: -es-.:g':-', -N: i -r::'a:^:', : -' :'^i! iRs. rn Lakhsi \r--- ^f -:- | <, |.l--i /.4 tr- ,tl^-t IPSPr t-],.,i ii; n t\I. (1) (7) (3) \4) (5) Puri 1 5/R to Otd Circuit House at Pun 20.00 7 S/R to New Circurt House at Puri 25.00 3 S/R to 5pec'ia[ Circuit House at Puri 8.00 Total= 53.00 Cuttack- | 1 S/R to Orissa High Court, Cuttack 80.00 2 S/R to Orissa High Court Museum, Kiltafort 10.00 3 S.C.B. Medical Cottege & hospital at Cuttack r s.oo 4 City Hospital, Cuttack zo.oo TOTAL 125.OO Sambalpur-l 1 5/R to R.D.C, N.D. office BuitJinq at Sambitpu, 5.00 2 S/R to Circuit House at Sambalpur 5.00 -.oo 3 S/R to S.P office at Samba[pur. 4 S/R to Cottectriat office at Sambatpur. 5.00 5 Su-b-Cottector off ice at Sambatpur. 4.00 6 Sub Col.tector office at Rairakhot. 3.00 Total 27 'l = -O0 Sonepur Cot[ector Office at Sonepur 1 5.00 2 S.P. Office at Sonepur s.00 3 District CgyI!9glldiIs 10.00 4 lmprovement to Circuit House at Sonepur 10.00 Total = 40.00 Grand Totat -- 245.00 i c,l8t\5?r..2c:E79\A,'vlp2A:lt9\!i..'.:Cj, 19 ):-C7 )Aa!,:a';r,i. l.l.- -- : Pe_1/1 Critica[- Non- Resid netial Buildings \ t1K, (Rs. in Lakhs) '1eme of the st. Name of the Works Amount Remarks (R&B) Division No. Required (1) (2) (3) (4) (s) S/R to.... Puri 1 Renovation of store room of Cotlectorate at Puri 2.00 for New office such as At. door and painting work. 2 Emergency Relief Godown at Puri 3.00 3 Toitet & tite flooring for D.S.W Office at Puri 1 .50 4 Cycle shed in campus of D.S.W Office at Puri 1 .50 5 Remodetling & renovation of Treasury strong 3.00 room side verandah at Puri 6 Providing brick work & verandah contitaver 5.00 stab, plastering for cotlectorate office buitding at Puri 7 Providing vitrified tile, industria[ tite flooring, 5.00 fatse ceiling & iron gritI fitting for Cotlector office building at Puri 8 Coltector office building at Puri such as tite 5.00 flooring paver btock & fixing of cast iron gate 9 New Cottectorate Puri (Such as G.P. office 5.00 renovation) 10 Renovation of NIC room of New Coltectorate 3.00 11 Renovation of DWO Office s.00 12 District Sub-Register Office teft side parking 5J0 13 Otd Cottectorate such as Ceiting & ftooring 5.00 14 Otd Cottectorate such as ptastering & cotouring 5.00 15 'Renovation of record room of Coltectorate Puri 5.00 Total = 59.00 S/R to..... Khurda 1 D.H.H. at Khordha (Providing C.C. Road back 3.00 side of OPD) 2 CDMO office khurda (providing cc pavement 4.00 3 Sub-Registar buitding at Jatani 4.00 4 Sub-Trasuary buitding at Jatani 4.00 s ARCS office Uuiialng ffruraa 4.OO Total = 19.00 S/R to..... E:\C.8.(B)\SPR\2018 19\AMP 2O1*19\A.M.P--2018-19 01-1G2O18\AMp-Non-Res Crticot NR Pg_7/2I liane 3. : .. lemaTu.s ,/ (R&B I Divrsion lNo ] Reouired (1) t7) (l) I (4) (s) Nayagarh 1 Cotlector office Building at Nayagarh 2. 