POLISH POLITICAL SCIENCE VOL XLII 2013 PL ISSN 0208-7375 NOTES ABOUT AUTHORS Vera-Karin Brazova – PhD, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences Andrzej Chodubski – Full Professor, lecturer at the Institute of Political Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Gdansk and the Faculty of Political Sciences in Gdansk Higher School of Humanities. His areas of expertise and research interests are the history of 19th and 20th century, political institutions, Polish people living abroad and international relations. Ewa Ganowicz – PhD, Assistant Professor in the Department of Orien- tal Studies at the University of Opole. Józef M. Fiszer – Full Professor, historian, politologist, germanist, the Head of the Department of European Studies, Institute of Political Sciences At the Polish Academy of Sciences (ISP PAN), Secretary and Assistant Director of the Scientifi c Council of ISP PAN, member of the PAN Political Sciences Committee, Head of the Department of International Political Relations at Lazarski University in Warsaw. Author of more than 300 scientifi c papers in the fi eld of history and modern internationalism. Editor-in-Chief of “Economical and Political Refl ections”. Memberof many editorial boards and scientifi c councils in Poland and abroad. Marek Górka – PhD, lecturer of the Institute of Social Policy and Inter- national Relations of Koszalin University of Technology. Research interests: the party system in Poland, electoral competition, political marketing. 368 Notes about Authors Karolina Julia Helnarska – PhD, graduate of the Institute of Inter- national Relations, University of Warsaw (2004) and the Daily Post- Graduate Study Journalism at the University of Warsaw (2006). In 2007 she received a PhD in political science. Her research interests focus on foreign policy and the security policy of France, the issue of European integration. Paweł Jaroniak – MA, graduate of the Faculty of Languages at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. Presently editor of Adam Marszałek Publishing House, the secretary of “Studia Orientalne” magazine. Beata Jaroszewska – MA, PhD student at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań Department of Political Science and Journalism. Researchin- terests: contemporary international relations, development and economic growth of the People’s Republic of China, the modern history. Jerzy Jaskiernia – Full Professor, lecturer at the Institute of Economy and Administration Faculty, at Jan Kochanowski University of Humanities and Science in Kielce. His research interest focus on constitutional law and contemporary political systems. Krzysztof Kaczmarek – MA, teacher of Mathematics, Technology and Information Technology in Straż Graniczna Primary School in Sarbinowo. Author of a dissertation on the use of EU structural funds in the north of Finland, written under the direction of habilitated doctor Czesław Partacz –professor at the Technical University of Koszalin. He plans to open a doctorate at the Faculty of Humanities, at the University of Szczecin. Agnieszka Kasiska-Metryka – PhD, Associate Professor working at the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce. Chairman of the Polish Politi- cal Marketing Association. Main academic interests include: political leadership, masscommunication and public relations. Karol Kocielniak – PhD, Assistant Professor at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Faculty of History. His research interests oscillate Notes about Authors 369 around the history of Vietnam, the problems of modern Southeast Asia, as well as the military history. Agnieszka Lipska-Sondecka – PhD in political science; university teacher; rector of Koszalin Higher School of Humanities since 1st Febru- ary2012. Her research interests focus on administration, local government and the problems of European integration; currently she has been conduct- ing research on the standardization of organizational structures and rules of public administration functioning in terms of implementation of the European Charter of Local Government objectives and the European Code of Good Administrative behaviour; she has fi nished a habilitation mono- graph; author of dozens of science articles and monographs. Iwona Massaka – PhD, Assistant Professor at the Department of Politi- cal Science and International Studies of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. In her research, among other thingss, she studies sociology and psychology of politics, as well as social and political communication. In this regard she is particularly interested in non-verbal tools of political infl uence, and the relationship of art and politics in the context of meth- odology of social control with political consequence. Joanna Marszałek-Kawa – PhD, Assistant Professor at UMK, She works in the Department of the Polish Political System, Faculty of Politi- cal Sciences and International Studies at the Nicolaus Copernicus Univer- sity, Toruń. She is the Chief of the recently formed Centre for Eastern Studies associated with Adam Marszałek Publishing House. Fabrice Morin – a graduate of Geography and Regional Planning at the University of Franche-Comté, currently responsible for coordinating the fi ght