AIR • HOLMBY HILLS NOTICE OF COMMITTEE VACANCIES GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN TECHNICAL COMMITTEE The Beverly Hills City Council is seeking qualified appli- cants to fill one technical vacancy and one non-technical vacancy on the Groundwater Management Plan Technical Committee. Although residency is NOT a requirement for the technical position, qualified residents are encouraged to apply. The initial term of office is for two years. At the dis- cretion of the City Council, the Committee members may be reappointed to a second term of four years. Each appointee will be required to file an initial and an annual “Statement of Economic Interests” financial disclosure. In order that we may preserve the integrity of the application and interview process, please direct all inquiries to the City Clerk, City Manager or the Director of Public Works & Transportation. Please DO NOT contact the City Councilmembers or the Groundwater Management Plan Technical Committee members regarding these vacancies. Application forms for the Groundwater Management Plan Technical Committee, along with background information and filing details are available for pickup in the City Clerk’s Office, Room 290, 455 N. Rexford Drive, or call 310.285.2400 to receive an application and information by mail or by e-mail. The deadline for filing applications for this Committee is Friday, March 27, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. BYRON POPE, CMC, City Clerk NOTICE OF NOMINEES FOR PUBLIC OFFICE NOTICENOTICE IS HEREBYHEREBY GIVENthat GIVEN that the the following following person- persons haveshave been been nominated nominated for for the the offices offices designated designated to to be be filled filled at theatthe General General Municipal Municipal Election Election toto be heldheld inin the the City City of BeverlyofBeverly Hills Hills on onTuesday, Tuesday, March March 3, 2009.3, 2009. For Member of the City Council Vote for no more For Member of the City Council Votethan for three no more than three JohnJohn A. A. MirischMirisch VirginiaVirginia A. A. MaasMaas RichardRichard A. A. StoneStone LindaLinda J.J. BriskmanBriskman WilliamWilliam [Willie][Willie] WarrenWarren BrienBrien BarryBarry BruckerBrucker FranFran CohenCohen NiliNili NathanNathan BrentBrent C.C. LilleyLilley Michael Hakim Michael Hakim Abraham C. Ross Abraham C. Ross For City Treasurer Vote for no more than one EliotFor City Finkel Treasurer Vote for no more than one MeasureEliot Finkel to be Voted On: Measure “P”: “ShallMeasure the to ordinance be Voted On:updating Measure the “P”: city’s business tax regulations to more“Shall closely the ordinance conform withupdating the reg-the city’s- ulationsbusiness of tax surrounding regulations citiesto more and closely YES increasingconform withBeverly the Hills’reg-ulations general of sur- YES taxrounding revenue cities for andits servicesincreasing and Beverly operationsHills’general by taxconverting revenue forthe itsflat services_____________ taxand on operations oil companies by converting per barrel the of flat tax oilon extracted oil companies from perthe barrelCity and of oil the extract- flated from tax on the certain City and businesses the flat tax based on certain NO onbusinesses the number based of employees,on the number to of NO taxesemployees, based onto thetaxes gross based receipts on theor
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