00 7 Etection office Buitding at Nayagarh 1.00 3 Circuit House at Nayagarh 1.00 4 Revenue Restshed at Nayagarh. 1 .50 J S.D.P.O Office buitding of Sub-Cotlector at 1 .50 Nayagarh 6 DIET Buitding at Rajsunakhala. 1.s0 7 Tahasil office at Ranpur 1.00 8 TahasiI Office at Khandapada 1.00 Total = 1 0.50 S/R to..... Bhubaneswar- | 1 State Museum buitding 4.47 2 Text Book Press at unit-ll 3.12 3 State Museum buitding 4.94 4 Dr. ACHMC & Hospital in Unit-lll 2.74 5 office of the Chief Architect Odisha in Nirman 2.45 Soudha at unit-V 6 E Procurement buitding at unit-V 5.00 7 S/R to OLD AssembLy Sardar Pate[ Ha[[ at unit-ll 4.75 8 ACHMC &. Hospita[ in Unit-lll 5.05 9 Sanskruti Bhawan such as misc. work 4.% 10 OFFICE OF THE Director of Geotogy in Bhubigyan 4.74 Bhawan at unit-V 11 Dr AC homeopathic Medical Cottege and 3.07 Hospital at unit-lll '12 E-Procurement cet[ buil.ding at unit-V 4.39 'I 3 lmpvt. to approach road at back side of E- 4.20 procurement 14 Olo th Directorate of Geotogy in Bhubigyan 4.53 bhawan 15 Sangeet Mohavidyataya Hostel Buitding 4.83 16 Sangeet Mohavidyataya Hoste[ Buitding 4.70 17 OLA Buitding at Unit-V 3.00 18 Kuntata kumari sabat Girl's hostet,unit-ll, 2017- 3.16 18 19 O.L.A.Buitding at Unit-V,Bhubaneswar(Fixing of 3.59 cup board to P.A.C.Branch) 20 S/R to O.L.A.Buitding at Unit-V,Bhubanesw'ar 4.88 1['.F.new book tibrary south slde part) 21 O.L.A. Guest House at Unit-V, Bhubaneswar lor 3.83 the year 2017-18(New) E:\C.8.(B)\sPR\2o18 19\AMP 2018 19\a M.P 2018 1901 10-2o18\AMP Non Res.crticot-NR Pe_2/27 \L\qu., L/ rv l) lull NO Required (1) (2) (3) (4) ? )) il r... ,; I (5) ^ tru tLu-r: - Iq- at Unit-V, Bhu baneswa r(painting to O.4g guard watt, path) 23 O.L.A. buitding at Unit_v, Bhubaneswar(Gate 3.31 No.3 Potice check post & Conference f,aLt ironi tight post) 24 O.L.A.buitding at Unit-V, Bhubaneswar for the 3.37 2017-18(repair year of house tobby, new buitding room No.2 Legistative Branch eic. 25 office of S.E.R.W.S.S in Unit-lll 5.00 Total = 98.59 S/R to..... Bhubaneswar-lt t Slshu Bhawan, Bhubaneswar 2.50 2 Driving Training Schoot 2.50 3 New Mortury at Capitat Hospitat Bhubaneswar 3.54 for the year 2017_1g. 4 Capitat Hospitat Bhubaneswar (such as providing 1.04 Mouner's Corner) 5ARTCenter at Capitat Uospital Unit-6, 0.49 Bhuban eswar(Such as paintin g inside ) 6 cap,'tut HospitaI Bhubaneswar(Su ch as repair of 0.76 I Estabtis hment section Room no. -303) 7 Capitat HospiGt Unit-6, Bhubaneswar (Such as 3.34 , renovation of drain with cover staO in front oi Rose Merry). 