against crime in the city of Metz. Rafał Miernik – PhD of humanities in political science, assistant profes- sor at the Institute of Political Science at Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce; specializes in political marketing and public relations of the region; 370 Notes about Authors secretary of the Polish Society of Political Marketing, member of the Pol- ish Society of Political Science. Filip Pierzchalski – PhD of political science at Kazimierz Wielki University. Author of Th e category of political subjectivity in two perspec- tives: individualistic and holistic (2009) and Th e Morphogenesis of political leadership. Between the structure and human agency (2013). His current research interests include political theory, social methodology, scientifi c modeling and semiotics. Danuta Plecka (Karnowska) –PhD, Assistant Professor at UMK, employedin the Department ofPoliticalSystems atthe Republic of Poland, Department ofPolitical Scienceand International Studies at Nicolaus Copernicus University inToruń.Her research interestsfocus onpolitical culture, political parties in Polandaft er 1989, political thought, as well as civil society andsocial security. Th e authorof two monographs, editor of collective worksand author ofnumerousscientifi c articles. Grzegorz Ronek – PhD, Assistant Professor at the John Paul II Catho- lic University of Lublin, Department of Political Science. His scientifi c research focuses on British political thought and systems. He is also interested in relations between the UK and the European Union. He is the author of two monographs and several scientifi c articles. Beata Słobodzian – PhD, Lecturer in the Department of Political Sci- ence of the Institute of Th eory of Politics at the University of Gdansk. Hermain research interest are focused on the issue of local government in Poland and the world. Egon Spiegel – MA in theology (University of Freiburg i.Br., Germany), MA in political science (University of Marburg, Germany), PhD in theol- ogy, Associate Professor, Chair of Practical Th eology at the University of Vechta, Germany. Selected research areas: peace science, peace research, peace education, peace activism, culture of peace, nonviolence, religions Notes about Authors 371 and peace. He conducts peace research and lectures (among others) in the USA and China, Poland, South Korea, Japan and Brazil. Wojciech Stankiewicz – PhD, lawyer and Scandinavian studies expert, researcher and lecturer at the Institute of History and International Rela- tions, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. He has authored more than 170 publications, including two monographs, 144 studies and articles, 27 reviews, 2 expertise papers. He teaches international law, public law, Community and European integration, international organizations. In his studies he deals with international relations, political and legal; in par- ticular with issues of confl ict and international pathology with emphasis on international terrorism. Ryszard Stefaski – PhD. in philosophy (Silesian University 2002); Assistant Professor in the Section of Political Th ought, at the Institute of Political Science Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce. His research interests: the European value system, political philosophy, political anthropology; currently the editor-in-chief of periodic “Th e Peculiarity of Man”. Publications: Homo illuminatus!? Historiozofi czna antropologia francuskiego Oświecenia [Homo illuminatus!? Historiosophy and anthropology of the French Enlightenment], Toruń 2004, and numerous articles. Agnieszka Turska-Kawa – PhD, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Political Science and Journalism at the University of Silesia. Her research interests focus on political psychology, the psychological aspects of mass communication, political marketing. She is the president of the Society of Scientifi c Initiatives, a member of the Board of Katowice Polish Political Science Association. Th e winner of the “Doktorat 2010” organized by PTKS. Artur Wejkszner – Full Profesor, lecturer of Political Science and Journalism at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Sebastian Wojciechowski – (born in 1972) Full Professor at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and the Institute for Western Aff airs in 372 Notes about Authors Poznań. Head of the Strategic Studies Department of the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. His most recent publication is the book, Th e Hybridity of Terror- ism. Understanding Contemporary Terrorism, Logos Verlag Berlin 2013. Boena Wroniszewska – MA, Doctoral studies in the fi eld of political science at the University of Opole. Interests: Local and regional politics, political systems of Central and Eastern Europe, specifi city states - cities: Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg. History of Russia and Germany. Bartosz Wypych – PhD, graduate of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, his doctoral thesis was titled “Th e Ideas of the Political in the Postmodern World. Jean Baudrillard and Bruno Latour”. His main interests are pop culture, postmodernism, and the history of advertisements ..
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