8 New miin gate in front of Ticket counter of 3.79 ,CapitaI Hospital, Bhubaneswa r. ( Such as renovation of drain at main entrance) 9 New main gate in front of Ticket counter ofi 3.08 Capitat Hospitat, Bhubaneswar. (Such as providing Cow catcher over drain at main entrance) I 10 tNew main gate in front of Ticket counter of 2.00 lCapitat Hospitat, Bhubaneswar. (Main road to ,Ashribad) 1 MCH at Capita[ Hospitat lr Bhubaneswar for the 2.67 year 2017-18(Such as providing staintess stee[ protection gritI in front of lift & shoe stand) '12 Rosemery So udamini MemoriaI Patients 1.67 Atten dant Home at Capi tal Hospitat Bhubaneswar(Day Care un.it for Thalassemia & Oncology patients)( Such as Ground Ftoor waiting place roofing & painting) ' !,1a .'- a Required ,r". E&B ) Diviston I I (41 (5) (2)l (3) t1\ /. )u in i Memoria[ Patien -s 13 RosemerY Sou dam Hospitrl Attendant Home at CaPitat Thalassemia & Bhubaneswar(Da y Care unit for Oncotogy Patients)( Ground Ftoor) Ticket counter 3f 2.00 14 New main gate in front of (Ticket counter Capitat Hospitat, Bhubaneswar' to Ashribad) at Capital Hospita[ 1.57 15 infectious &. Diarrhoea ward (Such as painting ) , Unit-6, Bhubaneswar of 7.40 G roUeaeO oisaster Mlnagement facitities no36) Capitat Hospitat Bhubaneswar (Room baneswar 2.50 17 RDC at CaP itat HosPita[ Bhu 2.50 18 SIDR Buitding at CaPitaL HosPita iamp.,s, Bhubaneswar (Such as 2.50 19 MCH at Cipitat HosPita[ Bhubanes'war in OT providin g atuminum shutter &' partition room &. securitY shed) tangi, BISSR 2'50 1o Ayurveda hosPiiat at Nageswar (First ftoor internal) hospitaI at 2.40 Zi r'few PharmacY btock Ayurveda Nageswar tangi, BBSR Ayurveda 7.4O 22 SiR State drug testing taboratorY' hospitaI at Nageswar tangi, BBSR ttooi internzrt) 2.20 23 seed testin g tlUoratorv tcrouna 2.00 24 Sub-Register Office 0.20 25 VetnarY Buitding Total= 55.00 S/R to..... 5.00 orticutture Buil'ding, BBSR(Such as Bhubaneswar-lll 1 Director ofH renovati on of office buitding and Pc'tato mission) 5.00 Director of HorticuIture Buitding, BBSR 2 4.70 3 Director of Horticutture Buitding, BBSR in Unit-8, BBSII 5.00 4 DPI Community Centre Stage in Unit-8' BBSR 4.90 5 DPI Community tentre Stage 2.30 o Cort. tilBuitding, Unjt-8' BBSR (such as 3ycle 5.00 7 Govt. tft Auitaing' Unit-8' BBSR Stand, C.C. Ptat form ultra ti[e ) 3.75 8 Gout. PoLYtechnic, BBSR 5.00 9 Govt' PotYtechnic, BBSR Pe_4/27 Res',Ctticot'NR M',P '2018'1s-01 fi 2A18\AMP'Non E:\C.E.(8)\}PB\2O18'1g\aMP 2018'1s\A (R&B) Division No. Required LI (1) llzr (3) (4) (s) 10 Gopabandhu Academy of Administration, 3. s0 BBSR(Such as construction of parking area ) Total= 43.65 S/R to Bhubaneswar-lV 1 C.E., RD & QP Office Buitding at Unit-lX 1.29 2 5/R Revenew lnspector offi of Naharkanta 2.69 (Repair to Compound Watt) 3 RD & QP Office Buitding, BBSR 1.98 4 BBSR(R&B) Sub Divn-lll 2.00 5 zonal dispensary at Unit -|X(RZ) BBSR such as 4.07 ptastering and fixing tile,and sutter of 1st floor West Block .
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